Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 02, 1909, Image 7

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    Eating for Strength.
The greatest plensuro to bo de
rived from eating is the pleasure ono
gets In the knowledge that his food is
giving him greater strength and vi
Because of this fact there Is a con
stant Increase In the consumption ot
Quaker Oats ; every time the strength
making qualities of Quaker Oats have-
been tested by scientific Investigation
or by experiments in families It has
been found to bo a food without an
It builds the muscles and brain with
out taxing the digestive organs ; It
costs so little anyone can afford It ,
nnd It is so carefully prepared and
packed that It Is absolutely pure nnd
clean. A Quaker Oats eating family
Is always a healthy family. 11
Quaker Oats Is packed In regular
Blze packages and also in largo size
family packages. The latter very con
venient for those not near the store.
Visitor Does the painter Maier live
here ?
Landlady No ; they arc all respec
table Dcoplc In this house.
Furnished by High Medical Authority.
Gives Prompt Results.
The only logical treatment for ca
tarrh is through the blood. A pro-
ecrlptlon which has recently proved
wonderfully effective in hospital work
( s the following. It is easily mixed.
"One ounce compound syrup of
Sarsaparilla ; ouo ounce Toris com
pound ; half pint first-class whiskey. "
These to be mixed by shaking well in
a bottle , and used in tablespoon doses
before each meal and at bedtime.
The incredients can bo gotten from
nny well stocked druggist , or he will
get them from his wholesale house.
Worth the fcxpense.
The story that Sir John Fisher of
the British admiralty tells with the
greatest enjoyment and he tells many ,
and all with zest Is of an old boatswain -
swain on his flagship who fell into a
little money and retired. Ono day
the admiral visited him at his coun
try box , to' ' find the old sailor pos
sessed of an apparently useless man
"What do you want with him ? "
asked Fisher.
"H'every morning , " explained the
old sailor , " 'e comes to me "ammock
and tells mo to roll h'out. 'Tho h'ad
miral wants to see you , ' 'e says to me.
H'and I says to 'im , 'Tell the h'admlral
to go to 'ell , ' says Hi. "
The neighbor's dog sits out on the
front lawn and howls dismally. The
man in the window looks out and
yells : "Sh-li-h , you beast ! " The dog
continues to hbwl. The man again
comes to the window and this time
hurls a shoe at the dog. Still the
animal howls. Another shoo follows.
The next day the man's wife goes
around in her stocking feet because
she can't find her shoes. The man
hasn't the price of another pair of
shoes for her , and the next night the
dog howls louder than ever.
Christmas Post Cards Free.
Send 2c stamp for five samples of
our very best Gold and Silk Finish
Christmas , Flower and Motto Post
Cards ; beautiful colors and loveliest
designs. Art Post Card Club , 792
Jackson St. , Topeka , Kan.
Not Expecting Too Much.
"I suppose your reianrks in con
gress will be listened to with great in
terest ? "
"My friend , " said the statesman , "In
congress a man Is lucky to get a
chance to make a speech without ex
pecting people to listen to It. "
The danper from slight cuts or wounds
is always blood poisoning. The immedi
ate application of Ilamlins Wizard Oil
makes blood poisoning impossible.
The best preparation for the future
is the present well seen to , and the
last duty well done.
There are imitations , don't he fooled ,
Tkero is no substitute ! Tell the dealer you
want Lewis' Single Hinder cigar.
Good company and good discourses
are the very sinews of virtue. Izaak
when yon f eel a colil mining on by taking n few ilovs
of I'crnr Davis' lMlnklll r. It Is liuttor than Qulnlno
and uifur The largo , ' * o liottlcb uro the cheapest.
To believe only what our finite
minds can grasp.
Efforts to Learn Whether They Were
Members of the Revolutlonoary
Army or Acting on Their
Own Responsibility.
Washington The delay on the part
of the United States in taking action
with respect to the killing by order
of President Zelaya of Nicaragua , of
.he two Americans , Groce and Cannon ,
t developed Tuesday , Is occasioned
> y the Inability of the government up
o this time to ilx the exact status In
N'lcaragua of the slain men. It was
explained that every effort was being
nade thrbugh government agencies to
determine whether these men were In
fact members of the revolutionary
army , or whether they were acting on
.heir own responsibility at the time
they were captured. If It ran be proven
that they were partly responsible for
the planting of mines for the purpose
of blowing up troop ships of the Nlca-
nguan government , and were acting
n this matter on their own responsi
bility their status would bo very differ
ent from what It would be were they
acting as a part of the revolutionary
It Is this point that the state depart
ment Is trying to clear up before it
takes any aggressive action against
Zelaya. The American vice consul at
Managua , Henry Caldera , has been in
structed to obtain all possible Informa
tion on this subject , and It Is believed
that other agencies have also been
employed for thq same purpose , and
until this Information Is received it Is
doubtful that the United States will
take any steps looking to the chastise
ment of Zelaya beyond putting Itself In
a position to act promptly should occa
sion arise.
It Is believed that plans for the
concentration of warships and marines
on the NIcaraguan coast will continue
and It may be that a show of force
will have a marked effect In stimulat
ing the energies and hopes of the revo
lutionists and result In large acces
sions to their army from the disaffect
ed portions of the country now held
by Zelaya's army.
The navy department Is prepared
for any eventuality In Nicaragua.
Overtime work has resulted in putting
the troop ship Prairie , now at the
Philadelphia navy yard , in condition to
sail at any moment after Thursday of
this week with 400 marines who are
immediately available for transporta
tion to Nicaragua. If necessary thio
number can be increased within a few
hours' notice to 700 or even 800.
It Is known that the naval olllcers
are hourly in expectation of receiving
orders to direct the Prairie to sail and
they would not be In the least sur
prised If other war ships were ordered
to the Nicaragua const.
Not Much Hope Left.
Cherry , 111. Hope that there might
still be alive some of the ISO men
known to be entombed in the St. Paul
coal mine was practically abandonee
An exporation Into what is known as
the second vein , where it was thought
probable many miners/had barricaded
themselves and had managed to exlsl
on onts and corn provided for the
mules , showed that great portions of
the tunnels had collapsed. It is be
llev'ed many men were burled under
the debris , and If the obstruction is
not soon cleared away at least 100
bodies may never be dug up. Fire Is
still raging in this tunnel , and the
back portions where the imprisoned
miners could have found a retreat
were said to be full of the fatal black
"What little hope wo had was given
up when we penetrated to what is
called the over-cast , " said \V. W. Tay
lor , general manager of the mine. "In
that place pure air would have been
found if It could have been found any
where , and the miners , aware of It ,
would have retreated there. When we
got into that place we found it empty
both of bodies or of live men. We lis
tened In vain to detect a signal or any
other sign of life. "
Easy Merger of Millions.
New York A quiet woddina ; at the
hotel St. Regis Tuesday united two
American fortunes estimated at $10-
000,000 , nnd $20,000,000 , respectively.
The bride Is Mrs. William Hayes C'lmp-
man , whom numerous foreign noble
men sought to wed In vain , and the
bridegroom is Phillip Van Valkenburg
of this city , a descendant of an old
Dutch family whose personal fortune is
estimated at $20.000,000. The ner Mrs.
Van Valkenburg is the widow of v
Brooklyn dry goods merchant.
Science Hall for Negroes ,
Washington. Within the llortvil
university grounds Tuesday there was
laid the corner stone for the new sci
ence hall , which Is being erected at a
cost of $90.000 , the amount appropri
ated by congress. The occasion was
significant In that this will bo the first
Institution intended for the advanced
training In physics , chemistry and biology
elegy ever erected In connection with
a college for colored people. It will
be devoted to the instruction of the
largest body of negro students In the
Canada's Day of Thank's a Month Ear
lier Than In tl\e United States.
For some reason better known to
the Canadians themselves than to the
people on this side of the line , our
Canadian cousins celebrated their
Thanksgiving a month or more earlier
than \ye do. It may bo that the Cana
dian turkey had become impatient , and
Rounded n note of warning , or it maybe
bo that the "frost on the pumpkin" de
clared Itself. But whatever the reason ,
their Thanksgiving day Is past. It may
have been that the reasons for giving
thanks so much earlier than wo do
were pushing themselves so hard and
so fast that the Canadians were
ashamed to postpone the event. They
have had reasons , and good ones , too ,
for giving thanks. Their great broad
areas of prairie land have yielded in
abundance , and here , by the way , It is
not uninteresting to the friends of
the millions of Americans who have
made their homo In Canada during the
past few years to know that they have
participated most generously In the
"cutting of the melon. " Probably the
western portion of Canada , comprising
the provinces of Manitoba , Saskatche
wan and Alberta , have the greatest
reason of any of the provinces to ex
press in the most enthusiastic manner
their gratitude. The results In the
line of production give ample reason
for devout thanksgiving to Providence
This year has surpassed all others in
so far as the total increase In the coun <
try's wealth Is concerned. There is no
question that Providence was cspe
clally generous. The' ' weather condl
tlons were perfect , and during the
ripening and harvesting period , then ?
was nothing to interfere. And now it
was well It was so , for with a demand
for labor that could not be supplied
there was the greatest danger , bu
with suitable weather the garnering o
the grain has been successfully accom
plished. There have been low gen
eral averages , but these are account
ed for by the fact that farmers were
Indifferent , relying altogether upon
what a good soil would do. There
will be no more low averages though
for this year has shown what good
careful farming will do. It will pro
duce 130 million bushels of wheat from
seven million acres , and It will pro
duce a splendid lot of oats , yielding
anywhere from CO to 100 bushels pe :
acre. This on land that has cost bu
trorn ? 10 to ? 15 per acre many farm
ers have realized sufficient from thl
year's crop to pay the entire cost of
their farms. The Toronto Globe says :
"The whole population of "tho West
rejoices In the bounty of Providence ,
and sends out a message of gratitude
and appreciation of the favors which
have been bestowed on the country.
The cheerfulness which has abounded
with Industry during the past six
months has not obliterated the concep
tion of the source from which the
blessings have flown , and the good
feeling Is combined with a spirit of
thankfulness for the privilege of living
in so fruitful a land. The misfortunes
of the past are practically forgotten ,
because there Is great cause to con
template with satisfaction the com
forts of the present. Thanksgiving
should be a season of unusual en
thusiasm. "
"Have you read iny last book , Mr
Goodchild ? "
"Well , no er to tell the truth , my
mother won't allow me to. "
FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he la eenloi
partner ol the Brm of F. J. CIIE.NEY & Co. . doing
business In the City of Toledo.- County nnd Hints
aforesaid , nnd said Him will pny the Bum ol
ONH IIUNDRKIJ DOL.LAUS for each and every
case ot CATAIIIIII that cannot bo cured by the use ol
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed In my presence
this Ctli day of December. A. 1) . . I8SG.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is Liken Internally and acts
directly IIIHJII the bltxnl and mucous surfaces ot tto
system. Send for testimonials , free.
T. J. CHUNKY & CO. . Toledo , O.
Pold riy nil nrucvlxts. J..c.
Tale Hall's Family rills for constipation.
Bachelor Are wives as expensive
as they are said to be ?
Alimony Victim Not while they are
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOUIA , a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children , and sco that it
Bears the
In Use For Over ; j ( ) Years.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Solomon mused.
"My decisions are pretty good , " he
cried , "hut I can't claim to be a Chris
tian judge. "
Therefore he felt himself out of the
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Ease , the antiseptic powder
It makes tight or now shoes feel easy. It
Is a certain euro for sweating , callous nnd
hot , tlreil , ncliliiR feet. Always use It to
Break In now shoes. Sold hy all DniKKlsts.
25c. Trial package moiled Free. Address
Allen S. Olmatud , Leltoy , Now York.
A philosophical man when consider
ing his own troubles Isn't.
Lewis' Single Hinder gives the smoker what
hvantt , a rich , mellow-tabling cigar.
If man were not vain the power
of woman would cease. Smart Set
Sambo ( to Dinah ) You say you
truthful. Yes , sure you bo full of
truff , but you never let any out.
Backache , Pains In the Kldneyo , Dloat
Ing , Etc. , Overcome.
A nurse is exncctcd to know what
to do for common ailments , and wom
en who suffer back
ache , constant lan
guor , and other com
mon symptoms of
k i d n o y complaint ,
should bo grateful to
Mrs. Mlnnlo Turner ,
of E. B. St. , Ana-
darko , Okla. , for
pointing out the way
to find quick relief. Mrs. Turner used
Doan'0 Kidney Pills for a run-down con
dition , backache , pains in the sides and
kidneys , bloated limbs , etc. "Tho way
they have built me up Is simply mar
velous , " says Mrs. Turner , who Is a
nurse. "My health Improved rapidly.
Five boxes did so much for mo I urn
telling everybody about It. "
Remember the name Dean's. Sold
by nil dealers. GO cents a box. Foster-
Milburn Co. , Buffalo , ty Y.
In the Country ,
Mrs. Knickcr What do you suppose
It was that Katy did ?
Mrs. Booker Left , of course. liar-
per's Bazar.
Pettlt's Eye Salve for 25c.
Relieves tired , congested , inflamed anil
core eyes , quickly stops eye uehcs. All
druggists or Howard Bros. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Well Posted.
"Is he well posted ? "
"Yes , at every club he belongs to. "
Harvard Lampoon. '
will euro not only n trpsli com , lmt ono of tnoso stub
born couglis tlint umully Iwng on for months. Ulvq
it a trial and pruvo UK wortli. iSc ! , 60o anil 11.00.
To consider anything Impossible
that we cannot ourselves perform.
Mm. Window's Soothlnp : Syrnn.
For children teething , eottena the giims , reilucei In-
Dominationallayi pate , cures wind collu. Sic a l/ottlo ,
The greatest necessity In a woman's
llfo is love.
For Benefit of Women who
Suffer from Female Ills
Minneapolis , Minn. "I was a great
Bufforor from female troubles which
caused a weakness
and broken down
condition of the
system. I read so
much of whatLydia
E. Pinklmm's veg
etable Compound
had done for other
suffering \yomen I
felt sure it would
help mo , and I must
cay it did help mo
wonderfully. My
_ pains all left me , I
grew stronger , and within three months
I was n perfectly well woman.
" 1 want this letter made public to
show the benefit women may derive
from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. " Mrs. JOHN G. MOLPAN ,
2115 Second St. , North , Minneapolis' ,
Thousands of unsolicited and genu
ine testimonials like the above prove
the efliciency of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound , which is made
exclusively from roots and herbs.
Women who suffer from those dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
not lose sight of these facts or doubt
the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound to restore their
If you -want special ntlvicovrlto
to Mrs. IMnldmm , at Ijynn , Muss.
confidential. For 2O years slie
has been helping sick women in
this way , free of charge. Don't
hesitate "write at once.
Paper-Hangers & Painters
Foil cnn Rrontljr incrcnuo jronr bonlncsi with no oz >
tr Imi'ntmont liy tollluR Alfred I'm ! * ' 1'rlto
Wullimr > rr. Wo mint ono food worker In each
vicinity nnd to the first worthy applicant will npnd
ritii' , liy prepaid cxprriw , flio InrKO nilinpln
hooka nhonlng it 8UBOU)0. ) ( > 0 Wnllimper Mock
for customers to elect from. Wo ofli r liberal profit *
to our ri'prcfeutatlveAimwer quickly that jcu iiikf
cit the anonry In ynur vicinity for 1910.
AlfrtMll'fataCu. . KI.UO AVubusll Al o. , Chicago.
en Altai ; M
rVnil sketch for free warcM nnrt report , also Uuldo
Hook. U. 1' . 11UN VliA LO. , Washlnifton , U. 0.
Best for Children
BtST Ktt\U\K \ \ YOU
Gives instant relief when little throats
are irritated and sore. Contains
nc opiates and is as pleasant to take
as it is effective.
All DniggtiU , 23 cent * .
The instinct of modesty natural to every womnn i often n
iJrcat hindrance to the euro of womanly diseases. Women
shrink from the personal questions of tlio local physician
which seem indelicate. The thought of examination is ab-
liorrcnt to them , and so they cnduro in silence a condition
of disease which surely progresses from bad to worse.
It has been Dr. Plcrcc'a prlvllcjlo to euro a
jlrcat many women who have found a reft/do
s tor modcaty in hla otter ot FRKE conautta *
tlon by letter * 2111 correspondence la held
as sacredly confidential. Address Dr. K. V.
Pierce , Buffalo , A' . 1' .
Dr. Picrcc's Favorite Prescription restores nnd regulate *
the womanly functions , abolishes pain and builds up and
putt the finishing touch of health on every weak woman
who gives it a fair trial.
ft Makes Weak Women Strong ,
Sick Women Well.
You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as n substitute
for this non-atcohotio medicine op KNOWN COMPOSITION.
' Positively cured by
CARTER'S those Llttlu nils.
They nl o relieve Dl -
ITT5.E tresH from n.vRj > opHln , In-
illKCHttoii mid Too Hunrty
Kntliiff. A perfect rem
edy fur IMr.zlncHS , Nun-
Hen , DrowHltiCHfl , 11 nil
TnMo In the Mouth , Cunt'
oil Tonituc , I' " ! " In tlio
Hi tic , TOHM1J I.1VKK.
They regulate tlio llowclH. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similc Signature
One gets It by highway men Tens
of thousands by Bad Bowels No dif
ference. Constipation and dead liver
make the whole system sick Every
body know * it CASCARETS regulate
euro Bowel and Liver troubles by simply
doing nature's work until you Ret well-
Millions use CASCARETS , Life Saverl
CASCARIJT3 loc n box for nvcek'
treatment , nil dniRL-Uts. nfRgest seller
in the world. Million boxes a mouth.
Ono fthlpmcmt will comlnoo yon
that no purtho hlabrnt prlcm tot
t urn from W % to 40 % uioro In
nrtiml i-ntU thnn any other IIOUBO.
Wo ilo not pail our price Hit to torn pt
the trniipor. but crmlo t < ih nkln
lionoMlynnd pnjrthotilshcUpilooa
iKunlbtoon thUlxuU. .
Wo ( urolith traim. bnlt and other
riippllwi nt coat. Hcndtoilnrfortroij
Ontnlott O nnd Market li ) | irtninJ
we'll BIVO jou nlinnlutolr free our
. "Trnppcr'B Onldo. " oontnlnlnn
nnnrlr JOD puces of Tnlunlilo tips nnd
eocrou. Laruust In the world in our lino.
Funitta Oroi. & Co. , 143 ElmSt.St.LouU , Mo.
Wliflt Prof. Shaw , the Walt-Known Acri- ,
culturltt , Says About Itt
"I tfoulil nooni'T rnlno cnttlo In WqMorn
Cuniulii tlinu In thn corn Iwlt of
the Ilnltf il ( Union. 1'Yod
In cliiMiinT nnil rllinnto
for the pnni
Your runrhct will Im.
pro\o fiu-trr Innn
inrmotw will rroilueo the
mippHon.lii > ntriti\l > o
drown tin toIIii'CUIij'nr-
iillcl [ HO mill * north nf
tholntcrnntlonnl IxiniuU
nrj ) . Your \nrant lium
will 1m tnkoii lit n into
lipyoiul rn-ncnt conrop-
tlon. no Imvo
In the
Gropta nlono nho nnt
liomoi to tnko up thin lnn < l. " N tlr
70,000 Americans
\vlll PiitrrniiclmiiUoHii'lrliomcn
In Wratrrn I'mmclu thin > rnr.
11)01) ) iirixliii-ttl another lur&o
crop of tvliciit. ontH nnil Imrlc-r ,
In nililllloii tot\lilcli ( ho rulllo
oximrlnn * nil IIIIIIIIMIKO Horn.
Ciittlo ril : lnn. tlnlrylntf. nilicxl
fnrmltnt nnil nrnln nrowlna In the
jmnltiroi of JMimlloliii , faiihkat-
chouiui mill Allii'rtn
iiuitlrail niut prr-ctnn-
tlon im > M § , nil well in Inmln liolil
lij mllniirnntllamlcomtmntrii.nlll
univlilo linniox for nillllonii.
Ailniiliililn , -uHhrulrll- -
m to , niliMiillil HilionU nuu
cInm-lit-M , unit u'ootl raUwny * .
l-'or HOltlom * rnti'N. Himorl | > tlvo
lltrrnturo "I-iut Host Wwt , " how
to ronc-h the country nnil other pnr-
ilcnlnn , write fcMSup't ot linnjl-
oration. OttmMyMnnniln. or to the
Guiludlun UovtwrTucnl AKcnt.
eOlKoHYoikllliDldg. Omaha , Htb.
( Usoniulr xwnonrv tTOM ) ta
You Can Shave Yourself With
1 Cltinici ami bcantlfkl the hair.
Jl'roniatti Inxutltnt Rrowth.
llJrvcr F IU to Jtoitaro One *
1 Hair to Us Youthful Color.
jCuiufUlp ducascift hair tailing.
" l Thompson's Eye Water
"W. N. U. , LINCOLN , NO. 48--1909.
A wiiiiiroilc.ilnnil cjulck rntnrns. It will pnyyimtiiwrltoiixforprlcollHtniiil
Ono lililo , linn Bkln or u car In.ul. Milpnipnlsliulu
irer.i hlilo nnil fur lumsnln on rniiii'stunrtyinir
fursbacklf inir rotuniH
. Noinallprwlictlioryim iiroiuiio. 1C.
unintmilpror tnippi-r , fur-
' .tncrorili'iilorwocnn iln yon Wrlto for oatnlnifuo of
l and innki ) run niunov. tri > ppprn supplies.
Wear W.L. Douglas comfort
able , easy walking , common
scnso ohoos. A trial will
convlnco any ono that W. L. !
Douglas shoos Hold tholr
shape , fit better nnd wear
longer than other makes.
They nro made upon honor ,
of the host leathers , by the
most skilled workmen , In all
the latest fashions , shoos In
every style and shape to suit
men In all walks of llfo.
PflllTinW | Tlio genuine Lave W. L.
UMUI lull i Douglas name and price
stamped on bottom , which guarantees
full value and protects the wearer
against high prices and inferior ehocs.
in Ten Minutes
No oil heater has a higher efficien
cy or greater heating power than the
Oil Heater
( Equipped with Smokeless Device )
With it you can go from the cold
of the Arctic to the warmth of the
Tropics in 10 minutes.
The new
Smokeless Device
prevents smoking. Removed in an
instant for cleaning.
Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give out a glowing hea
for 9 hours solid brass wick carriers damper top cool handle oil indicator.
Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles.
Every Dealer Everywhere. II Not At Yours , Write for Descriptive Circular
to the Nearest Agency of the
( Incorporated )
xtf !