Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 20, 1910, Image 8

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Gleaned for Your Pcruial by Our Huilling Reporters
Dr3. Farnsworth & Deck
New York store , lead -rs of low
prices visit us.
C. M. Jartnin , of Wagner , wa ?
in town Monday. ]
Hoys all wool sweaters at 'J8c
New York store.
Good piano for $25.00. 11. A ,
Watts's Piano House.
Ladies'cloaks , regular $20.00
$10.95. New York store.
John Turner returned from a
visit to Lincoln last Friday.
See our men's sweaters at 39
and 59c. New York store.
J. N. Weeth , of Ansley , came
up Friday after a load of coal.
Children's bear skin and plusli
coats $1.69 up. New York store.
For Sectional Book Cases go
to Konkcl , The Furniture Man. 4
W. E. Kelly , of Mullen , trans
acted business in this city Mon
Sea our line of men's dress
shirts at 38c up. New York
Miss Myrtle Jenkins , of Ansel-
mo , visited in Broken Bow Sat
J. F. Anderson arid wife , of
Elton , were Broken Bow visitors
M. M. Giuck , of Ft. Collins ,
Col. , was a visitor in this burg
H. M. , C. Harry and Lawrence
George , of Thcdford , were here
Latest styles Princess dresses
regular is J 7.50 at $8.95 New
Mrs. J. J. Tooley and daughter ,
of Anselmo , visited in Broken
Bow Sunday.
Chas. Guthrie and Dixie Kelt-
er , of Dunning , visited in this
city Monday.
W. E. Warren and J. E. Pen-
rod , of Anselmo , were here on
business Tuesday.
Ladies , petticoats , black or
white , at 8c , 89c 98c , 11.98.
New York store.
See our new muslin underwear.
The nainsook princess suits.
Kiffin-Lucke Co.
Dresser scarfs , pillow covers
and table covers , $1.25 line at
59c. New York store.
Chas. Philpot , of Nehawka ,
and Jas. Philpot , of Gaudy , were
here on business Monday.
Henry Hein , of Ansley , was in
town Monday and called at thin
( ftice and boosted his subscription
mark ahead.
Remenber the embroidery sale
Friday and Saturday. Any
width in window lOc per yd.
Kiffin-Lucke Co. > f
Walter and Maude Haefle ,
from over Callawayway , were
here Friday evening to take the
train to Grand Island.
A. K. Shrader , the live wire in
the real estate business , of Dun
ning , was a pleasant caller at
this office last Thursday.
New spring line of lace cur
tains , arrived this week. They
are in the Clunny , Irish Point ,
Brussels net , etc Kiffin-Lucke Co.
The county superintendent
will hold an examination for
teachers at his office , upstairs
over Todd's millinery store , Fri
day and Saturday.
FOK SAI.K One of the finest
residence blocks in Broken Bow.
Will sell quantity to suit pur
chaser , by quarter , half or whole
block. B. W. Blair. 32-3.
New Spring goods arriving
daily in all departments. If you
want new goods and new styles
come here. We buy nothing but
standard lines. No jobs , samples
or old stocks. Kiffin-Lucke Co.
W. C. Holmes , of Grand Island ,
representing theM. B. A. , is here
this week working in the interests
of that organization. Mr.
Holmes is a gentleman and a
hustler and will no doubt increase
the membership of that organ
ization in this city.
Three city houses for sale. II.
A. Watts.
Suit cases 98o to $8.00. New
York store.
G. W. Keller was over from
Cascade Monday.
C , II. Johnson , of Seneca , was
in town Saturday.
Blankets and comforts at half
price. New York store.
Dr. Bass , dentist , old location ,
over Somkr's drug store.
New line dress skirts from $2 98
to $6.98. New York store.
F. G. Perkins , of Berwynvas
a business visitor Saturday.
Cheapest and best Rugs and
Linoleums at Konkel's. 33 4
Fine line ladies' $2 00 waists at
69 and 89c. Now York store.
Miss Ethel Holmes , of Gates ,
visited in Broken Bow Monday.
Fine line men's suits at $7.95 ,
* 9.95 and $12 50. New York
II. B. Caldcr , of Halsey , trans
acted business in this city Sat
A. J. and Ed. Booth , of McKinley -
Kinley , were Broken Bow visitors
Ladies' sweaters , while they
last , $4 50 line at $2.48. New
York store.
Men's work gloves and mittens ,
75c and $1.00 line at 39c. New
York store.
L. E. and T. K. Wakefield , of
Lillian , did business in this live
town Saturday.
My city residence for sale or
trade. Call or address W. T
Jones. Sept.-23-tf
Ladies , men's and childrens
hosiery at 7c , 8c , lOc , \2c , 16c.
New York store.
Misses Alice and Bessie John
son went to Anselmo Friday
evening for a visit with relatives
See our new hair crowns ,
barretts , neckwear , hand bags ,
hatpins , also new jewelry.
Kiffin-Lucke Co.
See our new wool dress goods
for spring. A nice assortment
has arrived and more to follow.
Watch our windows for new
things. Kiffin-Lucke Co
The new wash goods are
coining fast now. The lines re
presented at present are Rod Seal ,
Primrose and Toile du Nerds ,
selling at 12sC Kiflln-LuckeCo.
Joseph Yeoman will have a
public sale on the James Wrigley
farm , four and one-half miles
southwest of Broken Bow , on
Wednesday , January 26th.
Horses , cattle , hogs , chickens ,
farm implements and household
goods will be sold.
Fred Hewitt , formerly of Bro
ken Bow. and who has relocated
at Mullen , was in the city yes
terday renewing old acquaint
ances. Fred reported that his
father , Wilson , Llcwitt , : s still in
York state caring for his father ,
who is in his 88th. year.
Dr. Thos. E. Green is unable
to fill his date here so the Young
People's Lecture Course Com
mittee have secured Dr. Frank
L. Loveland , of Omaha , to lec
ture on Friday night , Jan. 2S ,
1910 , at the"M. . E. Church.
There will be no reserved seat.
Season tickets will admit you at
the door. Single admission 35
Mrs. W. II. Xatulers departed
Wednesday morning to join her
husband at Columbus where he
has accepted the rectorship of
the Episcopal church. Rector
Xauders and his estimable fami
ly have been residents of our
city for number of years and
leave a large circle of friends
here who wish them nothing but
good in thtir new home. Mrs.
XanJers was for several years
society reporter for the Republi
can and filled the position to the
entire satisfaction of publisher
and readers. She is & lady of
exceptional ability as a writer
and her department in the Re
publican will be missed by our
readers ,
Led ! Notes.
The I.udi store doesn't look natural
wince ttuurlufTicv \ hit * been put in the
iinthwest corner.
l ittlc Florence Monkey was tlic proud
recipient of a new plauo nt Christmas
A. I ) . Cornish's Sunday School class
net ngniti nt the home of their teacher
nst Tuesday night and made a penua-
ueut organization with L.CLCornish as
resident ; Walter Matz , vice president ;
tlcrlc VanAutwerp , secretary and Leon
atubcrt. Treasurer. CominitteeR were
also appointed.
Mr. Hanley's Sunday School class met
at VanClcave's and reelected officeis-last
Saturday night. This class has beuu
organized three months. It seems at the
organized class work is booming at Iodi.
The classes have a joint membership of
about thirty-five.
Rev. C. J. Pope , of Orand Island , wns
visiting at Cornish's the past week.
Krtiest VanAutwerp is having trouble
with his throat again ,
Marcus Johnson is working for Arthur
Mrs. Iluxtablc , teacher of the Upper
I.odi school , visited nt Ellsworth East
man's Thursday night ,
Prairie Center.
We are glad to have the sun shine ,
corn huskers are busy again ,
Mrs. E. I , . Hogobonm is on the sick
Mrs. Hay visited nt Elvin Hogaboom's
Friday and Saturday.
Grace , Prudence and Charley Deal ore
staying with Frances Schurr until John
tets ; better.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neth and Mr. and
Mrs. M. V. Rains visited at E. I < , Hoga-
boom's Sunday.
Retta Young and Albert Martin visited
at Rains' Sunday.
Jeff-Rhondes and stepson Olah Camp-
field visited at Rhondes' Wednesday.
Lee Wilmit wns down to Rhoades'
buying hogs last week.
Nannie Rnius is staying with her sis
ter Mrs. Hogaboom a few days.
Ruth Deal has been absent from school
severl days during the illness of her
brother John.
Mr. Winchester sold n fine horse Mon
Mae Rains is teaching school at New
Helena. She reports an attendance of
twenty-five pupils.
Mr. Gibbs who has been laid up with
a lame back is out again.
lilanche Shurr was a caller at Rains'
Gifford Bowman is gathering corn for
Henry Fesseuden this week.
Elton News.
A large crowd attended church at
Weissert Sunday evening.
Allie Calhouu and wife , of Gaudy , are
visiting relatives near Elton.
Miss Emma Kleeb visited with Albert
Kleeb and family Saturday and Sunday.
John Holland and family Suudayed
with Zad Spencer on Clear Creek.
Harry Govier nnd family spent Satur
day evening and Sunday with relatives
in Swiss Valley.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Anderson and
Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Mosley were Hroken
Row visitors Friday.
Paul llnumont bus bought the David
son farm and will move there soon.
Minn Firnie has resigned her position
ns clerk nt Weissert nnd in now helping
her mother with the house hold duties.
Roy Sams was kicked in the face by a
hotse Wednesday. The injury though
painful is not considered serious.
Farmers are still losing cattle with
corn stalk disease. Mr. Hishop nnd Mr.
Cooksley ench lost two head last week.
Chas. liishop and family who have
been visiting relatives the past two
months have returned to their home in
Brown county.
Our literary was well attended Satur
day evening. The debate was interesting
nud also the program.
Edna Evans is helping Mrs. Paul
llnumont this week.
Mrs. A. F. l.eck wns cnlled to George
town on account of the illness of her
daughter Mrs. Cnse ,
Ziimbrota Zephyrs.
Butler Sands lost a two year old Gil )
last Saturday. Cause unknown.
Mrs. Bond has listed her place for sale ,
also Will Parker in order to settle the
Harriet Johnson is once more able to
attend school ,
Mrs. Jackson , sister of Mrs , Ralph
Johnson , has been having quite a siege
with a cold on her lungs and does not
seen to improve.
Joe Cole arrived home from Kansas
City the i th where he had gone with
his son Walter for medical treatment.
Walter in doing nicely nnd will soon be
home again , Mr , Cole stopped ut Lin
coln to visit his brother W. II. , formerly
of Broken Bow nnd found them well ,
but their roads are worse than ours.
Butler Sands' baby has been quite sick
Furniture , Carpets , Rugs.
Hardware , Stoves , Tinware.
Silverware , Cutlery , China
Largest Assortment and Lowest Prices
but Satarday Dr. Mullins was out and
the little one is now better.
M. n. Callcn and wife spent Sunday
afternoon nt L. A. Wells' west of
town while Maude visited Waunita
W511Pnrker's _ mother , sister Mrs. Cole
Bond , husband and two children , who
were visiting Mr. Parker and wife at
Christmas time have returned to their
home excepting his mother who will re
main for the winter.
Butler Sands sold a fine horse in the
Bow during the sale last week.
Arrived at the home of Frank Cramer
and wife , Jan ijth a young lady weigh
ing 10 pounds. No wonder Frank looks
Miss Bertha Koozer started for eastern
Nebraska last Saturday morning to risit
relatives nnd friends.
We understand Mrs. Small and baby
are doing nicely. Mrs. Maud Holcotnb
is taking care of her.
Ortello News.
M. I , . Knapp visited at Win Keill's
near New Helena Sunday.
J. M. Ingraui's visited at Jas. Milligans
Vertion Winston it able to be in school
Melvin Wilkius returned from Aurora
Sunday where he has been visiting for
some time.
Chas. Wachters" sale was well attend
ed Monday.
Prairie Hill ,
Mrs. Ivlvin Hogaboom is on the sick
John Beal who has In en very ill is
better at this writing.
Chas. Howard returned Friday morning -
ing from Iowa. His nephew came home
with him.
Perry Mormord went to Callaway
Chns. nnd I.illiu I.ongfrllow nnd Ben
and Blanch Ivvins visited Sunday at Kitrl
Shoup's in Turner Valley.
Killie Longfellow has accepted a jxxsi-
tiou in Kyerson Bros .store.
We are all sorry to hear of Mrs. Shaw
being sick.
Chas. Weesner has jfot n new team.
iMerna News.
The people of Merna are greatly inter
ested in the question of electric lighis
for our city The lights have already
been guaranteed
The new labratory in the school is
completed The pupils of the high
school department are paying for this
improvement nnd it will be a credit to
the school
Revival meetings are being held in the
United Brethern church this week
Uev W I , (5astou , pastor of the Baptist
church will deliver his lecture on "Yose-
mite , " on t'je evening of January a8th
Rev Gas ton has made two trips to this
wonderful valley nnd knows whereof he
speaks The lecture is given for the
benefit of the Baptist church
Milldale Items.
Fred Beeschleor was u guest at the
Seaney home Monday.
John M. Robinson passed through this
vicinity Monday enroute to Callaway.
Oeo Wayland returned this week from
the for a visit with with his brother
1 James
Win Phifet is helping Karl Brown
gather corn
J J Senney ssent to Cnllawn. Wednes
Navel Oranges , 30c , 35c and 40c Dozen
Pure New York Maple Sugar 20c. Ib.
New 1909 Persian Dates lOc , Pound
New 1909 Smyrna Layer Figs 20c. Ib.
New 1909 London Layer Rasins 20c. Ib.
Sealshipt Oysters
The Only Kind. 60c Quart
Chaste & Sanborn's Teas and Coffees
20c , 25e and 30c a pound the finest
Ited Jacket Sweet Cider 40c gallon
J. O. B O W E N
Pure Old Cider Vinegar PHONE No. 5 HOME OF
are two propositions worthy of your consideration :
280 acres located in Clear Creek Valley northeast of Brok
en Bow. 225 acres in cultivation , balance pasture and hay
land. Frame house , stable and granary , well , mill and tank.
240 acres in Kose Valley adjoining- Clear Creek northeast
of Broken Bow. 100 acres'in cultivation , 60 acres in pasture
balance farm and hay land. Frame house , stable and gran
ary , well mill and tank. Telephone and rural mail. Good
These two farms are One , good soil , and as fine alfalfa
land as there is in the state. Price and terms on application.
I also have 560 acres adjoining the latter tract , one
quarter improved at $15.00 to $25.00 per acre. Can sell you
any part of these lands.
Win Tyson , cashier of th First Nation
al Hank of Callaway , passed through this
neighborhood Tuesday on his way to
Arnold to attend a meeting of the direct
ors of the Farmers State Bank at that
Chas Snyder went to Arnold Wednes
day to get some horseshoeing done
The funeral of Grandma Bray occurred
at Arnold Monday
Mr Reed Jr is showing everybody that
he can mak good time driving the stage
mail wagon
J D Haskell attended the bank meeting
at Arnold last Tuesday
A. Adams , of Anselmo. was
down Wednesday and called at
this office and renewed his sub
scription for another year.
Certificate No. A489H.
To Julius \Yickhatn You are hereby
notltleil that on April 1HU , 19CW , c. M Kelly
purchashed at public sale for taxes for the
years 1891 and 1W1 to 1900 Inclusive , and have
paid all subsequent taxes on real estate
described as lollows A parcel In the
northwest corner lilock , Heyner's addition
to Hroken now , Nebraska , commencing lOo
feet south of nurthwest corner , south 50 teet ,
east 113 feet , north UI feet west Hi feet.
That said land was assessed In the name
of Julius \Vlckhatu. and that after the explr
atton of three mouths from the third pub
licatlou of this notice tax deed will be applied
Dated January fl , 1901
Al. R. Church. R. II. Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 a. tn ;
morning sermon 11:00 : a. m ; Jun
ior league 2:30 : p. m ; Epworth
league f > :30 : p. m ; evening sermon
7:30 : p. m ; E. L. Mission Study
Class , Monday 7:30 : p. m ; prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 : p. m.
Come and worship with us you
will be a stranger in the church *
Baptist Lhurcti. A. T. Norwood , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
preaching 11:00 : a. m ; Junior
union 3:00 : p. m ; B. Y. P. U. 6:30 :
p. m ; preaching 7:30 : p. m ;
teachers' meeting Monday 7:30 :
p. m ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 :
p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday
7:30 : p m.
Christian Church / . 0. Doward , Pastor.
Communion and preaching ser
vices 11 a. m. Special song ser
vices and sermon 7:30 : p. m.
Bible school at 10 : a. m. Christr
ian Endeavor hour 6:30 : p. m.
C. K. Higgins , son and daugh
ter , of Thedford , were Broken
Bow visitors Monday ,