CGUtfTX REPUBLICAN 7 ANNOUNCEMENT 1 wish to announce to the people of Broken Bow and vicinity thai I have purchased the stock of goods formerly owned by J. W. Scott , and in invoicing , I find it is much larger than T anticipated , in fact I have more oods on hand than room to handle them properly , and in order to reduce the stock I am making1 Very attractice prices in gro ceries , Hour and feed. I have also an im mense amount of Queenaware , Glassware , Lamps , Lanterns , Agate , Tinware , Wash tubs , Boilers and Cooking1 Untensile of all kinds wnich I am pricing to sell , Have a complete line of Hardware and Builder's Supplies. I can save you money. Come in and investigate. J. G. LEONARD NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE THE LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK Gleaued for Your Pcruial by Our Rustling Reporters J , S. and J. T. Raclcliff , of Merna , were here Tuesday. Mrs , J. A. Armour went to Analcy Wedneaday morning for a visit. Chaa. It. Walalenben , of Soinerforcl , was a pleauant caller yesterday. Henry Brown and Leo Camp ton. of Oconto , were here on buui- iiess Wedneaday. C. B. Pearce and G. C. McGuire of Arnold tranaacted business in this city Wedneaday. Remember the public sale of Duroc males from Reese & Mar tina herd , Saturday Dec. 18 , at 1 p tn. at Nelson & Miller's barn , in Brbken Bow. Ray Lamp'iere ' , graduate of the Broken Bow Business College , has received the appointment of stenographer to Joseph Pigman , director of the census for this congressional distict. Mr. W J. Slater , of Spokane , Wash. , arrived in the city Tues day to attend the wedding of his granddaughter , Miss Hazel Slater , whom he has not seen since she was a small child. Mrs. W. B. Poor and children left Wednesday by the way of Grand Island for Tulart , Calif ornia. Mr. Poor will join them soon after the first of the year and they will become residents of that state. County Clerk Pigman tender ed his resignation Tuesday which was accepted by the county board. W. H. Oaborue , Jr. , ceuuty clerk elect , was appointed to the vacancy. Mrs Pigman will be retained as. deputy unti the close of the term when O. W Barnard , of Galloway , will wil assume the duties of that posi tion. Pretty tight winter weather , lon't you think ? Judge Kirby , Thedford , was n the city Tuesday submitting iroof on his homestead. Judge J. B. Thompson , of jrand Island , was in the city Tuesday on legal business. II. B. Andrews , of Anaelmo , was in the city Tuesday to at tend the funeral of Press Rich ardson. Commencing Thursday Dec. 16th our store will be open unti ! 9 p. in. for the accomadation ol Xmaashoppers Kiffin-Lucke Co Beginning with our next Issue The Republican will be mailed regularly every Thursday morn ing. There ia no reason for a weekly newspaper being printed a day or two after its regular I publication day. Advertising for publication in the current issue mnnot be received later than Wedneaday noon. Our corres pondents are requested to get | their matter to thia office not later than Tuesday night of each , week , Dr. C. P. Wilson haa rented the Apple tenement , eaat of the Grand Central hotel and will occupy it as soon as he can get hit ) household goods hauled from Arnold. Hia family arrived Tuesday and will board in the meantime. The Hepublican welcomes the doctor to one ol the. jest towns in the state. The Boston Ideal Comic Opera Co. gave three very fine perform ances at the North Side Opera [ louse this week. Manager Great ia to be commended for securing such worthy attractions. There is nothing too good for a LJroken Bow audience , aa he un doubtedly believes , Mr. and Mrs. Ed McCotnas are in Omaha this week. J. Bejls , of Dunning , came down Tuesday. , Heinle Schlitz from Fatherland Heinie Schlitz from Father land will be presented here Tues day Dec. 21 At at the Opera House It is one of this season's best offerings in the line of German dialect comedy. The play is elaboratley mounted scenically and the company contains the best talent obtainable , including some clever comedians , among them that clever German come dian , Harry Wolf , who will be seen to excellent advantage as Hcinie Schlitz , a part which fits him nicely. The prices of thia engagement will be 25c , 35c and SOc. Seats on sale at Holcomb'a and Stockhatn's. CAM1 AT A : "FRINGE OF PEACE" Presbyterian Church , Sun. , Dec. 197:30 : p. m , MU9. FRANK 0. KERN Directress MISS ADAH DKLL BOWEN Pianist SOLOIoTS Soprano Mrs. P. C. Kern Contralto , , Miss MatHernselieln Tenor . - , . * . F , 0. Kern llarltono , I'l-oi. Williams and J. K. Aubrey cnoKus Mesdames Davlson , Aubrey , Kuril , Osborn anil Hlmonson. Misses Farrell. Henisclieln. Oschwlml , uutbrle a nil Deltwllvr , Mosars. Kern , Oaborn , Martin , Lewis , Aubrey , Vrllemlcr , Malmkc , U'llllains , Hell , phelps and Luckc. Luckc.SYNOPSIS PART I-The Promise. Thf cantata opens with a full chorus , "Sines , O Heavens" followed by a bass solo , "The Heavenly King , " troui Isaiah's prophet1) ' Isaiah a Is told In the chorus , "Ami There Shall Come Forth. " after which the Annunciation Is proclaimed In the .solo and chorus "Pear Thou Not. " Tin- Promise closes with the contralto solo "Hall1 Bethlehem..taken from M Icah 5:2. : PART II-Thc Fuiminicnt. The male quartet. "O , Holy Night , " prepares us tor the Angel's song , "There Were Shepherds.1' ( l.uku i. ) This Is rendered In solo , quartette and chorus , closing with the uiiutTbolces receding In the distance. Next comes the ladles nong. "Bright Star of Hope" tolo and duet. "March of the Magi" Is a chorus for male voices with bolo parts , and tells of the quest for the Ohrlst 'hlld ( Matt. 1. ) The Joy of the Wise Men Is told In the soprano solo "O , blessed Lord. " The prophetic fuinilment Is heard In the grand hallelujah double chorus , "lllehsed He The Lord Clod. " HERE IS A BUNCH OF LIVE HOLIDAY ROCKERS AND CHfliRS FOR Father , Mother , Brother , Sister and Baby A new line We have just re of Couch Covers ceived a splendid assortment of ers and Portiers RUGS. . . All styles and sizfcs. And we want to remind you that wo want to see you In the "Good Old Summer.Tlmo" for wo have the beet Refrigerators you over saw. It will save first cost In a short lime In the tuwlntf of loo. Drop In a little later and let us tell you about them. D. C. KONKLE THE FURNITURE MAN ' . NEWS OF THE COUNTY Zumbrota Zephyrs. Ralph Johnson has returned from hii trip to Freuiout. tinow , snow , snow all the time. George Bather ia hick home aa corn .husking can't be done nowadays. Fred Pershall ia going to move to Ainswotth in the apiiog. Some of the farmers took advantage of the good price of bogs , and iruiketfii in the llow last week. Mrs , C , V. Franklin haii beeu having a siege of lagrippe. Miss Madge Ilishop was home from town trotu Friday until Monday to visit home folks , Ortello News , Alhett Hill shelled corn for J. M. Ingram , J. S. Dyke , Chas. Wachter last week and for Geo. Sweeney Monday. J. S. Dyde and wife , Page Fergerson and J. M. Ingrain's Stindayed at M. I < . C. Preacott and wife spent Sunday at B. F. Edwards,1. HoosiiT Notes. Mr. McCoy intends going to Okla- hotnti kurne time this week. ' % Cluience Johnson seems to he able to get to town in spite of the angry ele- neiiiH. Sunday wan such n atnrmy day that 'ew turned out to church. When , oh when can we net in that com field ? The time is arriving when you arc beginning to think more and more about the good things you waul Santa Clans to Jiring you , but say , if he'd only bring around u nice bunch of weather , would n't that be appreciated ? Watch for the question for debate in our items next week. Prairie Hill. Charley Hay and Charley Longfellow are shelling corn on the table this week. Earl and I ? . Shonp are baling hay for Mr. Lincoln. The Circle will meet with Mrs. Deal next Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shoup visited Sun day at Frank Neth's in Union Valley. Mr. Parker who has been working for Mr. Thomas is visiting nt his home near Dunning. Ernest Webb of the sandhills is visit ing here. There was no league Sunday night on account of the storm. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Mr. and Weesner went to Dunning Tuesday to attend the' wedding of Fred Weesner. There will be a basket supper nt the schooniouse Thursday night Dec. 231 ! . All are invited to attend. " - Elton News. . Bad weather still continues. . .Mr. and Mrs. I'anl IlaumontSundayed with Ed Iluuinout'.s. Vemon Barnes was'in Broken Bow Saturday buying furniture. Ella Shadden .spent Sunday at Rube Campbell's. The Cooksley boys have bought a new corn shelter ttnd will run it with their gasoline engine. Paul Ilaumont has put chased a phone on the Currie line. Clent and CaMie Calhouu who have been holding meetings in the baud hills country aic at home again. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davis' baby was buried in Lone Tree cemetiy on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lex Oovaerls are the proud parents of a baby boy who came to brighten their home on Dec. 9th. The basket supper at the Govier school house Thursday evening was not very well attendsd on account of the bad weather. The proceeds to be used for a Xmas treat. McKinley Murimirings. The basket social at the Lower Spring Creek school house last .Friday night was well attended and a general good time ivas had. Mrs. J. II. Walburn is on the sick list his week. Some of the young people attended he party at Mr. Monahan's last Wed nesday night. They report having aped pod time. Mrs. I'M Booth is on the sick list this week. Miss Ruth Haefele spent Saturday and Sunday at Mr. Walburn's. Jos. Haefele and John1 Reinlmrd help ed Rev. Whitoker move to Cullaway Tuesday. Roy Russell's and L. S. Empfield's spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. Walburns Prairie Center. Mrs , M. Rhoades has been very ill with heart trouble. Lewis Martin from Gnilford spent Saturday and Sunday at Rains' . E. E. Hogaboom and family spent Sunday with Frank Neth in Union Valley. Mr. nud Mrs. Melviti Gibbs are both on the sick list anil little Alvin has been absent from school. E. Deal is improving rapidly from his severe illness. ' Mrs. E. L. Hogaboom visited at Rhoades' Saturday. Charley Bay and Charley Longfellow shelled corn for Charley Oxford Thurs day. Neva.and Eruest.Raius spent Saturday with their sister Belva. Mrs. Nellie Bay has been sewing for Thomas' and Weesner's this week. Ed Long , from Mason City , whs has been through different parts ot.low rNe- Space and time will not permit us to item ize everything we have for sale in the Holiday Line but here are a few of the many : Fancy Package Perfumery , Chriat- mas Papeterie , Books , Biblea , GKriat- mas Cards , Post CarJ Albums , Park 5 VX er's Fountain Pens , Fancy Pipes and X/ Christmas Boxes of Clears. : : : Come in and make your Selections before the line is too badly broken. J. G. HAEBERLE THE DRUGGIST braskn and Colorado looking for u locu tion returned to Old Coster mid is spend ing a few days with Rains' . He expects to statt for Oklahoma and Texas Mon day. day.Mr. Mr. Rains happened to quite an acci dent Saturday evening but no serious injuries. When driving throiigh snow three or four feet deep the spring wagon broke in two , threw Mae , lonu Rhoades and Mr. Rains on their faecs in the snow giving them some good bumps on the axle as they fell. They picked them- selved up and the girls took the team and borrowed a neighbor's wagon and got the old folks and truck out safely. Mrs. Mary E. Bishop left Tues day evening for Newton , Kansas , to visit her son Charley. She expects to spend the winter with her son. Otis Barnard , of Callaway , who has been appointed deputy clerk by County Clerk Oaborne" , came over Monday and entered on the duties of his office. He will move his family to Broken Bow as soon as the weather and con ditions of the roads will permits. Mr. and Mrs. G. 'A. Wiggins , of Jefferson , Iowa , are the guests of Mrs. Wiggins' relatives , the Taylor family. Clay and J. R. Coffin an and Levi Poor , of Lilian , were here on land business Wednesday. J. E. Wood left last night for Corpus Christi , Texas , where he will spend the winter. r HARD SOFT No Dirt. No Clinkers' All Coal. The Good Kind. Make Quick Deliveries in Any Quantity b Feed for Sale-Wholesale and . Retail ij Highest Market Price Paid for All Kinds of Graiu. The West Elevator F. J. Bahr , Prop. Te'ephone 62 | oooooe > ooo < > eco > ooo6 > oaogOOOOoosg < y > oooco < iooe o ; < ie < I SNYDER BROS. & CO. ijI v iji We have a nice line of Holiday | iji i Goods' which will make useful i presents. Come and see them 8 LADIES' TRIMMED HATS 331-3 PERCENT OFF 33 1-3 SNYDER BROS. & CO. Christmas We have complete supply of Christmas Goods in the way of Candies , Nuts , Apples , Oranges , Cocoanuts aud the like. Note our prices : I'resh English Walnuts per pound.20c lira/Us per pound c Pecans pur pound oc Nebraska niack Walnuts per peck'i-ioc Fresh Hickory Nuts per pound lOc Jumbo Peanuts per pound i c Almond Meats per pound eec Fresh Walnut Meats per pound. . . Me French Candled Cherries per lb..50c Christmas plum pudding 2ic lUch Fruit cake In cans vftc and..sue Chocolate Nut cakes each 50c Small Nut cakes each. . . . isc Frosted cookies , Bakery cookies Fig cookies per dozen. . . ioc Grape. Fruit a tor. . -isc Apples , Koinan Hcautles and"ueil- Slower pt.r peck soc Oood Apples pur bushel 85c Malaga tlrapes per pound yic Cluster Italslus pcr pound isc Sealshipt Oysters Candies Uazzle Dazzle Mix. Counter MU. Home Mis , Fairy Mix per Ib . . .12 c Yankee Peanut per pound . . . . . .15i. Mint Kisses , Poabcrry Kisses rrench Mottoes per pound . . . . . .I.C ' Klegant lionbons. chase's Queen Quality Chocolate In boses pretlll ) decorated , „ , . . H Ib box Saratogas . s. c H lb-box Knjpresi . ' . ; . SS i pound package College Qlrl . COc 1 pound package Lake Scene . . OOc Dates per pound ; . - -'Parsiw Celery. Fresh from the green house. Assortment of Xmas tree decor ations per box . MC We have a lull cupple of Christmas Decorations , Uolly , Mistletoe and Wreathing. EAGLE GROCERY CO. -THE' SQUA'RE'DEXLSTORE / - , PHONE ' ss