Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 03, 1910, Image 5

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9 oo < xx < vooooyjo < > ooooocx > o < ) c < iocioioooi ocxjO ( $ } cocA /
J. "I have done business for thirty yenrs without advertising ; why
5 should I start now ? asks a business innu. In the opinion of C. R. Lipp-
* man , advertising manager of the Genuine Badger State company , this is n
Ij very natural question for the founder or manager who lias built up a
jj profitable business without advertising ,
But , Says Mr. Lippman , time and methods are changing anil the sue-
P censful hvsiness man is changing his tactict accordingly. There was a
x time wheu few commercial travelers used the railroad. Nownihys who
J would not use it ?
* Tliere was a time when the telegraph and the the telephone were cou
rt sidered toys , and used only by the shrewdest business men , says the
S Fourth Estate in an editorial recently. Advertising is an evolution like
Q these inventions. I4ike them it increases speed , ease and economy of coma -
a tnunicatioti.
( t It utilizes the overgrowing "reading habit" of the public. Fifty years
Q ago there were only 2,000 newspapers and periodicals in this country.
N * Today there are 25,000. Today people read more and more people read.
5 The printed word rules the land.
Q And how much we owe the printed page , from the "First Reader" of
ft our spoiling days to this morning's paper ! What we learn from personal
ftX observation and conversation is only a drop compared w h the ocean of
ftI information obtained from reading , f +
I The fundamental effect of the "graphic" page on the public mind is 5
well illustraeed by the name of this continent. It was not named after its
Ji discoverer , but without official decree after Amerigo Vespucci , the man
Jift who first showed what it looked like in "blabk and white. "
The reading habit is so deeply rooted that we readily place confidence
in the printed page , if it is at all plausible. We say this country contains
some 80,000,000 people. We never counted them. We read It. We say
that this year's crop is worth $1,400,000,000. We never figured it up. We
read it.
To utilize this general hunger for reading through the channels of ad
vertising is ns natural as utilizing the "concourse" habit of the public by
locating along the mos tfrequent thoroughfares.
Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters
Three city houses for sale. II.
A. Watta.
J. W. Wilson , of Merna , was
in town Saturday. ,
Miss Pearl Sheppard visited at
Reyner's , south of town Sunday.
Kay Atchison , formerly of
Merna , waa a city visitor Mon-
Thomas E. Backes , of Arnold ,
transacted business in this city
Kindling- and Nigger Head
lump coal , etc. , at Dierks' Lum
ber & Coal Co.
Vern Stanlea , whb has"beeh"at
Dexter , Iowa , for some time , has
returned home.
J. C. Mills , of Westerville , at
tended the farmers' institute here
last Saturday.
A. C. Wolford , of Rushvifle ,
transacted business in Broken
Bow Tuesday.
P. and D. Town , of Weissert ,
were over Saturday to attend the
Farmers' institute.
l per cent money for Far m
ls Loans no commission optional
payment. James Ledwich.
John Myers and wife , of Ans-
ley , are the proud parents of a
7-pound boy , born January 22.
Geo. C. Marsh and Arthur
Case , of Georgetown , were up to
the farmers' institute Saturday.
Judge Wall of Loup City was
t- in the city over Sunday. He
catne over with the view of look
ing1 after district court business.
S. 0. Morris , of Ansley , spent
Friday night in Broken Bow.
He was on his way home from a
business visit to Burr , Otoe ,
Rev. G. W. Bohart , of Anselmo ,
was a pleasant caller at' this of
fice last Saturday. lie came
down to transact business with
the county treasurer.
Albin Cutnings , a former resi
dent of this county , but who has
made his home at Moon , Wiscon
sin , for a number of [ years , left
Monday- morning for Chicago
after a short , visit with his son
Harry and daughter Mrs , Peters
of Milburn , At Chicago he will
join his wife and go to Florida
with a view to locating.
Peter MacQueen's illustrated
lecture at the opera house Feb.
17th , will be the next number of
the Young People's Lecture
Course. Mr. MacQueen has the
finest collection of photographs
ever taken in Africa , and his
slides have been colored by the
leading artists of America ,
This is without doubt the most
popular lecture ever offered.
Dr. Bass , dentist , old location ,
over Souder's drug store.
X. O. Cross , of Ansley , was
here the first of the week.
C. A. Norcutt , Lather , con
tract or yard work. Tel. 2d8.
Misses Genie and Lizzie Todd
visited Sunday with Miss Rey-
ner near Ormsby.
A. D. Jones , of Weeping
Water , Cass county , was here on
business Saturday.
Mrs. J. II. Johnson went to
Anselmo Saturday night for a
visit with relatives.
Mrs ; Lizzie'Standlea had the
misfortune to cut her hand quite
badly one day last week.
Miss Florence Cross , of Ansley ,
is stoping with her uncle , W. J.
Cross , and attending school.
6 per cent money for Farm
Loans no commission optional
payment. James Ledwich.
John Robertson and wife , of
Oconto , were here Saturday at-
tendiug'the farmers' institute.
Chas. Hostick and bride were
in town Saturday euroute from
Syracuse to their home near
Mr. and Mrs. W. A Tooley are
enjoying a visit with tneirneice ,
Miss Myrtle Deweese , of Evansville -
ville , Indiana , who arrived last
John Ceplecha , of. Comstock ,
was in the city the fore part of
he week with one of his neigh
bors who came to take out natur
alization papers.
Harry Wright , of the Chief
orce , spent Sat'uru > y night and
Sunday with his brother at
Ormsby. Harry very nearly met
with a serious accident while in
that bustling little city. He was
standing on. the street corner
talking againrtt county division
when a rabid divisions ! jostled
against htm and knocked him
in theway of a swift moving
trolly car , Had it not been that
Harry is endowed with the Brok
en Bow hustle habit his friends
would doubtless have been callec
upon to perform the last sad rites
over his mangled remains. As
it turned out Harry escaped the
grinding wheels by a dextrous
twist of the wrist and is back al
his past punching news through
the Chief merg.
Young People's Night.
Next Sunday evening will bt
Young People's Night at the
Presbyterian Church.
Miss Bernschein will preside
Special music will be rendered
The Misses Deming , Hunter , am
Skillruan ; and Supt. Lewis ant
Rev. Aubrey are the speakers.
You are invited ,
County Board Proceedings ,
( Continued from last week. )
The claims com mil tec made
the following report :
We your committee on claims
recommend that ( he following
claims be allowed , on the 1909
fund :
J. C. Dowcn , mdse for M. Klttcnhouse.l I 45
J. C. llowen , mdse' torn. F.Barrett. . . . 1 ! 15
VancottA Roecker. mdse for court
house 1890
W , H. Kennedy , work as special dep
uty sheriff SO 00
James Lee. board work and mileage. . 10 00
Crownovcr Tel. Co. , tolls 8 02
1 * . M. Towslev.puttltiB up and taking
down election booths , . . . . 200
N. T. Qadd , due on oftlcc rent last half
1D09 2-J 0
3. W. Apple , mdse for court house 2 ? f >
J. E. Orlut , expense tor paupers. . . . , . , 3017
R. i < \ Malloy , carrying coal and haul-
lug same , etc. . . . . S3 50
C. H. & A.v llnlt'omh , Ink and type
writer ribbons H 30
N. T. ( .add , postage 10 00
Dlcrks Lumber & coal Co. , coal for
Mrs. Mlgle 32.
W. H. CHborne lr. , Co. clerk salary. . . . 02 HJ
A. 11. Mlley , haullng'coal I if
Scott Cooper , salary for Dec 50 W
M. K. Schnertnger , casket for Mrs. l . '
O. Peterson 35 ( XI
W. H. Osborne Jr. , postage from Dec.
M to Jan. 5,1910 3 6t
Dr..i. II. Marrow , quarantining , fumi
gating , etc , 33 0(1 (
Klopp , nartlett Co. , supplies for dist
rict cleruH onice 2 U
H. P. Kennedy , expense for county
work 3rd quarter IM l
H. P. Kennedy , expense for county
work 4th quarter 3CO M
J. Q. Ilaeberle , mdse for sheriff's
offlce 7 4U
Clyde V. Hutner , reward for capture
of Prank Day M OC
Uen I > . Morris , mileage and labor In
signing warrants u W
C. II. Kennedy , board for prisoners. . r 0 W
W. R. Young , M , D. , medical services
medicine etc. fur Mrs. Adams 10 7i
The Ouster county beacon , priming
board proceedings | fl < 6'
J. T. Wood , recording , expense etc. . . . 7 01
ii usoonie merit uoaru
. , , ii. , 01 tin.
quarter 109 00
Chas Mytton , care of Thos. Morris ,
medicine etc. 4th quarter 41 V
II. M. Pinckney , salary , express , post
age etc , 14701
Broken Bow City Water Works , water
for last half of i W 20 oo
O. W. Parr , livery In case ot John
liana ( Insane ) 700
Western Light and Puel Co. , light lor
Court House it 85
A. Gordon , medicine and drugs for
Haddlsfamlly s 45
Nebr. Institute for feeble Minded
Youth , careof patients IS 81
and that the following claims be
allowed on the 1910 general fund :
I ) R. Rockwell , fare for paupers 9 310
P. M. Towsley , guarding vaults at
courthouse . 3 00
Garland E. Lewis , postage and ex-
'press 4 63
Ben P. Morris , board work. , mileage etc. 41 00
J. R. Qrlnt , " " " f.9 40
Qeo. W. Dewey , " " " 43 00
J. II. Ollmore. " " " 55 30
Oeo. W. Headley , " " " 4125
L. cushman , " ' " : J 75
Kdward Koley , " " " 43 60
N. T. Gadd , balance due on rent 1st.
quarter 17 DO
J. E. Kensell , watchman at court house
ruins 10 00
J. H. Grlnt ,
L. Cusliraan ,
Geo. W. Dewey ,
It was moved and carried that
he committee's report be accept-
d and adopted as read.
The committee appointed to
heck up the office of county
udge beg leave to make the
ollowing report :
We have checked his report
witn tne various records ol the
office and find it correct.
Geo. W. Dewey ,
Geo. W. Headley ,
It was moved and carried to
iccept and adopt the report of
he committee as read.
The 1909 court house and jail
: orntnittee report on the claim of
W. G. Purcell as follows :
We your committee recommend
he following claims be allowed
on 1909 fund :
iV. G. Purcell , supplies $20870
W. O. Purcell , supplies 305 50
W. G , Purcell , supplies for Co. treasr. . 37.1 00
WG. . purcell , election supplies 192 80
W.G. Purcell , supplies various onices. 4. 00
W. G purcell , 32 | to
lien P. Morris.
J. K. Grlnt ,
I , . Cushman ,
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read.
The committee appointed to
check up the office of the county
clerk made the following report :
We have checked the report
with the records of the office and
find it correct.
Geo. W. Dewey ,
Geo. W. Healdey ,
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read.
The finance committee made
the following report ;
We your finance committee beg
to submit the following estimate
of expenses for the year 1910.
Salary of county oiilcers J15 000 00
District court expense U ooo 00
Stationary and other supplies 7 ooo uo
Bridge fund SO 000 UO
Roadpund. 7 ooo 00
Miscellaneous , 5 ooj tu
Teachers Inst - zoo 00
. . . . . .
parmerslnst , . . . . IPO 00
Rebulldliir. repairing and furnish
lug court house M OM IX )
Kdward Koley. Sr. ,
L. Cnshtnan.
Hen l . Morrh ,
committee ,
Moved and carried that the
report of the committee be ac
cepted and adopted as read.
The committee to whom was
referred the requisitions of the
various officers reported favorab
ly on the requisitions for help for
1910 Geo. E. Porter , Register of
Deeds , M. R. Foster , County As
sessor , C. Mackey , County Treas
urer , W. II , Osborne Jr. , County
Clerk , extray help not to exceed
$50.00 per month. Geo. B. Mair
Clerk of District Court , help not
to exceed $50,00 per mouth and
in the matter of the request of
Garland E. Lewis we recommend
that he be allowed the stun of
eighteen hundred dollars as
salary amount to cover all work
of the office.
And that the request of the
county judge be granted and
clerk hire not to exceed $50.00
per month to be paid out of the
fees of the office.
And in the matter of the
sheriff's request. We recomend
that the sheriff be allowed such
amount necessary lor deputy hire
not to exceed $500.00.
And in the matter of the re
quest of county superintendent
for one Monarch typewriter , one
mitnograph and one additional
clerk for such length of time as
is necessary to restore the records
of the office. We recommend
that the request be granted and
the extra clerk be limited to 30
days not to cxceed $ 50.00
And that the followinw re
quests for deputies be granted :
Carl J. Anderson , deputy Reg
ister of Deeds.
F. F . VanAntwcpt and 15. N.
Bishop , deputy Surveyore.
O. W. Barnard , deputy Clerk.
And that the request of Geo.
O. Porter for one Oliver type
writer and one Smith-Premier
typewriter be granted.
J. K. Grint.
Geo. W. Dewey ,
Edward Foley Sr ,
The following resolution was
then read :
Whereas , The court house build
ing , including the jail , belonging to
Custer county , Nebraska , has been
destroyed by fire , and it has become
necessary to either repair the same
and restore it to its original condition
by building onto and upon the re
maining portions of the building
now standing , or to erect a new
court house and jail for the accom
modation of the business of the
county ,
Therefore , Be it resolved by the
board of supervisors of Custer coun
ty now in session , that a special elec
tion be and the same is hereby called
to be held in Custer county , Nebras
ka , at the several and various voting
places in said county , on Tuesday ,
the first day of March , 1910 , for the
purpose of submitting the proposi
tion to vote a special annual tax of
5 mills on the dollar valuation of the
taxable property of Custer county ,
Nebraska , for the term of one year ,
to-wit : For the year 1910 , for the
purpose of erecting a court house
and jail for said county.
The clerk of said county is hereby
authorized and instructed to prepare
the proper notices of said election
and see to the publication of the
same and prepare the ballots for said
That the ballot for said election
shall be as follows :
Shall tiie Board of Supervisors of
Custer county , Nebraska , levy a tax
of 5 mills on the dollar valuation of
the taxable property in Custer coun
ty , Nebraska , for one year , to-wit :
For the year 1910 , for the purpose
of erecting a new court house and
jail for said county at the county
seat of Custer county , Nebraska ,
upon the property owned by said
county , being the site of former
court house building and known as
Court House Square , in the City of
Broken Bow ?
Yes No
It wan moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read.
It was moved and carried that
the resolution be adopted and
spread upon the records.
It was moved and carried that
the Clerk be instructed to write
the several Insurance Company's
and give them notice to make
their remittances to the County
Treasurer , and take his receipt
Farm Loan
Without "Red Tape ? JJ
Feb. MUi will soon
be here. We have
the La rpfcs t and
Most Complete
Stock in town and
all at prices that
are right. If you
don't think so come
and see , at the
First Door South of PostofTice
for the same.
The following1 proposition of
J. R , Gadd was tip for considera
Custer County , Nebrask.
To the Board of Supervisors.
Gentlemen : I make the follow
ing bids for the cleaning1 up of
the ruined court house :
I will take down from the wall ,
take up from the fallendown , all
brick , clean them well and put
them into a compact pile for tbe
sum of one dollar per thousand
so cleaned and piled up.
I will collect all bats and rub
bish , such brick bats as cannot
be used , and the pay for the
cleaning up of the bats and rub-
oisn win oe mat i receive
same , the said bats and rubbish
to be removed by me from the
court house square , provided the
court house and jail committee
does not want such bates in that
case I am to receive but the $1.00
per thousand above set out.
Dated this 22 day of Jan. 1910.
J. R. Gadd.
Moved and carried that pro
position be accepted said work to
be completed in 30 days from
Jan. 24th.
The County Clerk was instruct
ed to order what books and
supplies was needed for county
It was moved and carried to
adjourn to Tuesday March
8th , 1010.
W. II , Oshoruc Jr.
County Clerk.
Mary C. , wife of Win. M. liar
rel , died at the family residence
old Hoosier postofiice , Monday ,
January 23d , aged f9 years
months and 27 days. Kunera
services were held Tuesday after
noon , conducted by Rev. Bohart ,
Interment in Graudview cemetery
at Anselmo.
Deceased leaven a husband
one son , John H , , living- near
Arnold , two daughters , Mrs Aita
Winchester , of that vicinity aw
Mrs. Peterson , of North Dakota
Several grandchildren are left to
mourn the loss of a kind and in
dulgent grandma.
The Republican extends the
sympathy of the neighbors am
friends to the bereaved family ,
N. T. . GADD
Ofllce over HolcomlY.s book store.
Olllcp phone 303 Residence 20
Uroken How , Nebraska.
Practices In all the court * . Conv.iyancln ?
and noiDrlal work. Oilier tin stairs u\rr-
State Dank of Broken How.
Broken now , Nebraska.
Calls promptly answered day or night.
Olllee and resilience In the Mrs. ( Helm
liulldliiR Just west of the Security Stain
[ lank. Phone 3110
liroken How. Nebraska.
HYK , KAU , NOSfiaml THUOAT , '
Fitting of glasses.
Olllee In Dlcrks nlk. Phone SCO
Itrukuu How , Nebraska.
* Hast Side of Square . .
llrokuu How , Nebraska.
( Licensed )
lluslncss phone , 301 Residence 3.111 !
liroken How , ITcbratika.
( Licensed )
Union Hlock llimliieHS pltoiie 85. Resilience 323
llrokcii IIoxv. Nelirawka.
Heal 'Kstate , IiHiininre , Ranches and
r.irins for Kent , Legal Papers Drawn , Sur-
eying and Platting.
Coinstock , Nebraska.
consult Him If You Want \Vatcr.
liroken How. Nebraska.
C. R WILSON , I ) ; C.
Residene , First House Hasl
of Grand Central Hotel.
Oin'IOF HOURS : 2 TO1 I' . M.
If paid in advance I will jive the
firnt six Chiropractic Adjustments for
{ lo.oo , uiul thereafter ten adjustments
for fs.oo nt any of my offices Anali-
yiition mid examination free nt office.
Lumber , a large assortment
and complete stock for Builders
to choose from. Let u ? estimate
on your contracts. We always
try to please.
Lumber & Coal
South side.