Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 23, 1909, Image 4

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$1.00 PeFYSKrJ
Entered at Broken nowTOftjtkaor .trap . *
inlsaloulu tUu UnlteQ Buiteft'.juallt' 45 > J
at second clans rales.
it it
U. M. AMSDLRRY , Editor anil Publisher
' -\Ypll , CARSON , Associate Editor.
ADVERTISING , RATES. < f nintter/spel oq wob4la < oej
cuiili purlliicn.iu- . ,
a tll price of'iwvnif -
uiun , for each ImertUin , two or more lusurlloi <
16 cents t > cr IncU. St ecal | position , slaif la lo.
) ' larifiiu'WtaiiU ' Vet inclij MuU ) built ) . efocirolH
two or more lliiien , 45 coatu per Inch. PayineUt
. tirst bf cafch'inoatbt ' ' . ' ' * ' ' I
.Ijocaradyettjdnq fly.q cent * p r lice aeijyi
, ; tNotlc'q Lit { hnrclipburcb'falrs.'ioclitlei And
entertainments wbore money , ) cbarued , oqe
. , Urpth Qotlcst free , half crlce for piibllshlnif
fibHilaVU r " ' , I
Card of Thanks , SO cenun 'j " ' ' '
Legal notice * at rale * proTlded statute * 01
Nebraska , t
> .Society notlcesand roflolutloas.pno-hiliriiiM
' ' 'Woddinir ildtlb 'li e , bait ilrlce for ilbt of
, prMCUtB. , , i ) ( , ,1 , . . ; , ' ; I i' . ,
' J ' " P'RACK 'on ' ' earth : ' 'Goo'd ' ' will
'to men ; "
' ' " 'M ! kiTp'DArhaV ' a Vtned fa tiyrj-
' ' " ' ' '
ihip'of'all Th"e' grain e'l'eyatqp ip
that province.
is ! " ' > ' in T f , ( " ' ' * * * i i , ti ' , , i. . ;
.that'babies cannot be barred by
. "
Wyt , , Iu7Tji"J ' 1 rt' , - ' ' '
pnuIprdH. I.roin fiatH. ( , . . , , ;
Sim. BROWN has introduced ia
bill in theisenate to.'tax Indian
tlands in ThUrstoncounty : , . ' j
J.IO I i' ' \ \ I , ' . ' . ] " . I'.l" ' t'
THKRK may'be Jdlt'ev 'tbw'n's1 ' ip
.country than Broken Bpw but no
"better'tiedpiej'ivein 'them' ' . ' '
ii 11 r' ' i < ft' 11 i i 4 < i' ' , ;
1 - . , ' . " * " ' . ' ' . ,
1i. i i j' ; ' 1,1
IK you are np.t happy , , act , hap
py. Don't let your grouch spo 1
Chriatmnsjqf ; ypurnejghbpr , ,
. "Now that the Omaharfire and ,
muchly advertised .town ,
; " ( ' THs'supremc 'cdUrt of' th state
has sustained the new laW taxing
, -corporatiopB afld .tliuSjij is .pr.ovet
' 5lV.ejJafS ! the first piiace a'u.d u
' ' '
abput it r/
, 'IT.HK. finest thing in the
- world'Usiyi * t'tie ' 'Ad-
, ! Ba'itfapre , -
' 'Vdftisef , lVis c'nndhob'd's faith i
Sarta Glaus ; 'arid th'e most 'pa
tic/thing , fathe wprldijis ja
sight of an empty stocking. " i '
TMB state farm has. a supply p
Rcruui for 'the prevention ot hog
cholera , tnd f arniera where Jh g :
are suffering'froni cliolera shoult
Isend" word to the state farm
zkuthoritiest Jndoing ; , this ihe
should sta te the number , of .sic !
.hogs ; and ) give their , weight ao
Hh'at > 'thc men at the farm , wjl
k'now. how much serum ia re
quired. >
are forty'1 coiipti s | in
'that' have l elecjcu
'wpuieti to the pfflte of iuperin
yendent"of ! public 'insiructibri
Vaeilc'6mhi'cntatpri 'boldy assert
fttfat IMey not .only excel".a
[ teachers./ . that they are uit
faVwie'ill.1equip'pe'd ; as nicn' ' | ri 'ex
' ' ' ' ' 'Wi'tho'ut
'e'dut'iv'e'abihtyi taUlnj
lisBue .with- this .opinion a iittl
; cpnserva ipn is , purely advisable
f . < in this masterpt eternally cbnj
p'kring the ; trfembers of the nts ?
sex . ' -j , WVen the day of reactlp
; sft in , t8hguld women ever w |
t"li'n' . . . ' ' J'nrVitfe" . . , Miotr saythey ha V
, - , .e.n T- -y , will > dqUbtless becp
question t ( jlndividuality Ja ;
G.ra'nd rslaad .Inclepeudeut.
Jr , ' V
. . .Cannon's rigfi
. ri' ons , res ntativcLT iti
gerallof , ] e.w Yprlc whp for a
liaged'- cphsi'deratibn' , pr.gani ?
. _ ' . . _ , rati.ctfes
speaker last 3 [
mefnb sof Pth esr > deparJ ien { of
the government f6r criticisiqg
' "co'ngress. J .Criticising is , of.
, only an indirect .and .up- '
_ . _ . .
- JJ j U U .l-fjLTi. ?
he "deVel'Apm ' nt " fa <
* i
; OI IQw . . , _ _ _ _
| * fc * * - * - - „ „
it-diapf those earlier thlUSKihj
. _ . . . . _ .
mi'.y..iul lu i il .L : i.1 : T MStatel
That wodld
Journal ,
, I ' V\ > I
Furniture and
! Wd have1 ordered ai'donj | > ] dte line pf-'Harnesdinnd'in
ofdtHtb rndl * , < fe Worn for ji , tvi.sftott , 1 ' Wt'oftiJ7IElWrJ-
nitur&a fld Q tyisjyArG at greatly r.ed'.i eit inicp ? . .
, We carry ra.fulli line' ' of S tudebaker Bu'g
, . , , . .
'Tooley' ' & 'Waters
ML.1 , , Klulu J.i it 1 I I'll" . > ' < i. , ( jl I
G. L ; 'Tiiirner Luhnber Co.
i ' * i <
QHiT Lumber , Trade
. When. You Build
' ' . . ' . .
, '
,1 It ' ! ' ' ' ' * ' t ' .I I
' , . . . ' ' I"
' ! i > \ ' |
' ii' " " TT § < ' " ! ViJ A' ' ' ' ' > . ' ' ' t
' ri
Givd us aHvial , and \v wlirtry lr < ) ' please you.-
'G * . ' Jii ' " AAJi 'iiN Eiu IyU23DLv0P' ! C0 '
. . . P.HONET9 * ' -
Send jlour Aijstrabt 'brders to !
' * 1 " ( " JA'i"
' 'Banded" At
. ' . , H
Office In Security State Bank BMd'ng
! ' " ' " _ f . . . - f , , ,
' 1 * -w % ' * VS * * f \ M4 ' 1 I * * t'Jid J * * 70
Farm Jjqans C jiicklyClosed , u ' , v
- I , A. RENEAU : *
. * . H
insurgents could only
get Uncle Joe's scalp inJhejr
, socs , , , l at , a.jpyous .Cur atmas it
' ' ' " ' '
wpu'l'd be , A.nd 'if 'LTncle Joe
toiird thef1gang * '
pnly get gang , 'hdg
tied" anp , deUyered by old Kris-
kinfiie what a glorious tithe Un
cle Joe would break
open. , i
P5 i I '
week of winder before ,
as ; souiething Ne'bras-
kans neve'r experienced before ,
jthlsj/eajy and if they , are , all iof ,
t'heopinion .of the , .writer .they.
" J ' f ' i ' "
V ii i r * m
dpnt. hanker for a ' like ex-
periene. ,
* ' . . .
U J h JiJ J I
DRii ) (
Aniailila'R. I'ictene , Jain'i'K Ci'rcen U'er Itus-
WUao.uurliratree.nlielr ( } KRulurn
. 'C.i auil' atttlirnti , and all pervtinH
Int6to teai TAKU.NOTIClIi . 'L'Ual on the
illli day o ( March , 1903 , Ouster rCouiity , In ( bo
-Statetbt NibraaUa1 , iilirtUaaeJ'ihc toxe 'fur Uie
jreurnilMI } q J'Jtd Inclusive , for tjia uiu of $ J7.U
aBaluRt Sud Uiniit'tlie tract cH luid M , xWi n
lu'drfiKi1'rofu ' ref UIocU .KliH-uni In Key
'uer's addition to Ilrokeu , Kowlu CuvUr Couliiy *
Nebraska , more Htwclllcailb' Uescrlbe'd > KH fol-
'linjiif > iltetlHiilinnnl tlle.liorUnvfft corner Haldl
block , ruiiiili/ir tbeuc'e eani tin iiorlb Una ria.ld
.lllook MOMecU'it'Jence , ' outU'3U Jefct , tbunce'
\TCNt Uoutil fe t'to tbowr , t llucof said block
theucV'i)6rtViiial . ; ) > \veJltlne.-'ab6iit ( Su-'feet !
) uaplaceo1 buirlno'lltir.T TKuttlitftilter oif or
about tlieUith'day.of Ma'rcU , 19-9. 'said CuHtqi-
'Coituty ' Uulyjtbld'ialdtUxtW ' : ' 6piiroliaied , and
8atn'aud'\vhobn ! ) the''Mil ilay of October , l9W ,
t > 31d tbekubKeViMeud laies .Toi'itlie year l'H ' > i
A hiaiida
y .dfi-.Ma cli.
ofy 'l'rea4Urei } ol
. 4 < W 'for ' iald
Veal nutate , and thai said property must be re-
'dkrinffcil friiih'H' antiUiiieftVco-iUiaUU Muieff st,1
by ttial'tliuc ' ucdi'vJ will , , Uttue thf4fordlii !
cba'tvi-ci of yil lleux''lnbliidrnff said mortuWe.
, DatediDeceiabcril < tltiiWf Hr < , ; , f-
C3 30 , NKK llARTLBVl -
'sia'teoii ' ; [ Nebraka , ) l ' t |
, .CuRtec Couuty , , ) . / , u , . ' ' .
v "To.liWla'J' . ' ' . Smith 'Wllliaml ' ; , ' Wheeler , Kate
.liyjUaml/jIrnt iiame iinUiimvu auil all perion , *
dcccaHed win take notice that the follo iue
order was male by the Judge of DUtrlci Courj ,
nald couuty , - t\r t , , ' '
v t > X ! f
lie it reuio.nbired . thatpn ( Ills \\i \ * l < \ day (
December. 1'W , If tippt'arluj iJ. li JddaT of
.tUe.UUtrlct Court oL.Custer County , Ndbrakkn-
teculplr at. CliatpUertlii tbe City of Kearney ,
Dfuffjih ) Qdugty jthat there Is not sbfUcleul1
Voriional property In'tbe bands of the ASdmlulb- .
trator to pay the" debts l tbo abnver named
citato.bclutf the estate pf , Ezra.L.Vhr leraii'U
xbat 'theruarb.1cllilmkstlll'ixliitlni * ( faJnBt.
Slid entile vut' Wi oc | tUat.hl.l t o pwili-ynjaiid
personal , property have' been accpiiutitd for
Itothb Probate C6urt < tbi .Halt ! CUalhViCou ity ,
1 a. , 'v- IB liereby.prdcreJ , that , this P.
' - '
! toiirt hd use
day of January , I'll' ' , a ( uia , boil of
L-a/m. of sildUaiOaiU'tUit Ull-Veraons
uiiwipaper of ireueral clrculatlou pub
said county ,
Judte WWe'nUn/uajcUl ' IlUUlct of Nebra kl
uir at Chambers.
'OP 'P.
Estate'oP Rllas.lAfolUtiBer.'J(1efceaseiVlnnhf
Oounty Courtof ) CusterCouuty , Nebraitka.
The state ot Neb'raska t6 all hcrsofia lit.
terested iffaald estate , take notice , that a
petition has been.tllea for the appolntmeiU
of O.V. . MbtttrtKer as'admlnlstrator of said
e5atq { , which has bteapct foi ; Hearlnei here
lu. oil January 8Ui.,1910 , , at 10 o'clock'a.ui.
Dated December 0,11009. , t * .
, Conuty Jildt'e.
' *
! is abonC-Qver. §
' You have paid a large share ?
of "your entire 'crop to your
landlord i . ' . ' , ' . , ' ' YA .
j * < "V
Has it paid ? , .Are you satis.
with the remainder1
' .that.dollars
paid -for rent are dollars .tl al
dd1 hot come "ba'clc. ? ' P
They'ije ffphitj , , and .unless
ybivstrice } out.foryourself ; aticl
5'our ' boys , more are oHfg
next yjear. ' ' . ' . ' ' , ' |
Hero Is a ' moneysavirg
'proppsltlo'n : L ; ' " *
' Go witli me anlo : the
Basin ; > ' ' \
.iisnih1 ) irri atecj far
ton qasy payments ; payrapnt ]
as easy as paying1 reni in your
preSeiiti Ib'cajlt : " , " and' in ( 't ( n
year § ypu'jjL h ve , a arm | f
your own in aigro yingicount ; ]
\Vhijre drop-fa'iluifes dre ul-
f . ' . " ' "
, i V1 ' lii " '
, and good , prices , pre-
1 ' Write'for details toilay. '
Li ! L * J - T'f TI * ' _ ytt'l * r ' * * i *
.am employed byf the Burnn
I iti , < ritjt < : .t'-fti. , K- < .1
ton and my services , jvill co It
< jrou liothin'g.- '
. .
A 6tk ! R4h
'ti/na ' HteV < J ' '
* J liureau
' ' 1' ' I ' I
Why' not .have .the Modern Things/ the New ; p"dea > ! "the ; Last" .Hapgy
Thought 'ft'rid'the ' Newiist Novelties represented in your Xn\a9 purcnase tfiis
year ? We are waiting to show you our
New VH'61idiay ' Stock
' J
F r r > - i . -
U.cQntains.the yery best for jXraas 190fy and is easy ta select trom because j
i't-otfers the1 New-Things andUverything * to niufee 'people ' happy , whether they * aVe ] j
old or youiig. , .
Mo t , Pleasing .Gifts
' - ' ' > r 1 / i [ \ \ \ i ! / 1 , ' i L ' i , k
ft' * M. ' , i- . 1 .O Ht -i
l omevandf Dee-wv
i > >
' < ; ' ' L P * * W *
, * v1 * . " * : . _ . _
TShe Busy "Druggist
/Cream Bread 28 for ; $1.00) )
4 'Mothers Bread 28 for , . . , /s 1.00
Graham Bread 28 for./.7i 1.00
Rye Bread 28 for " . ! 5'7J 1.00
White Baead 7 for./ ' . . ! 25
Raisin Bread 10 for 1.00
Boston .Brown Bread per loaf Sc and 10
'Raise'd ' "Doughnuts per'dozen ' . ; . . - . ' . ' . ' . ' 10' / , "
Sweet ijfoughut's per dozen'-i. ; 10
French Crullers per dozen. . . . ' . . ' ' . . ' ! ! " lOl'
" ' I' IJ
Bismarks. . . . , 10
Coffee Cake each. . . . . . 'A ' i\ . . ! . ; J ' .v ! ! : IS :
Cinnamon Rolls per'dozen1.- ' . . . . . ! .i :10 :
Butter Rolls per dozen 10 :
1'French Rolls per dozen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10 ( ; :
Tea Rolls ' . . . . . . , . . . '
per'dpzen- ! i ' , > . . < > 10 . ,
Parker House Rolls per dozen" .W. , . 10 , j
Cream , Stiffs per dozen. . . , , . 30 , . ,
J2claircs , pcr..dqj5enJj.J.i.l..J. . . . . . . . , . . , . , 30.V
Almond Macaroons dozen , , . . . . . . , , .
' . . I , . ' , ' , . , per ; . , , ( / " |
-i.L. I. : U ; t. tj ] f. , JtliJ ' _ , ' .
Or per pound 35
Cocoanut MacaroonsTper .dbzen" , 7 TlO"
Or per pound .1. . . . , . . . , . . . , ; . . . . . . . 135
Lady , Pingers per dozen. . . ! ' . . . i 15
Kisseses per dozen , . . . . _ . . 110
Vanilla Wafers p er dozen. . ' 10. ,
Cocoanut Muffins per dozen 15'
Chocolate Muffin's ' per dozen . . . . > . . . 15 : i
Nut Muffins per dozen. , 15
Vanilla Qrop Cajfcs per dozen 10
Chocolate Drop Cakes per dozen. , . i ; 10
Loaf Cake each- , TT..vr.v. . - . . . - 15 -
Pound Cake each 15
* ITaye'r Calces 6ac , 35"c and.V. < . * . , i. 50
Fruit Calebs per pound. . ,
Angel's Food each lOc and. .
Ptr a'ny size\ \ you may , want ,
"Devil' lobd each. \ ' . *
Sunshe - ( Sake each..vv
Brown Stone Front each " 35c and. . .
Golden Rod Ca es each.
Jelly Roll 'each. . . . ' . . . . / . ; : . ' . ' . . ' .v. .
' Chocolate 'Rbli ' . ; . . ; ' . : ! . ' . . ' . ' . '
Caramel'Roll 'each. ' . . . . ' . . 'i' . . . .
Lemon'R1oil'each ! . . .V..7' . ' . ; ' . ' ; . . .
'Sugar ' Cookie's ' p ar ( lozen : . M ! . . !
( Scotch Cookies j er. dozen. , . . . . . . ' . .
Dark Fruit Cookies per dozed- . . . . . .
Light Fruit.CooWes . per .dozen.j.- . .
' Fruit SUces.per.dozen , . . . . . . \ , . . . .t.k.
Lemon Cookies per dozen. , . . ; . . . ' . . i
Cpcoannt Cookies ; per dozen. , . . . .1. .
Nut Cookies ger die en. _ -
Hobo , Cookiespert dozen. . . , . . . „ , . < - ,
* Spo'n'ge Drops p6i"uilbzen''i. ! . . . . . . . .
.Lemon Snaps per lbzen
Ginger S
Or 3 cozen for.- , . ! f
Lemon Pfes ea ch
Chocola e Pies each'.U
Cocoanut Pies -each
Apple I iefc ea ch.- .
Mince Hies each -
Red Ras/pberry / Pie4 'each' . ? , i * { ' . . ,
CranberryPieseach > . . - . - . 4-- . - .
Pumpkin Pies , each
t Fillings of all .kinds to order , f