Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 23, 1909, Image 8

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- * * , . * - * v ,
\Ve send the old , old greetiug
Tendered year by year ,
For a happy Christmas
And a glad New Year.
We have received several large shipments " , .
of groceries in the last three weeks and are ad- j
ding to our stock all the time.
We keep a full line of feed and hajed hay.
We also havJe a good line of queensware * j |
and enameled ware.
We should be pleased to receive your orders.
I Gleaned for Your Perusal by Our Rustling Reporters
, ' , Clay Coffmau , of Lillian , was
in town Tuesday.
\J. W. Heapy , of Utchfield ,
was in tpwn Monday.
* >
* v t
, C. H. Zackery , of Merna , trans
acted business here yesterday.
Lewis Bookman , of Wester-
ville , was in the town Wednes
'G. W. Trobridge , of Fairfield ,
transacted business here yester
J. H. Christ went to Omaha
this morning with a car of fat
Phil Waclhams , of the Dunning
Booster , was in town Tuesday and
dropped in on us- '
vJChe swellest line of White
Wool Blankets in Broken Bow at
"Kiflin-Lucke Go's.
i P. A. Bates and wife , of Lillian ,
, were.among the Christmas shop-
"jieYsrin town Monday.
\ Joseph McCarty , of Merna ,
came down yesterday to pay his
traxcs and visit the boys.
) Mrs. Dirks and son , Devere , of
Lincoln , are visiting her datigh-
, , ter , Mrs. J. S , Molyneaux.
- 4 Qwing , to Xmas coming on
Saturday I will keep the drug
store open all ctay. S. R. Lee.
' Chas. Rourke , and Mrs. J. F.
Rou'rke'and Miss Rpurke of Mcma
shopped with our merchants
Kenneth Kublee , who is attend *
ing the Culver Military Academy
ut Culver , Indiana , came home
Vednesday for a visit with his
' . , This is the last week of the
clearing sale at Kiffin-Lucke Go's
store. Come in and look whethei
, you buy or not. Store open tm
til 9 p. m. this week. Kiflin-
Luckc Co.
II. T. Kitnball , of Denver , was
in town yesterday.
G. B. Houder cauie down from
Dunning Monday.
M. Loughren , of Milburn ,
transacted business here Monday.
G. Metcalf , of West Union ,
was a Broken Bow visitor Mon
Rev. S. E. Racey , of Merna ,
visited Hev. S. M. Zike yester
Mesdames D. W. and J. W
Predmore , of Analey , were here
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Young , of
Sates , were Broken Bow visitors
Don't forget to buy a camera
for Xmas. S. R. Lee has a com
plete line.
J. H. , Germ and Glenn Linder.
of Berwyn , were Broken Bow
visitors yesterday.
I have stocked a line of cam
eras and a complete line of
supplies. These are fresh. S.
R. Lee.
Miss Katharine Dierks , of
Lincoln , came up Wednesday for
a visit with her aunt , Mrs. J. S.
Mx > lyneaux.
While playing at school last
Thursday afternoon Alma Ream
fell on the ice and sustained a
fracture of the left arm.
The way people bought goods
at the clearing sale last week
showed they appreciated the
values and the up-to-date stvles
at Kiffiu-Luke Go's.
Miss Irene Xandcrs , who has
held the position of assistant
teacher the past eight years at
Akely Hall at Grand Haven ,
Michigan , arrived Tuesday for
a holiday visit with her parents ,
Rev. and Mrs. Xanders.
Hack * to the Section , Heine Sclililz.
The .Heine Schlitz company
hat attempted to amuse the
jcople at the opera house Tues-
lay night was a frost. Not one
> f the company could have been
onyictcd of being an actor in
police court. Earlier in the
icason this company was one of
Deal on the road , but bad weather
ind poor houses put them to the
"bad" and the actors connected
with the company quit and their
places were filled by amateurs
recruited fiom the want-to-be
actor class. Manager Great was
about the surest man in town
yesterday morning and desires
us to inform the people that be
was "taken in" , as was the
public. It is the policy of Mr.
liroat to bill no show that he
cannot recommend , and in the
futre he will be even more care
ful than in the past.
Carriage at Mertia.
At the United Brethern parson
age at Merna buuday , Dec. 19 ,
1909 , at 3 p. m , , Orville S. Bur
ton and Miss Uesaie Lue , both
of Merna , Rev. Racey officiating.
After the certnony the bridal
party repaired tn the home of the
bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs.
Sain'l Luce where a wedding
supper was partaken of. On
Monday an in fare dinner wai
given at the home of the groom's
parents , Mr. and Mrs. W. W ,
Burton , at which a large nun.-
ber of guests were present.
The newly wed are popular
young people of Merna and are
receiving congratulations of tbeii
large circle of friends to which
The Republican adds theirs ,
They will reside on a farm neai
Coming , Opera House , Dec. 31st , 1:1
and Jane.
James Whitcouib Riley , the
Hoosier poet , says of "Eli" in El
and Jane : He is a man with :
woman's heart and a warrior' ;
soul , who never turned his bacl
on friend or foe. The work i :
touched with the light of humor
grace and innate charm whicl
will plcace the entire audience
The part of Eli is richly endow
ed with all the good things tha
go to make up a good clean mor
al show. See Harry Green , thi
world's greatest comedian in El
and Jane.
For Sale.
My residence property in Brok
en Bow , consisting of sixteet
acres of land iu the city limits
All good new buildings , gooc
wells and wind mills. A fiui
orchard in bearing , includinj
all kinds of fruit that grows ii
this country. Terms to suit pur
chaser , WM.
S. R. Lee wishes to announc
to the public that he will kcc
the drug store open all da
Xtnas. , , *
Dr. Bass , the dentist has re
moved to his old location , upstair
over Senders' drug store.
Will Jenkins came in fret
( Omaha Tuesday to spend th
holidays here.
Wm. and E. E. Ramsey , o
Arnold , were Broken Bow visitor
Father , Mother , Brother , Sister and Baby
? '
"A u new line We have just re
ceived a splendid
of Couch Cov-
> assortment of
era and Portiers
. . .RUGS. . .
All styles and sizes.
And we wmt to remind you that we want to KOQ
you In the "Good Old Summer Time" far we have the
bout KofrUerators you ever saw. It will save first coat
In a short time In the savlnil of loe. Drop In a Ilitlo later
and let us tell you about them ,
Lodi Notes.
Preparations fdr a Christmas entertain
ment arc goitig ou at a livtjly rate ut tbe
Evaugulicul church at this ) plucu. Tim
Baptists have niven up their entertain-
nieut. luatead of a tree a novel feature
will be introduced iu the form of a green
covered arch ou which tbe gifts will be
arranged. A treat will be given and
three young men , Ray Mougey , Farley
Van Cleave and Krneat Maze , are solicit
ing for it.
Mrs. J. M. Muudou is 90 the sick list
at this writing.
Attendance at school baa diminished
considerably on account of the cold
Mrs. Augusta Pope , of Sparks , Nevada ,
ie visiting ut Cornish's and Johnston's.
Myrtle Shoemaker in suffering with a
very sore niouth.
Charley Williams has been busy the week hauling corn for Arthur Corn-
lab and the MeHietBou Ranch.
The Gleaner's class Social which waste
to have been held at B. P. Hauley'u last
Saturday tiight postponed ou account of
the extreme cold.
A few of the Lodi farmers have order
ed eight tons ot Rock Springs coal from
the Gikerst Coal Co. of Cnlibway. This
will save a great deal of hauMng.
The K. L , C. K. will bold a social and
business meeting at P. T. VanCleave's
Barney Kolbo has put in a store at
Many todi people are making trips to
Culluwuy as Christmas draws near.
Prairie Center.
Uig home Xmas preparations.
U. U. Hogoboom and family visited at
Gus Schurr's Sunday.
Mrs. Ed Long returned from her east
ern visit to home folks , Tuesday. After
u few days visit , returned to her home
at Mason City to prepare for n trip to
Oklahoma and Texas.
Mr. Kindness who has been no ill at
Weesner's is much worse nt this writing.
Esther Heal is home for her Xmas
Nannie Rains started on horseback to
visit the Beal children Sunday. The horse
slipped on ice m front of Mr. Schurr's
house and fell with her. She was un
conscious when carried to the house and
seriously injured but Dr. Pennington
says no bones are broken.
Ben Martin from Ottawa , Katis , visit
ed at Rains' Saturday , Sunday and Mon
This is final examination week al
Mae Rains spent the latter part of the
week with friends in town and witnessed
the basket ball game Saturday evening ,
Ortello News.
Mrs. ) . S. Dyke was a Broken Bow
visitor the last of the week.
J. M. Ingrain and wife and Robert and
Ollie visited at N. T. Water's near New
Helena the last of the week.
Miss Maude Moor returned home
Saturday for a vacation.7'
Miss Jennie Kilwards came out tc
spend u vacation with home folks.
G. S. Lown and son Lee came down
rum tbe. hills to continue work at M. L.
Page Fergerson is working for Chas.
1 irnudt now.
Albert Hill is still .shelling corn in the
M. L. Knapp is hauling corn
Prairie Hill.
George Kindness is on the sick list
Ralph Miller is working fet Mr Martin
Mr 1'nrker hns returned from Dunning
tid is working for Mr Thomas
Charley Bay and Charley Longfellow
re shelling corn in Union Valley this
There will be one week vacation
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Zuntbrota Zephyrs.
"A Merry Xmas to you. "
Mrs B. li. Sands and babe spent a few
ilay.s the first of the week with Mr. anil
Mrs. I. N. Perhlmll in the Bow.
W. W. Williams and family Sundayed
, vitb M. D. Stone's.
The school children congregated on
e lagoon in Callen's pasture Sunday
afternoon to enjoy skating.
O. E. Egglcston had a sale Monday.
; t was well attended.
Mrs. W. W. Bishop leaves today
[ Thursday ) for Lincoln to spend the
lolidays with relatives.
Mr. Rockwell , of York tuned Mr.
Koozer's piano last Saturday.
M. D. Culleu sold a milch cow last
Saturday to Chas , Holcomb in the Bow.
Boots Bros , are shelling corn for a
number of the people in the valley.
Nine McCoutas and Mr. Barrett are
going to have a sale in the near future.
They expect to leave this country and go
to Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Routh spent Sun-
lay with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cramer
in Orrnsby.
Mr. and Mrs. Chus , Heaps , of Snake
Run , were ? u'tertaiued at W. W. Bishop's
Harry Ash and one of the Gallington
bo > s were out to the Peden ranch Sun
day. .
Georgetown Items.
Miss Jean Campbell who is attending
school at the University came home Sat
urday to spend Christmas holidays.
Miss Alice Beck went to Broken Bow
Tuesday to spend a few days with friends
Mrs. Mulvoney and little son Theo
dore are among the sick ,
Miss Eva Smith went to Lincoln Sat-
unlay after a short visit at home.
Mrs. Lund and daughter Anna whc
hove been visiting near Ansley returned
home Wednesday.
Laura , Lola and Lawrence Blevins
started to school Monday.
Alice Beck and Mabel Smith spent
Sunday evening nt the Spry home.
While Wishing our Customers and Friends |
\Ve desire to say that we have a very
Bice selection of chance articles in the
girt line for the late shoppers. Call
I and inspect the stock. No trpuhle to
show the goods.
The family who are to live on the
Campbell ranch have taken possession.
Mrs. Campbell will visit her daughter
Mrs. Stuckey for a short time before
going and Mr. Campbell will leave us
soon as business will permit.
Miss Mary Downey who has been in
Ohio attending shool is at home again.
Roy Spry has gone to Kearney to
spend a few days with relatives
Miss Beatrice Patterson has resumed
her duties at the store again , having been
at home a week on account of the illness
of her mother
Mr and Mrs Myers called at the Mul-
vrney home Sunday
Miss Violet Stnock who has been
assisting with the work at the Stuckey
home went home Sunday for a vacation
Mrs Frank Spry is quite ill again
Henry Close was up from Surnner look
ing after some business last week
Frank Devine was a caller at tbe Beck
oome Sunday evening
McKinley Murmurings.
Mr Ash will soon finish a three months
term of school and has decided not to
teach the lost three months of school on
account of.the severe weather Mr Ash
is a splendid teacher and we all hate to
him v
see quit
Mrs J H Walburn is still on the sick
but is reported some better
Several of the young people attended
the party at John Koch's Saturday
They report a good time
Miss Elsie Myers spent Saturday night
with her friend Lizzie Haefele
Elflo Myers , Lizzie Haefele and Dan
Sickler spent Sunday afternoon at Nath
an Province's near Tuckerville
A few of the young people attended
the dance at Mr. Henderson's Saturday
Mr and Mrs Jos Haefele were Calla-
way visitors Saturday
Ernest Booth's spent Sunday at Jos
Have you written old Santa Claus a
letter yet ? If not , you hod better hurry
tor there is only four more dajs The
writer wishes you nil a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
Stockholders Meeting.
The Partners Shipping * Asso
ciation of Broken Bow will hold
its annual meeting1 of stock
holders at court house in Broken
Bow , Nebraska , ou January 3 ,
1910 , at 2 o'clock , p. m. , for the
election of officers and the trans
action of such other business as
may legally come before the as
sociation. The American Society
of Equity is invited to meet with
us , as business of mutual interest
may come befofe us. All mem
bers are urged to be present.
H E MYKRS , President.
A WOMAN in Washington is
urging congress to establish a
school to teach farmers' wives to
cook. If that woman would
come out to Nebraska and put
her feet under the table of any of
the Nebraska farmers' wives she
would readily discover that , there
is no need for such a school in
this state.
Coming to Opera House Next Week
IVIpnte Cristo Dec 28
Eli and Jane Dec. 31
The first a Melo Drama from that -wonderful story by Du
mas , Monte Cristo.
No Dirt , No Clinkers' All Coal. The Good Kind. X
Make Quick Deliveries in Any Quantity | - > *
I Feed for Sale Wholesale and Retail k
Highest Market Price Paid for All Kinds of Grain. < 0 J
The West Elevator |
S F. J. Bahr , Prop. Te'ephone 62
( oeooc
Christmas is here and for dinner you will want something
nice and not too expensive but strictly pure food articles.
How will some o ! tbe following do.
SeaUhlpt Oysters , those pure unadul
terated oysters , \\itu all their origi
nal salt u a flavor. Only 300 a pint
Celi'ry. Jumbo bunches , nhtte crisp
anil delicious , only lOc.
Cranberries , from Wisconsin , red and
ripe 2qts for35c
Saratoga Cblps , crisp and delicious
K ib , only toe
Lettuce frcsli and crisp per bunch .Sc
Navel Oranges , fresh trora calltor
nla the first of the season Pur doz
en . 3UC , 33c , 40C and SOc
Pineapples , the richest fruit on the
market , . 2 for Sic.
ns's Apple nutter in cans. . . . U5c
Helnz's assorted Preserves In Cans 0c
We have a full supply of candies , nuts , figs , dates large rais
ins , french cherries and other good things too numerous to
mention , Also a full supply of Christmas tree decorations ,
Holly , Tinsel and trees of all sizes ,
We will not run a Delivery Wagon Christmas Afleruoon.