Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 06, 1910, Image 8

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9V „ We Have Been Very Busy the Past Week Taking
9f ; Inventory , anil Have Made tlie Plcaaing Discovery
Our Groceries are
Clean , Fresh
and New
You Can Buy Them Right
' Pure Old Cldor VlneUar NORTH SIDE GROCER
Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters
, ' ' Dra. Farusworth & Beck
Dcntiata ,
< itV New rugs arriving1 at Konkel'a
Furniture Store.
j Good piano for $25.00.H. . A.
T atts's Piano House.
- L , O , Vase , of Dunning , was
a < Broken Bow visitor Saturday.
'J A. T. Ellingaon , of Round
"Valley , was here on business
Friday ,
Ruth Bojden , of Grand
Island , visited Miss Eva Cad *
-well thia week.
C. L. Bowman came over from
Lillian yesterday and transacted
business in the Bow.
T.Miss Lillie Amsberry went to
.Dunning Monday to visit on the
ranch with her sister Mrs. Footc.
Mrs. J. II. Holcomb and son
T.eland , of Milburn , visited her
sister Mrs. C. II. Holcouib ,
Thursday and Friday.
Matt and Annie Neve , of West
Table , were here the Chat of the
week , Miss Annie was taking
treatment from Dr. Wilson for
Miss Madge Kay , who is teach *
ing mathematics in Manhattan ,
Kansas , came home to spend the
holiday vacation. She returned
to her work Saturday.
-Hheuuiont Pigman , who was
at home last week from his
school in Indiana spending the
holidays with his parents , re
turned the first of the week.
many farmers stop to
, think that it ia the home flour
ing mill that keep the price of
wheat up ? Next time you have
wheat to sell give your local
'miller a chance to buy it.
' , v Harry Coffman and wife , of
, Gmrley , en route for Mason City , his father , II. T. Coffman ,
was lying at the point of death ,
Spent Tuesday night with D. M.
, Atoisberry and family , going on
to Mason , yesterday morning.
" ; The new board of county sup
ervisors will convene at the
court house next Monday and
organize for business 'for the
year D10. The board is com-
ppsed of the following gentlemen :
' P. Morris , L. Cushman , Geo.
. Headly , Edw. Foley , Sr. , J.
Giluiore , Geo. W , Dewey and
"JV. E. Griut ,
'We are in receipt of a letter
fjom Mrs. J. W. Scott , of Pala-
cios , Texas , written December
28th , in which she says that the
weather is fine , but they had
ticjen having cold weather and
rain. The freeze hurt the garden
trjick but they were able to have
strawberries Christmas day for
25/Jcents a box. She says that
MeSdames Wood , Morris and
Anderson , who left here not long
ago , called on them recently.
Hazel adds in a note that she
went down by the bay Christmas
and picked wild roses ,
Three city houses for sale. II.
A. Watts.
George Raytrond , of Lillian ,
was in town yesterday.
Dr. Bass , dentint , old location ,
over Soudcr's drug store.
P. G. Allen , of Ansley , trans
acted business here Monday.v
H. Andrews , of Anseluio made
a business trip to this city yes
terday. ,
Joe Dagcn has recovered from
a mouth's illness and is able to
be out and around.
The Minses Minnie and Lena
Taylor , of Merna , visited in
Broken Bow yesterday.
Miss Lena Sims , who is teach
ing the Round Grove school ,
spent her vacation last week with
her mother in this city.
Miss Alice Humphrey returned
to York Monday after spending
the holidays in this city with hei
father and other relatives.
LOST. Last Friday night
between the North Side and the
postoffice , 1908 class pin. The
finder will confer a favor by
leaving it at the Republicat
Hogs sold for $7.00 per hundred
in Broken Bow Monday. The
farmers are the boys that weai
the "smile that won't come off'
those days , and we are might }
glad of it. They deserve the
best that's coming.
County Attorney Gadd , hai
filed informations against three
husbands who have deserted theii
wives and children , and wil
bring them to account for theii
acts. The attorney declares ii
there is a mean , contemptible
coward on the top side of thi :
earth , it is the man who will de
sert his wife and children.
I have put on a free Delivery
Wa on and will save you
money on all kinds of Feed ,
Flout , Baled Hay , 13tc. All
goods guaranteed. Let ine
convince you ,
W. H , O'RORKE '
First Door Nortu ol Soudt-r's Dnit Store
No Dirt. No Cllnkors--AU |
COR ! The Good Kind.
For Sale. Both Wholesale
and Retail. Highest Market
Price for AU Kinds of Grain
West Elevator
F. J. BAIIR , Prop. ' I'lione 62
f J P l M " - * im Ib JW fW
McKinley Murmurings.
Mrs. J It. WitHntrn and children de
iattr < l last Thnrfliluy fur fl/iitiu s where
hey will \i.H ttilh.liuuiv fulkn.
Lbzle Hncfelc vhlteil last wmk wiUi
ter mint Mtn , R. I4. Sliotip.
Jk'vcrnl of our yomifj folka nttemlrd
lie party nt Mr. Wiunner'n Thursday
light. They report n good time.
Mm. R. R. Russell ami daughtar Mil-
r d dcjirted ( last Tuesday for Kentucky
where they will viiit rclntivei and
A Biirpiiic party wns given nt the home
f Jo9. Hacfelo Prldny yifjht in honor of
UBS I.iule. A large ctowd was present
nd all enjoyed thcmnclves to tliu full
iuiit of fun. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Iv. L. Shoup entertained
t dinner New Year's day Mr. Cushmau
nd wife , of Broken How , Ceo. Shoup
ud wife , Jvurl Shoup and wife , Jo .
laefele and wife , John Kock and wife ,
Chuu ICoclc end wife and Mrs * Kreuibsow
und children and in the evening u crowd
of young folks gathered fdr. u patty.
They all had u very enjoyable time- and
wished Mr. and Mrs , Bhonp tiiany such
njoyahle occasions.
There will he a tie social at the Cutter
chool home Saturday night Jan. 8th.
.adies bring supper for two and gentle-
nen your pockctTioofen. A cordial invi-
ation to all.
Mrs. Reinhard and daughter Hilda
are visiting this week with their ( laugh
er and sister Mrs. Kirkpatrick near
Zumbrota Zephyrs. ,
Mr. Connundy who sells the McCou-
non's goods was in this vicinity last
weak ,
Harry Klatt of the Bow spent Satur
day night and Sunday with "Charles
Koo/er. Mr. Klatt leaves Monday to re
sume his school work in Uilcoln.
Nine McCotua's have moved near
Chas. Hnll , of Sutherland , ' 'Nebr.V ' was
n parts last week.
Maude Callen attended a parly in town
one evening last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Oren Cole , Arthur -and
Olive Cole , the Misses Keueval and
brother , cousins of the Cole's , Chas. and
Bertha Koo/.er , Chas. Sands and Miss
Williams formed a group from the Bow
and this valley , that attended the pirty
at John Stewart's in Snake Run last
Friday night.
K. B. Barber's expect to get moved
in their new house this week.
W. R , Jackson's are moving a prtrt of
their grain , etc. over to their farm they
recently bought.
R. T. Baker , of Snake Run , has sold
and is hauling corn to M. D. Callen.
Walter Cole who suffered a broken
back on May 14 , 'on , is not feeling so
well as usual so he in company with his
father , departed last Tuesday for Kans
as City , to enter a hospital for treatment
hoping to seek ultimate relief. His
many friends hope the trip will be a
gieat benefit toward restoring him to his
former gcod health.
W. W. Hishop and J. O. Heaps were
over to Mr. Ream's near Onnsby one
day last week , gathering seed corn out
of the field.
B. B. Sands has prepared for winter by
buying himself a fine fur coat.
Harry Ash was lurking corn , the first
of the week. It dosen't be very
pleasant in the field yet.
Miss Nora Singer , who has been assist
ing Mrs. J. T. Cole for some time past ;
has gone-to her home'nt Plalte Center.
Miss Jva Davidson of the Bow was the
guest of Maude Callen n few days last
John Stewart of Snake Run is going
to put up ice from the lagoon in Mr.
Cnllen's pastille.
C. V. Franklin's Sundajed with Oscar
M , I ) . Stone's children are having bad
colds to contend with.
Glenn and J.eland Small have quit
coming to school owing to the change
able weather.
Mrs. J. O. Heaps and Madge Bishop
visited at Koo er's one day last week.
Rollie and Charles Williams , who
visited in Lincoln , and Iester Williams
in New Helena during vacation , return
ed home last Sunday ,
Chas. Koo/er started to College lust
Misses Olive Cole , Madge Bishop and
Stella Hggleston took up their schoo
duties in town Monday after spending
their vacation at home.
F.d White has l > een away on a .trip am
while absent bought a farm.
Misses Adaline and Harriet Johnsoi
visited Saturday and Sunday with the !
cousins in the Bow.
John McCIeary , who stays with Mr
Routh's , spent his vacation with hi
grandparents in the Bow.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cramer of Ortns
by spent Sunday with the latter'a parents
in this neighborhood.
* t
B. B , Sands and family were enter
tulned at Fred 1'e.rshall's lost Sunday.
. *
- i t
Mr. Knszer made a business trip to
French Table Monday. *
The "Stay Satisfactory'
1910 Low Prices on Parlor Suits in Mahogany ,
Elegant Chairs and Hookers , China Closets , Book
Cases , Bed Ecom Suits. Dressers and Dressing
Tables. Silverware and Cutlery , Queeensware
Mr. nn < l Mrs. Lincoln and little dangu-
er from neir Calluway , old friends of
Mr. Gallon's , visited nt the Callen home
one dny this week.
Mrs. J. O. Heaps anil little daughter
Margaret and Madge Bishop met with
juite a au accident Inst Kridny while on
their way to town. Near the Stuckey
place sotne part of the harness broke ,
which frightened the team and they
started'to run ilever ceasing until over
tialf a mile had beeir covered when Mrs.
Heaps had managed to get out of the
huggy uud get hold of the bridles.
Madge was holding the baby and both
were thrown out , landing between the
wheels. No one received any injury ,
which' they feel very grateful for and
consider they were very fortunate in
having such a miraculous escape.
Prairie Hill.
The Circle will meet with Mrs. Hiett
next Thursday.
Mrs. Clara Weenner and son returned
returned Thursday from Waverly where
they had been visiting relatives.
Mr. Thomas got through-shucking
corn Monday.
Mr. Philipsen went to Dunning Mon
Miss Ksthcr Heal returned to her
school near Merna Monday after a week
Mrs. Rvins and daughter Pearl went to
Dunning Friday returning Tuesday. & Martin .shipped a car of cattle
Mr and Mis Al Hrown entertained the
Longfellow family at a New Year's din
A few from here attended the party at
Mr Podge's New Year's eve A pleasant
time was reported
A number from here attended the party
at Mr Helen's New Year's eve l-'liuch
was played at three tables Will Reeder
and Chas Coulter winning first two
| > rues and Mrs Joe Booth the booby
| > ri/e At a late hour refreshments were
served in three courses The gue.sts de-
pal ted at a late hour wUhing their host
and hostess a Happy New Year and
hoping for another party in the near
Prairie Center.
Mrs Rhontleh served New Year's din
ner for relatives The rest'of us passed a
solemn day
Mr Heal was able to go to town last
Mr Poor and Charley Heal spent Tues
day at Rains'
Corn shelters were at Wjnchester's and
Oxfords this week
Miss RuiiiH has accepted the position
us teacher at New Helena und left Sat
urday evening to take up her school
duties Monday
We are all glad to see such nice weath
er Corn huskers are getting fonsy again
Al Urow 'lost three milch cows in the
corn stalUs
Sautu Clans Rains delivered a well
filled box of Christmas and New Year's
to the True family of Custer Cwiter
Mrs Kd Long , Nannie and Dorothy
Rains visited at Hogaboom's 1'rid ay
Neva and Kruest Rains visited the
Heal children Saturday
Mr and Mrs L D Kirkpatrick visited
at K L Hogaboom's Sunday
Katie Pirnie from Merna visited with
Frances Schurr Saturday and Sunday
M V Rains and wife and Kd Long and
wife visited at I ? L llogabooius Sunday
Gus Schurr and wife gave a New Year's
dinner to a few of their friends
Rosa Deal and Bert Oxford spent Sun-
j day evening at Uoade's
G. L. Turner Lumber Co.
Want Your Lumber Trade
When You Build
Give us a trial , and we will try to please you.
G. L. TURNER. Lumber Co
Grace and Prudance Beal visited the
Rains' children Sunday
Dry Valley Items.
A warm day Friday and cold one to
The new year canie in like a lion and
in all probability as the adage goes will
go out like a lamb
Clark Waters went to Broken Bow to
spend the holidays with his parents
The R. P I ) rural carrier Percy Spear
had a holiday New Year's as 110 mail is
delivered on the route January first
Corn gathering was in full boom last
week as from two to three were seen in
every field where corn was in the field
Judge Sullivan's son came out from
Broken Bow to look over his father's
feeding cattle the fore part of the week
The snow is nearly all gone and if
another warm day comes there will be
none left
Some good , young , broken mules and
horses for sale Apply J I < Ferguson 8
miles south of Sargent
In tue County court of Custer Couutv.
Nebraska , In the matter of the entate of
Abaslu Sanders , Deceased. Notice to
Tlie State of Nebraska , to Creditors of
said Estate :
Take Notice , that I will sit In the County
Court Knom. in nrnken How. In Hald county
on the 31st day of January. 1910. and the
Olh day of July , 1910. at 10 o'clock A. M. . to
receive and examine all claims tiled and
presented against said estate , with a view
to their adjustment and allowance ; and
thai on the first date above named the pelt-
tiou of the widow \\lil be heard for home
stead , exemptions and allowance , and other
titatutors rights.
The time limit for the presentation of
claims against said estate Is six mouths
from the 5th day of January 1910 , and the
time limited for the payment of debts In one
year from said date.
Dated L. 1'ilU.
31-3-J County Judge.
Lewis V. Rapp , 1
Plaintiff , i
vs. } Notice of suit.
John ux. , I
Deteiidants. J
The Defendants , John A. Kley and Mrs.
John A Kley his wife whose full and true
rhrlstlan name Is unknown , will take uotlre
that on the 9th day of December , 1909 , the
1'lalnttfr tiled his petition lu the District
Court of ouster County against you , the
object and prayer of which petition Is to
iiulet the title against you and to have the
title to said land declared complete lu the
I'laliuitf tottie south half ( bi ( ) ot the south
east tjuarter ( seW ) of Section thirty-four ( an
and lots Uve (6) and six (0) In Section thirty-
Hvt ! < ja ) , all In Town twenty ( JO ) Range ( ) ) .
\V. till p. M. ouster county , Nebraska.
IMatntlff claims that he Is the absolute owner
In fee simply of the land above described
aud that you nor either of you , have no right
title and Interest In and to said property
That you liave been absent irom said propety
tor a period of more tuan 10 years last past
and that you , at no time , had possession ol
said property.
You are required to answer the- petition of
thlsplalntlfl ouor before Monday , the slat
day ot January , leio. In casp that you fail to
answer , plead or demur to said petition , on or
before said date , your drtault will be entered
and decree rendered according to the pray er
of said petition.
Dated Decemcer nth , 1W.
1st publication December 33d.
Certificate No. A1G98.
To Julius Wlckhain : You are hereby
notlUed tjiat on April mh , 1008 , c. M. Kelly
purchasbed at public sale for taxes for the
years 1894 and luoi to 1900 Inclusive , and ha\e
paid all subsequent taxes on real estate
described as follows : A parcel in the
northwest corner Block S. Reyn-r's addition
to Broken BOW , Nebraska , commencing 100
feet south of northwest cornersouth W feet ,
ea t 113 feet , north so feet , west 11. ! feet.
That said land was assessed In the name
of Julius IVIcuham. and that after the expir
atlon of three months from tlie third pub
llcation ot this notice tax deed w 111 bo applied
tor Dated January 0,1901.
Harvest is about over.
You have paid a large share
of your entire crop to your
Has it paid ? Arc you satis
fied with tlie remainder ?
Do you realixe that dollars
paid for rent are dollars that
do not come back. ?
They'regone , and unless
you strike out for yourself and
your boys , more are going-
next year.
Here is a money-saving
proposition :
Go with me into the Big
Horn Basin.
Buy a small irrigated farm
on easy payments ; payments
as easy as paying rent in your
present locality , and in ten
years you'll have a farm of
your own in a growing country
where crop-failures are un
known , and good prices pre
Write for details today. I
am employed by fve ILuJing-
ton and my servic wiLl cost V
you nothing.
Land Seekers' Information
| Room 4 "Q. Bldg , Omaha