State Historical Society * L * County IRepublican /VOL. XXV11I BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY , 3 , 1910 NO. 35 CONCERT BY The People's Choral Union ASSISTED BY Advanced Pianoforte Students Tuesday Evening , FeVy 8 , 1910 North Side Opera House v Mrs. Charles L. Gutterson , President ; Rev. J. E. Aubrey , Vice-President ; Mrs. Frank Taylor , Sec.- Treasurer ; Miss Zuie Holcomb , accompanist ; Miss Adah Dell Bowen , Conductor. PROGRAMME PART I A. Geibel " 'Tis Morn. " Chorus. Chopin Valse brillante. HelleiTarantelle. . Miss Pearle Eddy. " J. " - "An Secret. " Huntington "Woodman Song"An Open Mrs. A. H. Stuckey. Bishop "Now Tramp O'er Moss and Fell. " Chorus. Solo by Mrs. Frank Taylor. Smart Trio , "Down i i the Dewy Dell. " Mrs. A. H. Stuckey , Miss Adah D. Bowen , > ' , Mrs. C. L. Gutterson. Mac Dowell "In Autumn , " Hadiey < 4La Princesse , " Concert Polka. Miss Louise Ledwich. PART ii . ; Millard Parks , "When the Tide Comes In. " , Chorus. < * Vocal Duet. : . Mrs. Frank Taylor. , . . Miss Adah D. Bowen. . : . - > . Cornet Solo : Mr. _ .Frank _ Taylor. . . . , i J * rJ * t4 * * Mrs. " r Cowen"For a Dream's Sake. " - \ Chorus. Chadwick Quartette , "Thiwtledown. " Mrs. A. H. Stuckejr , Miss Adah D. Bowen , Mrs. Frank Taylor , Mrs. C. L. Gutterson. Beethoven First Symphony. First Movement ( Transcribed for four hands. ) i r Miss 3ernice McComas. ( First piano part supplied by Miss Bowen. ) Cowen Bridal Chorus , from "The Rose Maiden. " Chorus. Seats on sale Saturday , Feb. 5th , at Jas. Stockham's Furniture Store and Hoicomb's Book Store. Prices 25 and 35 cents. Yes"right now and and all the time for that matter , mail order houses are flooding the country with their advertisements and catalogues. The way for home merchants to successfully meet opposition is not by complaining and growling , which has the effect of driving away business , but by imjtatjng far , more than they do the methods of their competitors. Advertise. Berwick Castle No. 23 , Royal Highlanders , will celebrate their thirteenth anniversary Tuesday evening February , 15th. COOKIES The Finest Line in the City. i Here are Some of Them in Fancy Packages Veroniqe Delico Nabisco Festino Social Teas Oswego Biscuits Fruit Cake Cheese Sandwiches Cheese Sticks Vanilla and Lemon "Wafers Also a complete line of Bulk Cookies fresh and nice. FANCY BOX APPLES Jonathans Bellflowers Black Twigs J. N. PEALE Phone 161 THE GROCER Phone 180 Agent for De Laval Separators Cream Station Washington Letter. "The world and hia wife" seemingly were present at the first reception given by the Vice President Wednesday cvaning in honor of the senate of the United States. Never in recent history has there been such a crowd present at a function in a private house as p-athered within the hospitable humc of Vice Presi dent Sherman on the occasion mentioned. President Taft was one of the most democratic guests of the evening ; and his smile , his hearty laugh , his engaging personality and the warm-shake accompanying his greetings marked him as one especially fitted for the high office which he holds. Senator Burkett and Senators Gamble and Crawford of South Dakota had a good natural colloquy recently over Gamble's bill opening the Rosebud lands in South Dakota. Senator Bur kett was of course heartily in tavor of the bill ; but he insisted that there ought to be some other way devised for drawing than that in vogue for the last few years. Former Commissioner Richards of the general land office , when in Washington in- augrated a so-called lottery system of having the registra tion , and then putting the num bers into a wheel or a hat corresponding to the number of registrations , and by that means determining who should have priority of right inse'eting land. Senator Burkett told ot experi ences he had had incident to the opening of the Gregory county lands in South Dakota ; that he had had to spend a week along the northern border of Nebraska , and that he met thousands of people enroute for registration. Accomodations were bad , "the weather was hot , the trains were crowded beyond their capacity by a motley number of people bl all shades in social world ; and the women and children among them were compelled to hear at ) sorts "o'fVile" Tangna"gefrStnd < Mvta witness scenes not for their eyes ; and that the 'registration and drawing were a good deal of a farce. He hoped some means of alloting the land might be devis ed , and the same results accom plished with out so much hard ship. Hia story was a graphic pic ture , and down east senators and senators from the middle and western states , were much inter ested in the account , which is now associated only with states having Indian reservations , the land in which from the very nature of things must be opened to white settlement. "The Story of the Insurgent West" which Ray Stannard Bak er ia writing for a popular maga zine , shows how easily one's fame may be dimmed by the ab sence of a letter in spelling a name. A well known writer , in fact , , Bryan once said that the height of fame was reached when a soldier serving his coun1 try with all the power at his command , leading his legiment in a desperate charge against the enemies works , falls mortal ) ] wounded. and then his name misspelled in the official gazette Such is fame. Judge Norris wnose ooia lacasianas out among the insurgents of the west in the picture printed in the magazine , must be contented with a photo graph , for he is called "OR- K-I-S" of Nebraska. Even though a letter has been dropped from his name Norris has made himself familiar in other ways , on the floor , aud in the committee room ; and as a debater he is looked upon as one of the earnest representatives in the house. W. P. Trew , of Cumro , was over the first of the week tran sacting business and visiting friends. Will is something of a land owner being the proprietor of over 1200 acres of Custer county real estate. He has been a resident of Nebraska for thirty nine years , having come to the state with the Soldiers' Free Homestead Colony that set'led Gibbon , Buffalo county in 1871. The finest line of dre s trim mings ever shown in Broken Bow , just received. KiffinLucke Co. If you attend the concert next Tu sday evening you will hear 1 music that will please anyone. . The Question of Sewerage. There has been more or less agitation of the matter of public sewerage for several years in in. Broken Bow , but thus far nolhinu tangible has resulted. Conditions have become such that more than agitation is need ed ; The sanitary conditions of thji city is of greater importance than the expense of putting in a system of sewerage that would accomodate the city for a gener- a\iou. 'Bonds could be voted in suf ficient amount to provide at sewerage system for the public buildings and the entire private district. The new court house to be built this season should be provided with sewerage , as well as hotels aud all other public buildings. While the city council will have to pass on the plans and amount to be spent , the commer cial' club could aid materially in formulating those plans and ascertaining the probable cost , so that the question could be in telligently submitted to the people ple ior their approval. At the present writing we have made no attempt to ascertain the probable cost of a system that * ould be adequate for present needs. Let tbat be great or small , there is no doubt but that the valuation of the city is great enough to admit of a levy for a bond that would provide the necessary means without burden ing any of us. Sewerage is a matter tbat must come sooner or later and it is better to have it at once and avoid possible epidem ics of typhoid fever for the lack of it. The present generation whjch has sacrificed aud borne the hardships and inconveniences of the early stages of the commun ity , are entitled at least to share ; in the benefits of ttfeir accumu lations for the geneiations to follow , and should insist on such modern public improvements as are calculated to add to tha con- niericeV and , f h > pplpesa s olits citizens. Among these are pub lic sewerage , electric lights , cement walks and a city hall. With proper energy we can have all these this year , and with such energy and enterprise continued the population of Broken Bow will reach ten thousand in the next five years. Are you ready to help. Catlaway Marshall Makes Arrest. Acting under Sheriff Kennedy's direction , Marshall Penny of Callaway arrested a stranger there Friday. In the forenoon the marshall telephoned Sheriff Kennedy that a new arrival in Callaway was acting in a manner that put him under suspicion. He said the stranger had disposed of a superior make of shotgun worth at least S40 for 18 and later in the day sold a fine horse and saddle for $35. He though the horse alone worth $100. The sheriff told the marshall to arrest and hold him there , as Broken Bow is still without a county jail. jail.The The sheriff had hardly began investigating when another phone from Sheriff Miltonbcrger of North Platte warned him to be on the look out ior nenry Gibson , whom it is charged , disappeared from there with a horse and saddle , shotgun and other things. The description of Gibson and the stolen property tallied exactly with Marshall Penny's capture and the North Platte official waa informed by Sheriff Kennedy that he thought his man was in safe hands. Sheriff Miltouberger will go to Callaway. Have you tried the New Globe Hotel under present manage ment ? Good meals , clean , warm beds , courteous treatment. The only dollar a day hotel in town. Come once , you'll come again. Mr. Palmer , who lives south west of town , has purchased the old Frey property in the north east part of town and is having the roof shingled and the pro perty otherwise improved. Our men's shoes are giving satisfaction. You owe it to your self to try a pair. Kiffin-Lucke Co. Pretty and catchy choruses at the concert next Tuesday even ting- . "A Heart of Gold" "Big Jim , or A Heart of Gold , " will be presented at the OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY , FEB 10 This i6 a new Rural Comedy Drama in four acts. It has a real comedy and plenty of genuine pathos , Special scenery for every act. Specialties between acts. Seat at Hoicomb's Book Store and Stockham's Furniture Store. Prices 25c , 35c and 50c. Court Adjourned till Next Monday. Monday morning after Judge Hostetlcr bad arrived here to convene the equity term of dis trict court it was found that the opera house in which the court was advertised to be hold was not in the original town of Bro ken Bow and consequently not in the legal county seat. Super visors Headley and Dewey , who happened to i > e in town , secured the old Armory and court was called in that building Monday afternoon. Upon consideration the Judge concluded that court could not be legally held there until that fact had been advcr- tiffed , and adjourned until nest Monday that proper notice might be given. The fact that this was an equity term in which title to property might be tried , foreign ers naturalized and divorce cases heard , made it necessary thkt the location of the court should be legally advertised. . . . . Collie Men Will Dine. ' THe College MeTu's club , co posed of college men of this vicinity will hold their second annual dinner at the Grand Cen tral Hotel on Monday evening , February 7th , at 8 o'clock p. m. The members of the club arc men who took the whole or part of a college or university course aside from those offered in the professional schools. All such men arc made welcome. Edwin F. Myers , president of the club will preside and the following list of toasts will be given : Some Things That I Miss , Clyde Wilson. Years That I Spent , C. W. Beale. The Ideals of College Men , Professor Elliott. What the College Man Owes to the Rural Community , Rev. J. E. Aubrey. The University of Hard Knocks , Dr. Buckley. The College Man in Politics , Judge Dean. 6 per cent money for Farm Loans no commission optional payment. James Ledwich. An elegant assortment of wash dress braids Kiffin-Lucke Co. CHURCH COLUMN. M. E. Church. R. II. Thompson , Pastor Sunday School 10:00 a. m ; morning sermon 11:00 : a. m ; Jun ior league 2:30 : p. m ; Epworth league 6:30 : p. m ; evening sermon 7:30 : p. m ; E. L. Mission Study Class , Wednesday 7:30 : prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 : p. m. Come and worship with us you will be a stranger in the church but once. The Woman's. Foreign Miss ionary Society will have a social afternoon today ( Thurs. ) at the , home of Mrs. C. B. Snydcr. From 5:30 : p. m. to 7 p. m. dinner will be served. The public is uvited to aid the cause by their presence and patronage. The Queen Esther Circle will ncct for the purpose of reorgan ising , with Mrs , R. H. Thompson Saturday afternoon 2:30. : An invitation is extended to frirla from ten to fourteen years of-age. The work promises to be quite interesting. Baptist Church. A. i Norwood , Pastor Sunday School 10:00 : a. mi preaching 11:00 : a. m ; Junior union 3:00 : p. m ; B. Y. P. U , 6:30 : p. m ; preaching 7:30 p. m ; teachers' meeting Monday 7:30 : p. in ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p m. Christian Church 2. 0. Do ward , Pastor. Communion and preaching ser vices 11 a. m. Special song ser vices and sermon 7:30 p. m. Bible school at 10 : a. m , Christ ian Endeavor hpur 6:30 : p. * in. The widewake farmer is engaged these days in overhaul ing his harness and getting his machinery in shape for spring work. Aud the wideawake busi ness man is using newspaper space to tell the farmer where he can get what be needs for that purpose. Are you a wide awake business man ? Columbus Smith , of George town , was in town yesterday. Columbus is an old time Buffalo county man. TnADE J UAU1C A full gallon am of Apricta only Oranges , the genuine Sun Kilt 40 a pouud price 400 , or Peaches navels A silver orange spoon undApplea , Juat atop aud won given away by the growers for der only six wrapperi , 150 , 302 , 350 , 400 , and 450 a dozen. The finest Saur Kraut , The Sil ver Thread , loc a quart Sealshlpt Oysters , Fresh Fish and Salt Fish during lent Welnerwlrst and Luncheon Loaf the finest 150 a pound. Pig Souse , good eating a pounds for 350 Onr White Feather Syrup at 6oc a pail is a high grade syrup at a I/jacious new Mackerel , a for moderate price , so the people Bay. 350 The finest Pepper Sauce made and in the prettiest bottle * the Full Cream York State Cheesi , hot stuff aoc. 350 a pound Cnster County Baled Hay joe a 6 cans Utah White Cherries $ i 26 bale delivered. 6 cans Utah Table Peaches $ i 02 6 cans Utah Table Apricots 6c Broken Bow , Mason City and This Is very cheap for Ihe quality Aurora Flour of the fruit All in a # pound cans