Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 23, 1909, Image 2

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    Ilia Gnsler County Repulilicai
D. M. AMSBERRY , Editor
A Boiling Down of the More Impor
tant Events Here mid There
Chan Yin Taut , ' , Bucceseor to AVu
Tuns Fang as minister to China from
the United States , accompanied by
Ills family and a party of forty secre
taries and Chinese students arrived
in San FranclstTo on the liner Mon
A severe earthquake occurred in
Guam , causing considerable damage ,
according to a cablegram received at
the navy department. Tjjo women'H
and children's hospital was wrecUed
There wcro no casualties.
Kvidenco is multiplying that Zelaya
Intends to retire from the presidency !
of Nicaragua. Reports to that effect
are general throughout that country
and the American consular offlcory
seem to give credence to them.
A NIarobI , British Ea t Africa , dla-
patch says : Kormlt Roosevelt arrived
here. Ho is going to Mombasa on n
hunt for antelope. He ImH Just se
cured two bongo. Colonel Roosevelt
lias not arrived hero from NJoro , but
la expected soon.
K. L. I'oolo , of Havana , Cuba , closed
a deal with the Philippine government
for the purchase of the San Jose friar
estate of C5.000 acres In the island OL
Mlmloro. The -purchase price was
? : ) G7,000. The tract will bo used for
the cultivation of sugar and it is un
derstood that the buyer represents
the Havemeyers.
Leslie M. Shaw declared there is no
doubt in the minds of those who have
Htudicd the proposed central bank
that Bucli an Institution would bo
owned , or at least controlled , by the
Standard Oil company.
By putting the Standard Oil com
pany on the "wo don't patronize" list
Secretary Dickinson of the war de
partment has embarrassed the navy
The interstate commerce commis
sion ordered a reduction In charges
of the Omaha & Council Bluffs rail
Francis J. Hnnev confirmed the re
port that ho has filed suit in Now
York against William II. Crocker t > f
San Francisco for ? 2GO,000 for alleged
George Crocker's gift to Columbia
university to bo used for the investiga- . ,
tlon of cancer , of which ho died in
Now York , will amount to at least
? 1GOO,000 , according to the will.
The American Ice company of Now
York was found guilty of creating a
Congress will bo asked to grant anew
now national charter to the proposed
pan-American bank.
A change In the date of the inaugu
ration of the President of the United
States from March 4 to the last Thurs
day In April IB strongly urged in the
annual report of the commissioners of
the District of Columbia presented to
Alvln 1C. Hisklns of Alton , 111. , was
notified by the United States govern
ment that it had purchased his patent
range yflnder and distance appraiser
for $300,000.
George R. Callot of Nebraska han
boon nominated for governor of Porto
lli'co by President Taft. The salary
Is $8,00 a year.
It" Is likely that the president will
send a special messapo to congress
on the Ntcaraguan situation.
The president's message , as pre
sented to congress , was pleasing to re
The Norfolk & Southern railway
property was bid in by the reorganiza
tion committee for $8,600,000.
There were 8,878,277 running bales
of cotton ginned from the growth of
3909 to December 1 as compared with
ll.OOS.CGl for 1308 ,
Congress is to bo by reform -
form organizations within a day or so
after it convenes.
According' to an official dispatch
from BitllB , Asiatic Turkey , several
uinall vlliugcs In that vicinity have
been destroyed by an earthquake.
Jfho president will exert all his In
fluence looking to changes In the in
terstate commerce act.
General James Clarkson , the sur
veyor of the port of Now York , will
continue in the offlco until April 18 ,
next , when the term for which ho was
appointed expires.
Mr. Edward Harrlman has taken up
the active management of the Hnrrl-
man estate and will hereafter observe
regular office houra on three or four
days of each week with her work.
Some choice heavies sold at To
ledo , Ohio , at | 8.70 , the highest price
reached in the local hog market since
1893. The market advanced a strong
ten cents- the top price of the bulk
of sales being $ S.JO. (
"With the end of the year near , busi
ness for the country as a whole con
tinues remarkably good.
In a street duel , with knives nt Al-
! ca , Ark. , Miss Nora Owens was fat
ally injured by Miss St"lla Belk nnd
died within a few minutes.
Imports of hides nnd skins for the
calendar year will aggregate nearly a
hundred million dollars.
Ex-Senator Dcltrlch of Nebraska Is
reported better and hupo is now en
tertained of hlfl recovery.
Iowa defeated Nebraska In the nn-
nual debate of the two state universi
ties. The vote was two to ono. The
income tax question was nt issue.
Election of John M. Ward to the
presidency of the National league may
mean u baseball war.
The United States and Germany are
punning a close nice in navy build
The first of the big mipply mea
sures of the government , the District
of Columbia appropriation bill , curryIng -
Ing n llttlo over $11,000,000 , has been
agreed on by the house committee on
The champion ten earn ot corn at
the National Corn show sold for $335 ,
being bought by E. B. Favotto of DCS
Molncs. This is nt the rate oC $2,345
a bushel.
A Htututo in tribute to C. H. Perkins ,
railroad builder , ban been erected at
Burlington , la.
Aye brothcra of Blair , Nob. , car
ried off honors at the National Corn
show as special copotltors for the best
ten cars of corn grown In the state.
A controversy over railroad legisla
tion will precipitated In congress this
winter , which , In Importance , promis
es to surpass the legislative conflict
over railroad rates four ycar ago.
Prize wheat at the National Corn
show Bold nt the rate of $800 a bushel ,
the exhibitor buying It.
The government of Honduras , ap
prehending an armed invasion , has
proclaimed martial law throughout
the republic.
Democratic senators mot to select
a succssor to Senator Culberson as
caucus chairman , only to find bo had
not formally resigned.
Burlington men believe that II. K.
Byrnm is soon to become assistant
general , manager.
The Plionlx Insurance company of
Brooklyn stands to lese heavily by
alogcd Ircgular management.
Congressman Hitchcock of Nebras
ka offered n resolution looking to the
reopening of the Alaska coal land
In n decision the interstate commerce
merco commission suggests that when
railroads make a special excursion
rate to state or county fairs or to
largo otato meetings , the rate bo sym
metrical with other rates of a similar
After January 1 , 1910 , football is
barred from the public schools of
Greater Now York. This was decided
by resolution nt n meeting of the
board of education.
As Christmas falls on Saturday this
year it is likely that the two houses
of congress will adjourn the middle of
that week until Monday , January 3.
So far Speaker Cannon has not given
the matter any consideration so far as
the house Is concerned , but the indi
cations are the adjournment will bo
about Wednesday or Thursday of
Christmas week.
The "power site monopoly" waa the
object of attack in n bill offered in
the house by Representative Mann ,
chairman of the committee on inter
state and foreign commerce.
Representative Hlnshaw of Nebras
ka took up with the state department
and will later lay bo.oro the presl-
'dent the petitions of the railroad em
ployes' organization all over the west
In the case of J. A. Cook , n railroad
trainman , who is In Jail In Mexico.
Decided business improvement is
( shown throughout the country in the
receipts at the fifty largest postolflces
during the month of November. Every
office reported an Increase varying
from C.8 per cent nt Brooklyn to 34.8
per cent at Seattle.
"Expedition and Dispatch" is the
watchword passed along in the matter -
tor of appropriations at this session
and already several of the bills which
will carry millions of dollas for the
will carry millions of dollars for the
Congressman Kennedy of Iowa In
troduced a bill providing for nn ap
propriation of $75,000 for the erection
of a public building nt Fort Madison ,
The government faces important
problems relating to channels and
terminals in proposed waterways im
As a promise of activity in the ltvx
torest of legislation , senators in ono
day Introduced more than 350 bills
and resolutions , covering u great
varloty ol subjects.
Both houses or congress will ad
journ over the holidays.
Vigorous denunciation of President
Zelaya was made by Senator Haynor.
President Zolaya is pictured as nil
Ing Nicaragua with an iron hand.
- infj Leopold of Belgium is bellovcc
to bo near death.
President Taft made a speech bo
lore a bowery audience In iow York
Jack Holland Is likely to become
owner of the Wichita ball team , mov
ing It to St. Joseph.
Jamca J. Hill discussed the supply
nnd demand and urged more scientific
farming In a speech at Omaha.
Dr. Frederick Cook's personal law
yer , Henry Wllllngton Wack , has
severed relations with his client.
Susan Stowart. , wife of Paymaster
General Stewart , U. S. N. , retired , of
South Orange , N. J. , died In 'Washing
ton. She will bo burled in the national
ceihotory at Arlington.
Pres'dont Taft Is mapping out a
legislative program for congress.
A Now York paper claims Cook
Bought aid In preparing data.
Henry Augustus Wlllard , the last of
( ho three well known Wlllard broth
ers of Washington , D. C. , died a tow
days ago , aged 87.
In a speech at London Premier As
quith pledged local self-government
to the Irish.
State Superintendent Bishop Enthu-
nlastlc Over Corn Show Other
Matters at State Capital ,
Slate Superintendent B. C. Bishop
lias filed his report , showing the ap
portionment of sUite school funds
ninong the different counties as fol
lows :
NO. or
County .Scholar * . Atnt Duo.
iXdaniH . (1,1)15l.2H.ri2 (
iMUolopo . -l.SSa 3,40.109
Uanncr . .101 231.69
Hiulno . . -tot Ms.iio
Uooilfi . I.IOL1 .1,1 10.87
Uox nutto . 1.85S 1. 293.29
Uoyd . 3.JI2 2,3D.7I )
llrown . 1.73B 1,210.33
uurraio . 7,381 rinri ! ;
'Hilt . I.iSa 2.985.38
iutlor . r.oi8 : U9l.r i
-n n . i,23 ! 1 4,310.23
> ilur . r.,13t ) 11,785.75
2111180 . 1,203 8 10 12
-Merry . 2r,10 1,749.95
. hcyonno . 1.274 888.22
Jluy . . | , ! > 41 : i,4li.U ( !
' 'olfnx . 4,04f. 2,820.83
JuinliiK . rii'.i : : t,7os.t : ( !
. ' ( inter . 8,701 ( i,0 ( j.2r
I'lllcotll . 2225 I.5r)1.2ri
D.IWPB . 1'Jll 1,332.3 : )
rlf,5 : jGOO.l ! ! )
3,832 2,783.18
7.25 11,057.42
3 ! > , r > o : ; 27,11 11.10
1)2S ) atlfi.ri1) )
Mllmoro . 4.814 35fi.27 : !
' -rnnklln . : i,7Gt 2,62123
Frontier . 3,201 2,23171
' . 'ilrnaa . 4,312 3.00C 28
IIIRU . U.7r,0 0,801.79
IrirllulU . 1,182 821.08
lospur . 1,918 1,337.21
3 run I . 2 < ; r 1K5.45
! ro < 'luy . 2.8C < 5 1,998.15
itilll . r.,815 4,075.08
'riuniiton . 1.175 : iiiu.i ! ) :
lilt llltl . 3uRS 2r,01.ri2
Iliycs . 1.111 771.5S
lltc'licock . 2,005 1,397.87
lolt . 5,007 3,4 ! 0.811
'looker ' . 297 207,07
"owar.l . 1,221 2,912.81
FolTorsoil . 5,300 3,695.11
roluiBon . 3,520 2,454.12
'Coiirney ' . . ' . 3lfi7 2,208.01
iCullh . 1,023 7,132.21
ICuyii I'.iliii . 1,19. 831.7fi
: \lmlilll . fill 350.27
ICnox . 0,281 4,379.06
. .nncuNlcr . 21.015 14,072.37
Mncoln . 1,517 3,170.13
X > ffun . 151 310.53
-.oup . \ . 740 Rlfi.93
Uudlson . 0,039 4,210.31
tlcl'lii'i-son . 095 481.50
Ut'rrlck . 3,17(1 ( 2,210.10
Uorrlll . , . 1,205 8J0.12
Miincu . 2.8.i11,089.79
Monmlin. . t. . 4,51'J 3.150.01
Muckolls . 4.121 2.S7C.22
3toi ! . 0,320 ' 1,100.25
I'awnn . 3.7S1 2,030.09
IVrklns . 751 525.09
[ 'helps . " ,50'l 2,41227
Plerco . 3,050 2,518.91
' . 0,708 4,670.70
folk . 3,389 2,302.79
lied Willow . 3,529 2,400.39
lUclmrUson . 5.651 ; ! ,911.92
itoek . 1,231 800.31
SllllllO . 0,090 3,231,95
Ulpy . 2,850 1.991.19
launders . 7,19.1 5,011.89
Scott's Utiiff . 1,932 1.200.93
F5o\vurJ . 5,038 3,512.45
Shorldnn . 1.941 1.353,20
Sherman . ' . 3,017 2,121.35
Sioux . 1,351 1141.01
SllintOIl . 2,800 1,950.33
Tjiiiyer . 4,870 3,393.33
Phoinus . 334 232.87
fliuraton . 2.578 1,79737
/alloy . . . . . 3,300 2,312.57
IVushlnt'ton . 4,3)2 ) 3,027.21
IViivilo . 3,507 2,486.89
( .Vohster . 4.033 2,811.78
Wheeler . 787 518.70
fork . .1,709 3,980.27
Total . 371,353 $258,901.23
Enthusiastic Over Corn Show.
State Superintendent B. C. Bishop
returned front the corn show at
3muha highly enthusiastic over the
xlucutlouiil value of the exhibit. Mr.
Ulshop stated- that in his estimation
-ho show this year far outclasses any
ithor such exhibition over hold. Hav-
ng at heart the welfare of the school
ihildron of the state and knowing the
ioncllts to be derived from their at
tendance at a corn show like this
rear's , the one thing above all others
: hat the state superintendent would
Ike to BOO Is for the corn show to
1)0 held in Omaha again next year ,
ifter which ho thinks the locution
.vould . become permanent.
Auctions of prize grains at the show
closed with total sales amounting to
\bout ? ri,000.
Nebraska corn was among the last
int on the block for sale , but failed
; o bring high prices. The ton ears
Df yellow dent corn , which won ilrst
[ irlzo for Harry Seltz of Do Soto.
sold for $10 , and the second premium
; orn In that class went at ? 7.
The prize ton ears of white varl-
3ty , winning the Nebraska blue rib-
! ) on for G. N. Titus of Tokamah , sold
for $10 , and the second best ton cars
ivas auctioned at $5.
The inlluoncc on future corn crops
through the distribution of the prize
corn is tremendous. The ton grand
champion ears alone , if each kernel
produces one good ear , would propa
gate nearly 2,500,000 bushels of improved -
proved corn in three years.
Violates Full Train Crew Law.
The Ilrst prosecution under the full
train crow law will be started shortly
against the Hock Island railroad. The
.Uate railway commission has certified
to the attorney general that this road ,
on trains 7 and 8 , has used the porter
as a llagman and also caused the
brakeman to act as llagman. The
penalty for a violation of this law Is
a line of from ? 100 to $1,000.
Woman Sent to Asylum.
Mrs. .lonnlo Gclger , a prisoner in
the penitentiary , who attempted to
assault Mrs. Smith , wife of the war
den , with a piece of board , bus been
traue-fc'rred to the asylum.
Mr. Towne Not Chosen.
Former United States Senator
Charles A. Towno of Now York has
not yet boon engaged by the state of
Nebraska to present the bank guar
anty case to the United States si >
premo court , notwithstanding reports
to that effect.
All Life Owes Origin to Bacteria or
Probably the most novel address
given before the American Breeders'
Ass'n In connection with the National
Corn show was delivered by Q. I.
Simpson , member of the committee on
theoretical research In heredity. The
speaker contends that all life owes Its
origin to bacteria and he offered a
highly technical and scientific paper
to back up his statements.
"All animal and plant llfo owes ita
existence to germs , or , if you please ,
microbes , " declared the speaker. This
statement caused some divergence of
opinion and friendly discussion. Mr.
Simpson's address attracted consider
able attention and is destined to incite
widespread Interest , as he will deliver
the name lecture before the American
association for the Advancement of
Science at Boston In the near future.
Three men of national reputation
addressed the meeting of the associa
tion at the National Corn exposition
and each advanced some Idea which set
tholr hearers to thinking. II. J. Wa
ters , dean of the Kansas Agricultural
college , took the stand that breeding
was secondary to good feeding when
It came to a matter of putting broad
hips on cattle.
"If you would have a big , broad
steer you must BOO that ho Is well fed
from his youtn , " said Dean Waters ,
speaking on "The Influence of Nutri
tion on Animal Type , or the Effect of
Feeding on the Types of Animals. "
"Students have always approved of
the stand that heredity plays the most
Important part In shaping cattle and
have endeavored to accept the theory
that feed and environments were se
condary to heredity. I will try to
measure the Influence of nutrition and
leave the balance to account for by
heredity. "
"With reference to the principles In
volved in their Improvement by selec
tion and brooding , we may divide ani
mals Into three general classes , " said
Prof. W. J. Splllman of the United
States Department of Agriculture , In
speaking on "Application of the Prin
ciples of Heredity to the Improve
ment of Plants and Animals. "
"The third class Includes those or
ganisms In which cross fertilization
normally occurs. It includes all the
higher animals. Amongst plants there
arc some species In which cross pol-
lenatlon is necessary to seed produc
tion , but generally speaking most
plants in this class arc what wo de
scribe as open pollenated.
"Quo very interesting deduction
from the law of recombination Is this ;
that when a horned animal crops out
In a polled breed , or a red animal oc
curs in a black breed , both of the
parents of such an animal are impure
with reference to the character which
crops out. A few horned calves are
born in all polled breeds , which sim
ply moans that there are some Indi
viduals In the breed , which are not
pure bred with reference to horns.
Likewise , a few red calves occur In all
black breeds of cattle which show
that some Individuals of the breed are
not pure bred with preference to black
color. , ,
By taking advantage of the law ot
recombination It is possible to pro
duce almost an Indoflnlte number of
now breeds , breeding as true to type
as our present breeds. "
Delta Upsllon Banquet.
The annual banquet of Delta Ups lon l-
on , the oldest fraternity at the Uni
versity of Nebraska , founded at Wil
liams college In 1834 , was held at the
Lincoln hotel. The banquet was at
tended by about fifty active and al
umni members of the fraternity. P.
J. Harrison , registrar of the univer
sity , acted as toastmaster , while
toasts were responded to by Charles
T. Knapp of Lincoln , George M. Tun-
nlson of Omaha and Dr. F. C. French
of the psychology department of the
5 Reward Divided Up.
Governor Shallenbergcr has ended
the row over the reward for the cap
ture of Frank Henry , wanted for mur
der. The $200 offered by the state
was divided between Mrs. Charles
Palmenleer , at whose home Henry
was captured , and Ira Flannigan , a
constable. The woman received
$02.HO and the man $137.50.
A Cornhusker Chosen.
L. B. Temple , who ployed right
tackle on the University of Nebraska
football team this year , has been
picked as a member of the All-Mis-
sourl valley team of 1901) ) and is
chosen to 1111 the position of right
tackle. His election was made
Tooley Accepts Appointment.
Governor Shallenberger has re-
colvc'I from Mr. Tooley his acoptanco
of the appointment as a member of
the State Normal board , to take the
place of Superintendent Hays , whoso
term had expired.
Business Increases.
The department of Insurance dur
Ing the fiscal year ending November
30 has collected in fees and taxes a
total of $119,784.42. For the year
inOS the total collections were $117-
Guard to Shoot at Home.
Adjutant General Hartlngton has Is
sued an order which requires the com-
panics of the Nebraska national guard
to Indulge In winter target practice
In their homo armories. This Is a
part of his plan to spend more money
on companies at their homo stations
for target practice and loss on the sup
port of a state team to compete at na
tional shoots where the team comes
Into competition with professionals
and hired agents of the big ammuni
tion trusts who get into the guard to
exploit their employers' ammunition.
Up in ( ho Provinces of Manitoba ,
Saskatchewan and Alberta , the prov
inces that compose Central Canada
have such a quantity of land suitable
for the growth of small grains , which
grow so abundantly , and yield BO hand
somely that no fear need bo feared
of a wheat famine on itils Continent.
The story reproduced below Is only
one of the hundreds of proofs that
could bo produced to show the results
that may bo obtained from cultiva
tion of the lands In these provinces.
Almost any section of the country will
do as well.
' With the country recently opened by
the Grand Trunk Pacific , the latest of
the great transcontinental lines to enter -
tor the field of the development of the
Canadian West , there is afforded added
ample opportunity to do as was done
In the case cited below :
To buy a section of land , break It
up and crop it , make ? 17G50 out of
the yield and $10,880 out of the Increase
of value all within the short period
of two years , was the record estab
lished by James Bailey , a well known
farmer within a few miles of Reglna.
Mr. Bailey bought the 010 acres of
land near Grand Coulee two years ago.
Ho immediately prepared the whole
section for crop and this year has COO
acres of wheat and 40 acres of oats.
The wheat yielded 19,875 bushels , and
the oats yielded -1,750 bushels. The
whole of the grain has been market
ed and Mr. Bailey is now worth $17,550
from the grain alone. Ho bought the
land at ? 18 au acre , and the other
day refused an offer of $35 an acre ,
just a ? 17 advance for the time of his
purchase. The land cost $11,320 in
the first instance. Hero are the fig
ures of the case. Land cost , G40
acres , at $18 , $11,320. Wheat yielded
19,875 bushels , at 84 cents a bushel ,
$1CC95. Oats yielded -1,750 bushels
at 28 cents a bushel , $855. Offered
for land , 640 acres at $35 an acre ,
522,400. Increase value of land , $10,880.
Total earnings of crop , $17,550 , togeth
er with increase in value of land a to
tal of $28,540.
It is interesting to note the figures
of the yield per acre. The wheat
yielded 33 % bushels to the aero , and
oats 118.7 bushels to the acre. The fig
ures are a fair indication of the aver
age throughout the district.
Agents of the Canadian Government
in the different cities will be pleased
to give you information as to rates , etc.
Slow Recovery.
"Is the editor out ? " asked a visitor
to the office of the Rldgevlllo Banner.
"Yes , sir , " answered the editor's
small assistant. "He's gone out to
put away a jug of lickcr left by a sub
scriber. "
"Do you think It will take him long
to put it away ? "
"Naw , sir , it won't take him long
ter put it away , but after that ho
won't be able ter do nuthln' fur a
week. " '
"Mix half pint of good whiskey with
two ounces of glycerine and add one-
half ounce Concentrated pine com
pound. The bottle Is to bo well shaken
each time and used In doses of a teaspoonful -
spoonful to a tablespoonful every four
hours. " Any druggist has these ingre
dients or ho will get them from his
wholesale house. The Concentrated
pine is a special pine product and
comes only in half ounce bottles , each
enclosed in an air-tight case , but be
sure It is labeled "Concentrated. " This
is one of the best and quickest reme
dies known to science.
None Better.
"What would you recommend as , a
good mental exercise , professor ? "
"Fixing your mind on your own
business , my boy. "
Rheumatism anil Neuralgia never could
cct alone _ with Ilamlins Wizard Oil.
Wizard Oil always drives them away
from the premifces in short order.
Many a man's wlfu prevents him
from losing a lot of money in specu
lating by not allowing him any to spec
ulate with.
brttor for sldrachp , backaches or nitelm.s than
1'crry Davis' 1'alnk llur. ( Jut the larpo slro. It Is tlm
t. At nil '
Wo help ourselves when"we help
others. W. J. Bryan.
Isthromrpllnlilo vouuli remedy. Pound I nvrry
dniK Mnronnd In pnualnilly OVITJ- homo , t'ur halo
\ > J all druKifltts , 25c , tOo and il.UU bottles.
Better a poor man at largo than a
rich man In jail.
Mm. AVInglow'R Sonthlncr Syrup.
Tor children teething , noftens the punw , reduces In-
QunuuuUouullayBi > amcurca wtucJtolli ] . iUcabottlo.
It's one thing to run into debt and
another to crawl out.
Wltrt or Without.
"Tho chicken stow has two prices
in the bill of faro. How Is that ,
waiter ? "
"With chicken in it it is 30 centa ;
without it , 10. "
C\ecx\vsGs Sx/stem /
Dispels colds a\\d ileadaavujs
dv\e\o COYVS\\\ > CI\\OXX ;
Ae\s xva\\xva % , acXsvA as-
VJ > < XTM. .
To gel \ex\e5\c\Q\ \
aVwaysrav VUe
manufactured by tr\C
one size only , refeular price 50 * per bottle.
Nebraska Directory
A Lady Says of
i _
"Your food is a splendid thing
and does all it claims to do . . .
and am anxious to have it right
U. S. B. F. Co- Omaha
Ask your Dealer for Qoodi with thla brand
American Hand-Sewed Slice Go.
Of all va-
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IENRY HOLM. 134 So. Sth Street. , Lincoln , Neb ,
The Fountain Head of Life
Is The Stomach
A. man who lias a weak and impaired stomach and v * [ D docs not
properly digest his food will soon find that his blood 1 is bccomo
weak and impoverished , and that his whole body is imp , 'opcrly and
insufficiently nourished.
mokes the stomach strong , promotes tlio flow ot
dl&estlvonccs , restores the lost appetite , makes
assimilation perfect , invigorates the liver and
purifies and enriches the blood. It is the &rcat blooa-maJscr ,
flesh'bulldcr and restorative ncrvo tonic. It makes men
strong in body , active in mind and cool in Judgement *
This "Discovery" is a pure , jjlycerio extract of American medical roota
absolutely free from alcohol and all injurious , habit-forming drugs. All its
ingredients are printed on its wrappers. It has no relationship with secret
nostrums. Its every ingredient is endorsed by the leaders in all the schools of
medicine. Don't accept n secret nostrum as a substitute for this time-proven
remedy OP KNOWN COMPOSITION. ASK YOUR NmaiiBons. They must know of
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World's Dispensary Medical Association , Dr. R.V. Pierce , Pres. , Buffalo , N. Y.