Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 03, 1910, Image 2

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    The Cosier County Republican
D. M. AMSBERRY , Editor
Embracing n Condensation of Events
In Which Reatlero Generally Are
American Kline manufac.lurors arc
making extraordinary shipments on
orders from their German agents ,
placed In anticipation of the enforce
ment of ( Si-rmnny's general tariff
against American importations on and
after February 7.
A native runner who has arrived
from South Africa reports that Col.
Roos-evelt has killed three good bulls
and two cows of the white rhinoceros
faintly and considerable lesser game.
The naturalists have collected many
species of birds and mammals.
Former President Roosevelt In a let
ter dated Nairobi , East Africa , Dec.
.15 , and which was received at the
rtmlthfionian Institution , states that
the expedition under his direction up
U that date had collected 8,473 speci
mens of UMTU-bratos. a large number
of nifihiHrf ? .Jiul other invertebrates ,
several thousand plants and about
,000 photographs.
Countess CnHslni , daughter of the
f.irmer Riislan ambassador at Wash-
li gton , who has been studying in
Pi rls for two years , made her debut
In a concert at the Theater Fouilna in
Complete returns from elections in
England for members of parliament
make the standing of the parties to
date as follows : Government coali
tion : Liberals 79 , laborites 17 , Irish
nationalists 1G. Opposition : Unionist
90. Not unionist gain , 30.
Armour says beef Is high because
of Increased price of corn.
All along the line the people are
cutting out the meat ration , but the
price does not como down.
" " so-called is to bo
The "beef trust , - ,
prosecuted by the national govern
That Harry Kendall Thaw is a
bankrupt and that Ills estate is sub
ject to the United States bankruptcy
laws is held by Referee William B.
The senate committee on Irrigation
will report a bill providing for n $30-
000,000 bond Issue to complete irriga
tion projects. '
The senate committee on territories
pcrfccteL the Boverldgo measure to
create a legislative council for Alaska.
Congressman Smith of Iowa will bo
a candidate for renomlrmtlon.
National Commltteemnn Taggart ot
Indianapolis , Ind , , who was accident
ally shot by W. II. Morton , while
hunting , will lose the sight of the right
Joseph A. Graham , a widely known
editor and author , died at his some in
Salisbury , Md. Ho was widely known
In the west.
American affairs are being promi
nently headlined In the Chinese native
newspapers. The speeches of Presi
dent Taft and the hunting exploits of !
Col. Roosevelt are followed with in
The petition of the American Fede
ration of Labor asking for an investi
gation of the operations of the United
Ststes Steel corporation has been re
ferred by President Taft to the com-
mltteo on judiciary.
President Taft , in addressing the
annual meeting of the association of
Jjlfo Insurance Presidents , held out no
hope for the enactment of a federal
law to govern the companies.
The suit for $150,000 damages for
alleged libel filed Jan. 8 , 1904. by
Michael W. Louis against Joseph L.
Brlstow , now senator from Kansas ,
then fourth assistant postmaster general -
oral ; Henry C. Payne , former post
master general , and three Washington
newspapers , was dlsmlscd by Chief
Justice claylmugh.
It is said that if there Is anything
about trees that Henry S. Gravea , the
new chief forester of the United
States , does not know It has not been
discovered yet.
John R. Walsh , the Chicago bankei
who has been taken to the federal
prison nt Lenvenworth for five years
has been numbered C8C1. Ho Is 71
years old ,
Provision for 11 material , but gradual
Increase in the appointment of cadets
to the West Point Military Academy is
made by a bill reported favorably to
the senate by Mr. Warren , chairman
of the committee on military affairs.
Governor Hughes , before life Insur
ance delegates , expressed faith In life
insurance as an American institution.
Mrs. Stuyvessant Fish has declared
in favor of woman suffrage and is go
ing to stump the state of New York.
Robert Underwood Johnson was ap
pointed editor of the Century Magazine
in the place of the late Richard Wat
son Gilder. Mr. Johnson hud been
associate editor of the magazine since
The conference report on the Bal-
llngor-Plnchot resolution was adopted
unanimously by the house.
A LOB Angeles dispatch says thin
year's orange crop has boon damaged
approximately $1,000,000 by the heavy
Irregularity In grand Jury room inuy
open the iirlRon doors for ClmrlcH W.
Moran , nnil F. Augustus Hoin/.o may
also benefit from a court ruling on
thin matter.
The Ilrltlfih liberal party must do-
liaiKl on the Irish to Bccuro u ma
jority In the lioiiao of commons.
Special educational training for rail
road men IH advocated and predicted
by J. Shirley Kuton.
Sonalor Conger's exposing New
York'H state politics scandal In likely
to win victory for direct primary sys
In the memory or ucnntors and
representatives now In office , Rays a
Washington dispatch , there never has
been a time when the people were
writing HO many letters to members
if congress about jmbllc affairs.
Meat dealers are firm with their
irlccs all over the country and the
niivo now being made has In aio wlso
iffected the packers.
Five trainmen were killed and fif-
eon passengers were injured In a
Jig Four wreck at Cincinnati , caused
> y derailment.
The Intensely cold weather In the
> ast has saved eastern Pennsylvania
rom disastrous Hoods.
It was stated by a high authority
it Paris that no settlement has yet
> een reached regarding the Hankow-
Szc-Chuon railroad loan of $30,000,000.
That carrier plcgons come within
he purview of the Interstate com-
nercc laws and are lit subjects for
eglslatlon , Is the opinion of Represen-
atlvo Lufean of Pennsylvania who in-
reduced a bill regarding them.
At Freeport , Long Island , Henry
lead , a baker , dropped dead after eat-
ng a piece of his own pie for break-
Senator Bovcrldgc Introduced a bill
o create a legislative council in Alas-
in , which measure is said to com-
naml the approval of President Taft
id Secretary of War Dickinson.
Congressman W. P. Ilubbard of
Vheoling , W. Va. , formally announced
ils candidacy for the United States
unato In opposition to Senator Nathan
\ . Scott. Senator Scott's term expires
n March , 3911.
Ezra Kendall , the famous comedian ,
led of apoplexy In a sanitarium at
lartinsvlllc , Intl.
President Taft is urging upon sen
ators to "get busy" with the nation's
A new comet , discovered by an
astronomer in Johannesburg , South
Urlca , Is conspicuous visible to the
naked eye from the observatory at
del , Germany.
Although he has not formally re-
ilgned , Dr. William Iluntlngtou , presi-
Icnt of Boston university , has notified
ho trustees of the institution that lie
leslres to bo permanently relieved
rom his duties at the close of this
icademlc year.
The Gllchrist Transportation com-
> any , tin second largest on the Great
Lakes , was placed in the hands of re
ceivers upon application of Frank \V.
Jllchrlst of Alpena , Mich. , vice nresl-
lent of the company.
Railroad freight rates between Mis
sissippi river croslngs and Ottumwa ,
own , are declared by the Interstate
commerce commission to be unreason
able and excessive.
Voicing his desire that the postal
savings bank bill should be reported
o the senate and given immediate
consideration , Senator Hurkett pro
tested against the adjourning every
rhursday until the following Monday.
Speaker Cannon officially ruled that
President Roosevelt had acted without
specillc authority of law In appointing
representatives to ( the third interna
tional conference on maritime war at
Are the returns made by corpora
tions under the law Imposing a tax
Of 1 per cent of their net incomes to
be open to inspection as public rec
ords ? The law says they are and a
decision soon must bo reached by
Secretary MacVeagh as to the latitude
to bo given in the interpretation of
the statute. The attitude of the trade
In this regard Is being awaited with
undisguised interest. Many inquiries
have reached the internal revenue bu
reau on the subject.
Ton bills relating to the public
Jands and conservation policies of
President Taft and Secretary Ballln
ger were Introduced by Senator Ncl
son , chairman of the committee on
public lands. The measures are not
the same as those wnicli Roprcsenta
tlvo Mondell of Wyoming declined to
champion , but they relate to the same
President Taft IB showing much taci
In bringing opposing congressiona
factions together.
The Bnlllngcr-Plnchot committee Is
soon to start its investigation.
Senator Nelson has been selected ns
head of the Halllngor investigating
Senator Hurkett believes ho will go
a postal banking bill through congress
during this session.
Iowa editors will hold their semi
annual meeting at Boone , March 17.
Xulaya , former president of Nlca
ragua , is preparing to go to Belgium.
Liona , Peru , arranged a special re
ccptlon for lion. W. J. Bryan.
The election of Gltiord Pinchot to
succeed Dr. Charles W. Eliot as presi
dent of the National Conservation as
Hoclatlon Is announced.
Mrs. Elsie Sigel , widow of Genera
Franz Slgol of civil war fame , died
a few days ago In New York.
.lolm R , Walsh , now In the federal
prison at Leavenworth , will not bo
granted any special privileges.
George Harris , president of the Bur-
; llngU > n railroad , has presented hn )
resignation to the board of directors ,
and it will be accepted.
Mr. Whedon Flics Hlo Application for
U. 8. Senator Other Matters at
the State Capital.
Chief Deputy Fire Commissioner A.
v. Johnson has submitted his first
annual report lo the governor , the
irst of the kind ever made.
The ofllce was created by the last
eglslature , which made 11 the duty of
the fire warden to Investigate the or-
gln of flrca , to the end that the prln-
ilpnl causes bo ascertained and an
educational campaign bo inaugurated
to minimize llro waste in the state
and ultimately lower the Insurance
Neglect of vtho common , everyday ,
slmplo precautions , finds Deputy
Tohnson , Is the cause of millions of
property waste and the loss of price-
ess lives. Out of 050 fires reported
to the office at least two-thirds of the
lumber are attributed to some form
of"carelessness. . The origin of 138
ilazes is unknown. Ono hundred and
forty were duo to matches in the
lands of children.
During the term the Insurance com
panies of the state paid into the Btato
rcasury the sum of $7,896.95 , and the
cport shows a balance of $3,875.40
above expenditures.
It is the duty of the fire warden
to carefully Investigate all fires BUS-
iccted of being of Incendiary origin.
The first complaint filed illustrates the
llfiiculty the w.trden must encounter
n fighting incendiarism. The com
plaint alluded to was filed at Belden ,
n Cedar county. The defendant was
icqultted on a technicality.
Files for Senator.
Charles O. Whedon has filed his
application to have his name placed
on the primary election ballot as a
: andldato for the republican nomlna-
{ i for United States senator. Mr.
Whedon paid his $50 to the county
.reasurer and brought his receipt to
he office of the secretary of state.
Secretary of State Junkln accepted
.he filing and unless someone enjoins
ilm the name will go on the ballot
to be voted for August 10 , the date
of the state primary.
Some time ago Attorney General
Thompson gave an offhand opinion
that the primary law prohibited the
lomlnation of candidates for the sen-
ite at the coming state primary.
In the law which fixed the filing fee
o bo paid by candidates the candi-
late for the senate must pay $50 , so
Secretary of State Junkiu decided that
; ie would accept filings from any can-
lidate who produced a receipt show-
ng he had paid to a county treasurer
the $50 filing fee.
To Vote On Saloons.
Within a short time a petition will
jo filed with the city clerk asking for
a special election to decide whether
Lincoln shall have saloons. Petitions
liavo been In circulation for some time
and those having the matter in charge
say they have 3,500 singers , with a
promise that many who would not
sign would vote for a wet town. The
election will bo called for some time
in the early part of April , which will
give the Russians who leave In the
springtime for the beet fields an op
portunity to vote.
Attorney Strikes Back.
Ernest R. Rlngo , county attorney of
Sarpy county , in a letter to Colonel
Furse , secretary to the governor ,
strikes back at the insinuation that
ho is winking nt violations of the
liquor laws at Fort Crook. Colonel
Gardiner had written the governor
that the law was being violated and
ho sent with his letter the testimony
taken nt a cornt martial , which
showed that the soldiers were buying
liquor from a man named Lowry.
Cancels Licenses.
Walker Smith , corporation clerk In
the office of the secretary of state ,
IKIB received from the printers the
copy of the pamphlets containing the
names of the corporations whose charters -
tors were cancelled for a failure to
pay mi occupation tax. The list con
tains 3,848 names.
Lincoln People Complain.
The people of Lincoln are keeping
the Burlington officials busy reading
letters of complaint against the way
things are managed nt the yard gates
in the depot. Complaints seem to
have been made against the gates ,
the keepers and everything connected
with them.
Bates Against Session.
Colonel Bates of Plattsmouth , mem
ber of the late democratic legislature ,
was a caller at the office of the chief
executive and while there ho regis
tered a protest against any extra ses
Cited to Appear.
The Pacific , American , Adams ,
United States and Wolls-Fargo Ex
press companies hnvo been cited to
appear before the Nebraska railway
commission on February 8 and show
cause why they shouldn't establish a
more reasonable rates on ponies and
colts , if they can. The five express
companies have a habit of calling po
nies or colts weighing above 750
pounds , created a horse on the ship
per , and taking the same classifica
tion as horses , ponies and colts , grow
very expensive during shipping : .
Secretary Mellor Says This Is Ne
braska's Need.
At the recent mooting of the State
Board of Agriculture Secretary W. 11.
Mellor made his annual report , In
which he reviewed all the work dona
by the association , the state farm , the
farmers' clubs and all associated
bodies which have for their object the
Increase in the production of the Ne
braska farm. At thin time he aald ,
the land of Nebraska which IB avail
able Is practically nil under cultiva
tion , and for that reason It has become - ,
come n necessity for an increase in' '
the production per acre. A financial
report of the state fair shows a bal
ance of $20,000 on hand.
Mr. Mellor recommended that nt
every poor farm In the state thcro bo
established an experimental farm and
.lint the various schools each have
it leaat five acres upon which experi
ments should be made for the beno-
It of the students. Ho argued that
: he farmer who is too busy to attend
nstitutes or schools of agriculture
nay learn from the boys and girls who
get their now ideas each day from the
school farm. Along these lines Mr.
Mellor said :
"Wo confidently believe that the
yield of crop production will bo nearer
icrfcction If each county poor farm
jc made an experiment station , under
Iho control of an experienced scien
tific agriculturist , for whoso services
.ho county and state might share
equally in expense. These experts
could bo obtained from among the
young men taking the long course in
our School of Agriculture and would
furnish a means of providing funds for
worthy young men to secure addition
al agricultural knowledge.
"It Is a well known fact that people
ivlug twenty miles away from an ob-
icct lesson receive very little benefit ,
'rom the fact that in the busy season
; hey have very little time or oppor
tunity to learn what Is taking place
out of their limited range of vision.
Their ti'jio and attention must of ne
cessity bo devoted to home labors ,
therefore the nearer we can bring
iroper methods in sericulture to them
: he greater their i > oHt.
"In addition to the county farm ex-
leriinent station , the time will como
n Nebraska when each school dis
trict will have from one to five acres
of an experiment station , to bo scien
tifically worked by the scholars as a
part of their schooling , for which
proper credits will be given. This
will create the ideal method , as the
'ather and mother who have charge
of the work on the farm throughout
Lhe day will have dally instruction
from that gathered by the children
ilong timely , practical lines , ultimate
ly resulting in love of farm life , n
growth and retention of farmers for
the future , added fertility to the soil
and wealth to the state.
Farmers' Wives Organize.
Organization among the farmers'
wives of Nebraska received fresh im
petus at the annual meeting of the
Nebraska Home Economics associa
tion held at the university farm at
Lincoln. Four officers , who have
served the organization during the ,
last year were re-elected.
The session wa devoted largely to
discussion of the problems of the1
farmers' wives , Mrs. F. J. Burnett of
Omaha leading. The noon luncheon
of the school children in the country
afforded an interesting topic. That
the children bring the Ingredients and'
under direction of the teacher prepare
soup and other simple nourishing food ,
thus relieving the busy mother of
preparing a. basket luncheon and at
the same time affording the opening
wedge for the teaching of domestic
science In the rural schools , was a
plan that met with general approval.
Miss Anna L. Barbee , county superin
tendent of Christian county , Illinois ,
offered n course of twenty-five lessons1
in domestic science that has been
proven successful in Illinois. This
course Includes the simple but import
ant things from ventilation and sanita
tion to the preparation of simple foods
and also met the approval of the wo
Big Broom Plant.
The Leed Broom and Duster com
pany , with factories at Boston , Daven-
pojt and Lancaster , has purchased the
Lincoln Sash and Door company and
will convert the plant into one of the
largest broom factories in the country.
This company has the contract at the
state penitentiary.
Police Kept Busy.
Last week Chief of Police Malone
raided three places where liquor was
being sold and one house of ill repute
was closed out in the residence part
of the city. Every effort is being
made to prevent the illegal sale of
Express on Union Pacific.
The Information that the American
Express company is to operate on
the Union Pacific has been fully con-
Tinned. The change will be made on
April 1. In this city the American
will after that time have the North
western and the Union Pacific , leav
ing the Pacific company with the
Missouri Pacific road exclusively.
Depot at University Place.
The order issued by the state rail
way commission to compel the Rock
Island railroad to construct a depot
at University Place has been upheld
by the supreme court.
Ruling Is Asked.
State Auditor Barton has been
asked to rule on whether or not Wil
liam B. Hughes of Omaha , secretary
of the Nebraska State Bankers' asso
ciation , has been guilty of receiving
rebates for his association.
Religious , Social , Agricultural , Polit
ical and Othsr Matters Given
Due Consideration.
Three men In otoe county accuaou
of stealing corn were arrested.
Citizens of Monroe held a mass
meeting and voted to organize a com
mercial club.
The death of Carl Brummond , one
of the oldest pioneer settlers of Cum-
jng county , occurred last week.
John 1) . Mines , one of the early
settlers of Hastings , and for forty
years prominent in business and po
litical circles , Is dead.
At the poultry show in Hastings
Mrs. Adam Cook of Eddevilio won
first pullet , and second cockerel in
Buff Orpingtons.
The state of Nebraska will pay n
reward of $200 for the apprehension
of August Garlach , alleged to have
.killed Joseph Lee of Dakota county.
A requisition from the state of
California for one Harry Shields ,
charged with failing to provide support -
port for his minor child , was received
at the governors' office.
The residence of J. R. Neal , one
and one-half miles east of Rosalie ,
was totally destroyed by fire. The
origin is unknown , as there was no
one home at the time.
\V. II. Patmore has-sold his twenty-
acre farm , two miles east of Beatrice ,
for $4,100 to N. Thompson of Odell.
This is the top price for land in that
Five children of Mr. and Mrs.
George Bowen of Beaver City were
poisoned by ptomaine from a can of
sardines. They all recovered , but
were critically ill for several hours.
Negotiations have been closed with
.the manufacturers of cotton gloves
and mittens to open a factory In
Plattsmouth. The establishment will
open with twelve employes , which
number will be increased as condi
tions warrant.
The concert given at York for the
benefit of the Cherry mine sufferers ,
in which several of York's best musi
cians and Profs. Magendasz. Movius
and Steckelc of Lincoln assisted , was
greeted with a crowded house and a
neat sum will be sent.
One thousand one hundred and
eight dollars and forty-one cents on
twenty-one sows in one year seems
almost like a fairy tale , yet that is a
record that Representative John P.
Thlessen of Jansen , Jefferson county ,
is prepared to substantiate.
To prove his assertion to his wife
that carbolic acid could be taken
without fatal results John F. Obcrg ,
a farmer living about two and a half
miles north of Valley , swallowed some
of the poison. In half an hour he
was dead.
A mass meeting , with representa
tive citizens from every precinct in
Cheyenne county , was held at the
court house to discuss the advisability
and feasibility of building a new
county court house to cost not less
than $75,000.
The first orchard set out in Wash
ington county by a settler was plant
ed by the late Samuel D. Francis on
his homestead near Fontanelle , Neb.
The trees were hauled overland by
Captain Francis from Nauvoo , 111.
This orchard is still in fine shape.
The government contributes $100 a
year per inmate towards the support
of the soldiers' and sailors' home at
Grand Island and Milford. Two checks
were received at the governor's of
fice for the quarter ending Decem
ber 31.
The stockholders of the Odell Farm
ers' Elevator company held their an
nual meeting last week , electing of
ficers and disposing of other business.
During the past year the company pur
chased 1G7.237 bushels of grain , for
which it paid out $125,240. A divi
dend of six per cent was declared.
Laurel ( Miss. ) dispatch : John
Stadler , a painter of Lincoln , Neb. ,
was killed and Harry O'Leary , p.
painter of Hattiesburg , Miss. , serious
ly hurt when a scaffold on which they
were working toppled , precipitating
both to the ground. Stadler foil on
his head.
Mayor J. S. Rutherford of Beatrice
issued a proclamation calling upon the
citizens of that town to muzzle their
dogs. All unmuzzled dogs running at
large In the city will be killed. The
proclamation is called forth by reason
of the mad dog scare at Wyrnore ,
where n number of children have been
Fonda Bros. ' milling plant nt Genoa
has been very nearly put out of bus !
ness by muskrats , they having under
mined the dam In the Beaver , causing
it to give w.ay and necessitating u
largo amount of work in filling
Prompt action saved the dam and it
is now protected by wiring against the
attacks of the industrious little anl
The lloldrege Commercial club
wants the Burlington railroad to built' '
a more commodious and all around
better depot. The Burlington in replj
suggests that it had already completed
arrangements for remodeling the present
ent structure answering the purposes
of a depot at lloldrege.
Robert Wilkinson , the only son o
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilkinson o
Dawson , was killed near Howe. He
was standing near John Curtis , win
was chopping down a large true , ant
in some manner when it fell a hirgf
limb struck Wilkinson on the head
killing him instantly.
The above caption about represents
the growth of Central Canada. The
statement was made not long since by
n railroad man who claimed to have
made the remarkable dlscovpry that
such was the case. There is not a
district of a fair amount of settle
ment in any of. the three Provinces of
Manitoba , Saskatchewan anil Alberta ,
but has its school , and the railways
have stations every seven or eight
miles apart , around which group the
towns , some largo and come small ,
but each Important to its own district.
Schools tire largely maintained by pub
lic funds and the expense of tuition is
but a nominal sum.
The final returns of the grain pro
duction for Central Canada for 1909 is
now in , and the figures show that the
value of the crops to the farmers of
that country is about 195 million dollars
lars , as compared with 120 million last
year. American farmers or those who
have gone from the United States , will
participate largely in these splendid
returns , and these comprise those who
have gone from nearly every State in
the Union.
One of the many proofs that might
be put forward showing the immense
wealth that comes to the farmers of
Central Canada is seen in the sum
that has been spent during the past
two or three months by the farmers
who have for the time being ceased
worrying over the reaper and the
thresher , and arc taking to enjoying
themselves for two or tlireo months.
It is said that fifty thousand people of
these Western Provinces spent the
holiday season visiting their old
homes. Most of these passengers paid
forty and some forty-five dollars for
the round trip. Some went to Great
Britain , some to the Continent , others
to their old homes in Eastern Canada ,
and many thousands went to visit
their friends in the States. The amount
paid alone in transportation would be
upward of two million dollars. Some
make the trip every years. It need
not be asked , "Can they afford it ? "
With crops yielding them a profit of
$20 to $25 per aero , and some having
as much as twelve hundred or more
acres , the question is answered. Tne
Canadian Government Agents at dif
ferent points in the States report that
they have interviewed a great many
of those who are now visiting friends
In the different states , and they all ex
press themselves as well satisfied ,
and promise to take some of their
friends back with them. There is still
a lot of free homestead land lu splen
did districts , and other lauds can be
purchased at a reasonable price from
railway and land companies. '
Housewife You always seem to en
joy eating my food , but my husband is
never suited with it !
Beggar Say , get a divorce and
marry me !
Too often the kidneys are the cause
and the sufferer is not aware of it.
Sick kidneys bring backache and side
pains , lameness and stiffness , dizzi
ness , headaches , tired feeling , urinary
troubles. Doan's Kid
ney Pills cure tin *
cause. Mrs. N. E.
Graves , Vlllisca ,
Iowa , says : "I suf
fered from kidney
.trouble . for yea .
The secretions were
disordered , there
were pains in my back and swellings
of the ankles. Often I had smother
ing spells. I had to bo heljwd about.
Doan's Kidney Pills cured me five
years ago and I have been well since.
They saved my life. "
Hcmcmber the name Doan's , For
sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Real Early Rising.
Farmer Brown and Farmer Jones
were near neighbors , and many a dis
pute took place as to who was the er.r-
llcr riser. Both maintained that each
excelled the other.
One day Farmer Brown determined
to put the subject to tcct. Rising very
early one morning , about two o'clock ,
ho proceeded to visit his friend. Great
was Ills astonishment when ho saw
Mrs. Jones hanging out the clothes in
the garden.
"Farmer Jones about ? " ho asked.
"Well , " replied the lady , "ho was
the first part of the rnornin' , but I
dunne where ho bo now. "
The Usual Wsy.
Smith Did the lawyer get anything
out of your uncle's estate ?
Jones Get anything ? Ho got it all.
MM. 'XVtiiBlow's Soothlntr Kyrup ,
For ctillilrfii tui'tliliik' , rottrnn the Riitod , roUliccn ID.
n miu Utjn , all y palu , uuru * wind colki JJQ a bouk.
Ono fisherman ought to believe thu
stories of another , but he seldom does