Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 02, 1909, Image 1

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And nothing is nicer , more endur
ing or appropriate thau n piece of
of pure { gold of silver the two
precious metals
This year we offer and unusually neat and complete
selection of very high grade
Jewelry ana
at prices which will please It is not wise to defer your
Holiday Buying Our stocu is now complete store less crowded your
selection easier your satisfaction far more certain than in the last hours
of hurry and worry
Xo help you choose early we
will put your purchases aside
Graduate Chicago Opthaluitc
future delivery. College
C 75 Samples and Designs 3
(0 M Cfl
(0D < Of New and up-to-date Mouldings , New Blaqks , I
New Browns , Weathered Oaks , Waxed Oaks ,
d New Golds. 'Late Design , New Pattern , 3-8 in. . t > ) <
C wide to 4 in. ' wide. Suitable for all. Steel En DW
KJ gravings , Carbon. Photos and anything in Blacker
KJU or Brown. Oak Plate RaJl , Finished or Unfin P
< U ished. Bring in your Christmas pictures and 3
li get them done. Get your order in early. 3O
The Picture and Frame Dealer
Silver Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pignian
celebrated their silver wedding-
anniversary last Saturday night
at their elegant home in the
southwest part of the city.
There were between sixty-five
and seventy personal friends
present to enjoy the hospitality
of the bride and groom of twenty
five ycam ago. At 7 o'clock the
guests sat dowu to a splendid
wedding supper and among a
number of handsome waiters
were JSlba and Merle the younger
sons of Mr. and Mrs. Pigman.
A number of valuable as well
as handsome souvenirs were pre
sented by the guests in honor of
the occasion.
Mr. Pigman has been a resident
of this state since 1884 , coming
from Indiana and first locating
near Kearney , where he was
married to Miss Hattie George
November of the same year.
To this union were born four
boys , the oldest of whom is Clyde ,
who is married and resides in this
city , where he holds a responsi
ble position in the Security State
Bank. The second son Kheu-
mont is at present away at school
in Valparaiso Ind. The two
younger , Merle and Elba are at
home with their parents.
In 1889 Mr. Pigman , with his
family , moved to Custer county
and established their residence
in Loup township where he en
gaged in farming , teaching
school in the winter season. In
1901 he moved to Broken Bow to
serve as deputy under County
Clerk George W. Dcwey. Having
filed this position four years he
was elected county clerk and two
years later was elected to the
second term without opposition ,
having secured the entire vote
of the county. His present term
expires with this year. '
He has recently received the
appointment of census director of
the sixth congressional district ,
the active duties of which he will
assume the first of the year.
- ' *
* - " " - - -M
At 10:30 : p. in. the guests de
parted for their respective homes
having enjoyed a pleasant even
ing wishing their host and host
ess many more years of happiness
alid prosperty in the journey
though life.
Tor Sale. Sonic Bargains.
A new eight room house , wat
er in the house , a full sizad base-
uicnt , cement walk in front ,
voting shade trees , nice barn and
carriage room , close in and de
sirable home. Will sell at cost ,
part time if desired.
A four room cottage with
pantry , coal house , chicken
house and yard , fruit and shade
trees , two lots on a fine street
four blocks from square ; price
A beauty spot for a home on
the north side , Y\ block , with
small fruits and cherries , and
shade trees , two chicken houses ,
and outside cave , with a small
house. This is a snap at $950.
I also have other city proper-
tics , as low as the lowest , and
when you arc looking for a farm
see me.
I write Farm and City Insur
ance , Old Line or Mutual Coin *
panics. Yours for bargains ,
J. M. FoDGK , 5th Avenue.
family Iteunloii ,
The editor and family had the
pleasure of joining a family re
union on Thanksgiving- at
the home of George Runyaij near
Maapn City. There are oix of
my fathers' family , three women
and three men , four of the six
were present at the gathering ,
children and grandchildren to
number of One sister
Mrs. M. L. Whitaker , of Canton ,
Neb. , and a brother , B. F. Ams-
berry , of Anocortes , who we had
hoped to see were not able to be
there ,
The day waa pleasantly spent
in rehearsing incidents of the
days of childhood. An import
ant feature of the occasion , was
% * "
the dinner , which was one of the
old fashioned kind that abounded
with all the delicacies of the
season and various dishes of
chicken and goose done to the
queen's taste. It was an oc
casion ever to be remembered by
those present with commendable
pride ,
Public Sale of Pure Bred Duroc Hears
From the Custer County Herd
of Durocs. We will offer at
Public Auction , on Saturday ,
December 18th , 1909 , al 1 o'clock
p m. , at the Livery and Sale
Barn of Nelson & Miller , Broken
Bow , Nebraska ,
H Duroc boars , March and
April farrow. These are very
fine , large bone , great length ,
good color , weight 200 pounds to
275 pounds in just good breeding
condition , and good enough to
head any herd.
We will also offer one of our
herd boars , Custer's Kant Be Beat ,
2 years old net March , This is
a great hog and a tried breeder.
Everyone guaranteed to be a
breeder , or no sale. Wo must
close out tUeso hoara to make
room for our next Spring Sale.
If you are in need of a good
boar , come and look them over
on sale day , they will please you
and you qan purchase them at
your own price.
2u-3t Riuisn & MARVIN , Owners ,
Division Forces Get Together ,
The County division forces met
at Ansley Monday and made new
linou for division. This time
they prose to divide into five
counties. Custer connty would
be twelve miles at the north end
and twenty seven miles on the
south. The range line between
20 and 21 divides territory be-
tweenMerna and Sargant and the
town. ] ] , ie between 17 and 18 is
the dividing line north of Ansley.
Arnold Is put in with Callaway
with about the same aignag lines
as before.- .
Al R. Church. R. II. Thompson , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
morning sermon 11:00 : a. m ; Jun
ior league 2:30 : p. m ; Epworth
league 6:30 : p. m ; evening sermon
7:30 : p , m ; prayer meeting Thurs
day 7:30 : p. m.
Baptist Church. A. T. Norwood , Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 : a. m ;
preaching 11:00 : a. m ; Junior
union 3:00 : p. m ; B. Y. P , U. 6:30 :
p. m ; preaching 7:30 : p. m ;
teachers' meeting Monday 7:30
p. m ; Agoga class Tuesday 7:30 :
p. m ; prayer meeting Wednesday
7:30 : p m.
Special meeting for boys and
girls Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
at the Baptist church led by Rev.
J. L. Hcdbloom. Special music.
Come and bring your young
Rev. J. L Hedblooin , who is
conducting a scries of meetings
at the Baptist church is preach
ing the old gospel in its sim
plicity and with prowcr ,
All who love the truth as
preached by Mr , Moody , Mr.
Spurgin or Paul the Apostle will
enjoy the style of preaching at
this scries of meetings.
The sensational has no place
in these meeting , but the spirit is
evident , not only in the preach
ing , but also in the sweet gospel
songs which are sung at each
The good congregations , io
spite of the bad weather , reveal
the fact that the simple gospe )
has not lost its power.
U. B. Church S. M. Zikc , Pastor
11:00 : o'clock a. m. Preaching ;
"Christ in the Common Things
of Life ; " b:30p. m. the meeting of
Y. P. 9. E. U. The evening ser
vice will be Evangelistic. Pray
er meeting1 , Thursday evening at
7:30. : A cordial invitation to
all who desire to worship with
us *
' _ ' _ ' i
What About a School Suit for the Boy
Or a Business Suit for Your Husband ?
Take advantage of Drake's Red Tag Stock Reductipn Sale Plenty of Desirable Suits for every one at prices below cost of production. Every Suit and Overcoat
in the lot must be sold before Christinas. Early buyers get the best selections.
Lot 1 Includes Men's and Young Men's
Suits and Overcoats worth
87.00 , $7.50 , $8.00 and up
to $9.00. All to go in this
Stock Reduction Sale at. . . U ) 1 S B1 S |
Lot 2 Contains a general assortment oi
Men's and Boys' $10.00 Suits and Over
coats , many of them made up with the
Cuffs vand Peak LupeJs a nice assort
ment of goods for business
purposes. You get the
worth of your money here
when we quote you a price
on this lot at MI
X-.OT 13
Lot 3 In this lot you will find a snappy up-
to-date lot of Suits and Overcoats , made
up in the new prevailing strles worth
$12.50 , $13.00 , $13.50 and
some of them worth up
to $15.00 and $10.00. All
go at the remarkable price
Lot 4 Contains a general assortment from
the best and Latest Style Suits in the
stock worth $10.50 , $17.00 , $17.50 and up
to. $20.00. Suits made up in the very
Latest Style by the best Tailoring con
cerns in the country suits that any
business man can put
on and wear and feel
that he is dressed up.
Price during this Stock
Reduction Sale only. . . .
Lot Men's Heavy Fleeced Shi.rts and Drawers
SOc quality , to close during this sale at 40c
Lot Men's Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers
A rattling good $1.00 quality to close during this sale at. . .75c
Lot 50c Boy's Health Shirts and Drawers
During this sale only at each 37c
Lot Boy's SOc Colored Dress bhirts for th'is saJe 35c
You Will Be Pleased With Our Boys' and Children's Dept ,
In this Department every Eoy's and Child's Suit in the House is included in this Great
Sale at prices below cost of production. In this Dept. you will find such prices as these :
Youth's Suits Long Pants , Ages 14 to 20
4.40 Youths Suits $3.15
4.90 Youths Suits 3.55
5.50 Youths Suits 3.95
0.50 Youths Suits , 4.S7
7.50 Youths Suits ' 5.38
Children's Suits
Here you will find a great array of nobby little suits at prices that would make the
manufacturer squirm but we have too many of them and they must go.
$2.00 Childrens Suits $1.58
2.25 Childrens Suits 1.83
2.40 Childrens Suits 1.90
2.50 Childrens Suits 1.98
3.00 Childrens Suits 2.10
One Lot Ladies Tailor Made Suits
left over from a former season not
just up-to-date in style but good sub
stantial garments , suitable for every
day wear , price during this Sale ,
A Few Bargains in Sorosis Petticoats
$1.00 Sorosis Petticoats. . $ .8 < J
l .25 Sorosis Petticoats. . . 'JS
1.45 Sorosis Petticoats. . 1.15
1.85 Sorosis Petticoats. . 1.45
$2 25 Sorosis Petticoats. . * 1.68
.3 00 Sorosis Petticoats. . 2.35
3 50 Sorosis Petticoats. . 285
8.00 Youths Suits 5.87
9.00 Youths Suits (3.45 (
9.75 Youths Suits 7.48
9.90 Youths Suits 7.55
10.00 Youths Suits 7.Go
3.50 Childrens Suits 2.58
4.00 Childrens Suits 2.95
5.00 Childrens Suits - 3.85
5.50 Childrens Suits 4.15
(5.75 ( Childrens Suits v 4.85
6.90 Childrens Suits 4.98
Lot Childrens Cloaks
In sixes from 3 to 8 years , mostly " „
Bear Skins nice fresh goods to Ik Dpfftpnf Jiff
close out during thih Sale at.
Lot Children and Misses Cloaks
All new styles , to close out during 25
this Sale at Percent Off
A Few Ladles Cloaks At Special Prices.
The Index Finger of Economy points straight to our way of merchandising Good Keliable Bargains every day in the year ,
with occasional Special Sale events that keep the stock clean and up to date. During this sale you will find many attractive
Baa-gains in Seasonable Merchandise that will tempt you to let loose of the coin. It is impossible to enumerate them all
in the limited space of an advertisement of this kind , but come to the store and bring your friends any day from now
uniil Christinas and we will guarantee you will find something to interest you.
Come to our store and do your Christmas shopping. We arc showingElegant Lines of Room Rugs , Small Rags , Portiers , Lace Curtains at prices to please.
Always Selling the Most Reliable Lines of Factory Shoes