Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 03, 1910, Image 4

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    " ? * ' ? T ? T/ ' - '
$1.00 For Year.
All subscribers are considered permanent
and If they wish to discontinue are expected
to pay all arrearages ana uutliy publisher ,
Entered at Broken How. Nebraska , fur tram
million In tbu Dulled States mail *
at second class rated.
U. M. AA\SBLRRY \ , Editor and Publisher
W. It CARSON , Associate Editor.
Whore matter IB net on wood base eltctrotypt
a flat price of twenty cents per lncii.sliwle col
umn , forrach Irnurunn , tnoornioro Insertions
It cent * per Inch , Special position , niimle In ,
bertlo * SW cents per luch , Metal base , electron-
two or more time ) , li cuata per Inch , Payment
but o ( each mouth ,
Local adT rtlilnff fire centi pur line etch In
Notice of cunrch church fairs , ooclalilot and
tnterulnraivnth wliar * money U cbariied , uu
lull ratat ,
Death notlc * * ttm , half crlcr for ppbllBhlng
Card of Thaukn , 0 cen d.
Legal noticed at late * provided itatutei of
Moclatr noticed and ruEnlntloiis.onft-hall r.uca
Wedding notlceii it/re , half prlca fur nut of
preaeuu ,
J. W. TAV OK , of Mcrna , has
filed declaration of candidacy for
the democratic and populist
nomination for congress in the
sixth district. There will be
something doing in those parties
when all the candidates get in
to the field , and Taylor will not
be one of the trailers.
W. O. WHBDON was canvass
ing for votes down at Topeka ,
Kunsas , the other day. Whedon
will find more support for his
candidacy for United States sen
ator among populists and demo
crats than he will among repub
licans" , "and we presume that was
his reason for opening his cam
paign in that good old pop state.
DAWSON county will vote on a
proposition to issue $100,000
bonds to build a new court house
on Saturday , March , 19th , The
people of Dawson county are
showing good judgment. With
that amount of money they can
erect a court house large enough
to carry the business of the
county for years , and one that
will be a credit to the county.
Tim Callaway news papers
have already begun the fifcht
against the levy to build the
court house. But then the
people of the county have heard
before of "the fly in their oint
ment" and will consider their
argument as so much brainless
wind. They propose to the
people to move the county seat
to Callaway and they will present
the county with a $50,000 court
house. This sounds big coming
from a city -that has not public
spirit enough to build a city
hall , something that the papers
of the town have been tryingto
get for several years.
TUB call for the special elec
tion to vote a five mill levy to
build a new court house to re
place the one destroyed by fire is
out. From all sources including
the levy , about 160,000 will be
obtained. This amount is just
about half what should be ex-
pened on a building if the county
builds for its present and near-
future needs. It can hardly be
called shortsightedness on the
part of the board for calling for
a five mill levy for only one year ,
but before the court house is
finished they will sec that a
larger building would have been
more economical. In less than
ten years the county will need
additional room which will have
to be provided at a greater pro
portionate expense than a larger
strcture would cost at the pres
ent time.
"AN unusual.amount of investi
gation is going on and the1 people
ple are going to know the whole
truth about many subjects in
which they are deeply interested.
Besides these investigations by
congressional committees , the
department of justice , under the
direction of the president , is vig
orously prosecuting every indi
vidual or groups of individuals
-operating in any way illegally
against the government or the
people. No honest man nor hon
est industrial concern ; however ,
need have any fear , of being in
terfered with in the conduct of
business. The republican party
is a pirty that build * up , not
tears down , a constructive , not a
destructive party , and we can all ,
without exception and without
reserve , follow President Taft in
his efforts to promote justice and
progress , This is the sentiment
of the republican congressional
committee , which has just been
elected and proposes to conduct
an honest , earnest party cam
paign on the lines of straight re
publicanism and the principles
advocated by that party and its
About the Tariff
Says the American Economist :
In a timely and suggestive letter
from a correspondent at South
Norwalk , Conn. , occurs a useful
demonstration of the falsehood
and unfairness which arc raiorted
to in order that discredit may be
cast upon the protective tariff.
The two instances cited are , we
believe , typical of a general pol
icy , almost amounting to a con
spiracy , on the part of retail
merchants the country over to
blame the tariff for the marked-
nn nrirna nf mprrlmmliof * roli
as a matter of fact the tariff has
had nothing to do with such in
creases in price. The correspondent
pendent says :
Here are two incidents from
real life , whereon I personally
can make oath :
1. On Thursday , December
30 , 1909 , I went to a shoe store
on Broadway , between Dey and
Cortlandt streets , Borough of
Manhatten , New York City , and
asked for a pair of shoes t was
shown a pair for whiuh the price
asked was $5. I said they used
to sell the same pair for 3H.50.
The clerk replied : "Yes , but
the tariff was raised on shoes ,
and we have had to put up the
price half a dollar. " Said I :
"You shoe manufacturers were
given free hides by that same
lanii law , in oruer tnat tne con
sumer might have cheaper shoes ,
and your response to the favor is
an increase of half a dollor on a
pair of shoes. Besides , the tariff
on shoes was cut in two in the
middle , instead of being in
creased. What do you mean by
saying the tariff has made you
raise the price of your shoes ? "
2. On Monday , January 3 ,
1910 , I went to a store on Fulton
ntrect to order a suit of clothes.
They showed me suiting which
they said would coat me so much
more for the suit than my last
suit of practically the same stuff.
I asked why. The clerk said
that the last tariff law had in
creased the tariff 40 per cent , on
all woolen goods of that class ,
and that they had to divide the
increased cost with , their trade.
I said the tariff had not disturbed
the Dingley rates on goods of
that class , but only on "tops"
and that his excuse did not carry.
These are actual experiences
of my own within the last week ,
and they show how easily fooled
the American public is. Prob
ably ninty-nine peoplp out of one
hundred people who arc told
these falsehoods by these same
clerks do not know the contrary ,
and go away vowing eternal en-
minty to a tariff which so in
creases the cost of living.
The Democratic Position.
Ncrnarn 12. Mack , who speaks
in the dual , capacity of qhairmau
of the democratic national com
mittee and also editor of what he
calls a dcmocraic national mag
azine , adds the force of his of
ficial authority to the notice
that the democrats in their tight
for control of the next house of
representatives will show no
more favor to so-called insurgents
than to any other brand of repub
licans. The democratic position
is that of opposition to the pro.
gram of the president as the
party's legislative policy. This ,
in Mr. Mack's opinion , is the
democratic opportunity , and the
interjection of Cannon and Can-
nouism is regarded by him as
merely incidental , To quote his
own words :
Here , then , is the democratic
opportunity. Joseph G. Cannon ,
as speaker of the house of re-
prescntative'i , is no better or no
worse than his party policy. It
Dalzell , or Payne , or Alexander ,
ar any other republican leader
were in the seat occupied by
Speaker Cannon ; if it were Norria
or Murdock we have no doubt he
would endeavor with the same
ruthless hand to carry out the
ame vicious policies of govern
ment for which Cannon is now
Chairman Mack here makes it
dhtinclly understood that no
republican need expect anything
of the democrats. The democrat *
nope to gain by differences with
in the republican ranks , and the
democratic minority in congress
will omit nothing to foment
such differences. To achieve
this purpose these democratic
congressman would as soon ally
themselves temporily with the
insurgents. If the party division
in this county were graded off as
itsis elsewhere , for example , into
radicals , socialists and conserva
tives in addition to republicans
and democrats , the democrats
would tie up with any one of
them to pave the way to demo
, cratic ascendency.
When the issue comes to be
drawn then there should be none
no masquerading. It will be the
republicans phalanxed behind
President Taft and the adminis
tration presenting a constructive
program on on side , and on the
other , the democrats agaius
everything progressive and pro
mising only to block the march
of the national advancement o
prosperity. Bee
Al. C. Warrington has the Right View of It
The following from the Mason
City Transcript is a sensible and
business like view of the court
house question , and we believe a
majority of the tax payers fee
the same way about it. Don1
you ?
"The Transcript knows it i
not a popular thing to advocate
such a prbposition at this time
but the kind of a court house
Custer county should build to re
place the one recently destroyec
by fite is a good , modern , up-to
date fire-proof building costing
about one hundred thousam
dollars. Now , don't hold u ]
your hands in horror. A five
mill levy for three years wouh
build and pay for such a build
ing. 'I hat would be no grea
burden to the tax payers. The
population and wealth of Custer
county can afford such a cour
house. The old court house
while adaquate for the needs o
the county when built twenty
years ago , was entirely too smal
for the proper handling of the
business of the county. All the
offices were too small for the
proper accommodation of the
public. We can better afiVrd a
good first-class , modern cour
house than we can a poor , cheap
ly constructed one that will b
too small before it is completed
A building with twice the room
the old court house had will be
none too large in ten years
Public buildings should be plan
ed with a view of meeting future
demands 'as well as prcsen
needs. "
. Only Half Price.
A quarter will pay for the
Lincoln Daily News until Apri
1 , 1910 , just half price , and the
paper will stop then unless you
send in money to renew it. Thi
is one paper that don't try to
force itself upon the people
Not a name ia put on the list un
less paid'Tor and every fellow is
cut off when his time is up
You're not helping to pay for
other people's papers. We don'
have solicitora and other expert
? ive methods , but do business
through Uncla Sam's mails ,
which is the cheapest way. The
News is a live olie. You'll like
it no matter whether you are
satisfied with things or are a
kicker. The News is plain , frank
and fair. It's not afraid ol
tramping on somebody's toes.
Goes right to the bottom ol
things. Invest this quarter and
you'll be more than satisfied.
Send direct to the publisher or
give to your postmaster. Don't
ever let some smooth canvasser
come around and work you with
some premium scheme. You
can trust your money with your
The Stay Satisfactory'Range
Furniture , Carpets , Rugs.
Hardware , Stoves , Tinware.
Silverware , Cutlery , China
Largest Assortment and Lowest Prices
Real Estate Transfers
Emma Sldwell , widow , to Elmer 13.
llogabootn lots 1 and 10 In block M It.
H addition to uroken How fl 350
IJbftiezer Miller , to Samuel u. Aber
nathy , 160 acres In 10 SO in 4 SOO
Hattle A. Lowery , to Alpheas Caatal ,
160 acres in 0-10 17 0 COO
Woodford Q. Jones , to Woodford U.
Jones , 160 acres la 29 15 17 B 000
W. H. Jones , to Katy Schmidt , ICO
acres lu 14-15-17 1 150
Invobter Security Co. , to w. U Jones ,
160 acres in 14-15-17 2750
C. K. Varney , to Prank B. Housel , SO
acres In 1015-10 & coo
Frank Searson , to James V IJevlne ,
ICO acres in 20 H-yo 3200
Harrison Pease , to John W. Smith ,
lot 4 In block is. H , K. Allen.s addition
toArnold -100
Jennie Perry , to KroUet Sell , Mnacies *
In sections 2i3 19-22 3 900
Central Telephone Co , , to Harriet O.
Podge , lot 15 In block 11 llroken How , . . I 300
Myrtle 1'lymale. . to Rlljah 1J , KM-
lleborougli. 180 acres In sec.'Jsll-lB-U. . . . 4 WO
W. H. Uarnes. to \ \ . H. Wood. ISO
acres In 30 U 20 250
Cecellah E. culver , to Julia II. I'en-
nlngton , iflo acres in 11-12-2. 1 UOO
Marlanna Oustln et al , to Marian
Uurge , undivided > / IntcJebt In 29-1322 , . 4t8
Kred D. Sanderson , to 11. C. Ktnpflld' ,
lots 12 | n block 20 Aiibelmo 2 000
Prank Perry , to B. C. Kinpfleld , 4BO
acres In Sections 2fl 3.20 22 4800
Sarah E Morris and liunband. to 11 ,
C. Umplield , 100 acres | u 14-19-22 3 000
Johnlthan Pamlleur , to H , C. Emp
Held , parcel In IB 1922 SO
A. H. llarks , to C. C. Cooper block 2 ,
Stephen's and Wood s aild , to Ansley . . 1 COO
I have put on a free Delivery
Wagon and will save you
money on all kinds of Feed ,
Flout , Baled Hay , Etc. AH
goods guaranteed. J et me
convince you.
W. H , O'itORKE '
First Door North ot Bonder's Drug Store
In imrnuance of u lesolution ununi-
MI on Hi , adopted by tlia Hoard of Super-
visufH uf Ouster count ) * . Nebraska , on
Ihe22nil day of January , ill 10 , the voters
of Hnid county arc hereby rioUIIril that
a special t'luction will be held in Uustoi-
county , Nebraska , at eucli of the Hovoral
and various pollintr placrm In Halt ! county
onTuL'sUay. ' thellrst clay of March , isio ,
for the purpose of voting upon the prop
osition to levy a Htioclal lax ot 11 vo mills
on the dollar valuation of the taxable
propitrty of UutHer county , Nobranka , for
the lorm of ono your , to-\vlf \ir the
year 1HIO for the purpose of eroetinir a
court house and Jail for Haul county at
tliu county Hont of Bald county to be
const ) ucteil upon the block owned by
mid county , bnlnir the nito commonly
known an the ( Jourl UOUHO Hnuare in
Iho Uity of Uroken liow , Nebraska.
The iuenlion | to no .submitted at said
election will bf in thu tollowliu : form :
'Shall thu Board of HiipcrvlHot-H of
Ouster cotlnty , Nebraska , levy a tax of
live mills on the dollar valuation of thu
tuxablo property in CUHUT county.
Nebraska , for onu yenr , to-wlt ; Kor the
your ly'V ' , fur the purpose of urectlnc' a
new court house and jail for bald county
at the county seat of ( Junior county , Ne
brnHka , upon the piopprt" owned by mild
county , belnir the ! l ( ) ol former oouit
botiBtt bulluTnir and known aa Court
JlouHe HIIUUIU In the Oily of Broken
Yes .
A't'which election "tlu p'o'lln wilt ba
open at eight o'clock In the morntrikr
continuously until nix o clock in th
( ivunlliirof rtald day
In Testimony , NVnoreof , I ItuiHunto
mv hand and alllx the Html of said county
thin 27th day of January , lam.
W. 11 , OHborni' Jr.
IHKAI.I County ( Jim k.
Ben I1. Morris , Uli'li Board Hup'a
Lady Wanted
I'n Introduce out vi-rv complete SurliiK line
ol beuutllul uool HUllliiKH , w.iHli tululfi , Ian
IT walstltiKs , silks , etc. . InlkiN. laces ami
petticoats. Allui > toUiU : N V. City Pat-
enib , rinvstlliieon the market. Ueallue
direct with the mills you w 111 llnil our prices
low 1'ioUts. $ IU. ( to woo weekly. Sam-
plea and lull Instructions packed In.a . neat
hatuplecase. shipped express prepaid. No
money required. Exclusive territory.
Write for particulars. He flrst to appiy.
Htandaid Dress Uoodb Co. , Bept , P. I , uluj
hamtun , N. V.
Physician , Surgeon
and' Occulist
Prices as reasonable as are consis
tent with good work , Phone 61.
Office at Hospital. .
Send Your Abstract Orders to
J. G. Leonard , Bonded Afrstracter
Office in Security State Bank Building
G. L. Turner Lbr. Co.
Lumber , Posts , Shingles
General Building Supplies
Phone 79
February Bulletin
of Special Rates
Homesookors * Excursions : February ist ami Istli , and the first' anil
third Tuesday\s-of each subsequent mouth , to the West Northwest and Southwest ,
new farm regions. A chance for a splendid tour of the West at very low rates.
winter'Tourist Rates : Daily through February nnd'March to all South
ern , Oulf , Cuban and California resorts.
Very .Cheap One Way Rates
To Puget Sound and Pacific Coast
Only $25 oo from eastern and central Nebraska to Seattle , Portland , Spokane
IJutte , Helena , San Francisco , Lou Angeles and other fat western destinations.
Tickets sold from March ist to April isth. . . . , . , i
Through Service : These ticket ho-iored in chair cars and "tourist sleep
ers ; daily through tourist sleepers via Northern Pacific Rv-prem"daily through
tourist sleepers via Great Northern Fxpress , through upper Northwest ; ilaily
through tourist sleepers to California , via Denver scenic Colorado , Salt Iake Cit > ,
and Southern Pacific.
Oet in touch with me , and let me give you descriptive literature , arrange
for your berths and assist you in every way.
TT. L. ORMSRY , 'Picket' Aren't , Broken Bow
" '
L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A'"bmaiia , Neb.
Custer County
Land Man .
Tf.yhu have a snap''in a
larm , or ranch for , Rale list
with me. If you want to
buy a snap in a farm or
ranch , come and see me. .
Phones , office 42 , resi
dence I2C > .
No Dirt. No Clinkers All
Coal The Good Kind. '
For Sale. Both Wholesale
and Retail. Hihudt ( Market
Price fpr All Kinds of Grain
West Elevator , I