" VHMMflH THE OUSTEITOOtlM'l fjtEtDBLJOAN THE LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters Monday was a Nebraska win ter day. The new county board is in session this week. James Lee , of Berwyn , was here on business Friday. Roy Huffman came over from Galloway Thursday of last week. N. D. and R. L. Gates , of Gates , were here last Thursday. Willie Wells , of McKinley , was a Broken Bow visitor Thurs day. There was a large crowd at Nelson & Miller's horse sale Monday. Miss Emma Schmidt , of Mason City , visited in Broken Bow Thursday , II. L. Dougherty , of Grand laland , was a Broken Bow visitor Thursday. Frank Jordan came down from Merua Monday and transacted business here Messrs. H. Latitner and H. Fisher , of Arnold , were in Brok en Bow Friday. Messrs. H. G. Schmitz and C. O. Taylor , of Merua , were in the city Saturday. An advertisement works while you sleep. Better try a little adv. in The Republican. William Edmunds and son James , of Merna , wont to Omaha Tuesday with car of cattle. Messrs. J. L. Moon and F , Whitman , of Mitchell , transacted business in this city Friday. Dr. Headrick will visit Broken Bow Monday Jan. 17. Chronic Diseases a specialty. Consultion free. Tom Cody , of West Union , was in town Monday. Mr. Cody is feeding quite a bunch of cattle this winter. Mrs. Elizabeth Leahorn , Tim Leahorn and T. P. Maroney , of Anselmo , had business in pro bate court Monday. Mrs. Jennie Eubanks , who has been visiting her sister , Mrs. J. N. Smith , left Monday for her home in Denver. D. M. Amsberry and wife went to Mason'City Friday to be pres ent at the funeral of Mr. H. T. Coffman , a brother-in-law of Mr. Atnsberry. FOR ? AI < K One of the finest residence blocks in Broken Bow. Will sell quantity to suit pur chaser , by quarter , half or whole block. B. W. Blair. 32-3. Geo. W. Dewey and wife , of Gates , came over Monday. Mr. Dewey is a member of the board of county supervisors and is in .attendance at their meeting this week. J. M. Fodge closed a 'deal last Friday , for a party at Abbott , Nebraska , selling to Frand Do- besh , of Elk Creek a quarter sec tion of unimproved land. Price $20.00 per acre. J. A. Evans , from near Callo way was a pleasant caller Tues day. While here Mr. Evans dropped several simoleous into Republican subscription hopper and will continue to receive thi news disseminator. Walt Mahnke , who has been the man on the Merg. in the Chief office for some time , left for New York city Monday even ing. He will continue to pound the keys in his new home. His friends here , both in and out of the craft , wish him success in his new home. TI. D. Iluntington , of Gordon , came in Monday of last week for a visit with friends , going on to Lincoln Friday morning to visit his father. Mr. Iluntington is a former resident of this city but has been engaged in the mercan tile business at Gordon for the past two years. lie lately dis posed of his business intesesls at that place and is now at case. F. C. EJtubree , of Merna , was here Tuesday. M. M. Leonard , of Anselmo , was here Friday. J. L. Coons , of Litchfield , was in the city Thursday. Clint Roberts , of Anselmo , was here on business Monday. H. W. I ucas , of Cody , Wyom ing , was in Broken Bow Saturday. A. Moody , of New Helena , came over to the horse sale Monday. A. T. Stover , of Grand Island , transacted business in this city Thursday. W. H. Lewis , of Anselmo , ransacted business in this city Thursday. Miss Nora Murphy , of Rapid ity , S. D. , visited in this city Saturday. P. J. Steigen and wife and P. W. Hough , of Galloway , were in , own Monday. Mrs. Shaddeu and Miss Shad- den , of Weisert , visited in Brok en Bow Monday. Misses Carrie Koch and Katie Rainesberger , of Merna , were Broken Bow visitors Saturday. W. A. Baker , of Bridgeport , was here last week visiting his parents , Archie Baker and wife. C W. Fodge was operated on at Omaha last Friday for gall stone , at this writing Monday he is reported as doing fine. F. W. Brandenberg , of Merna , was a pleasant caller at this office Friday and left the cash to pay Mrs. David Miller's subscription. H. B Headly , of Galloway , came over Monday to bring George rge Headly over. George is a metnder of the board of super visors which are in session this week , Dr. Shoemaker was called to andy Sunday morning to pre scribe for a sick horse. The animal is a valuable one , but if medical science can save it , it will be saved for the doctor is one of the most successful veterinarians in the west. He drove over and will not return until today. On Sunday , Jan. 9th a very fine and delicious dinner was given by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller residing five miles south east of the city , ui honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ephrein Miller who were united in wedlock Jan. 4th. They received several useful presents. The guests were Grandpa and Grandma Miller , Grandpa Grimes , Mr. and Mrs. FrankMauk | , Mr , and Mrs. Percy Carland , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wallace , Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Porter , Edwin Lithenbcrger and Guy Coble. After wishing the happy couple a long and pros perous future , they started home feeling that they had had a very enjoyable time. Cupid's Lasso Again Catches Worthy Pri/e. Wednesday was a very happy day for two of our young people from the vicinity of Syracuse namely , North Russell. Upon that morning Messrs C. H. Hos- tic , of Merna , Nebr. , and Herbert Pierson and the Misses Minnie Pierson and cousin , Edith John- sou took the train for ourCapito ! city and upon their arrival Mr. Hostic and Miss Pierson were united in holy wedlock. The beautiful young bride is tbe youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Pierson , of North Russell where she has spent the most of her life. The groom is a young man of sterling charac ter and well deserves his prize The happy couple left Lincoln for a short wedding tour , on that day , alter which they will make their home in Merna. The Journal joins with their many friends in wishing them a long , happy prosperous life , Syrucuse Journal , 0. W. MEUCIC J. W. UAWSON MRS. P. t , BLAIR VAL KUSJCA A. U IIAECKIiU PORTRAITS OP INSTRTUCTORS AND SPEAKERS OP TIIK CUSTER COUNTY SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE AND DOMESTIC SCIENCE TO UK HELD AT BROKEN BOW , NEBRASKA , JANUARY 24-29 , 1910. PROGRAMME SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE. Course of Instruction In Field Crops and Dairy for the Men's Section , the week of January 24 to 20. Monday. 1:30-4:30. : : The Babcoclc Test. Dem onstration In testing milk and Cream Prof C. W. Mollck and J. W. Dawson 1:30-4:30. : : Examination of Types and Corn , A. E. Nelson Tuesday. 10:00. : Lecture. Methods of Growing Selecting and Caring for Seed Corn A. E. Nelson 11:00. : Lecture. Milk and Milk Se cretion Prof. Melick 1:30-4:30. : : Demonstration. Judging Dairy Stock..Melick and Dawson 1:30-4:30. : : Practice Period. Scoring Corn A. E. Nelson Wednesday. 10:00. : Lecture. Soil Problems In volved In Corn Culture ' . A. E. Nelson 11:00 Lecture. The Dairy Cow t Prof. Melick 1:30-4:30. : : Judging Dairy Stock Melick and Dawson 1:30-4:30. : : Practice In Scoring Local Varieties of Corn Mr. Nelson Thursday. 10:00. : Lecture. Improving the Qual ity and Yield of our Oat Crop. . A. E. Nelson 11:00 : Lecture. The Feed and Man agement of Dairy Cows Prof Meliclt 1:30-4:30. : : The Farm Separator. Its Care aid Use Prof. Melick 1:30-4:30. : : Methods of Grading .Wheat and an examination of varieties A. K. Nelson Friday. 10:00. : Lecture. Methods of Increas Ing the Yield of Wheat A. E. Nelson 11:00. : Lecture. Care of Milk and Its Products Prof. Melick K. A. NELSON C. 0. MARSHALL QERTIIUDR ROWAN 1:0-4:30. : Methods of Grading Wheat and a Study of Varieties A. E. Nelson 1:30-4:30. : : Butter Making on the Farm Prof. Mollck "Farmers' Institute Day at Broken Bow. Saturday. 10:00. Corn Judging Contest. Conducted - ducted by A. E. Nelson. 1:00. The Relation of Horticulture to the Farm . . . .C. G. Marshall Sec'y State Horticulture Society 2:00. : The Opportunities for Dairy ing in Nebraska Prof. John Bower , Lincoln 3:00. Dairy Cow JiulglngContcst by members of the class , conducted ly Prof. Bowei DOMESTIC SCIENCE. Course of Instruction for Women's Section in Domestic Science and Domestic Art. The week of Jan uary 24 to 29 , Broken Bow , Nebr. Monday. 1:30. : The Babcock Test. A demon stration In testing milk and cream . . .Prof. C. W. Melick , Omaha. 3:30. : Demonstration. The Making of Nutritions Soups. ( Cooking of cereals and use of left-overs ) . . . . . . . .Mlsii Rowan and Mrs. Blair. Tuesday. 10:00. : Lucture. Relation of Food to the Body Mlsn Rowm 11:00. : Lecture. Milk and Milk So cretlon Prof. Melick 1:30. : Lecture and Demonstration Cooking and Serving of Different Meat Dishes . . . .MIso Rowan and Mrs. Blair Wednesday. 10:00. : Lecture. Planning the Meals for the Day to Economize In Time Labor and Expense..Miss Rowai 11:00. : Lecture. A study of Fabrics ( Including both , wash and dress goods ) Mm. Blair Filling of a plain Shirt Waist. . . . . . .Mrs. Blulr and Miss Rowan 3:00. : Demonstration. Making Fan cy Breads , Rolls , Gems and Muffins . . . .Miss Rowan and Mrs. Ifair. ! \ DO YOU WANT A Farm Loan Without "Red Tape ? " I ! MAKES THEM. Thurcday. 10:00. : Lecture. Beneficial Bacteria Miss Rowan 11:00. : Lecture . The Relation of Needlework to nn Attractive Homo Mrs. Blair 1:30. : Demonstration . Cutting am Fitting of an Attractive House Dress . . . .Mrs .Blair and Miss Rowan 3:00. : Lecture and Demonstration Preserving and Canning Fruits. . M Iss Rowan or 3:00. : Lecture. .Tho Farm Separa tor , Its care and use.Prof Melick Friday. 10:00. : Lecture and Demonstration Invalid Cookery. . . .Miss Rowan 11:00. : Lecture. Care of Milk and Its Products Prof. Mollck 1:30. : Lecture and Demonstration Homo Nursing Miss Rowan 3:00. : Demonstration. Making and Serving of Salads and Desserts. . . . . .Miss Rowan and Mrs. Blair or 3:00. : Butter Malting on the Farm. . Prof. Mollck For Sale Fine Duroc- Jersey Boars. These hogs are all pedigreed and there is nothing1 finer in the county. H. H. Squires. 22-tf Notice of Sale of Real Estate by Special Master. Notice Is hereby iflveii that by virtue of a de cree of tliu district court of Cuatcr county , 12th Judicial District of Nebraska , aud lu purnuanco of au order of Hale to mu directed Issued by the clerk of said court upon Bald decree rendered In an action in said court wherclu Gertrude Morirau la substituted plaintiff and I'M ward Q. Keaaby a receiver of the T. L , V. Land and Cattle Co. ct al are defendants and In which a decree was rendered In favor of Clias C. Par- mele , cross complainant for the sum airirreaal- In ? $2763.l9. ! which said sum was decreed to bo a 11 rat lieu upon the following described lauds lu the several amounts hereinafter stated , that s to say : the wM of the ueM. and the sK of of the uwWof Sec. 9 , Town 18 , North of Kauire 25 In Custcr county. ) Nebr. for the sum of M8.03 ; the BwH of Sec 14 , Tp l' > . K % In < ouanc ouutr , Nebr. for the Hum of $139.46 ; the iwM ot cic 14 , Tp 19 , K " 6 , In Logan county , < ebr. for $140.53 ; the setf of Sec 14 , Tp 19. K 2tJ oirau county , Nebr. for the sum of 1130.98 : the iwM of Sec 15 , To 19 , R 26 , Iojran county. Nebr for the sum of $207.80 ; the seH of Sec IS , To 1 . t 2o , Logan conutv. Nebr. for the sum of $143. . 4 ; the swH of Sec 10. Tp 19. R i.1) ) . Lotran coun- y , Nebr. for the sum of $137.62 ; the nwHof Sec 0. Tp 19. R 26 , Loifan county , Nebr. for the sum of $150.17 ; the seji nee 10. Tp 19 , R 20 , Lo- irau county , Nebr. for the sum of $ i37,16 ; the e',4 of the netf Sec 2 , T 19. R 27 , I.ojrau county. 4ebr. for the sum of $08.67 ; the sli of the uwH Sec 2. T. 19 , R 27,1.oiran county. Nebr. for the sum of $65.16 ; the uM of the awU Sec 2 , T 19 , < 27 , Loiran county , Nebr. for the sum of $05.- 30 ; the BeW of the nc } { , the nc , ' < of the of the setf Sec 4 , T 19. R 27. Logan county. Nebr. for the sum of $ D7.79 ; the sMi of the nwX and nH of the swW Sec 3 , T 11) ) . R ! ! 7 , Lotrau county , Nebr. 'or ' the sum of $176.72 ; the ! > of the sett Sec H. T19 , R6 , LoiMii comity , Nebr. for the sum of $39.30 ; the nH of the Rv/li the sw ! { of the uwU and the soU of the sw ! < Sec 25 , T 20 , R 27 , Loir- an county , Nebr. for the sum of $141.10 ; the w i of the nwH Seel , T 19 , R 27. Losan county , Nebr. for the sum of $69.15 ; the ntt of thu swH aud the w } $ of the sehC Sec 1 , T 19. R 27 , Loiran county , Nebr. for the sum of $166.75 ; the HeM of Sec 3 , T 19 , R yj , Loirau county , Nebr. for the sum of $17U.S5 ; the swK of Sec 9. T 19. t 26 Loiran county , Nebr. for the sum of $147.17 ; the ii'/J of thu neW of Sec 17 , T 19. R 26 , Logan county. Nebr for the sum of $77.04 ; the swM of Sec 11. T 19. R 20 , Lotfau county , Nebr. for the sum of $132,52 said several amounts bearing Interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from Sept 1,1 H. , Aud It was also decreed In said action that the plaintiff aud the cross complainant , Fidel ity Trust Co. have aud recover from thu de fendant , thu T. L. V. Lund and Cattle Co. thu sum of $43 , 50.00 , with Interest thereon at th rate of 10 per cunt per annum from the the date of the decree rendered lu said action to-wlt : from Supt 3rd , 1904 , which Isald sum was decreed to be a lieu upon the following1 de scribed real estate subject only to llfn of Charles 0.1'armelo ax therein before found to wu : Tbe sii of the tiwU aud tbe wVi of tbe ueW of Sec U , T 18. K 25 Custer count/ , Nub ; also tbe a'A of the HeW SecS ; the K M of Sec 9. the 8eW. the nwM , and the swM of Section 10 ; the swU of Sec 11 ; the UWH , tbe seW. audtheswM of Sec 14 ; the sett and the nwK of Sec 15 ; the uW of the neH of Bee 17 each aud all of said narcela be- luir lu T 19. R 26. Logan county , Nebr. Also tbe mi ot the &w } { , the wK of thu ieM the SWK of the nw > f anil lot 4 all In Sec 1 ; tbe sW of tbe uwM , the ni ol the swK , the seH oftheneu ana 1011 , all of Sec 2 ; tbe seK , the t > K of thesww the sV4 of tbe nwK all ot Sec 3 , tne neK of the seH , the aeH of the ueW all of Sec 4 , each and all of said parcels last named being lu Tp 19 , B 37. Logan Co. , Nebr. Also the etf of the swH , the nwH of the swU. the swH of the nwM all of Sec 35 In Tp 'J9. U 27 , Logan Co. , Nebr. Now Therefore , having levied upon and appraised the above described real estate I will as directed by uald decree offer said real e.state and tenements and each and every tract and parcel thereof for sale at public auction on the 18th day of January 1910 , at 3 o'clock p. m. of said day at the front door ot the court house In llroken now , in custer Co. . Nebr. , to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the several amounts found due under said decree aud declared to be liens on said real estate as aforesaid , being In the aggre. gate tbe sum ol W60i3.a9 toge Ler with Inter ests and costs. In the sum of | 7 0.00 and ac cruing cost. As directed by said decree each of said parcels of land will be offered for sale sep arately and then collectlvelf. Said real estate will be sold subject to the taxes levied thereon as shown by the cer- llttcates of Hie treasurers ol Logan Co. , Nebr. , and of ouster co. , Nebr , now on tile In the offlce of the clerk of the district court of said custer Co. I will also at the same time and place aell the fencing used In connection with said I real estate and located on other landa than above described. I Dated this Iflth day of December , 1009. A. HQLCOUU , Special Master. N. T. GADD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Omcc over Holcomb's book store. Office phone 208 Residence 20 Drokcn How , Nebraska. J. A. ARMOUR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practices In all the courts. Convayanclne anil national work , onicc up stairs over State Hank of nrokcn How. lirokcn now , Nebraska. A. VINCENT SHERIDAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Calls promptly answered day or night. Omce and rcnldence In the Mrs. dlelm building Just west of the Security State Uank. IMione 390 liroken Uo\v , Nebraska. F. W. BUCKLEY , M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON KVE , KAK , NOSUand THUOAT , Fitting of glasses. Office In Dlcrks lilk. Phone SOU llrokeii How , Nebraska. BANGS' STUDIO WE MAKE GOOD PHOTOS East Side of Square llrokon How , Nebraska. HARRY KIMBALL UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ( Licensed ) lluslness phone , 301 Kesldencc 33JH lirokcn Dow , Nebraska. L. E. COLE EMBALMER & FUNER'L DIRECTOR , ( Licensed ) Uulou Illock HiiHliicis phone 83 , Kesldenca 323 lirokeu How , Nebraska. , T. L. FERGUSON NOTARY PUBLIC Heal 'Estate , Insurance , Kanohes and Farms for Rent , Legal 1'apers Drawn , Sur veying and I'lattlng. Comstock , Nebraska. FRANK KELSEY ALL KINDS OF WELLS Consult Him If You Want Water. Broken Ilow. Nebraska. C. H. WILSON , D. C. OHlROPitAOTOK OKI'ICB AT Residence , First House East of Grand Central Hotel. OKFICI ? HOURS : 2 TO 4 P. M. CHIROPRACTIC 4DJUSTMENTS If paid in advance I will give the first six Chiropractic Adjustments for $10,00 , and thereafter ten luljustiiients for $5.00 at auy of my offices Anuli- zatioa and examination free at office. HIGH GRADE Lumber , a large assortment and complete stock for Builders to choose from. Let us estimate on your contracts. We always try to please. H. T.BRUCE & CO. Lumber & Coal South side ,