Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 25, 1909, Image 1

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    Svate Historical Society
Oysters , Fine ones , Celery , Snlsifry ,
Lettuce , Green- Onions , Egg Plants ,
Spinich , Whole Sage in Bulk , Dates ,
1 Navel Oranges , Grape Fruit , Apples , Figs
PHONE NO. 161.
But we arc still prepared to furnish our patrons with
best the market all'ords. Following1 are a few samples
CHiiB sliced Peaches LUS.OII
brand per can . 30c
Red pitted Cherries princess Royal
lira nil per can . 30c
Red Rasbcrrlcs preserved hi syrup
Princess Hoyai brand per can..30c
Wlilte Cherries Mogul brand per
c.ln . 2.ric
Muscat Grapes per can . . . 25c
Sliced pineapple Mogul brand per
can . 25c
Dried Peaches per Ib . is'/jc
New Prunes per ib . 20c
Ilvaporated Kasbcrrles per Ib 3.r c
Stein Ilalslns per Ib , lOc
Large Florida Orape Fruit each..i&c
Illpe Valeuxcla oranges iloz..lOc S0c
Fresh Pecans , Tier Ib 20c
New English walnuts , per Ib 20c
Shelled Walnuts per Ib 50c
Shelled Almonds per Ib. . . . , GOc
PollardH pure Apple Cider Nehaw-
wa brand per gal 40c
We have A full line of green stuff ,
Kadlshes , Lettuce , Onions , Celery
and iMrsely.
OYSTERS 01 tlloseoellclous muc
. They aie fat , Juicy and
rich as ever. They have the salt sea Ilavor.
Write to Us
At Once
if you , oraii } ' of your
family want to earn a
liberal commission
by Co-operating with
us in selling- pianos
A in your locality.
Any child can do what we require and our offer is fair
I and temptingly liberal. Write for our special
I Co-operating Piano Cliib Plan
for full particulars in detail , address
The H. A. Watts Piano House
The. Monde ! ! Homestead Lands ,
We are receiving thousands of inquiries about the 320
acre free homestead lands available for settlers under the
Mondell Act. These lands are located in Eastern Colorado
and in Wyoming along the Burlington. The great advant
age of this new homestead law is that the sttler is permittee
to take up free , 320 acres instead of 100 acres , the largei
tract being required under the new dry farming methods
Northeastern Wyoming has from 1C to 21 inches of moisture
and has produced some of the linest crops of small grains
ever seen in the west.
I personally conduct excursions o'n the first and thin
Tuesday of each month to these lands , Write me foi
special descriptive folders , literature , etc.
Irrigated Lands in the Big Horn Basin
These government irrigated lands are being fast taken up
by settlers who realize the coming value of the Big lion
Basin lands in view of the railroad development in Centra
The LT. S. Land and Irrigation Exposition at Chicago
Nov. 20 to Dec. 4th , will be of vital interest to the farmer.
D. CLEM DEAVER , General Agent ,
Land Seekers Information Bureau , Omaha , Neb.
1004 Farnam St. , Omaha , Nebr.
Advertisers in THE REPUBLICAN reach over 2,000 sub
scribers each week. Circulation sworn.
Hy Mrs. Amanda li. X.mdcrs.
"Oh , fjive thanks unto the
Lord for He ia good ; for His
mercy cudurcth forever. " Let
us give heed to those words of
David the Psalmist. Let us not
neglect the atiminl opportunity
of going to our respective places
of worship aud give thanks unto
he Lord for the more than
ountiful harvest.
We here in Nebraska know
what it would tnean if the Crc-
tor entirely withheld this
ounty for one brief season. An
ight billion-dollar harvest has
een safely gathered in.
After such wonderous bounty
rom the hand of the Creator , on
'hursday , Tlianksgiuing Day ,
very place of worship in this
> road land of ours should be
rowded with worshippers , eager
o give thanks unto the Land.
Thanksffivincr services will be
held at St. John's Episcopal
hurch , Thursday morning at
0:30 : o'clock , Rev. W. II , Xand-
rs , Rector. \
Thanksgiving services will be
held at St. Joseph's Roman
Catholic church Thursday worn-
ng at 10 o'clock , Father Moser ,
Family and other dinner
> arties arranged for Thanks-
jiving day.
Judge and Mrs. C. L. Gutter-
son will give their tri annual
Thanksgiving dinner , Thursday
at two o'clock. The guests will
> e Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Morgan ,
tfiss Mary Morgan , Mr. and
vlrs. Joe MolyneauK , and child
ren , Miss Hazel , Earl and Homer
Frank Currie and son Claude ,
and Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Purcell
will have for their guests , at
dinner Thursday , Mr. and Mrs.
W. Gillings , Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Leonard , Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Chalmer England
will entertain at 2 o'clock dinner
Thursday , Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Pickett and Mr. and Mrs. Par-
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Cad well
will entertain at one o'clock din *
ner Thanksgiving day , a few out
of town friends ; also Rev. am' '
Mrs. Norwood and daughter
Ruth , Mr. and Mrs. Cook and two
sons and Earl Cadwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Burk wil
entertain at a two o'clock family
dinner party Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Anderson
will entertain at a two o'clock
dinner Thursday. Covers wil
be laid for fourteen. The guests
will be Judge and Mrs. A. R
Humphrey and family , Mrs
Kirkendell , Misses Ollie Phkett
and Adah Bowcn and Arty Hum
phrey of Mullen. ' '
Mr and Mrs. F. M. Rublee wil
entertain at a two o'clock dinne
Thursday. The table decora
tions will be whita and yellow
chrysanthemums resting on a
lace centre piece. Covers will be
laid for eight.
Mrs. A. R. Humphrey enter
lained at a seven o'clock dinue
last Saturday evening in hone
of her son Paul who will shortly
return to Washington , D. C.
The members of the Linger
Longer Club gave an indoor pic
nic lasfc Friday night in the
apartments of Mr. and Mrs.
James K Hcrrnon.
The members appeared in
picnic apparel ; brought an up-
to-date piccic supper , which
hey ate in picnic style. The
guests quite accidently and cer
tainly unintentionally developed
a taste for coal oil. Query , was
John D" again tampering with
the stuff or was the store clerk
responsible for the mixup ?
The members agree that an
ndoor picnic is quite as much
port as an outdoor one. Earl
NJolyneaux aud Homer Rupert
were guests of the club.
Last Saturday night there was
a called meeting of the Eastern
Star Chapter in their hall in the
Masonic Temple.
The meeting wa called for
he purpose of initiating into
he mysteries of the order , two
andidatcs , Miss Irma Willing ,
who has since left for an cxtend-
d trip in the south , and Miss
lazel Molyneux. There was a
arge attendance of members and
visiting members.
At the close of the meeting mem
bers were invited to the serving
oem where sandwiches and
coffee were served by one of the
divisions of which Mrs. Morgan
s chairman. As usual on such
occasions , Hod George passed
he chocolates to the ladies who
have nicknamed him the "Candy
Vfter service last Sunday even-
ng Mrs , Morgan entertained
burteen neighbors , at her home
m the hill , at an informal sup-
te'r. Claude Currie of Kavenna
was the only out of town guest.
The Sunday School of St.
bhn's Episcopol church will
ivac a social at the rectory Fri
day evening Dec. 3rd.
Every Member of * he Sunday
School is invited to be present
and is privileged to bring one
The evening will be spent in
amusements suitable to all.
There will also be a short pro
gram of vocal and instrumental
music and readings.
The hours are from 7:30 : to
11 o'clock , Refreshments will
be served ,
The Library Association will
hold a reception and sale Wed
nesday afternoon , Dec. * 1st , from
two to six o'clock at the home of
Judge Armour.
All kinds of aprons and hand
kerchiefs and other useful
articles will be for sale. Re
frcshments will be served on the
European plan. A coridial in
vitation is extended to the public
to be present.
Dent forget the date , Decem
ber 1st.
( Continued nest week )
A Sunday Wedding.
Clarnce C. Smith , of Broken
Bow , and Miss Isabclle Jorden ,
of Mcrna , were married at the
residence of the bride's parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jorden , Sun
day afternoon at 3 o'clock , Rev.
Graham officiating. Besides the
immediate relatives of the bride
and groom , but a few guests
were present.
At five o'clock a supper was
served to the we'dding party by
the bride's mother to which all
did ample and consuming justice.
The groom is a son of F. C.
Smith and wife of this city and
is an examplary young man.
The bride is one of Merna's
favorite daughter's.
They will reside on a farm west
of this city.
At. H , Church.
Sunday :
1000 ; n , ui Sunday School
11:00 : a. tit Morning sermon
2:30 : p. m Junior League
f > :30 : p. m Epworth League
7:3) : p , m Evening sermon
7:30 : p. m Prayer Meeting
' R. H , THOMPSON , Pastor.
The W. F. M. S , of the M. E.
church held their first social
meeting and supper for this year
at the home of Mr. aud Mrs.
Staplctou , Thursday afternoon ,
November 18. The first hour
was spent in social chat , fancy
work and ministers must wear
out socks as well as common people
ple , the way Mrs. Thompson's
fingers flew that hour.
A mysterious missionary quix
was conducted , Mrs. McCandlcss
and Mrs. Stapleton received head-
marks for the most questions
answered. Then come the sup
per in the kitchen. Mrs. A ,
Snydcr won the priae for meat
and potatoe slicing , while Mcs-
dames Penn and Barrett were a
tie eating scalloped potatoes.
Mesdamcs Pinckney aud Thorpe
drank coffee for the cream and
wonder why social suppers don't
agree wish their sleeping hours ,
Mra. Prcttyman could wash
more dishes in three minutes
than the rest of could in ten.
One of our brother-in-laws came
out in the kitchen and thought
it perfectly safe to talk to elderly
homely ladies when his wife was
looking but when talking to
young good Inokiug ones he
would rather she was in the din
ing room eating potatoes. How
ever our treasury was increased
several dollars. Our next social
meeting without the supper will
be Thurseay. December 16. The
meeting for the study of the les
son will be December 2nd.
Ilaptist Church
All who have no other church
home are cordially invited to
worship with us.
10:00 : a. m Sunday School
11:00 : a m Preaching
3:00 : p. m Junior Union
6:30 : p. m B. Y. P. U.
7:30 : p. m Preaching
Monday :
7:30 p. m Teachers Meeting
Tuesday :
7:30 : p , in Ayoga Class
7:30 : p. m Prayer meeting
A. T. NORWOOD , Pastor.
Rev. J. L. Hedbloom will be
gin a scries of evangelistic meet
ings in the Baptist church next
Sunday morning , November 28th ,
All arc cordially invited to these
services. Services will continue
every evening until further
A very enjoyable social was
given last Friday evening at the
home of Mr. Chas. Wright by
the young people of the Baptist
church. The thought of the
evening was ' "childhood. " The
motto of the social was : "Back
ward , turn backward O time in
your flight , make me a child
again just for tonight. " The
formalities of the ordinary social
gathering were thrown to the
wind and many innocent child
hood games were entered into by
all and enjoyed by both old and
young. Some of the- bachelors
and maidens think that this kind
of a gathering would not be out
place again soon as it causes
them to forget their wrinkles and
and loneliness of their condition
in the ebb tide of life , Each
young lady wan dressed as near
ly as possible to represent a girl
in her teens , It is the opinion
of the writer that some -of them
looked better then than now.
There were no "rats" in days ot
yore. The young men represen
ted , as best they could , their
boyhood days , but looked more
like men of colohial times. One
young man represented a country
spinster from Arkansas , whose
crude ways aroused much mcrri-
mctltl ,
The latter part of the evening
some very excellent music was
rendered , both instrumental and
vocal. The enjoyment of the
evening was well seasoned by a
dainty luncheon served by the
Presbyterian Church.
On December 10th the women
of the Presbyterian church will
serve a chicken pic dinner at the
Temple. In the afternoon will
have on sale aprons and fancy
articles of various kinds. In the
evening Prof. P. Percival Pippin ,
singin * master , and the Low
Holler choral union will put on a
J. E. AUDREY , Pastei.
U. I ) . Church
Preaching at 11 o'clock , sub
ject "Home Missions. Sunday
school at 10 a ui. Christian
Endeavor at 6:30 : p. ni.
C. J. Sydenham , American
Sunday school missionary for
this district , will give his illus
trated lecture , representing
scenes in the life of Christ , at
the U. B , church , at 7:30 : p. m.
Solo "The and Nine "
, Ninety , as
thrown upon the canvaes. Spe
cial services for the Juniors on
Saturday at 2:30 p. m. Services
conducted by Miss Gertrude Hill ,
conference junior separintcndcnt.
A special invitation to all the
juniors and junior workers , We
especially extend to all who have-
no church home , a request to at
tend all tlfe services. We will
do thec good.
S. M. ZIKE , Pastor.
Shot at the Policeman.
Night Policeman Draper had
an expcricncclwith a stranger last
Friday night about midnight
which might have proven serious
for him or the stranger. Early
in the evening he received a tele
phone from Ravenna describing
a man and requesting him to ar
rest such a person. A short time
after receipt of the message he
went into Wait's pool room and
saw a man who answered the
description. The man noticed
the shield on Elmer's coat when
he entered the room and inquir
ed of bystander if he was the
"bull ? " Upon being informed
that it waa he moved toward
the door and stepped out into
the night. Elmer followed and
called for him to halt but the
ellow fired a shot and started
to run. Elmer unlimbercd his
trusty gun in short meter and
threw a couple of shots in the
direction which he thought the
fellow was going and followed
him , firing another shot when
down near the 13. & M. yards bu-
could not overtake him. Later
he went to a hotel where he
learned the fellqw had stopped he
evening before and took possess
ion of a fur coat and saddle
which the stranger had left there
and which is being held for the
owner. Monday it was learned
that a stranger answering the
description of the man stopped
at Kooger's northeast of town
and said he had ran away from
home and was keeping away from
railroad and telephone lines that
he might not be found and taken
back. As the matter now stands
Elmer is ahead a fur coat and
the stranger is ahead of the of
ficers , whatever his crime might
be ,
B. W. Hocker , of Rule , Okla
homa , was a Broken Bow visitor
* *
Wednesday ,