Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 30, 1909, Image 7

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Will Break Up a Cold In Twenty-Four
Hours and Cure Any Cough That
IB Curable ,
The following mixture is often pre
scribed and is highly recommended
for coughs , colds and other throat and
bronchial trouble. Mix two ounces
of Glycerine , a half-ounce of Virgin
Oil of Pine compound pure , and eight
ounces of pure Whisky. These can bo
bought in any good drug store and eas
ily mixed together in a largo bottle.
The genuine Virgin Oil of Pine com
pound pure is prepared only In the
laboratories of the Leach Chemical
Co. , Cincinnati , and put tip for dis
pensing in half-ounce vials.
The Mayor Just think , admiral ,
1'vo married 20 people in two hours.
The Admiral Well , that's only ten
knots an hour.
Valuable Reclpo When Afflicted with
Rheumatism or Backache.
This is a renowned doctor's very
best proscription for rheumatism.
"Ono ounce compound syrup Sarsa-
parllla ; one ounce Torls compound ;
half pint high grade whiskey. Mix
them and take a tablespoonful before
each meal and at bed time. The bottle
tle must bo well shaken each time. "
Any druggist has these Ingredients
or he will get them from his whole-
Bale house.
The Country's Spread.
While the area conceded to the 13
original states by the peace treaty of
1783 was 828,000 square miles , their
present area Is but 320,000 square
miles , the other 502,000 square miles
forming in whole or in part 13 other
A Rare Good Thing.
"Am using Allen's Foot-Ease , and can
truly say I would not liavo been without
It so long1 , had I known the relief It would
Ktve my aching feet I think It a rare peed
thing for anyone having sore or tired fcft
Mrs. Matilda Iloltwort. Providence , R.
I. " Sold by all Druggists. 23c. Aslc to-day.
"Soft and Nice. "
She George , dear , do you 1'ovo me ?
He Yes , darling ; very much.
She Say something soft aud nice to
V * me. *
jri He Oh , custard pie ! Judge.
Nebraska Directory
A Grateful Man Says of
"Enables me to go to stool with
out syringe or medicine , a thing I
have not been able to do for four
or n\ve years. "
Such vbluntary testimonials are
constantly received.
U. S. B. F. Co. , Omaha
Jk > you want tbn llcst Corn Sheller made ? It to.
Insist on baring a
Write for catalog or we yonr local dealer.
Pays tbe highest price for
Established 25 years. 900 fctudents list year.
Wide ace , practical , thorough * Ilqulpi
for roouero business tile and to hold the
highest salaried tuitions. Advantazts
unapproached elsewhere. No taloont
iaM&ooln. WrtU lw ftM protp # rtu t *
0 Jtorth 18th St. , Ltoeola , Htb.
Grain , Provisions , Stocks , Cotton
Main Office. 204-205 Fraternity Uldg.
Lincoln , Nebrailca.
Bell Phone 513 Auto Phone 2C59
Largest House In State.
is as safe as it is effective. Guar
anteed to contain no opiates. It is
very palatabla too children like it.
All Drunnlats , 25 Cents
What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to the Read-
era Throuohout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Broken Bow. An important moot
ing of the Commercial club was hold
Saturday at which a committee of
three was appointed ( o confer with
Congressman Kinkald and urge- upon
him the matter of introducing a bill
In congress providing for the erec
tion of a federal building at this place.
The committee will also urge the city
council to rush the completion of ce
ment walks and crossings and the
numbering of the streets so there will
Lo no obstruction In the way of free
mall delivery , which the city is now
in line for. When the annual receipts
of a postofllco reach $10,000 the town
Is then ready for a carrier system. The
receipts of this ofllco for the fiscal
year ending April 1 , 1909 , were $9,346 ,
within $654 of the required amount.
The receipts this year arc over nine-
hundred dollars ahead of the corresponding
pending month of last year , and it
seems to be an assured fact that they
will reach aud exceed the amount
necessary for free delivery service in
the city. In order to get this , streets
.and sidewalks will have to pass in
spection by the postofllce department ,
and all houses must be I numbered ;
hence the activity of the Commercial
club to start the ball rolling. A new
postolflco building is what the town
needs now. Both Alliance and Chad-
ron have bills in the present congress
for appropriations in the sum of $135-
000 each for a new federal building.
The office at Chadron is that of the
third class , with receipts last year of
less than $9,000 and a. salary of $1,800 ,
While Broken Bow is that of the second
end class with greater receipts and a
salary of $2,100.
Offers Money to Orphans.
Grand Island , Neb. Before going In
nip penitentiary urnesi w. atom , con
victed of manslaughter for the kill
ing of Joseph K. Hichcson , has set
tled * up his property affairs. He and
his brother , Joseph Stout , have sold
thpir farm to Herman Kroeger for $10-
000. A $ J,000 mortgage to a minor
brother has been paid and out if the
53,000 which was Ernest Stout's share
ho has fcet aside $2,00 for his wife ant
child , nnd has volunteered to give the
balance to the children of the dc
ceased. It is stated hero that , this
has been accepted by the attorney foi
the children , who had filed a suit foi
$5,000 damages.
Chamberlain Not Guilty.
Beatrice , Neb. After being out just
twenty hours In the Chamberlain case
the Jury agreed upon a verdict , finding
tht1 ex-cashier of the defunct Chamber
lain Banking house of Tecumseh not
guilty of accepting and receiving de
posits hi an insolvent bank. The east
was given to the jury Saturday night
, at 12 o'clock and the verdict wa ?
agreed upon Sunday night at 10
o'clock. Twelve ballots were taken
the Hrst resulting six to six , the
eleventh eleven to one and the twelfth
, was for actiuital. On ono ballot seven
Jurors favored conviction.
Farmers' Institute at Cambridge.
Cambridge , Neb. A farmers' insti
tute school will ho held hero Decem
her 27 , 1909 , to January 1 , 1910. The
committee in charge has everything in
icadlness and unusual enthusiasm is
being shown by the farmers and stock
raisers , all of which promises a largo
attendance. This school is conducted
under the ausp.ices of the Universitj
of Nebraska department of farmers' it :
stitutes. An especially attractive pro
grame has been arranged covering oiii
week's instruction In field crops and
farm animals , and on domestic science
and domestic art.
Almost Frozen to Death.
Nebraska City , Neb. J. W. Godfrey
who resides near Syracuse , fell from
Ills wagon while loading hay and was
so badly injured that he could no
help himself and when found was near
ly frozen to death. He is seventy
novon years of ago and his recovery is
doubtful. He had gone to the fleh
alone to get a load of hay and it Is
not known how the accident occurred
Celebrate Silver Wedding.
Albion , Neb. About forty friendb
and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. P. M
Scott of this city , called at their homo
unannounced Saturday night , the oc
caslon being tholr twenty-fifth wedding
anniversary. It happened that Mr
Scott was away from homo at the
time. Mr. and Mrs. Scott am amonf ,
the parly settlers In this place.
Their Golden Wedding.
Surprise , Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Wol
ford Keebatm'h celebrated their golden
wedding Wednesday at their home
three miles northwest of here. Abou
ono hundred of their friends and neigh
bors were present They came to this
county thirty-nine years ago las
May Rebuild River Bridge.
Schiiyler , Nob. It Is probable lhat
the I'latto river bridge nt this point
will bo rebuilt next spring. It has
been out for three jpars. and the bust-
juss men iirc getting anxious about it.
State News and Notes in Condensed
Form ,
The now bridge over the Elkhorn at
Nellgh Is now completed and Is n
flno structure.
Mr. and XI rw. John Barrett celo-
iratcd their forty-fifth anniversary at
Surprise Monday. Their four Bonn ,
daughter and alx grandchildren were
The case of the county of Hamilton
B. the Aurora National Bank was
Iccldcd In favor of the county Friday
afternoon by .Tudgo II. ( J. Bungan of
he Tenth judicial district.
J. L. Westergaard of Nora died Frl-
lay. He had been In apparent good
icalth , but was suddenly stricken with
icart failure while at work and died
before medical assistance could bo
J. II. Tucker of Page , Nob. , has pur
chased the farm of Max Kaden , south-
cast of Dlllcr. The farm consists of
eighty acres and the consideration
was $8,000. Mr. and Mrs. Kaden are
preparing to visit their old home in
[ Jermany.
Sunday was a red letter day for the
new $20,000 Methodist church , just
completed In Aurora. The donatiom
amounted , to $9,550 , of which $1,350 is
for the organ fund. This covers the
remainder of the building fund. Dr.
W. D. Parr conducted the services.
At n meeting of the Beatrice dlstrlcti
Gage county Sunday school conven
tion , .Tune 14 to 1C Inclusive was se
lected as the dale for holding the state
convention In Beatrice. It is expect
ed that 1,000 visitors will bo in Be
atrice from all over the state at that
Many of the leading surgeons of the
west gathered in Omaha to attend the
nlnteenth annual meeting of the west
ern surgical and gynecological asso
ciation hold at the Homo Monday
and Tuesday. The association -has
members from all states west of the
William Schneider , the five-year-old
ton of Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider ,
was accidentally shot by an older
brother at the family home in York.
The boys did not know the gun was
loaded. The bullet entered the boy's
chest. Ho is in a serious condition ,
but the physician says he. will re
The third national ( corn exposition
uiuauu oiiiuriiuy uiiur u LUO
successful run , notwithstanding the
cold weather which has prevailed dur
ing the entire period. The entrlen
have exceeded in numbers those ot
former expositions and the prize win
ners In many departments were de
clared by the > Jdges to cxcell those of
previous years.
The golden wedding anniversary ol
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Bozell was
celebrated at their homo in Fullerton.
Mr. and Mrs. Bozell were both born ,
raised and married in Indiana and
from there moved to Nance county
twenty years ago , Fettling on a farm
upsir Fullerton , where they resided
until moving to town about four years
ago. The couple enjoy excellent health ,
While skating OP Lincoln creek ,
near his home in Thuyer , Walter
Wtttko , the eighteen-year-old son ol
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Thuyer , accidentally
shot himself and died a few houra
after the accident. The boy was car.
rjing a rifle at the time and had
stopped to adjust his skates. In some
manner the gun was discharged and
the bullet entered his right eye. A
number of his companions were skat
lug nearby at the time.
It is slated uiion good authority that
the Union Pacific railroad company
intends making some improvements
at Callaway , work to commence hi
the very near future. A water suppjy
system will be Installed , the present
ono being Inadequate to supply the de
mand for water. Also the building of
a roundhouse is another improvement
which will soon take place. When the
road was built Into Callaway in 1890 ,
a round house was built , but during
the hard times , when only three trains
a week were run up the K. & B. H.
branch , there was but little need for
the round house , and the same was
torn down. However , with three trains
a day , as is now the case , two of which
lay over here at night , a round house
Is badly needed.
James T. Stewart , , a farmer of the
Liberty vicinity , has begun suit In thti
county court against Frank and Clydo
Crane , minors , and their father , Ed.
Crane , for damages in the sum ol
$422.50. The boys , while out hunting
October 21 , 1D08 , chased a rabbit Into
a haystack on the Stewart farm. Being -
ing unable to scare the animal out ,
the lads built a flro with the Intention
of smoking it from its hiding place.
The llro eoon communicated to a barn
and other buildings on the Stewart
place , resulting in the destruction of
properly valued at $022.50 , on which
there was $200 insurance. The boys
or tholr father having failed to make
an offer of settlement , Mr. Stewart
begins the above action to recover
damages with Interest and costs of
811 t.
Forty thousand head of hogs in four
days is the best record of the season
at the South Omaha market. The re
ceipts heretofore have been unusually
small. Thlt is a little better than the
average and is no doubt ono of tlio
results of the very high prices paid.
Last year the ontlro week correspond
ing to the present one showed only
10.000 head. The week will probably
make a record of HO.OOO head. The
prices range from about $8.15 to $8.27
JUT hundred. The extreme top of $8.40
reached last week has not been dupll
Frightened Women Taken Out Es
cape Attendants and Roam the
Streets , Some of Them In
Scanty Attire.
Jacksonville , 111. Fire in the central
hospital for the Insane hero Tuesday
night destroyed the north wing of the
Institution , threatened destruction of
other portions for hours and for a
time caused much anxiety among the
asylum olllclals in preventing panic
and escape among the patients. It is
believed a few Inmates arc at large.
WJien the flro broke out In the north
annex , soon after 8 o'clock , some of
the jiatlents escaped , but the asylum
authorities helped in the removal of
inmales from the burning wing to an
other portion of the hospital. The flro
in tlio north wing burned fiercely , and
the local fire department fought It
with difficulty , several firemen being
Injured by falling walls within the
first half hour. It was near midnight
before the flro was under control.
Most of the patients rescued from
the burning section were escorted by
guards and volunteers to the south
wing of the asylum , a now addition.
The lire , however , so alarmed the pa
tients that the situation became
threatening , and citizens of Jackson
ville wore asked to aid In preventing
further disorder.
The patients /from ono end of the
asylum to the other became excited
and those who were freed from the
burning cction gave the guards much
concern. Several men and women es
caped while being transferred from
the burning portion , some of them
being captured before they could reach
the streets , and others being found in
the outlying streets. Some women
were found , thinly clad , sitting on curb
stones half a mile from tlio asylum ,
and taken back.
It is rumored that a number of pa
tients still are in the burned portion
of the asylum. These , it is stated ,
were women on the fourth floor of the
four-story building , who are reported
to have rushed Into the attic. They
may have perished. There is no cer
tainty regarding the number of pa
tients in the building.
The lire started In the roof of the
north wing , according to the attached
of the institution. What started the
flro Is not known. The flames spread
rapidly to the fourth floor where sev
eral hundred women patients were
kept. Their cries created a terrific
din , which aroused men and women
patients throughout the institution.
Hospital attendants and officials
worked desperately with the fright
ened patients and several hundred
were in a few minutes removed to
Quarters in the new part of the asy
lum. On the fourth floor where flames
entered before the patients had been
taken away , it is believed that some
of the women may have- eluded the at
While the firemen were fighting the
flames the police received word by lei
cphono that several women were
roaming the streets wrapped in blank
ets , and that other women patients
were .it largo without any clothing
whatever , having torn off their night ;
dresses in their excitement. Police
and volunteers are searching for th\ \
escaped Inmates.
At 11 o'clock , though the flro In the
north wing still was burning and
floors and walls had fallen , danger oj
further spread of the flames seemed
slight. Officials of the asylum weru
engaged In checking up the inmates
of the north wing , but had been unable
lo report whether all of the 200 pa
tients in the flro stricken portion had
accounted for.
Korean Premier Stabbed.
Seoul , Korea. Premier Yi. the
head of the Korean cabinet was stab
bed and fatally wounded Tuesday by
a Korean , Ylo Chalm Yong.
Premier Yl was formerly minister
of education in the Korean cabinet.
Ho became prime minister in May ,
1907 , when a reconstruction of the cab
inet followed a five hour audience
with Marquis Ito , had with the em
peror. Yi was regarded as a firm and
competent officer , but his efforts to
carry out the rpllcy of the now ad
ministration met with continued op
position from his political opponents.
Cook Ignorant , Not a Fraud.
Christiana "Nobody could feel
more sorrow at the commission's
crushing slam than myself , for I had
learned to appreclalo Cook as a do-
voled friend and an honest man , " said
Captain Ronald Amundsen Tuesday
with much feeling. . "Tho important
question now is whether ho is a
swindler or merely ignorant. I pre
fer to believe that Dr. Cook himself
was confident that he nad arrived at
the north polo. This must have been
a fixed idea with him. If ho Is swin
dling ho must have changed his char
acter in the past ten years. "
Wants and Expects Statehood.
Washington , D. C. In their desire
for statehood , the people of Arizona
area unit , says Governor Sloan In his
annual report on affairs of the terri
tory submitted to the secretary of the
interior Tuesday.
"They not only desire it , " ho adds ,
"hut confidently expect to receive it
from the present congress. "
The population of tbo territory Is
estimated at more than 200,000. Oov-
enior Sloan reports that the last year
was one of prosperity and was marked
by a substantial growth in the output
of mines aud the product of the soil.
Missionary You haven't been to
Sunday school for a month. I don't
expect to meet you In heaven I
Kid Qeol I didn't know yoit wuz
ns bad an all dat !
A Teot.
"Well , " said Mr. Cumrox , "your
party was a great success. "
"How can you toll ? " asked htjj wife.
"Whenever a crowd comes along
that makes mo feel like a stranger In
my own house I know It's n brilliant
occasion. "
Desperate But Effective.
Knlckor So Jones has a good
schema ?
Backer Yes ; ho carries a llttlo dy
namite lo blow up any auto lhat runs
over him.
Some people Buffer continually , with
tired , itching and swollen feel. Little do
they know now sootliiiiR in llnii\linn Wiz
ard Oil. Rub it in nt night and have
thankful , happy feet in the morning.
Some of these public ; servants of
ours arc about as hard to get any
thing out of as the autocrats who
occupy our kitchens as private serv
hns been used gun'ossf iillr for j cnra fordpcp- seated
liB. colils and bronchitis. Hviirybmlr ihould
about 1U Hlnsltuplo , tuifound nuro.
It worries a modest girl if a man
tries to kiss her and it worries a
young widow if ho doesn't.
Lewis' Single Hinder ciRnr. Originnl in Tin
Foil Smoker PackaRc. Take no substitute.
It's easy for n woman to paint a
pretty face If she hns ono.
The Wretchedness !
of Constipation <
Om quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
act lurely and
gently on the
lirer. Cure
Dilioutneu ,
che ,
DiizJ. _ - -
ness , and Indigeition. They do tfieii duty ,
Sm.ll Pill. 3m ll Doia. Small PrU * . J
GENUINE mua bear signature i '
What Prof. Shaw , the Woll-Known Acrt-
culturlat , Sny About Iti
I would Rootior radio cAttls In Wntorn
Caniula tliim In tlio nun bolt of
tlio United Ktntot. Feed
H ohpoiMtr and cllinnt *
Ivotlor far the mrprna.
Your mnrliat will Ira-
proro Jailer thin jonr
torinnnmlll produce the
Wltcnt run be
nroMll up tothofOth i > r-
Mlol | KK ) mile * north of
ILoInlcn bound-
nrrl. Yunr rncnt land
will l > o Ulcon nt It rnto
Ixijond rrcxiont concep
tion. | V o Imvo onmiiin
reoiiio In tli United
Hulon alnnfl who wr\n
home * to talio up thbi land. " KMU/ )
70,000 Americans
TTlllrntornnilinnU < Hi < Mrliomc
In Wrt ru Camilla tliU year.
1000 iirmlucixl another Inriro
rroi > of wheat , onts anil barley.
lu addition to which the cjitllo
oxixirtit wnt an Immniuo Itr-ni ,
Cuttlo mining , dairying , inliea
fiumlne nnd Brnln n row In a In the
province * < > t Mnnllobn , etultnt-
clicnvnii ami Alhcrtn.
free liommtciKt mid pnv inn
lion arons , nil neil na lands helil
rnlltrnr nnrt lanil comrnnlcitlll
provide home * fur million * . .
Adnptnhlo neil , healthful clt-
timtn. nplcndlil ncliooU nuu
cljtirchr * . nnil KWM | rnlhvnyii
For iottlnrm' rnten , dencriptlro
lltcratnro liost Wmt. " how
to roach the country and other par-
tlcalun , write to Hup't otto liuml *
oration , Ottawa , Canada , or to the
Canadian Uorornmont Aceot.
Boon < B Bldg. Onihi.Xtk.
( DeonddroMnoartntyoq. ) (8) ( )
It onncei to f
'tbo p ck n "S
thflr xtarcli'-a only 13 oiincot QUALITY."S
W. N. U. , LINCOLN , NO. 52-1909.
A Poor Weak Woman
As she is termed , will endure bravely and patiently
ngonics which n strong man would fiivo way under.
The ( act is women arc more patient than tbcy ought
to bo under ouch troubles.
Every woman ought to know that fihc may obtain
tlio most experienced medical ndvico free of dtargo
and In'absolute confidence and privacy by writing to
the World's Dispensary Medical Association , II. V.
Pierce , M. D. , President , Buffalo , N. Y. Dr. Picrco
Ims been chief consulting physician of the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute , of Ituflfalo , N. Y. , , for
many years and has had a wider practical cxpcricnco
in the treatment of women's diseases than any other physician in this country.
His medicines arc world-famous for their astonishing efficacy.
The most perfect remedy ever devised for weak and doll
cato women is Dr. I'icrco's FavoritePrescription. .
Tlio many and varied symptoms of woman's peculiar ailments are fully set
forth in Plain English in the People's Medical Adviser (1003 pages ) , a newly
revised and up-to-date Edition of which , cloth-hound , will bo mailed free on
receipt of 31 one-cent stumps to pay cost of mailing only. Address as nbove.
For Pink Eye , Eplzootla
Shipping rover
& Cnturrhnl Fovcr
Bare cum and imltlro provnntlvo , no matter how homo at any BE ; li are Intact or
"oipoccxl. " Liquid. itlvtn on tuo lonituci act * on the Dlood and Ulandu eipali i tli *
polHonous riorum from tlio Inxly. Curia I > l tomr > or In | ) OK and tUicop and Cnolei r In
I'oultrr. JjrjrostBolllnif lIvontocltrrmMr. Curd La Orlppe among uumin 1 > IUK <
and l < u flno Kidney ruuuxl/ . too and II a liottla , Mand (1(1 ( a < lnt n. rut thliouL Xto |
It. BhowtoynurdriiKUliit.vtliowllltfetltfuryou. Free lluoUot , "IMit rep rCau
audCun * " Bi'oclnl OKfiitu wanted.
Wear W. L. Douglas comfortable ,
I oaoywalking ahoos. They nro
] maclouponhonorof thebostlonth-
I ersby the most skilled workmen ,
I In nil the Intost fnohlons. Bhooa In
| every style nnd sluipo to suit men
i In nil walks of life.
If I could take you Into my huge
factories nt Drockton , Mnos. , nnd
I show you how carefully W.L. Doug *
las shoos nro made , you would
'then ' understand why they hold
j tholr shape , fit bettor , wonr longer
I nnd nro of greater vnluo than nny
I other make ,
, CAUTION , SeottmtW. L. Douglas BQMiHQES
I nnmo and tbo retail prlco Is B .ampod on
| the bottom. Tuko No Hnbatltuto.
' .
: ' ;
Have Heat
Brought To You
When your bed-room , bath-room
or dining room is chilly , you may
have heat brought to you in just the
degree you desire. It is easy when
you have a
Oil Heater
( Equipped with Smokeless Device ) , '
available. Place the heater where the
cold is most annoying , strike a match.
No fuss no flurry no smell and , above ail , no smoke. The
Automatic Smokeless Device
which automatically locks absolutely prevents smoke. Removed in an instant.
Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give out a glowing heat
for 9 hours solid brass wick carriers damper top cool handle oil indicator.
Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles.
Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yours , Write for Descriptive Circular
to the Nearest Agency of the
( Incorporated )