Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 11, 1909, Image 9

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Vegetable Compound
Lonisvlllo , Ky. "Lydia E. Pink ,
ham's Vegetable Compound has cci >
talnly done mo a
world of good and
I cannot praise it
enough. I suffered
fromirregularities ,
dizziness , nervous
ness , and u Bovcro
female trouble.
"Vegetable Com
pound has restored
mo to perfect
health and kept mo
from the operating
table. 1 will never bo without this
medicine in the house. " Mrs. SAM'L
LET , 0523 Fourth St. , Louisville , Ky.
Another Operation Avoided.
Adrian , Ga. "I suffered untold
misery from female troubles , and my
doctor said an operation was my only
chance , and I dreaded it almost as
much as death. Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound completely cured
mo without an operation. " LENA V.
HENUY , E. F. D. 8.
Thirty years of unparalleled suc
cess confirms the power of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to
euro female diseases. The great vol
ume of unsolicited testimony constant
ly pouring in proves conclusively that
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound is a remarkable remedy for tlupso
distressing feminine ills from which
so many women suffer.
Doctor I advise you to go to Nest.
It's a small place far away from ev
erywhere. There your nerves will get
Patient Oh , but , doctor , I've frocks
ns well as nerves.
Awful , Crusted , Weeping Eczema on
Little Sufferer A Score of Treatments -
ments Prove Dismal Failures.
Cure Achieved by Cutlcura.
"My little boy had an awful rash all
over his body and the doctor said it
was eczema. It was terrible , and used
to water awfully. Any place the water
went it would form another sere and it
would become crusted. A score or
more physicians failed utterly and dis
mally in. their efforts to remove the
trouble. Then I was told to use the
Cutlcura Remedies. I got a cake of
Cutlcura Soap , a box of Cutlcura Oint
ment and a bottle of Cutlcura Re-
eolvent , and before wo had used half
the Resolvent I could sec a change In
him. In about two months ho was en
tirely well. George F. Lambert , 130
West Centre St. , Mahanoy City , Pa , .
Sept. 26 and Nov. 4 , 1907. "
Totter Drue & Chcai. Corp. , Solo Props. , Boston.
A Terrinle Disease.
"Do you own an automobile ? " in
quired the unobservant party. The
other shook his head sadly.
"No , " he sighed , "I have been a suf
ferer all my life from chronic pedes-
trianlsm. "
A woman's idea of a tactful man Is
ono Mho Is able to Increase the ad
miration she has for herself.
Bird. AVInslow'fl Rdotlilnu I .
Tor children tccthlnu , softens the piunx , iiulnrnn In *
Cammatloa , allaj apaln.i urea wind collu. Kouuottle.
The patriotism of the olllce seeker
Is the greatest ever.
Don't Cough ! Use
Will instantly relieve your aching
throat. There is nothing like it lor
Asthma , BronchitU and lung
troubles. Contain ! ao opiates.
Very pleasant to take.
All Drucdit * . 23 cenU.
Gaynor Elected Mayor by 75,000 Plu
rality Over Barnard Hearst
Was a Poor Third The
Result In Other
New York , Nov. -William J. Gay
nor has boon elected mayor of New
York by a plurality approximately 75-
000. The indications at mid-night
were that he will be alone in his polit
ical glory In the board of estimate and
apportionment , which spends the city's
Hearst ran n poor third. Estimates
from 900 election districts put him 3 , -
000 behind Dannard , who in turn was
30,305 behind Gaynor.
In the next four years New York
city will spend approximately $1,000-
000,000. That money will be spent un
der the direction and Tjy the votes of
a board made up of the Tammany
mayor , a Republican and fusion presi
dent of the board of eldennen , a He-
publican and fusion compti oiler , pos
slbly a Republican and fusion presi
dent of the borough of Manhattan ,
possibly the Republican and fusion
presidents of the boroughs of Brooklyn
the Bronx and Queens and possibly a
Republican and fusion president of the
borough of Richmond.
There are 1C votes in the board of
estimates and apportionment. Of these
the mayor has three ; the president of
the board of aldermen three , the comp
troller three , and the presidents of the
boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn
two each. The presidents of the bor
oughs of the Bronx , Queen and Richmond
mend have one each. It will be seen ,
therefore , that the vast sum of money
to bo spent by the city In the next four
years will not be under the control of
Tammany Hall.
William J. Gaynor , who now be
comes mayor of Greater New York ,
was elected on the strength of his per
sonal record as a jurist and his stand
for personal liberty and a liberal Sun
day. Although the Tammany candi
date , he said throughout the campaign
that no boss shall dictate to him. One
of his favorite remarks was that If
there was to be any swallowing be
tween him and the tiger , he would
ultimately be found on the outside.
Cleveland , O. , Nov. 3. Tom L. John
son , four times mayor of Cleveland ,
was defeated for a fifth term by Her
man C. Baehr , Republican county re
corder. Unofficial returns from ap
proximately half the city indicated
that Baehr's plurality over Johnson Is
at least 4,000 and may run to 0,000.
With him probably went the bulk
of the Democratic ticket , those coun
cilman who have been conscious in
their support of his street railway pro
grams suffering most. The Republi
cans , however , during the last cam
paign have taken over a number of
Johnson's policies , especially regard
ing the street railway question.
Mayor Johnson opened his campaign
with a declaration that the street rail
way question Is settled. He said taxa
tion was the issue. The Republican
orators attacked the pending street
railway settlement as a fraud and the
mayor as insincere. Republicans hoot
ed at Democratic taxation talk until
Mayor Johnson made his charge of a
Baehr deal to defeat real estate ap
praisers , recommended by the' real
estate board. Republican defense
against the charge of a deal was a
"shorter and Uglier word. "
Herman Baehr , the first Republican
to be elected mayor of Cleveland In
ten years , said that his election was
due to dissatisfaction of the people
with the methods of handling city busi
The mayor , In conceding his defeat ,
announced that ho will ho a candidate
for mayor two years hence. Rumors
that he would remove to New York
were denied by his friends , but John
son did not comment on them.
Topeka , Nov. 3. Topeka adopted
the commission form of city govern
ment by a majority of 47C. The actual
and 2,1-10 against it. Less than one-
and 2,140 agalnstit. Less than one-
half the normal vote of the city was
cast. Even In the off years of city
elections a larger vote was polled than
In the election yesterday. The nor
mal vote strength of Topeka is a little
more than 11,000. The highest regis
tration known was a little In excess of
13,000. Nearly 8,000 people were reg
istered for this election and only two-
thirds of these voted.
The sections of the city where the
laboring men and the negroes lived hit
the new plan of municipal government
pretty hard. All of these precincts
show a majority against the plan. In
the better residence wards the vote
was 5 to l In favor of the new rule.
Practically all of the women who
take an Interest in city affairs wore
Ghosts Vote in New Jersey.
Paterson , N. J. , Nov. 3. The names
jf 1,500 supposed voters have been
stricken from the polling list hero be
cause an investigation showed that
their addresses wore In cemeteries.
Four arrests have been made.
A Tulsa Boy Disappears.
Tulsa , Ok. , Nov. 3. Delmar Davis ,
13 years old , a Western Union mes
senger boy , left home to gather pe
cans and has not been seen since. A
searching party Is led by the boy'a
opposed to the adoption of the commis
sion government. Some of them work
ed actively agalns It. They were afraid
that the new plan might mean the
making of Topeka into a wide open
town again , with saloons and gamb
ling running under the protection of
city officials.
The new order of things will not become -
como effective until the city elections
next April.
Philadelphia , Nov. 3. Philadelphia
re-elected Samuel P. Rotan , Republi
can candidate for district attorney by
a largo majority. His opponent was
D. Clarence Glbboney , long a leader of
the reform element and widely known
by his connection with the Law and
Order society. Rotan's majority was
more than 45,000. The vote was the
largest In the city's history.
On the state ticket the Republicans
elected J. A. Stobor , state treasurer ;
A. V. Slsson , auditor general , and
Robert von Moschzlsker , Judge of the
supreme court. Two years ago John O.
Sheatz , Republican , was elected state
treasurer by MG,21M plurality.
Omaha , Nov. 3. Incomplete returns
were In from the outlying precincts to
form an estimate of the result of the
election , so far as It concerned the
state ticket , but almost total returns
In Douglas and Lancaster counties ,
Omaha and Lincoln respectively indi
cated that the Republicans had elected
their entire county tickets In those
In Douglas county several Demo
cratic county olllclals who stood for'rc-
election were defeated and the Re
publicans of Lancaster county in
creased their majorities of two years
Toledo , O. , Nov. 3. Brand Whitlock ,
author and political successor of the
late "Golden Rule" Mayor , Samuel M.
Jones , was elected mayor for n third
time. Practically the entire Independ
ent ticket was elected with him , In
cluding the council. Fairly complete
returns show that Whltlock's plurality
over David T. Davis , Republican , is
approximately 4,500 , compared with
6,500 two years ago. Mayor Whitlock's
platform was a three-cent street car
Trenton , N. J. , Nov. 3. The returns
thus far indicate that the Republicans
will retain control of both branches of
the legislature. In Jersey City Mayor
Wittpenn , Democrat , has been reelected -
elected by a large majority. The Dem
ocrats have elected a mayor in Bayonne -
onne for the first time in 13 years.
The Democrats carried Trenton by a
large majority , re-electing Mayor
Walter Madden.
San Francisco , Nov. 2. The San
Francisco Call , which has supported
Crocker and Honey , estimates on the
basis of scattered returns that Mc
Carthy , Union Labor candidate for
mayor , will b'e elected by about 10,000
plurality and that rickert , Republican
and Union Labor , will defeat Francis
J. Honey for district attorney by about
Boston , Nov. 3. The Republicans ,
carried Massachusetts In a state elec
tion by the narrowest margin In nearly
a quarter of a century. The party
ticket was re-elected , but Gov. Drap
er's plurality of 00,000 last year was
cut 8,000 , while that of Lieut. Gov.
Louis A. Frothlngham , which was 96-
000 in 190S , was reduced to 7,000 votes.
Providence , H. 1. , Nov. 3. Vote for
governor in 90 out of 102 election pre
cincts gave Gov. Pothior , Republican ,
19,912 Arnold Democrat , 11,83 : . Last
year these districts gave Pothler 21,110
and Arnold 11,302. It was estimated
that Pothler's plurality would be fn-er
Louisville , Nov. 3. Reports from the
legislative elections held in Kentucky
show that the Democrats with party
harmony will be able to pass any meas.
lire they desire over the veto of A E.
Wilson , the Republican governor.
Salt Lake City , Nov. 3. On the Is
sues of Mormon church domination In
municipal politics , the American , or
anti-church party , A\as returned to
power here by a clear majority over
the Republican and fusion candidates.
If No One Else Will Eulld It Miss
Frances Storrs Will Do So
Chicago , Nov. 3. Miss Frances
Storrs of Dlmmltt , Tex. , Is golns to
build a railroad If she cannot find any
DUO else to do it. She called on Presi
dent RIpley to see if the Atchlson
Topeka & Santa Fe would operate a
line C5 miles long and connecting with
its line In Lovett county , provided she >
would build It. Eventually , she moans
to have the road extended to the Gulf
if the Atchlson , Topeka & Santa Fo
does not extend its lines from the Pan
handle to the Gulf. Years ago , Miss
Storrs bought a do/en or two sections
of Panhandle land nt 50 cents an acre ,
and now she desires to get her farm
products to market.
Fighting Forest Fire In Colorado.
Colorado Springs , Col. , Nov. 3. A
forest fire Is sweeping throught the
Pike's Peak reserve. The forestry
class of Colorado college , largo squads
of railroad men and citizens have Join
ed in fighting the fire.
Best Kansas Train Service.
Topeka , Nov. 3. The St. Louis &
San Francisco Railroad in its train
service report to the board of railroad
commissioners for the last 15 days In
September shows the best train ser
vice of any Kansab road.
The Best Food for Workero.
The best food for those who work
with hand or brain is never high
The best example of this is found in
Quaker Oats. It stands at the top
among foods that supply nourishment
and vigor , without taxing the diges
tion , and yet It is the least expensive
food one can cat.
This great food value and low cost
make it nn ideal food for families who
want to get the greatest good from
what they eat.
Laborers , factory or farm hands , fed
plentifully on Quaker Oats will work
better and with less fatigue than If
fed on almost any other kind of food.
All of these facts wore proved and
very Interesting information about
human foods were gathered by Pro
fessor Fisher of Yale University in
1908. In addition to the regular pack
age Quaker Oats is packed in largo
sized family packages either with or
without china dishes. 8
Unusual Luck.
"So you've rented that haunted
house which was on your hands so
long ? "
"Yes ; rented it to an actor. "
"Did ho find out Its reputation ? "
"That's the very thing that decided
him to take the house. "
"Rather surprising ! "
"Ho said It would bo such a comfort
for him to get inside of n house
where the ghost walked every night. "
$100 Reward , $100.
Tim renders of thlj piper will bo plciwd to leam
that thorn la nt least ono ilrcmlul cllscaso tliit Bclenoo
has been nblo to euro In nil Its stacc-s , niul that If
Cntnrrh. Hull's Catirrb Cure 13 the only positUo
turn now known to the medical traitrnlty. Catnrrb
being n constitution1 ! ! disease , requires a ronMltu-
tlonnl treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure la tnkrn In
ternally , nctlnK illrretly upon the blooil and mucous
jurfaees ot the Bjstem , thereby destroying the
fomulition o ( the disease , and giving thu patient
strength by building up the constitution and nislst-
Ing nature In doing Its work. 'I lie proprietors Imvo
o much faith In Iti curntlro powers that they oner
Ono Hundred Dollar.1 for any enso tlint It fall * to
cure. Fend for Iht ot testlmonlaN
Address r. J. CHUNKY i CO. , 'Jolcdo. O.
Bold by nil Druwlsu. 75c.
Tale liall'a rurally Tills ( or constipation.
Mistaken Identity.
"I always did enjoy that scene In
which Hamlet comes out and solllo
quizes , " said Mr. Ciimrox.
"My dear , " replied his wife , "you
are confused again. You have gotten
Hamlet mixed up with that vaudeville
person who comes out and throws his
voice. "
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children , and see that It
Bears the
Signature <
In Use For Over IJO Years.
The Kind You Ilavo Always Bought
H-artless Parent Again.
Beautiful Girl Gardener , don't
make a flower bed there. It will
spoil our croquet ground. "
Gardener Cn't help It , miss.
Them's my orders. Your father says
ho is going to have this garden de
voted to horticulture , not husbandry.
Loveliness does more than destroy
ugliness ; It destroys matter. A mere
touch of it in a room , In a street , oven
on a door-knocker , is a spiritual force.
Henry Drummond.
Some people would drown with a jife
preserver at hand. They are the kind
that suffer from Rheumatism and Neural-
Rta when they can get Ilamlina Wizard
Oil , the best of all pain remedies.
The first time a girl is disappointed
In kivo she imagines she has noth
ing left to live for.
through n rurklnx cou li tint } ou cannot deem to
check ) A bottloof Allen 8 I.UIIKlinlsjin will euro
Iliu trouble und liulp > uu liucktu hcultli.
When the end of your work Is out
( if sight , look alnft Do Lesseps.
UM CalMa * * *
in the baking
that is where Calumet
Baking Powder proves
its superiority ; its
wonderful raising power j its ncvcr-failinc ability 1
to produce the most delicious baking and it *
economy. In the baking that is the only way |
you can successfully test it and compare it with the i
high price kinds. Yon cannot discredit these
statements until you have tried
the only hifjh ( trade baking powder selling at a moderate
cost. $1,000.00 is offered to anyone finding the least
trace of impurity , in the baking , caused by Calumet.
Ask your Grocer and insist that you get Calumet I
Received Highest Award World's Par *
Food Exposition , Chicago , 1907.
The Wizard of Horticulture
Hon. Luther Burbank
says : "Delicious is a Rom the finest
npplo in all the \voild. It is the best
in quality of any npplu 1 have so far
tested "
And Mr. Burbank knows.
Delicious is but one of the hun
dreds of good things in Stark Trees
the Rood things you should know
iJbout before jou plant this fall or
next spring.
Let us tell you about them by
writing today for our complete , illus
trated price-list-catalogue which de
scribes our contplcte line of fruit
trees , ornamentals , etc.
For complete information address the Sales Manager -of
Stark Bro's. N. & O. Co. , Louisiana , Missouri I
The Rare Gift of Courtesy.
Courtesy includes not merely social
kindness , graces of speech , absence of
ludoncss , but honorable treatment of
business associates and of all the fel
low citizens with whom ti man of af
fairs may have business to transact.
It 1. not American to keep ono clti-
yen waiting all day nt the door be
cause ho is poor , and to grant an
other citizen an interview because it
5s believed ho IB rich. Wisdom Is not
confined In a purse , and frequently
much wisdom may bo learned from a
poor man.
on Rnln fools the rats and mice ,
but never fools the buyer. The seciet in ,
jou ( not the maker ) do the mixing. Take
n hint , do your own mixing ; pay for poi
son only , then yon got results. It/Hthotm-
beatable exterminator. Don't die in the
house. IGc , 25c , 75o.
His Right There Was None to Dispute.
Nonh disembarked.
"I am first on Ararat anyhow , " ho
Herewith ho declined to give a fig
4or the polo.
Foals in glad rags are often permit
ted to rush in whore unlaundcrcd
hobos would be knocked down and
dragged out.
Dr. Plcrco's Toilets , small , BitKnr-conted , ensy to
tnkn ns ciui'ly. ' mnimto and ImlKonitu Momacli ,
liverund bunuUund euro conciliation.
An office seeker's love for his coun
try is a good deal like that of a titled
foreigner for an American heiress.
A Bright , Capable Man
in each county ot tins state to sell
Stark Trees on commission. No pre
vious experience necessary. ' '
work ii pleasant , clean \\ork , highly
profitable , and the positions are per
manent to thu right men.
Many ot our salesmen arc earning
850 to 880 per month and expenses ;
sotnu are making more. Yon can do
asell or better if you'ro a hustler
and trying to succeed.
No investment called for ; we fur
nish complcto order-getting 6utfit
free nnd'tho most liberal contract.
Positively cured by
these Llttlo Pills.
They nlso rcllOTO DI
from ) from Dyspepsia , In
digestion andToo Hearty
EutliiR. A perfect rem
edy for Dlnlncss , Nau *
sen , DrowHlnosK , Dad
Tnsto In the Mouth , Goal *
eel Tongue , Fain In tha
Bide , TOltriD LIVER.
They regulate the UowcU. Furcly Vegetable *
Genuine Must Bear
Fnc-Simile Signature
Many a man goes broke In Health
then wealth. Blames hia mind-
says It don't work right ; but all the
tirno It's his bowels. They don't work
Hver dead and thowholo system gota
clogged with poison. Nothing kills
good , oloan-cut brain action like con
stipation. CASCARETS will rollova
and euro. Try it now. gia
CASCARET8 lOc n box for a week's
treatment. Alldrurclsts. lllcecst seller
In tlio world. Million boxes a month.
W. N. U. , LINCOLN , NO. 45-1909.
* " *
-Uw Original-Genuine
for Breakfast , Dinner , Sapper , Luncheon whenever you want some
thing different and better whether you eat it dry from the package
or with milk , cream or fruit Juices this delightful food never dis
appoints. It's all in the flavor. After you once try it you'll
wonder why breakfast foods weren't made as good before.
Get a package today from your grocer and
Look Ser fifoe Signature
and Silver
( be Beit Ear of
To be known as the W. 1C. Bittlo Greek , Mich.
KollojrK National Corn Trophy
To bo Awarded at the
OMAHA , December 6 to 18 , 1909.
Watch thla paper for further particulars.
f2ly.1l ( ! L P2lhlnWle8nd fa.llefuSS0 : ! ? "lan ' , ? ' l1.1 * ? ! 62,8 lOepickaoa color * all flbere. Th j dre In cold water baiter than an > olher dia. You can di
iaiBrmenf without oebooUrt-tiowts .
lor If
ripping apart Write - Die , Bleach and Mix Colon. MONROE ORUQ CO. , Qulney , , Ullnalm ,