Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 13, 1910, Image 8

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Novel Oranges , 30c , 35c and 40c Dozen
Pure New York Maple Sugar 20c. Jb.
New 1909 Persian Dales lOc , Pound
New 1909 Smyrna Lay or Figs 20c. Ib ,
New 1909 London Layer Basins 20c , Ib.
Sealshipt Oysters
The Only Kind. 60c Quart
Chase & Sanborn's Teas and Coffees
20c , 25c and 30c a pound-the finest
Bed Jacket Sweet Cider 40c gallon
J. C. B O W E N
Pure Old Cldor Vlnoflnr PHONE No. 5 HOME OF
Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rustling Reporter !
Dr3. Faruswortu & Beck
New ruga arriving- Konkcl's
Furniture Store.
Good piano for $25.00. II. A.
"Watta'a Piano House.
Jake Johnson , the barber , ia
visiting' bia folka at Anaelmo this
John Mulvaney , of Mason City
transacted business in this city
Watch our window for the
new arrivals of spring1 goods.
kiffin-Lucke Co.
1 New spring duchess under *
muslins and tailored waists are
in stock now. See the new com
bination suits. Kiffin-Lucke Co.
II , A. Tinder was called to
El Paso , Texas , last week to
look after the business interests
ofa ! brother who is seriously ill
with typhoid-pneumonia.
The programme of the Custer
County School of Agriculture
and Domestic Science is publish
ed on another page of this paper.
Read it and decide to attend.
Claude Currie , who has been
manager of the Ravenna Tele
phone Co. , has returned to Brok
en Bow and taken the manage
ment of .the Broken Bow Tele
phone Co.
Only six ladies suits left. We
are closing them out at your own
price this week. See them in
window. Come in and make us
an offer they are yours Kiffin-
Lucke Co.
.WANTED. Job on a ranch by
man with family. Wife would
do-the cooking. Experienced in
care of stock. Reference , First
National Bank of Amherst. W.
K. Hart , Amherst , Nebraska.
A farewell reception to Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Pickett was given
at the home of G. W. Apple last
' Saturday night by the members
of v the Baptist church. Mr.
Pickett , who has been manager
of the Broken Bow Telephone Co.
for some time , has accepted the
position of secretary and man
ager of the St. Paul Telephone
Co. and left yesterday morning
to' assume his duties. Mrs ,
Pickett will go next week. Mr.
and Mrs. Pickett have a large
circle of friends here who wish
them success in their new home.
Atthe request of a number of
Custer county horsemen it has
been decided to have Prof. Key-
ser lecture on the horse. His
lecture will be accompanied by
demonstrations and will be both
valuable and interesting to those
engaged in the horse bueiness.
The horsemen should show their
appreciation by attending1 these
lectures. Many other special
features will be taken up in the
Custer County School of Agri
culture and Domestic Science
which will be held at Broken
January 24-29U .
Three city houses for sale. II.
A. Watts.
Dr. Bass , dentist , old location ,
over Souder's drug store.
Our new apring gooda are com
ing faat. Kiffin-Lucke Co.
R. Iy. Dickson , of Denver , was
here for the horse aale Monday ,
G. E , Guthrie , of Merna , was
a Broken Bow visitor yesterday.
W. V. Pernberton , of Litch-
field , was among the court house
callers Wednesday.
See our special suit and silk
waist offer in window this week.
Kiffin Lucke Co.
Charley Oliver and Pierre
Stcffen , of Wagner , came down
on land business today.
Our new new ginghams are in
and they are on display this
week. Kiffin-Lucke Co.
Curtis Weimer , of Mason City ,
was among the large number in
attendance at Nelson & Miller
horse aale sale Monday.
E. A. Lucke , of the firm of
Kiffin-Lucke Co. , returned from
a holiday visit with relatives and
friends at Cortland. His wife ,
who accompanied him , remained
for a longer visit.
F. M. Sharp of Burning , was
looking after business in the
city the first of the week. He
says most of the stock in his
vicinity are doing well yet , but
that those who left their hay in
bunches are having a time getting
it out of the snow for the stock.
Wm. Barrett left yesterday for
Chicago where he will join bia
wife , who has been an inmate of
a hospital there for some time ,
and go with her to their new
home at Plainview , Texas. Mr.
Barrett and his estimable wife
have been residents of Broken
Bow for a number of years and
only leave on account of his
wife's health. He will probably
return in April for a short time ,
and in the meantime will try to
to sell his residence property in
this city. His many friends here
hope the removal to a warmer
climate will be beneficial to his
wife's health.
The new officera of the Broken
Bow Shipping Association are
H. E. Myers , president ; C , W.
Beal , secretary ; Jas. Wrigley.
treasurer ; A.Gustafsonvice.pres
ident. Hoard of directors , M. D.
Stone , C. Schols ? , F. H. Arthur ,
W. E. Willis and M. II , Peacock.
The object of the association ia
to build or purchase an elevator ,
stock yards and coal bin. M. E ,
Harris elected business manager ,
A committee of three conaisting
S , A , Dean , W. E , Willia and H.
E. Myers are engaged in solicit
ing pledges , and when eighty
have been obtained the associa
tion will proceed to the business of
purchasing or erecting the buildings -
ings neccesaary to carry on the
Ortello News.
| 1 Mr ami Mm Jack Holln visited with
n. F. Kdwarda' Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs , Quin f'odge , of Merna ,
spent Sunday at J. 8. Dyke's.
School commenced at Sunshine Mon
A. Hill ehclled corn for P. Smith and
C. I'rcacott lost week.
Invitations are out announcing the
wedding of Harry Ashbaugh and Clara
Hunt on January iSth.
J. M. Idgrani and wife visited at T.
Millers on the cast table Friday of last
M. L. Knapp is moving some of his
machinery to the C. Thomas place where
he expects to farm the coming season ,
Georgetown Hems.
P. F. Campbell , D. Woodruff and S. S.
McConnell all shipped cattle to Omaha
this week.
Alary Downey entertained a few of her
young lady friends New Years day.
i < ella and Edna Downey have returned
to their school work at Broken Bow.
School commenced again Monday
morning after a two weeks vacation.
Mr. Spurgln has bought the Beck
farm and will take possession March i&t.
Mr. Deck and family go to Montana to
Messrs. Beck , Pierce and Smith were
Ocdnto visitors Friday.
Mr. Pierce had quite an accident while
hauling coal from Oconto Friday. When
he was nearly home he upset , but Mr.
Pierce escaped unhurt.
Mabel Smith and Alice Beck who have
been visiting in Kearney for a week re
turned home Saturday.
Mrfit D. Woodruff went to Omaha last
week for a few days.
Devine Bros , have their large barn al
most ready for painting.
Messrs. Beck and Torgerson , Joe
Devine , Frank , Will and Roy Spry were
Oconto visitors Monday.
Mrs. Mulvaney and little son Theodore
who have been ill with lever are much
Beatrice Patterson spent Sunday at
her home.
Anna Lund-has gone to stay with her
sister near Ansley and to attend school.
John Leer and wife are staying at Carl
Mr. Overgard has three men helping
him shuck corn.
Zumbrota Zephyrs. " '
Charles Sands has started to College.
M. D. Stone sold some hogs last week.
They surely brought a neat sum at pres
ent prices.
P. . B. Barber's house is completed. It
was initiated last Saturday night , when
they gave a dance to their friends. Those
present report quite an enjoyable time.
Bnrcus Bros , furnished the music.
BORN To Mr. and Mrs. E. Small on
Monday January loth , a daughter As
this is the first girl , both parents and
brothers are very happy over the event.
Harriet Johnson has been quite sick ,
The doctor was called one day last week
and at this writing she Is doing nicely.
Miss Ruth Eggleston visited with a
girl friend in town Sunday.
Oscar Tappan's visited last Fridaywith
Mr. Painter's.
Belle and Verua Sands spent Sunday
afternoon .with Olive Cole.
Mr. and Mrs. Lanternian visited at
Oscar Tapp'au's Saturday and Sunday.
A party of boys and girls from town
were out this way sleighriding Sunday
and called oil Maude Callen.
The plastering on E. B. Barber's house
got froze a'little , consequently it is com
ing off.
Miss Luce is having a bad cold to
bother witli , which makes U very un
pleasant for her while teaching.
Roy Routh and wife Sundayed with F.
A. Routh's in this valley.
Harry Ash is having a good deal of
rport hunting rabbits with a ferret.
Mrs. P. A. Routh's father is paying
her a visit. '
Mr. and Mrs. Sands have been victims
of severe colds , the past week.
Some from this community attended
the horse sale in the Bow Monday.
The Mesdames Cook , Stone , Kimber-
ling and Norwood of the Bow , called on
Mrs. Callen one day recently.
W.V. . Williams took in a large'num
ber of horses to the sale in town last
Clarence Franklin disposed of a fine
horse at the sale in the Bow Monday.
Prairie IlilL
Chos. Howard went to Hamburg , * Iowa
Saturday night to visit relatives.
John Beal is on the sick list.
John Hauua and son Guy , of Loyal ,
spent a few days last week visiting rela
tives in this vicinity.
Jesse Price went to Galloway Sunday
Karl Shoup moved to the Frank Lin
coln farm Monday which he has rented
for the coining year.
Mr. Ellis visited east of Broken Bow
Friday and Saturday.
The Stay Satisfactory'
Furniture , Carpets , Rugs.
Hardware , Stoves , Tinware.
Silverware , Cutlery , China
Largest Assortment and Lowest Prices
Dave Coulter's moved to their farm
north of Broken Bow Monday.
The many friends of Dick Kelley and
Lue Drake were very much pleased to
hear of their marriage last month.
The friends of Will Robinson and
Mildred Shultz were much pleased to
heal of their marriage Tuesday.
Chas. Bay and Chas. Longfellow are
shelling corn on the Ryno Table.
A number attended the dance at Mr.
Juel's Friday night and a pleasant time
was bad by all.
Milldale Items.
Mr. Perkins is having quite a siege of
hauling wheat to market.
Chas. Seaney is away at present husk
ing corn.
Herman Woodward went to Callaway
Wm. Finch was in Arnold early this
J. D. Haskell made a business trip to
Arnold Thursday.
Chas. Terpenny returned home from
Omaha much improved after treatment
in the hospital.
J. J. Seaney went to Arnold Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Haskell with their
daughters Arlie and Alta went to Calla
way Friday where the latter took the
train for Kearney to resume their work
at the State Normal after a two week's
vacation at home Miss Arlle expects to
complete her course there this coming
Chas Snyder made a trip to Callaway
The people within reasonable dis
tance should go to the Literary Society
at Butler's hill It is held every two
weeks and offers an excellent opportu
nity for old and young to engage in en
joyable activities which are highly com
mendable This should be a place where
the musical and literary talent of the
entira community could center It is to
be hoped that this undertaking will
receive the hearty support of all
Deep snow came finding many many
farmers unprepared for it and on account
of its continuance much corn is still in
the field If the snow thaws soon so that
corn can be gathered , the stalks will af
ford the feed for cattle and horses which
is so much needed at present Should the
severe weather continue through Febru
ary and March the limited supply of hay
will not be sufficient to meet the ueeds
and stock will undoubtedlyJSuffer .
Another distressing condition occasion-1
ed by the severe weatheris the shortage
of fuel The usual supply of cobs is
lacking because much of the corn is
unhusked Coal comes in too slow to
supply the demand
V. F , Wilson , who has been
visiting his aiater Mrs. Olmstead
of Broken Bow , and attending a
family reunion of the Wilson
brothers and sisters , of which
there are twelve , left for his home
at San Jose , Cal , , Monday
LOST. Last Friday night
between the North Side and the
postoffice , 1908 class pin , The
finder will confer a favor by
leaving it at the Republican
R. E , Hamilton , of Aurora ,
has purchased the 400-acre Bry-
son place near the Buckeye ranch
and will move onto it about the
first of March.
lt * § Summertime
All The Ttme
In California
Old Mexico
Southern and Cuban Resorts
Cold , biting1 winds , snow , sleet and zero weather are
You can purchase winter tourists tickets , with long j
limit , at low cost , and escape all discomforts of a northern
Better write or talk to me about trains and fares.
H. L. ORMSBY , Ticket Agent , Broken Bow
L. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb.
P. S. There will also be some special round trip rates to - / *
Denver , January 8 , 9 and TO , for the Western Stock sX
Send Your Abstract Orders to
J. CL Leonard , Bonded Atstracter
Office in Security State Bank Building
G. L. Turner Lbr. Co.
Lumber , Posts , Shingles
General Building Supplies
Phone 79
Real Estate Transfers
The Union Land Co to Arthur n Howe
lots 34 in block 20 in Ocouto . * to
Elbert 11 Oaines to Frank II Malcoinbe
lots 13-14-15 * 10 In block 14 . 100
John Richardson to Elmer E Draper
lots 5-C&7 In block 17 In Uroken Bow. . . . SOO
Wesley Haker to C K Evans and C O
Evans lots 3 to 22 Inclusive In block U
In Westervllle , . . . . . . . . . . . * IwO
Alice Daugherty widow to Henry K
ChrlsmanneW of block 10 jewctfs &
Lilly's add to Uroken How . . . . . . 915
Oeo F Bartholomew and Chas W Bar
tholomew to Chas II Van Alstlne 320
acresln 22-17-19 . . . 400 ( '
Wm S Kennedy to jaines O Leonard
lots 7 8-OfclO In block 3 Emllene Ileyner's
sub division of F Beynor'H add to B U MOO
\v Kennedy & Samuel L Miller to
Wm S Kennedy Iots7&8 In block 3 in K
rieyners sub dfv to F Keynors add to
llt-nlrmi HnW . * . * * * *
Win S Kennedy to James u Leonard
lotVuibock JPaandysaddto B B acoo
Marv K Wright widow , to lohu W
Knapp UIHW mi in * * tp 10-21 . . . . . . . . 330
Frank J Stewart to Albert Sherbeck
In ) 1 . "S . . * luo
JoinVknaPptpNancyl Knapp 210
-icros in undU Int In sec 28&29-ta-21 . 3SOO
T Stevens
care Wm ! M In Stevens bloc 4 1st to add Sturley to Comstock . . 50
Georee Smith to William H Judkins
lotalnfrtock IS in U n Allen's add teA
A LedXvVcYrto'George 'F 'Palmer
lot James Sin block 13 orlBft own of B B..a 2000
Leslie K Clay to Chas N Draper
o . . 180 ,
Levl Thoralson to Kay Thomtson 100
mMiffier- husb to JohVaus "K
I ocan lot 19 in Pinch's add to Arnold. . 150
Mccauts to II B Beach lot it
in Sylvester Or 11 K Robinson's add to Arnold . lOo ,
KmtraTobey to Lyman J Narragon
lots 10-1U12 in block 2 Tobey's add teA
° ° rnch 1'arr'to William it Lour 'lott'ifr
1718 A 1st add to Merna . . . . . . . 3500
John K Vaugn-en to D compsey lot 17
In block 42 In H II add to Oallaway . sow
Lovlnal" Allen s Uusb to Ilebecca
DourlnK parcel In block a in U R Kobln-
x >
son's add to Arnold . .
George Miltonbeyer and wife ,
of Thedford , were Broken Bow
visitors today.
Alarriage Licenses. 1
P. O. Allen , Ansley I3 !
Agnes Duncanson , Ansley 25
Eplirem Miller , Broken BOW zi
Kit/a Llclftenburg , Callaway si
J. II. Webb , ' Berwyn 27
Anna Trotter , Herwyn 31
Loy Roland' James , Arlena 27
Ltbbie Pearl Crouse , Huntley 21
William C.'llobertson , Anselmo '
Mildred E. Stmttz , Anselrao is
J. Leroy Stratum , Sterling , Cole ai
Esther Beatrice Glvens , Merna 17
Estate of Frank H. King , deceased in tlu >
County Court of Custer County , Nebraska
The State ot Nebraska to all persons in
terested In said estate , take notice , that a
petition lias been tiled for the appointment
of Lillian King as administratrix of said
estate , which has been set for hearing her < -
In , on February iSth , WO , at 10 o'clock a , m
Dated January 11,1910 ,
[ 9BAI.1 a H. HOLCOMI )
3334 County Judge ,
No Dirt. No Clinkers All
Coal The Good Kind.
For Sale. Doth Wholesale
and Retail. Highest Market
Price for All Kinds of Grain
West Elevator .
F. J. BAIIR , Prop. Phone 62 jj
tag KMOOOOOOOO < X > OCXX atKK * §