Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 27, 1910, Image 10

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Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rialling RepoiUn
' Dra , Farnaworth U Buck -
II. A , Tucker , of Wcstcrvillc ,
wan in town Sunday.
Good piano for $25.00. I1. A ,
Watts's Piano House ,
Men's heavy fleeced utiderwear
35c. New York Store.
O. Jester , of Anscluio , was iu
town Saturday on business.
E , G. and T. W. Coady , of Sar
gent , were in town Sunday.
/O. A. Norcutt , Lather , con
tract or yard work. Tel. 2G8.
. . New mualiu underwear. Watch
our window. New York Store ,
For Sectional Book Cases go
trf'Konkel , The Furniture Min. 4
'Will Martin was a pasaanger
on No , 40 for Mason City Sun
\25 \ per cent off on our present
low price of furs New York
- Neck Wear , such as Middy's
As"cots , and Wash Stocks at Kif-
linLucke Go's ,
.L Miss Rosa Reinhardt visited
Saturday and Sunday with her
uncle in Berwyn ,
. J. II. Lcake and Ira J. Crist ,
of Anslcy , transacted business in
this city Saturday.
6 per cent money for Farm
Loans no commission optional
piyment. James Ledwich.
IS. P , Pierce , of Whitman , was
here Friday on business connect
ed with the U. S. land office.
t Miss Eva Myers , who has been
teaching at Lodi , closed her
school and came home Saturday.
Misses Gwen and Lizzie Nihc-
olas , of Maaon City , were
visiting friends hare last Satur
.Carl , Rapp , who lives six miles
; east of town , returned Sunday
night from a two months visit
in Illinois and Ohio.
A. 13. Cuinrnings , of Tobias ,
was here the Grst of the week
visiting his brother "Ikey , " who
holds down a clerkship in Drake's
Col. Jud Kay shipped a car of
his alfalfa hogs to South Omaha
lust week for which he received
$8.45. He had four hogs in the
load that brought $110.45.
Some more new skirts for you
tins week. Not how cheap and
old style , but how good and up-
to-date. The price is O. K.
Compare them. Kiffin-Lucke
Will open Febr. 15th1 with a
complete stock of wall paper ,
room mouldings , etc. You will
do well to inspect this stock.
Stevenson & Pulver , opposite
Harry Coffman and family and
Mrs. Mary Kelly , of Curly , re
turned from Mason City Friday
morning where they had been
called on account of the sickness
and death of their father , II. T.
J. F. Sargent , of Round Val
ley , called Saturday and renewed
for another year. Mr. Sargent
has been a subscriber to the Re
publican for a number of years
and informs us that he considers
it the best paper in the county.
Frank Whituias , from out near
Rjund Valley , brought in ten
hogs Saturday that averaged 260
pounds and brought him $7.90
per hundred. $205.40 for a couple
of loads of hogs looks about as
easy an "getting money from
home. "
Mrs. John Frederick , Jr. , form
erly Miss Lottie Pershall , and
her sister , Miss Pershall , have
purchased the stock of millinery
of the Moran department store at
Ca'llawny and will continue the
business. As they are both ex
perienced in this line of business
they will undoubtedly make a
success of the venture. The Re
publican wishes them well in
their new home.
Three city howu" * for aale. H ,
A , Watts.
Mrs. Ida Reinhardt viaited
Saturday in Menu.
Dr. Bass , dentist , old location ,
over Sender's drug store.
Just received new line up-to-
date hats. New York Store.
C. A. Norcutt , Lather , con
tract or yard work. Tel. 268.
FOR SAUI 12 or 15 tons good
prairie hay. Kifiin & Lucke.
II. Aakwith , of Gatea , was a
Broken Bow visitor Saturday.
Cheapest and best Rugs and
Linoleums at Konkel's. 33 4
A. Cole , of Dunning , trans
acted business here Saturday.
Miss Rosella Roie , of Alliance.
visited in Broken Bow Friday ,
Geo. F. Milligan , of Anselmo ,
came down the first of the week.
The work of cleaning up the
old court house site is going on
this week.
New Marcella Hair Turbins at
50c. Why pay more. Kiffin-
Luckc Co.
per cent off on on our pres
ent low prices on all cloaks New
York Store.
Wra , F. Kern and W. F. Allen
of Callaway were Sunday visitors
n Broken Bow.
M. F. Smith , of Anselmo , is
here this week attending the
chool of agriculture.
6 per cent money for Farm
Loans no commission optional
payment. James Ledwich.
Phil Wadhams , the Dunning
Booster man , was down last Fri
lay interviewing our business
Citizens in the northwest part
of the city are putting in a water
main under the direction of the
city authorities.
James Edmunds , of Merna ,
ame down Sunday evening and
s in attendance at the school of
agriculture this week.
Have you seen that new carpet
at Kiffin-Lucke Go's , for 45c per
Tard ? If you have not you had
) etter before you buy.
Mrs. Mannus came in from
Gothenburg Saturday evening to
oiu her husband who is running
a shooting gallery here.
All we ask is a chance to show
you our styles and qualities for
comparison with any ones , bar
none. We are not afraid of re
sults. Kiffin-Lucke Co.
The bridge committee are out
this week viewing bridges. The
committee is composed of J. B ,
Gilmorc , chairman , and Gee , W.
leadley and Geo. W. Dewey.
The revival mee tings at the
Juulap school house closed last
week. A basket social was held
at the school house Thursday
evening to raise money for Rev.
Davis. The proceeds amounted
to * 55.00
R. F. Reynolds , the horse buy
er , will be here Saturday , Febru
ary 5th , to buy horses and mares
from 4 to 15 years old weighing
from 1,000 pounds up. Also
want mules from 4 to 8 years
old weigiug 900 pounds and
F. M. Curriu called Friday and
ordered his Republican sent to
Long Beach , California , where
he will visit a couple of months
with his wife and baby. From
there he will go to Mexico to look
after his mining interests , He
left Friday night and will return
about the first of April.
C. K. Bassett , the Grant County
Tribune man , was down from
Hyaunis Monday shaking hands
with old friends and looking af
ter business interests , . Bro.
Bassett was connected with The
Republican for some time ant
has a large number of friends in
this town , He is harvesting a
bumper crop of final proof notices
up there and waxing rich , fat
and "sassy. "
Prairie Center.
1 he niany friends of Mli * & ) luft may
ted Intneai iu ih * Btll Setuwl ruittn u (
bio paper.
This Is the kind of weathef Jot ikiitns ,
Mrs. M , V , Kains nrul daughter * Nnu
nle , Neva and Dorothy spent Sunday at
Jay's In Union Valley.
Mr. Deal is on the sick list ogain , John
s getting along aa well as could be ex-
lectcd ,
Ona Rhoades and Medd Gletm ppent
Saturday and Sunday at Walter Snydcr's
M. V. Rains , 1 { H. Ilogaboom , Arthur
Conrad and Iief ClinebcU visited at
leal's Sunday.
Mr , and Mr : ) . K I , . Hogabootn spent
iitnday with Will Coulter's.
Several from here attended the sur-
> rise party on Frank Neth and wife Sat-
uday night uurl ull report a jolly time
uud a fine supper ,
M. V. Rains and wife called on 11. F ,
Ma-itin in Broken Dow Tuesday.
Ernest Rains visited with Wesley
lognbooui Sunday.
Grace , Prudence and Charlie Deal
lave been staying with Frances Schurr
or u few days.
Miss Myrtle Converse , from Harrison ,
who has been visiting at Beal's received
a telegram Saturday inornlug that her
brother was.dead. . She received the tele-
; raui too late to reach the morning train
nit left on the midnight.
Zumbrota Zephyrs.
Mrs. Q. C. Rector , of Lincoln , is visit-
tig her mother Mrs. A. I. Routh.
W. C , Holmes , the M. B. A. deputy ,
and Kibe Pigman were calling in these
> arts last week.
Mrs. W. W. Bishop returned from
Lincoln where she has been for the last
mouth visiting relatives and friends.
Frank Routh has rented a farm in
Round Valley of Mr. Engleshire.
M. D. Callcn and family visited with
A. E. Anderson's Sunday afternoon.
We have very little news as most of
our 'people are attending the School of
Charley Sands who has been going to
college is npw home helping husk corn.
Walter Cole-is doing nicely and will be
ionic the fore part of February.
" Ortello News.
Robbie Ingram visited with Harvey
Prescott Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Ashbau'gh left
Wednesday for Montana where they go
o visit with relatives.
J. M. Ingram , wife and sou Ollie'visit
ed at Lee Cooley's Sunday.
A. T. Hillman returned to his worker
or J. M. Ingtam Sunday.
Chas. Wachter moved to Merna last
Mrs. J. M. Ingram was pleasantly sur
prised on her sad birthday by a number
of friends , All enjoyed a good time.
Jim Neve was in the valley a few days
ast week.
Bell School District.
This being our first appearance we
wish to extend a greeting to our many
: rends.
We are enjoying this nice weather and
putting every fair minute to use.
Mace Forsyth has finished husking
corn and is now cutting down trees and
preparing them for the saw mill. He
expects to hove 30 or 40 thousand feet
sawed. What a grand old Custer ! Mr.
Porsyth says it seems but a short time
since they were planted. Several of the
trees will measure i'and 3 feet in
diameter. Will we all reap what we
sow ?
Frank Manuel , Kmil Spanuel and Pius
Christen shipped cattle last week.
Mrs. Jennie Sirnms has been on the
sick list but is rapidly recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. Plymale went to Merna
Mrs. John IIell helped Mrs. Forsyth
cook for shelters Tuesday. Joe Knoll
did their shelling.
Miss Signa Christen attended to busi
ness in Anselmo Friday uud Saturday.
I , P' Hell and wife visited their son
Jvrnest Wednesday.
Some of the near relatives gave Mrs.
Andy Chilsou a gentle surprise Saturday
evening. A pleasant time is reported.
Joe Novotuy shipped hogs Saturday.
Mrs. Vinuedge is iu Anselmo nursing
her sick father. Emma is attending to
home duties.
Jack Insqo shelled at Viunedge's
Thursday and , Friday. '
Pat Condon and Dan Dooley were
purchasing horses at Loughran's Fri
Mr , and Mrs. Forsyth and Miss Rains
were transacting business in Anselmo
Saturday. -
Sunday visits : John Bell , wife and
children at Ernest Bell's ; Will Doman
and wife at Burl Robinson's ; Mrs. Jennie
Simms , Pansy and John at Bert Cozad's ;
M. Forsyth , wife and Miss Rains at
Albert Springstube's ; Mrs. Kimes and
Mrs. Christ at John Plymale's ; A. Bader ,
wife and Edward Christen at Frank
hfahhcl's ; Theodore and Irene Christen
and Frank Manuel at Randolph Polrelcln'
Tom and Joe Dovmtr at Jamts Lough-
Ma 'i > .
Miis Ruins hus'be n employed as our
t'uchjr since the holidays and we're
having u very inteiesting school. We
have 35 enrolled and in spite of bad
roads ami bad weather we've had regu
lar attendance.
We have an honor roll and we're
proud to state thut every name is on , but
two , and we hope to get them on before
another week passes. Four honor credit
stars are recorded daily to each child who
does not whisper.
Our employed janitors arc Minnie
Maunel for room cleaning and Frank
Manuel for fire building. Xo one could
do the work more satisfactory.
We are learning the only correct way
for spelling. We have to work our ears
and eyes as well as our brain to catch
the mistakes and keep our places ,
Vocal and drawing lessons are very
interesting. Something new.
We tire planning on having a program
on Washington's birthday.
John G. Whittier and William C.
Bryant were the characters studied in
reading last \vock.
We invite all our kind patrons and
ftiends to visit us.
Prairie Hill.
John Beat is some better at this writ
Mr. Beal is on the sick list.
Mrs. E. L. Hogaboom is able to be out
Chas. Bay attended the dance east of
town Saturday night.
E. Shoup is baling hay for air. Brown ,
J J Phillipsen of Dunning is visitiug
in this vicinity
Mrs Purcell , who has been working
for Mrs L T Martin , had the misfortune
last Thursday while making sausage to
get her fingers badly cut which will un
able her to work for a week or two Miss
Maude Haefele is working in her place
A number of friends of Mr and Mrs
Frank Neth gave them a pleasant sur
prise last Saturday night as it was their
paper anniversary They received many
presents Lunch was served at midnight
and the gue ts departed wishing them
many happy anniversaries
McKinley Murmurings.
A few from here attended church at
Custer Sunday
School commenced again Monday
after a month's vacation Mr Ash as
Maude and Walter Haefele returned
Wednesday from Grand Island where
they have been visiting friends
Mr and Mrs Jos'Haefele visited Mon
day and Tuesday with relatives and
friends in Broken 'Bow
Mr Walburn was a Broken Bow visitor
Avi Empfield and family and E L
Shoup and frmily spent Sunday at Jos
Mrs J W Walburn returned Wednesday
from a three weeks visit with relatives
and friends at Hastings
Elton News.
Weather very pleasant
Jules Haumont is on the sick list
The revival meetings are still in pro
gress at Weissert
Rev and Mrs Smith called at Mrs'Mot-
tiuger's Sunday.
Albert Kleeh shipped his fat cattle
to Omaha Tuesday
Aron Story and family of Berwyu vis
ited with relatives near Elton Saturday
and Sunday
Rev and Mrs Sylvester Smith are re
joicing over the arrival of a fine baby
The stork visited A E Spence's Jan
18th and left a ten pound boy
Miss Dollie Darbee , of Tnbor , Iowa ,
addressed a large audience at Weissert
Sunday night
Joseph Spencer and wife visited \\ith
Prof and Mr. Mottiuger of Me rim the
latter part of the week
Aterna News.
P I , Lintz sold his restaurant last week
L Perry and Quin Fodge hauled hay
hist week , from three uiileseast of Brok
en Bow
The basket supper given by the high
school last Friday evening was a great
C A Reedet has lecently purchased a
drug store iu Hancock county He ex
pects to remove there with-Mrs Reeder
in about three weeks
I , L Rash aud wife from north of An-
fielmo are visiting here this week
A good many sales are being advertised
this month for February and March
The Merna people are out iu force
these beauti ul evenings scanning the
western sky in order to get their share oi
Halley comet scenery
' '
Dry Valley Items.
Old sol is certainly sending down
some warm rays of sunlight the way the
1 snow is melting
This winter while it has been the
coldest in years it is reported the health
Our stock of VaUntiiu * are open for your inspection , eoniiitintf of
Large Celluloid and Fancy Mounted
Also a Full Line of Valentine Cards and Postals
Navel Oranges , 30c , 35c and 40c Dozen
Pure New York Maple Sugar 20c , Ib.
New 1909 Persian Dates lOc. Pouud"
New 1909 Smyrna Layer Figs 20c. Ib.
New 1909 London Layer Basins 20c. Ib.
Sealshipt Oysters
The Only Kind. 60c Quart
Chase & Sanborn's Teas and Coffees
20c , 25c and 30c a pound the finest
Ked Jacket Sweet Cider 40c gallon
J. C. B O W E N
Pure Old Cider Vineflar PHONE No. 5 HOME OF
The Finest Line in the City.
Here are Some of Them in Fancy Packages
Veronjqe Delico Nabisco Festino
Social Teas Oswego Biscuits Fruit Cake
Cheese Sandwiches Cheese Sticks
Vanilla and Lemon Wafers
Also a complete line of Bulk Cookies fresh and nice , v
Jonathans Bellflowers [ Black Twigs
Phone 161 THE GROCER Phone 180
Agent for De Laval Separators Cream Station
Hew Globe Hotel ?
Good Meals , Clean , Warm Beds
Courteous Treatment
The Only Dollar-a-Day
House in Town
Come once , You'll come
iest which is certainly u blessing ,
Win Spear had a public sale last week
which was well attended and everything
sold well
T P Owens was buying horses iu these
parts lost week Good teams are high
some selling as high us $425 u span
Public sales are beginning to be quite
common these days
Judge H M Sullivau , of Broken Bow ,
came out to look over his feeding busi
ness last week While the judge is an
nhle attorney he doesn't overlook his
feeding interests as he is one of our larg.
est feeders
It is now talked that the present jeai
will he a hummer for farming us every
thing has been very favoruble
The coming week will see about all
the corn gathered in these parts
The only hog waterer for 8 le by J L
Fergeson , Comstock , is the bent manu
factured and won't freeze up at 40 de
grees below zero
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barrett
are visiting- their brother , Walter
Harris , aud parents , Mr , and
Mrs. M , E. Harris ,
Al. E. Church. R. 11. Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. tnj _
morning- sermon 11:00 : a. tn ; JtTtP
ior league 2:30 : p. m ; Epworth
league ( > :30p. : m ; evening sermon
7:30 : p. m ; E. L. Mission Study
Class , Monday 7:30 : p. m ; prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 : p. 'tn.
Come and worship with us you
will be a stranger iu the church
Baptist Uiiircli. A. T. Norwood , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. ur
preaching 11:1)0 : ) a. m ; Junior
union 3:00 : p. m ; B. Y. P. U. f > :30 :
p. m ; preaching 7:30 : p. ni ;
teachers' meeting Monday 7:30 :
p. ur Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 :
p. ur prayer meeting Wednesday
7:30 : p in.
Christian Church I , 0. Doward , Pastor.
Communion and preaching ser
vices 11 a. m. Special song ser
vices and sermon 7:30 : p. m.
Bible school at 10 : a. in , Christ
ian Endeavor hour 6:30 : p , in ,
after our interests in Custer and
adjaceut counties , Salary or
commission. Address The , Hi
vey Oil Co. , Cleveland , Ohio ,
Government seeds are about
due. If you haven't received
yours yet , better write a letter to
your congressman ,
Dan and Ed Hughes , of Dun
ning , had business in Broken
Bow Monday ,