THE .OUSTER QOJJNTX REPUBLICAN 16-15-22 caused by the location of 'roall'fltrmuntil for by M. K Jones and others , be allowed. And that the claim of N > M. Morgan for $105 oo and John B. Edwards for $25.00 as damages caused by the location of the N. M. Morgan road be1 rejected. Also that the daim of J. F. Rryson for * lo damages iaitseil by the loca tion of the K. F. Myers road be rejected. And that upon the application ol Annie E. Barrett for the privilege ol a cattle chute on the public road running north and south between sec. 2728 , T. 18 , R33 , we rc > commend that the request be grant ed ; chute to be erected and maiiv tamed with hand rails at owners ex pense. And that upon the application o R J. Eastman fur the privilege of i hog chute on road No. 228 , we re commend that the request be grant' ed ; chute to be erected and main' tamed with hand rails at owner ; expense. Matthew Worace damage to NVV 2-19-17 against road dist. No. I Comstock 10.00. We also recommend that the fol lowing claims be allowed : K W Uuuknur oommiMNioiier on IGUllH $15 21 WH Onlonin Hr. appiulrtinir I'M Cam ) ru.ut 3 ti 11 W Uoorifti .ippnuKini : 1' M CIIHO load , . , ' 3 & ( JhiiH ViuiAnUvciip uummiHsloncr a nil ohuliiinati on roiulrt 12 5 J 1' UiM-ry upprulniiitr Henry Urown loud 4 0 J T Brldtri'H iiopriiiHini ; Henry Brown I'imU 40 Anton Smock upnruisini ; Henry Hrown roiul , 4 S Oliaa MtiBHett iixuimin on Bassutt load 20 J M Huvldue commissioner on 7ot'rlj road 5 5 1) 12 Young chuiiimtin on Bussott loud 20 O 3 Larson chiilnmun on Basaett toad , 20 KK VunAntwerp fiurvei'lnir Fieis- tier , Woodruff Kodln Head 41 SO Frank Norton * uppruiulntr Oaso road 3 GO W H Osliorno Hr. upimiislni : klebj loud. . 2 SO A J VunAntwurp Burveyinir Ale- Doimkl road and mtleitire 10 00 OtiHtor County Beacon printing roud notlocH , 23 75 1) Hilton iippmiHlnir Klebb road 2 80 W U Otiburnu Sr. nupniiHliit : Hnu- inont roud 2 80 O O Bcckwitli commisHionor on Demlnir roud 7 25 ( J ( J buck with commlHulHiier on KlelHliur load ' . . 8 CO J 10 Henderson cliulnmuln on roud miinhai 577 2 no 7. A Btodon : i\onian road No. 577 . Jl O Hilton appraising Hauinont road 2 SO Frank Notion appraiainir Kleeb road < 2 80 Frank Norton appraising Hau inont roud 2 80 O E Florida appraising Howard road 2 65 Peter 1'eternon uppruiuinir Howard road 2 C5 K U Hpooner appraising Howard toad 2 65 Jon liuumont chainman on Hau- tnont road. . . .1 2 CO Alex McDonald Axeman on Sic- IJonald roud 210 Union Pacific R. It. right of war leaue lor roud , 20 00 We also recommend that the bond of Oconto State Bank , Calla- way State Bank and First Nat'l Bank of Callaway for the deposit of county money be approved. We also recommend that the fol lowing transfer of funds be made to the ' 909 general funds : From 190S Ucn. and prior years . $ 177 8' < 1908 in idee and prior yuara . 803 2 ! > IIK'S ' roud and prior yearn . . . 72080 Inti-rest on county dopoHltH C87 ( W Kxet'HH Kctf. Ueeda oilier " 09 1500 00 iCxccHH Co. C ! lurks olllce ' < > < . ) . 800 no i-'eeu sheriffs olllcu lima 800 00 Total . . . . iH > S ! tt .1 10 Urlnt Jj UuHluniin Committee It was moved and canied that the report of the committee be accepted and that the roads be and hereby are established and vacated as recom- II lll < VUHIUMIH-1- IIII.I1UI.U \ - _ - - . J E. Grim reported that he had sold old bridge lumlier to the amount of $58.35 and had turned the same over to the county treasurer whose receipt he had filed in the county clerk's office. Also that he had sold Wm. Buckbee old bridge lum ber to the amount of $21.15 and r- that he had deducted the amount from the chum of Wm , Buckbee against the county. The claim committee made the following report : We recommend the following claims be allowed : JOB PI trm an unit pulii ( or deliver- Uu : bullotH t eoj Jos I'lumun uxpreua , diayairH and iniacelTunoouH Hums U 56 11 H Drake hiiooloum G 0 O L Mullilitt 1WOO JOB Pieman poutneu for 1900 . . 02 i Joa Flffman olork ot board 3rd Q'tr 100 00 Jos Pieman part payment salary 312 50 Joa Pieman balance duo for ex- jnJJllitax list 637 30 U HoiiHt ) insurance 27 oo K Otjiitbridge work , mileaee etc fta 90 „ J K Urlnt bGttrdvoik , milouee and TJTUudd Hiilary tor ( lua'rter end- Wooc.31 , liW'J / 250U0 U'dstoni liulit anil luol O/j f. W Mcott Cooper Hulary lor Noyynjbui 60 uo J W Uruiir stilary Joi October and uartof Noviiniuur | OJ is J w Oraiir board and vviiuhlnif -J Unlvursfty I'ubllHlilnir Uo. tjgii- jjllos lor County Superintendent 13 7 : A 11 Uouder prescription medicine tor the puoi . . 50 ! BvOtt ( Joopor salary for Ontubur 60 ) Win Fin cell livery iilro 2 oo JlDOk'ilen dellveiine ballulM 7 UU H M rlnokiirty Butary. poutaifo. ex- raau and tuleplione. ois K lay Uadd work In court houue i f * * > 4 'I * OiiiJd e peimu oe I'lLTiiii * ! ) Laboi un tax Hat by . ' 91 .Iniy MOHMII . . „ , - . - . .a ju Grocery Oo jiidsti for U T ' ' ' j'j \VarU met ! orvlc # EJ'wi'lapri 79 3 ! lilerkti Liiuibor&CojilUu oottl for the poor , . . . , . , J2 70 flnyilt-r Hioa A Uu mdau fur .Vim lie U K UHrtlioluiuew me d sci viuJn Cjf yWilliamson . 6500 W T kVojfij board for WilHamson. . a 6- j I1 U d | lH , part paj merit tor salary . 233 00 I ) C IKonUel tlnoUiurn . . . . 5890 W N Btevona notary wqrk . 1 o ° f Ulazard ineaU for Jury . . . . J ilaytlen Bros indue for Ureaty Twr- , „ „ c > euniiiir . if M Uy Qadd pulnttnc and pnperinc' . B uo WAlbpauirii puttlnc back coal n court nouso . 95 ° jheppurd & Uurlc wdso lor court , jouse' . . . . 210 Hurt raddo for Sara ' MoCIeanand HTMoOleary 1975 i Kdwurd Foley ttr bridee work and mlleauu 3780 Jottn lohrwojn rlpplntflumber. ' . . . . . 4 25 Henry Kelley vital atatlHtlcB 3 oo K -iiinoiulM vital HtiUlstlcs 3 75 KG'SchwInd vital Btutlstlcs 875 U W inirnard vital Btallatlcrt 9 W Win Hliirinnn vital atatlstlcs 7 SO ' for'court U L'lurnerLbrOo mdae IIOUHC nnu lor poor 4 ! zu FJ llitl.r coal . ; 15 HasmiiB Anderson coal for court hou < u * . . . . . - . l 3 l JJrU M Fennlnirton mod services lor thu poor ; B9 is J 0 Aloore labor lor co board 3J 75 Ontial Telephone. . . . . . . . . . . 7865 U'M Parker supplies for Co 8upt. . . 10 V5 Ur I'ViiHtumaohor mod services 12G E ° torpoor " " " ' ! ; , "Vji" O A MontcUh director school dlat. No. 7 ( or uslnp Hchool house tor election and cloanlne. . . . . . 700 F Jenninu'b dellvprinir ballotn 6 00 Sybil Uuthiu.v labor on tax list. . , . 40 82 liaHiniiH Ander/.on coal 4235 Wesi-rn Uirhtiind Fuel Oo 1:1 : KiiHiniiH AildcrHon coal for poor. , . . t "U ( ] \V IliMidluy board work and mlliMK i . . . . : i . , , , , J it Ulliiioro liildue work and inilo- ngi > . , , , . . Hi 85 1(111111110111 ! A Steplit'iiN Co caiboii papur > , . i 41) ) Uuiiiinond , t HtopliuiiH Co bulanuu on bill 240 0 11 Woloomb nut IriHuranco . . . . . til oo CustorCo Heacon prlntlnir dulln- quent tut llHt , bid for uupplleu etc. 27d 31 1 A KiMiuim liiBurqnce . , . . . . . uo KluppA Uartlett Co supplies for couit house 6400 rtCHouBG insurance 13500 lien P Morria board work mileage coinmltti'e woik etc , 43 10 Uoo W Hundley board worii and Edward Kolev Hr board work and ' ' ' ' ' ' J H Uiiino'ri''board'woik'and mile' Ul f * , . . , . . * | , . . . 17 05 Joa Pitman labor on tax list by Jitnio Cooper ' ' 4 < 2 ! ) , , / : Jon Pleinnn labor , on tax list by ' . . . . . 7 Stella Porter. . , ; / : 3g ? Joa PiU'tnan ain't paid for tel 13 5 LCUHhman committee work > 3900 LCtiuhmitn committee work and bard work ' 690 13 E Wimmer printing l 50 W LMcrandlusaputtiiiBUp booths and takintr aame down l 00 roil HKIIVICK ON ELECTION BOAItD T M Byers Lillian Townfihlp $ 4 00 U N nlahop Lillian Township I 00 a Alapie Lillian Township. 4 00 K A Bate * Lillian Townahip l oo J K Asli anil inakinir leturna 8 10 A Wolf East Uuster 400 A T White East Ouster 4 UO W P Hinman EastOuster 4 oo Jerome Taylor East custer 400 U Lurlcea and mnkinp roturna. . . . 760 E E Wlmmcr UomstoctTwp 4 00 W N Btovena Ootnstock Twp 4 ( W J L Petot Uomstock TWp 4 00 .1 W Wosnott ( Jomstock Two 400 W W Dye and makine returns U 00 Eintnot Keynteriflayes Twp 200 Ernie Wood llayoa Twp 4 W Will Leonard Hayes Twp 400 W 1) U roat Hayes Twp 4 00 w u HlankinH'.ip Hayes Twp 400 TT Winchester maklnir returns , . , . Woo KrunkUugin AnsleyTwp 000 making returns and niileuea 4 00 TT Danldi , Ansley Twp 600 Ulcklliill Ansley Twp. . . . . . . 000 S P Ni > Nflt y Ansley TowiiHhip b 00 A 11 Turpin AiiHley Townsliip COO Krt'd iMyers Analoy Townahip ti oo K. K. Williams , Harry Stockliain ' " 4oO Trunip campau ' " 400 \V L. CoxGrant twpmaking returns. . laoO Itobert Flemmlng , Berwyntwp 000 L. F Oxford , UerwynTwp 000 A , G. Atoyer , llerwyn twp 000 Iteri welch , lleiwyn twp 000 Key Linden iierwyn twp and making returns 9 Od P. M. Towsley. Loup twp , constable. . . . 6 00 Ulan Woodruff Loup twp Ooo J. T. Bryson , Loup twp 600 II. M. Campbell , Loup twp 600 Nc George. Loup twp 600 \V. P. Trew , Loup twp and making re turns 1050 S. Neth , Custer twp No. 1 600 J. W. Hogers , Custer twp , No i 60o U. J. Coulter , Custer twp No 1 600 James \Veimmrr 600 Jus llaetle , CUSter I\HI , No 1 , and mak ing retiiijiH 940 E. K Llchtenbcrger , custertwp , No. 2. 400. J. E. Morrboi ( ) , Custcr twp , No ? fuo Albert Wise , Ouster twp No 2. , 4CW jutm Cannon , custer twp , No 2 t W juhn Matr , cuvter twp , No 2. and fflau- tiiK returns sro A J PlCkelDouglasQrove twp ODQ Z. . Amos , Douglas Oroyetwp 600 W. R Amos , pouglasQrove twp aoo K. C Spoonur , Douglas Qrove twp fttO H. li Ulovur , Douglas Drove twp an4 making re til run , . . . , . 1MO M. conley , Wi > odHlver twp. . . , UOO Clias Winter Woou River &QO L J. VaiiAntwetp , Wood Hlver twu. . , . ft DO John H.istlngs , Wood Hlver twp & 00 A J. Walking , Wood Hlver tffu an4 ui.iklng returns )8iX ) Clias. uavy , Wood Hlver twp Boo H W Lewis. Victoria twp HOO F c Wilson , Victoria twp OU ) Oeo. W WIlllauiH , Vlctoiia up BOO E U Phllpot. Victoria twp BOO Ita Foster , Victoria twi aoo David Christen. Victoria twp.and uiak- Ingrt-turnt. HOO PreU Cratu.Saigtiit twp 6W ) Jaw i > Murray , bargent twp 600 A / . I'l-rrlii , Sargent twp ooo E Miller. SargBUf twp 600 IohiiTolllverSJitg qilwp 60J j D. Cro never , 3argenf twp , aid ) rtatn Weinman , Lillian No. 3 twp. . . , 4 oo A. T Wood , Llllan ) No. 3 twp.- 4M iiian Waljace , Lillian No. 2 twp } 00 J. S Austin , Lillian NO 2 twp 400 E. a. U. McAllister , Lillian No. 8 twp , and making returns B 25 Sylvester McCants , Arnold tw ; > John M. Sarausjsou. A-tnod | twp H. H HUck. Arnoja twp John McClulre , Arnold l 'P C M. BlowersArnold twp , am ) maklpg returns N M Morgan , Uellglit twp J. u. Workman , pellghi twp . . Harry Hell. PellRht twp ( joO Robert Morau , Drligbt nyp BOO John Smith , Delight twp 800 j U Ogdeu , Delight t pinJ making returns 12 JO I A. Coleuian , Hioken HOW North Side 000 h > 11 Munk ijtoken HOW North Side . aoo J U Holcouib.nrokeji Uo\v North Side ( , ( M J U. llutt , Iirokcu Ho f North 5We. . . bOO M. O Montgomery , Jjrokeu Jew W > U SlUe 600 Harry Klinball , Broken How North Side 800 W 11 Osborne , Sr. Broken jjow South Side COO \V. H Snackleford Broken Bow South Side v , ' 600 Allen Reyuer , Iiroken How South Side boo Lee 1'lckett , Broken Uow South Side. . 6 00 j w Johnson , Broken Uow South Side 000 j. J Joyner , Klllolltwp 600 W , M. walah , Kllfoll twp 600 Frank Kelly , Kllloll twp 6W Halle Joyner , Kllfoll twp fl 00 Joa , Fennltnore , KlUoll twp , and wak Ing returns 910 F. K Mossraan , Algernon twp 600 Fred Peterson , Algernon twp tfciO J O. Dlffeudatter. Algernon twp ooo Fiaiik Miller , Algernon twp 600 J M. Anisberry , Algernon twp 60o Janes lOugllsh , Algernon twp 600 J it. Amsberry , Algernon twp and making returns and mileage C61 K E Delano , Myrtle twp 000 ( us Murray , Myrtle twp 600 Albert Sherbeck , tyyrtletwp oio John W , Bryau , Myrtle twp 6QO A K Wooilwortu , Myrtle twp 600 W P. jlyatt , Myrtle twp and making leturns , , , . 1250 John Welch , Wealervjllj : twp flu ) fwp 200 W. A. uarduer , W stervlllf fiOQ Don U Leach. WestervlHe twp fiM U.U Hayes , Westervllle twp OOO r , A. Kmerbon , Westervllle twp 400 T B Mills , wcsterville t\vp , and inak- lug returns 1000 Canute Lee , Elk creek twp ooo Thornton Crosley , Klk Creek twp 000 Heury Kobertsou. Elk Creek twp 600 aHiker , Elk Creek twp 600 John Scliull , Elk Creek twp 600 Hans 0 Arp , Elk crepk twp and mak ing return : } : Prank Button , West Union NO. ? twp . John Pfrehrn. West Union No. ? 'twp. . . A Qorham , West Union No , 9 twp. . . . Petfr Farley West Union No. 8 . . . . . . . Dan Perkins. West Union No. 8 Bert Orvls , West union No. 3 and mak ing returns 1300 II It. Myers , Clltf twp 000 W. E. wardrobe Clitfivrp 600 Ohas. BlakcmanClitf twp 600 twp eoo Henry BerryCliff twp. . . . . . . . . . . . eec C. W. Layton , Cliff twp jmd mtkln j : rer turns 1000 B. F. Higgle Triumph twp > < > PO U-j. jcccnler/Trlumph twp > . Sift S SSSSa Wf : f& : ' ! wni warren Triumph twp and ui X lugreturus - . l GordomPlke West t'nlou No I twp. , . . 4 no Qeo" . ( vls West Union No. U\\p 4 oo Charlie \ esc , Writ I'ulon No. i twp. . 4 oo John Hutttnau , West Uuluu No. l twp 4 ou C. A Allen West Union No. lt\\p. . . 400 W. J. Lcep West Union No. 1 twp and making returns 1130 ChilsUondA Kllm twp . : . . . ' . . ' . . . " 00 riank Kochtman , Ellm twp s. BOO John Tallin , Ellm twp eoo Chas.woiUy Kltmtwp. . . . * ow ) U. B. Woodruff , Ellm twp and making returns . , , 14M rred Duls , wavne twp OO'l ' MlncRosentteder , Wayne twp. . . . UOO Joh.n Johnson , Wayne twp oo Ernest Johupon , Wayne twp 000 T. O. Olson Wayne twp and making re turns 1 < 00 PaulMcCasllnOartield twp ooo Jesse Bradburn , r.arueld twp OCO B. FrancoisOarlleld twp . 000 Jos liradburn , OarUcld twp 000 Art Fanner , darlleld twp 000 U. K. Orfi'ii.aarlleld twp and making n-tutns 10SO P F. Forney delivering ballots gener al election 8 M C. O plguian delivering ballots 725 W. 11. Ash delivering ballots 1000 W. II. Uasiii.iiu I bor on canvassing board 400 D. 0. Konule , labut uu tatnassuie board 4 OJ L Oushmanlivery hire boo P. F. Forney delivering ballots tor prl nury election , . - . V 0. Aubrey Martiu , delUery ballots tot general election TOO L. Cusliinvn J. E. Orlnt It was moved and carried that the report be'acce'pted a'ud adoped as read. It was moved and carried that the County Treasurer be anS hereby is instructed to write cer tificate in the name of the county on lots 12 to 17 block 17 in the village of Westerville , 'and to assign the some upon the pay- meniof SIS.'OO. The erroneous Tax Committee reported as follows : Ou the application of Jas. Fairfield - field we recommend that the treasurer be instructed to trans fer from Dist. No. 169 to Dist. No. 12 the sum of $3 48 and that he refund to Jaa. W. Fairfield * 3 77 out of the funds of Dist. No. 169. And that on the appli cation of Jackson Daniels we recommend that the poll tax be refunded. And on the application Mrs. T. Blowers we recommend that $28 20 be refunded on account ot erroneous assessment. And on the application of L. A. Wight we recommend that the treasurer be instructed to re fund to LA. . Wight on Tax Sale Cert. No. 3645 the sum of $6.18 the same being government land and not subject to taxation and that the balance of the claim be rejected for the reason that no interest is allowed. And on the application of J. H. Goodner we recommend that the poll tax be refunded on receipt No. 1553. And on the application of F. C. Dworak we recommend that the Treasurer be instructed to re fund on receipt No. 1374 the sum of $54 by reason of error . - sessdjent. And that on the application of Mrs. Katie Schmidt we recom mend that the Treasurer be in structed to refund out of tbe district bond fund of No. 169 the sum of 76 cents and to trans fer from the bond of No. 169 to the bond fund of No. 71 tbe sum of 38 cents and to refund to Mrs. Schmidt village tax * 3.99 and village bond tax 95 cents. And on the application of J. D. Troyer we recommend that village tax and village bond tax $7.18 be refunded. Also that the treasurer be in structed to transfer what money is in the bond fund of Dist. No. 5 to the general fund of said Dist. L. Cushtnan. J. 13. Grint. It was moved and curried that the report of the comm.j.ttee be accepted and adopted aa read. The chairman appointed Super visors Cushraan , Headley and Foley to appraise the school land of Henry Mohr in section 36 town 14 , range 18 The following communication of J. E. Cavenee , County Treas urer was then read" Clerk : Broken Bow , Neb. , Dec. 14 , 1909. Honorable Board of Supervisors Custer county , Nebraska. Gen tlemen : This is to certify that I have this day appointed Mr. D.V. . Joyner as my deputy to fill that place now vacant , for the balance of my term which should end Jan. 5th , 1910 , and ask your honorable body to ratify the said appointment. Submitted , J , J3. Cavenee , Cou.nty Treasqr r. ft was moved and carried that the appointment of Mr. Joyner be ratified. It was moved and carried that the Clerk be and hereby is in structed to submit an offer of $25 for the frotectograph now in the county treasurer's office and being used by him. The following resolutions were then read unanimously adopted ; Whereas , this , the final session of the county board of Super visors , terminates our offiicia ] repations with Jos. Pigman , whc resigned as County ClcrV shortly before the expiration of hia term Of enter upon the responsible dirties of Director of.the Census for the. Sixth Con- gfessidaal .District of .Nebraska' , * therefore be it i ' ( Resolved : by the Board .of Su- perViaors iu regular seaaiftn con vened , that we express to Mr , Pigman our acknowledgement and appreciation of his splendid services to' Custer Custer. His retirement from office terminates the work o.foue whom we believe ( to be one of the most' efficient as well asaccotnodatingand popular officials Custer County has ever had. He has been Connected with the County Clerk's office for nearly eight years , first as Deputy and tor the past four years as principal of the office. We desire at this time to thank him for his most valued assist ance to this Board , duiing the past years work , and to express our pleasure and appreciation of the amicable relations 'hive at all times existed between uu. We also take this opportunity of wishing him success in his new 'found responsible appoiut'ment as Director of the Census , knowing ing- full w.ell that he. has the ability to fulfill theduties , of that office with honor 'to himself and credit to the Government. Be it further . Resolved. That we express to W. H. Osborue , Jr. , ourapprecia * tibn of his most competent services as Clerk of * this Board during , the past year. We recognize in Mr. Osbprue a man of splendid qualities and great ability and the pleasant relations that have at all times r pt 7f j n iis hnup the butdena of this body and left us pleasant memories of his as sociations with us. ] u his pro * motion to the office of County Clerk we congratulate Custer County in securing a competent and painstaking official , who from our knowledge of his work we can say will give his best efforts to the services of the people of this County , Be it further Resolved ; That we express our appreciation to Hon. B. P. Morris , Chairman of this Board during the past two years for his marked ability as a presiding officer , his fair and impartial rulings , and his kindness and consideration at all times , and it is with much pleasure that we note the pleasant and harmonious relations that have existed be ; tween the various members of this body during the entire year. Be it further Resolvedj That we note with much regret the close of the official duties of our fellow member , James Lee , whose term of office expires with this year. We reconize in Mr. Lee an active , capable official , an agreeable and esteemed co-worker , and a man who has the interests of the people uppermost in his mind in all his official acts. We desire' also to extend our sympathy to him in the present seriuus illness of his wife , which made it im possible for him to be present at this , the closing session of the vear. and we hone for her sneedv ecovery. The minutes for Dec 14-15-16- 7 were then read and approved. Moved and carried that we now adjourn sine die. For Sale Pine Dwroc- Jersey Boars. These hogs are all pedigreed and there is nothing finer in the county. H. H Squires. 22-tf My city residence for sale or trade. Call or address W. T. Jones. Sept.-23-tf HIGH GRADE Lumber , a large assortment and complete stock for Builders to choose from. Let us estimate on your contracts.Ye always try tQ please , H. T.BRUCE & CO. Uumber & Ccsl South side. BLANCHARD.- . . . . - , . . . OSTEOPATH Office Over'ToJJ'fl , . Millinery ' , i : , ' Store West Side Broken Bow , Nel > , DO YOU WANT A Farm Loan Without "Red Tape ? " MAKES THEM. Notice of Sale ol' Real Btatc by Special Master. Nnllre U Urrcliy irlveii that by virtue of a tlr- croe of the Ulslrlct court of Custt-r coiiuty , 1JIU Judicial District of Nebraska , and lu purmtauce of au order of sale to me directed Uaued by the clerk of said court upon uald decree tendered lu an action m said court wherein Gertrude Morttan Is cmbstltutrd plalntltt and Edward 0. Keasbr'ai receiver of tueT. L , V. Land and Cattle Co. et al are defendant ! and lu which a dccfea was rendered In favor of CUas C. Par- meje. cross complainant for the tmm airirregat- In ? $2763.29. which said sumwas decreed to bo a tirst lien upon tbo following described linJa In tbe suveral amounts hereinafter stated , that lotosuy : thowtt of the ueana ; the K of of the uw4of , Sec , V , Town It ) , North of Kauge 24 hi Cuater county , , -Nebr. for thu sum of W3.09 ; the swM ot Sec H , Tp > " , It B6 lu Loirauc ouutv , Ncbr , for thonum of $18M < > : ( he nwM ol tec M , Tp 19. K K& . lu togau county , Nebr. for f MO.S'J ; the se > < of Sec 14 , Tp W , K 2o LOKAU county , Nebr. for thu sum Of 4UU.98 ! the uwM of Sec 10 , Tp IV. It & , to au county. Nebr for the sum of $2U7,8d : the eH of Sec U , Tt > ID , R 20 , Loifan county , Nebr. for the Bum of $143. . 14 ; the nwV < of Sec 10 , Tp W. BtSfl. Ioiran county - ty , Nebr. torthe sum of f U7.02 , the nw.U of Sec 10. TjvW , 1126 , togaq couUty , Nebr. for the nutu of t\U1.77 ; the scK UPC 1U , Tp 19 , K 26 , Lo- tfan county , Nebr. for the sum uf 1137.J6J the e of the neU Sec 2 , T 19 , U V , l.oirau county , Nebr. for the sura of $ oS. ( > 7i the sVi of the uwW 3CC 2. T. 19 , K 'H , Louau county , Nebr , for the sum of S65.16 ; the u > . ofthenwM Sec 2. T 19 , R il , tiOtfati county , Nebr. for the jum ot JOi , . 30 : the seH of the ueU , the ue ) < of the of the acH Sec 4 , T 19 , K ft , Logan county , Nrhr , for the BVUII of W.V > ; the M of the uwM and u ) ( of the wwW Sec 3 , T 1 , R i7 ! , Lotfan county , Nebr. for'tbe Juui of $176.72 ; the J4 of the seH Sec < * , T 19 , R i& , LIIUJII county , Nebr , for the Hum of $ S9.30 ; the ay of the HWM tilt HwW of the nwH and tbe * < of thu avv.U Sue 25 , T 40 , R 27 , Loir- au county , Nebr , for the Hum of il-tl.lfc ; the w > > of the uwH Sec 1 , T 19 , R * < ! 7 , Loirau county , Ncbr. for the sum of $69.15 ; the nVi of the swH nd the w4 of the BeM Sec 1 , T 19. R 87 , Loirau ouuty , Nebr. for the sum of $166.76 ; the soM f Sec 3 , T 19 , Ti 27 , Logan county , Nebr. for. he-aura of $179.35 ; tbe swK of Sec 9. T 19 , H 26 ( oirun county , Nebr. for the sum' of $147,17 ; he nK of the ueX of Sec 17 , T 19 , R 26 , Logan ounty , Nebr for the Bum of $77.04 ; the swM of Sec 11 , T 19 , R 20 , Losran county , Nebr. for the um of $132,52 said several amounts bcarlnir merest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum rora Sept 1,1004. And It was also decreed In said action that Me plaintiff and the cross complainant , Fidel- ty Trust Co. have and recover from the da- cndant , the T. L. V. Land and Cattle Co. the urn of $13,250.00 , with Interest thereon at the atooflOper cent per annum irorn the he date of the decree reuderud In uald action o-wlt : from 5)cin ) 3rd , 190. * , which uald sum vaS il rr * /1 fn lift A 1ln unnrl tlla t jtntu I M rr rl _ crlbed real i-Hiatq subject only to lien of Charlu * U. Pariueie as tlicrdu before fouud to- wit : The s of tlie nwW and the wit of the noK of Sec 0 , T 18. R 25 CuMor countyi Nrb ; also the sM of the sei Sec 8 ; the a H of Sec . tlig suK. the nwtt , and the awif of Section 10 ; the swM of Sec 11 ; he nwK , the eeH , andtlieHwK of Sec 14 ; he suH and the uwM of Sec IS ; the nW of the neM of Scclicach and all of ald narcel * bu- ag In T 19 , K 26. Logan county , Nebr. Also the nvi ol the sw , the wU of the aeM hi'swK of the nwH and lot 4 all in Sec l ; tbe M of the nwtf , the a % of the HWX , the scM ot the nek and lot l , all ot Sec 2 ; the SeM , thenHol theswK the sV4 of thenwtf all of Sec 3 , the neH of thescM , th&seW ot tha neU all of Sec 4 , each and ail of said parcels last named being In Tp IB , H J7 , Logan co. , Ncbr , Also the eK of the SWK , the nwfcf of the swK , the awx of the nwtf all of Sec 25 In Tp 80 , H 37 , Logan co , Nebr. Now Thcretore , having levied upon and appraised the above described real estate I will aa directed by staid dect ce ofler said real estate and tenements and each and every tract and parcel thereof for sale at public auction on tbe 13th day of January 1910 , at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day at the front door ot the coun house In Broken BOW , In CuaUr Co . Nebr , , to the highest bidder for cash to satis ! y the several amounts found dug under said decree and declared to be lleni ° " saltl real e&tate as aforesaid , being In the aggre gate the sum of I4003 | 2 together with inter ests and costc In the sum , of. tj73Joo | and ac cruing cost. As directed by a-Ud Decree each ot said parcels of land win be altered for sale sep arately and then collectively. Said real eatate will be sold subject to the taxes levied thereon as shown by the cer- tlnca.tea of the treasurers of Logan Co. , Nebr , and of custer co. , Nebr , now on ale In the office of the clerk of the district court of said custer Co , I will also at the same time and place sell the fencing used in connection v-ut said teal estate and located on other lands than above described. ithla IRth t\iv nf TJA/r.mV r IflflO SILAI A. HoLCOity , Special Master HARRY KIMBALL UNDERTAKER AND EUBALMER ( Licensed ) Business VOODQ , SQl Residence S31D Ciolccn Bow , Nebraska. MISS JUNNIE OLINB MANICURING , HAIR DRESSING FACIAL MASSAGE , SCALP TREATMhNT Dlerks Block , Broken Bow , Nebraska. L. B. COLE EMBALMER & FUNER'L DIRECTOR ( Licensed ) Union. Block Business phone & , Residence 323 Broken Bow , Ntbtajka , N" . T. GADD ATTQRNEY-AT-LAW Olllce over Holcouib'a bonk storr. Office iitioue 20S Residence 80 lirokeii llnw , Nebraska , J. A. 'ATTORNEYAT-LAW Practices lu all the courts. Convayanclne and national work. ' Office Ju'p. stairs over State lunk of Broken How. llrokcn now , Nebraska. A. VINCENT SHERIDAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Calls prohii'tly answered day or night. Ottlce anil rcnldencr In the Mrs. Qlelm bullillni ; Just west ol the Security State Hank. Vliune 3'JO llrokctt How , Nebraska. P. W. BUCKLEY , M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON r.VK , KAR , NOSRanU THROAT , Kitting of alutijtex. nice In Dlcrks lllk. I'lioue 2dO llroken llnw , Nebraska , BANGS' STUDIO WE MAKE GOOD PHOTOS Bast Side of Square Agents for Chtckerlng , Ivers' i Pond and tar Pianos , We can save you money Broken Vow , Nebraska. J. L. FEKGUSON NOTARY PUBLIC Keal Estate , Insurance , mncfces and Farms for Kent , Legal Papers Driun , Sur- eying and Platting. Comntock , Nebraska , FRANK KELSEY ALL KINDS OF WELLS Consult Him if You Want Water. Broken Dow. Nebraska , C. F. WILSON , D. C. CHIROPRACTOR OVFICB ATV S B. Caywood's Broken Bow , Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays OFFIPK HOURS : 2 TO 4 P. M. CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS If paid iu advance I will n\ve \ tbe first six Chiropractic AiljugtuienU for $ lo oo , anil thereafter ten adjustments for $5.00 at any of my offices. Anali- zatiou and examination free at office. Custer County Land Man If you have a snap in a farm , or ranch for sale list with me. If you want to buy a snap in a farm or ranch , come and see me. Phones , office 42 , resi dence 129. CHAS. W. BOW M.IN BROKEN Bow , NEB.