Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 30, 1909, Image 1

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    ' . . . <
State .
Historical Society
duster County IRepiJbltcan
The NorthIS
Cream Bread 28 for $1.00
'Mothers Bread 28 for 1.00
Graham Bread 28 for. . . ' 1.00
Rye Bread 28 for 1.00
White Bacad 7 for . " ,25 ,
Raisin Bread 10 for 1.00
Boston Brown Bread per loaf 5c and 10
Raised Doughnuts per dozen 10
Sweet Dougnuts per dozen 10
French Crullers per dozen 10
Bisinarks 10
Coffee Cake each 15
Cinnamon Rolls per dozen 10
Butter Rolls per dozen 10
French Rolls per dozen 10
Tea Rolls per dozen 10
Parker House Rolls per dozen 10
Cream Puffs per dozen v 30
Eclaires per dozen 30
Almond Macaroons per dozen 10
Or per pound 35
Cocoanut Macaroons per dozen 10
Or per pound 35
Lady Fingers per dozen 15
Kisseses per dozen 10
Vanilla Wafers per dozen 10
Cocoanut Muffins per dozen 15
Chocolate Muffins per dozen 15
Nut Muffins per dozen 15
Vanilla Drop Cakes per dozen 10
Chocolate Drop Cakes per dozen. . . . 10
Loaf Cake each 15
Pound Cake each 15
Laver Cakes each 35c and 50
We would be pleased to have you call and see these goods
before doing your Christmas buying.
The "Stay Satisfactory
1910 Low Prices on Parlor Suits in Mahogany ,
Elegant Chairs and Eockers , China Closets , Book
Cases , Bed Ecom Suits. Dressers and Dressing
Tables. Silverware and Cutlery , Queeensware
The law of gravitation has been
sustained and vindicated near
Gravity , Iowa. A "shiveree"
party enlivened the festivities by
running a steam thresher around
the bridal party's house and toot
ing the whistle. They gyrated
once too often. The machine
broke the platform over a well
and gravitated to the bottom.
FruitCakes per pound. 25
Angel's Food each lOc and 15
Or any size you may want.
Devil's Food each 15
Sunshine Cake each 25
Brown Stone Front each 35c and. . . 50
Golden Rod Cakes each 25
Jelly Roll each 10
Chocolate Roll each 10
Caramel Roll each 10
Lemon Roll each 10
Sugar Cookies per dozen 10
Scotch Cookies per dozen 10
Dark Fruit Cookies per dozen 10
Light Fruit Cookies per dozen 10
Fruit Slices per dozen 10
Lemon Cookies per dozen 10
Cocoannt Cookies per dozen 10
Nut Cookies per dozen 10
Hobo Cookies per dozen 10
Sponge Drops per dozen 10
Lemon Snaps per dozen 10
Ginger Snaps per dozen 10
Or 3 dozen for 15
Lemon Pies each 15
Chocolate Pics each 15
Cocoanut Pies each 15
Apple Pies each 7 +
Mince Pies each
Ked Raspberry Pies each
Cranberry Pies each 15
Pumpkin Pies each 15 M
Fillings of all kinds to order. M
Steam threshers cost money , and
the gravity of the situation near
Gravity is made more grave be
cause of difficulty in raising the
machine from its grave in the
gravel. St. Joseph News-Press.
Fred Wecsner , of Dunning ,
came in Monday morning and
transacted business with our
Most of our advertisers are
taking a rest this week , but
business continues to go on. The
only time to stop advertising is
when you quit business.
Considerable space this week
is given to the publication of the
supervisors' proceedings.
L > P. Johnson , of Elsmcre
transacted business here Monday.
enumerators' Test Easy.
Washington , D. C. , Dec. 27 , 1909.
Any person of good judgment ,
who has received an ordinary
common school education , can
readily and easily pass the test
to be given applicants for Census
enumerators' places on Saturday
February 5th , the date finally set
for U. S. Census Director Durand ,
according to an announcement
from the Census Bureau to-day.
This will be a comforting assur
ance to the several hundred
thousand who are believed to be
contemplating application for
the places.
It was emphatically stated at
the bureau that the test will be
an eminently reasonable and prac
tical one , similar to that applied
tn applicants at the Twclvcth
Census. It will consist of filling
out a sample schedule of popula
tion from a description , in narra
tive form , of typical families , and
in the case of enumerators whose
work will be in the rural dis
tricts , they will be called upon
to fill out an additional sample
schedule of agriculture , from
information furnished by the Cen
sus Bureau.
All persons , whether women or
men , who may desire to become
Census enumerators must be cit-
zens of the United States ; resi
dents of the supervisor's dis
trict for which they wish to be
appointed ; must not be less than
18 nor more than 70 years of age ;
must be physically able to do the
work ; must be.trustworthy , hon
est and of good habits ; must
have at least an ordinary educa
tion and must be able to write
plainly and with reasonable rap
Those who can comply with
these requirements arc invited to
put in their applications , as there
will be at least 68,000 enumera-
Jors' places to befilled by the mid
dle of March in preparation for
the enumeration beginning April
15th ,
Application forms , with full
instructions for filling-in , and
complete information concerning
he test and the method of ap-
lointment , can be secured by
writing to the supervisor of cen
sus for the supervisor's district
u which the applicant lives.
All applications properly filled-in
must be filed with the supervis
ors not later than January 25th
es any received after that date
cannot be considered.
Further information may be ob-
ained by addressing Jos. Pigrnan ,
Supervisor of Census , Broken Bow
The New York Clipper has the
following to say of a former
Broken Bow boy , Jack Benjimin :
This company closed a season
of forty-seven weeks on Saturday
night , Dec. 18. The first forty
weeks the company played it had
only two losing weeks , one due
to weather conditions and the
other well , we just didn't make
a hit. Out of the last seven
weeks hardly one paid expenses
so we are inclined to believe it is
not a good season. On the whole
the season has netted he manager
a nice little fortune , and his suc
cess is . .largely due to an cxcep
tionally clever company of men
and women , who never tired in
their efforts to please. We have
had but one change in the eas
since organizing and not a re
hearsal in thirty weeks. The
company is as follows : Ed Beach
Fred Frink , Ralph Griffin , Gco
Havlin , Jim Welsh , Winsor Mun
nell , Frankic Elliott , May Shan
non , Dot Karroll and Jack Ben
jauiin , owner and manager. .
Mr. Benjamin and most of his
company will spend Christmas al
their homes , opening again aboul
the first of the year.
Will Slart the New Year Right ,
Last Thursday evening a very
pretty wedding took place at the
home of the bride's parents , Mr.
and Mrs. Joshuo Sheffield south
of town.
The parties moat concerned at
this gathering were Mr. Earl
Hammond and Miss Corda Shef
field both of Custcr county. i
The groom is an energetic
young farmer well and favorably
known in this community.
The bride is a young lady of
many accomplishments , having
taught school in this county sev
eral terms.
The wedding was solcuiized
with the ring ceremony by the
pastor of the Broken Bow Baptist
church in the presence of about
thirty guests.
After the cermony all were
seated around a table ladencd
with the many products of Custcr
Sunday School Revival. J
The Revival in the Sunday
School is on at the U. B. church
and the school has begun to grow1
in enthusiasm and numbers and
they arc looking forward to many
new members.
Prof. fcDietrick's talk Monday
night opened up the way in
which the Sunday school will
endeavor to enroll all the members
of the church in Bible study and
the committees have been chosen
and the contest will prove inter
esting to the workers as well as
to those who arc brought into
the school as new members.
"The Organized Bible Class
and its Activities , " "The Trained
Work" will be interesting subjects
to members of other schools and
those who do not attend as well
as the U. B. people , and all are
invited to attend. All will be
interested in the poems that will
be quoted from time to time.
Sunday will be the last day , and
the climax of the Sunday School
revival meeting. A big iron's
meeting will be held at o'clock
Sunday afternoon. On next
Tuesday night the regular evan
gelistic service will begin with
Rev.Cikc in charge.
On Monday night next week
Prof. Dietrick will give a lecture-
recital entitled the "Age of
Man" illustrated with recita
tions from our best authors. This
lood to old age and then his
reflections on life. It is lull of
wit and humor and good eolid
Marriage Licenses.
fohn Sams , Arnold 39
Mrs. Lucy Emil , Arnold 37
Thomas F. Hussey Anselmo..22
J. May Ackerman , Anaelmo. . .18
[ lenry W.-Taylor , Mason City.21
May me A. Reynolds , M City. .20
lyde D. Wilson , Broken Bow.25
Frances Langson , Broken Bow.22
Archie Brooks , Walworth 23
Minnie Williams. Walworth. . 18
Howard G , Grint Phillipsbcrg.24
Inez Dixie Storm , Sargent. . . .22
Orval S. Burton , Merna 23
Bessie Maybell Luce , Merna..21
Jesse A. Gates , Arcadia 27
/iella Leach Eastman , Arcadia.21
Earl Hammond , Broken Bow..21
Corda Sheffield , Broken Bow..21
Edwin J , Guilford , Cornstock. 22
Nettie Belle Ow na , Comatock.20
Arnold Gesohwind , Callaway..36
Theresa J. Sofranek Callaway.26
Chan. D. Andrews Summerfield34
Ida LeServe , Broken Bow 25
Roscoe Myers , Broken Bow. . . .20
Myrtle Dodd , Broken Bow..U
John E. Mewhorter , Seneca. . .22
Jessie I. Noakes , Adams 21
John MorrisonBloomington 11130
Angcline M. Briggs , Oconto.,24
Lewis C. Nelson , Berwyn 25
Murcl Mucker , Berwyn I
Carl L. Holster , Sutnncr 26
Sarah R. Flynn , Mason City. . 18
J. G , Leonard sold hia grocery
store yesterday to W. S. Kennedy
and the stock is being invoiced ,
Al. R. Cliurcli. R. II. Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. ui ;
uiorning\sernion 11:00 : a , m ; Jun
ior league 2:30 : p. in ; Epwortb
league 6:30 : p. m ; evening : sermon
7:30 : p. ra | prayer meeting Thurs
day 7:30 : p. 111.
Baptist Uiufdi. A. T. Norwood , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
preaching 11:00 : a. m ; Junior
union 3:00 : p. m ; B. Y. P , U. ( i:30
p. in ; preaching 7:30 p , m ;
teachers' meeting Monday 7:30 :
p , in ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 :
p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday
7:30 : p ui.
Broken Bow people who were
fortunate enough to be present
at the opera house Tuesday night
enjoyed a rare treat. The bill
was Monte Cristo , and was well
staged and well acted. It is a
pleasure to the management of
this justly popular house to give
the people satisfactory entertain
ment and they certainly did
themselves proud when they
billed this attraction. The bill
for tomorrow ( Friday ) night is
] li and Jane , a funny show , and
if you go , and don't l&iigh , the
doorkeeper will hand your money
back together a prescription
guaranteed to cure the grouch.
Attorney Gadd , Tuesday filed
information against Frank Dar-
rah charging him with wife de
sertion , This is the fellow who
was arrested several weeks ago
for the unlawful co-habiting
with the lady interested in the
case and whom he married and
had the complaint dismissed. It
is charged that after the marringo
he deeded his farm to his broth
er and left the country , leaving
his wife and three children of
whom he swore he was the fath
er at the time of his marriage.
Miss Ruth Kimball gave a
Christmas entertainment at the
Dunlap school house , consisting
of a fine programme and a tree
full of treats for her scholars.
There were many presents. The
neighbors having donated , there
were treats for all. Every one
enjoyed a Merry Christmas. The
school board in this district is
P. D , Glover , director ; Merrit
Johnson , moderator ; Mrs. J. II.
Dunlap , treasurer.
On last Saturday evening a
crowd of young folks gathered
at the Triplett home to surprise
Earl , it being bin twenty-first
birthday. The evening was
spent in music and games and a
lap supper was served. The
house was decorated with mis
tletoe , cedar and candles. The
young folks left Earl a tie pin.
A family Christmas tree and
six-o'clock dinner was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. D.
Pickett Saturday. Those present
were Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Pickett ,
Mr. and Mrs. David Hilton and
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Pickett.
Editor Philpott of the Anselmo
Enterprise , was a pleasent caller
at this office Monday. Christmas
got into his teeth and he came
down to have a dentist ritn them
out a little.
It's the little things' in life that
cause the most worry. For in
stance , a flee can arouse a man's
temper quicker thanthe baying
a bull dog on a moonlight night.
Ceb L e and wife who have
been visiting- with Mrs. Lee's
patents , Mr. and Mra. Beck with ,
the past week , returned home
yeterday morning.
Roy Worden , Bill Proacht ,
Glen Meeker and Floyd Worden ,
of Berywn , came up Tuesday
evening to see Monte Cristo.
Attorney E. E. Squire's made a
a business trip to Lincoln the
first of the week.