Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 11, 1909, Image 8

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Discarded Auto Simply Act ; il as De
coy to Drlng Other Ur He-
Asa Paine , vice-president of the
American Automobile association , said
In St. Augustine of the automobile
industry :
"Cars are now made to last. The
rich man no longer Undo his 1907 car
unfashionable , like his 1907 coat , In
"At the beginning of the Industry a
car was antiquated In no time so
nntlnuatcd that people laughed at It.
"They tell a story In Detroit about
n dealer who had , In 1900 , an anti
quated 1S95 car. He tried vainly to
neil this car. Ho put lower and lower
price tags on It $100 , $50 , $10 and
linnlly ho put on n tag to the effect
that the car was to be given away.
"Even then there were no takers.
"So one evening , desperate , the
dealer left the 1895 car in a vacant
lot beside his shop , hoping that some
one would steal it In the night. But
when ho came down to work the next
morning , not only was the old car
Kllll there , but another one of similar
pattern had been placed beside It. "
He Forgot Something.
"la that all you have to say to mo ? "
rhc queried , looking off into space.
"Creat ! heavens , girl" said he ,
' n' ashed , "what more can I say ?
Haven't I told you that I worship the
very ground you walk on ? Haven't
I offered you every lota of my worldly
possessions ? Haven't 1 said that you
would never want for anything , that
your relatives could come and stay as
long as they wished , that I would
work my fingers bare for you , and
that I would devbto my entire exist
ence to you ? "
"Oh , yes , you said all that , " she ro'
llled , wearily , "but "
"But what ? " he asked , tremulously.
"You you didn't say right out and
out 'I love you , ' and that's what I
\\antcd to hear most of all. "
"Wllllo Holt seems to be developing
Into a very fast young man. "
, . "What else could bo expected In his
case ? Hasn't his father been flnc-d
nearly a dozen times for exceeding
the speed limit ? "
Nebraska Dire
If you wish to be
Cured of
A delightful food made
from wheat and flax na
ture's own remedy.
Ask your grocer
1 He Certainly Knows
Lincoln Tannerv Furcoatsi.oiesRugs , )
lUIIIIlMJ jto < CllHtomvork our
Specialty. Highest Prlft'S paid for HIiloH.
Semi for iirlocn and taijH.
HENRY HOLM , 134 So. Oth Street. , Lincoln , Neb.
JHi > uu nunt lliv Hot Corn Hlii'llur timdo ? Ute ,
' InMM on ImvhiKU
Write lor cululoK or foe your local deulor.
Beatrice Creamery Co.
Fays the highest price for
Bold ty the Ilratncalrra. Wo u 111 fend to impllfl y *
teaclicn on receipt rtnmpn , IMncli , linn !
8 l'tolras"edKx.nilo. JOHN Q. WOODWARD
&CO."TheCandy MeiV'Counollllluffa , la.
Improved nud unimproved fa nun In eastern
South Dakota for nile on
Will erect ImlUllnprrt on any farm on uunicCIIHJT
terms. Price ifSO to 8(0 ( v 'r ncie. For UHIH ,
nmpH , etc. , mill i c s ALEX. H. RAIT , Farmeri &
Merchant * ' Bide. . 1 Eth and O SU. . L , incoln , Neb.
Of all vn *
rl tea per-
mi iHMilly
c u led In iv
few dnys without a , Burglm ! operation
or detention from bimlnena , No pay
will bo accepted until tliu patient In
completely Hiitlslled. Write or call on
Room 300 Dee Bldg. , Omaha , Nob.
Boots and A ; sties
'Ask your Denier for Goods wltl thli brand
American Hand-Sewed Shoe Go ,
Alt Who
Would Enjoy
good health , with iis blessings , must un
derstand , quito clcnrly , thnt it involves the
question of right living with nil the term
implies. With proper knowledge of what
is best , each hour of recreiilion , of enjoy
ment , of contemplation and of effort maybe
bo made to contribute to living nright.
Then the use of medicines may bo dii-
pcnscd with to advantage , but under or
dinary condition1 ! in many instances a
simple , wholesome remedy may bo invalu
able if taken at the proper time and the
California Pig Syrup Co. holds that it is
alike important to present the subject
truthfully and to supply the one pel feet
laxative to those desiring it.
Consequently , the Company's Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna gives general
satisfaction. To get its beneficial effects
buy the genuine , manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only , and for sale
by all leading druggists.
Labor Unions Fight Tuberculosis.
Ton frptonnil and benefit organiza
tions , wllli n membership of nearly
4.000.000 , ami thrco International la
bor unions with a membership of over
100,000 have joined the ranks of the
fighters against consumption within
the last year , according to a state
ment of the National Association for
the Study and Prevention of Tubercu
losis. The fraternal orders and unions
now In the fight against tuberculosis
are the Modern Woodmen of America ,
Brotherhood of American Yeomen , Or
der of Eagles , Improved Order of
lied Men. Knights of Pythias , Royal
Arcanum. Workmen's Circle , Knights
of Columbus , Royal League , Independ
ent Order of Odd Follows , and Forest
ers of America , the International Pho
to-Engravers' Union of North Amer
ica , tuo International Printing Press
men and Assistants' union , the Inter
national Hoot and Shoo Workers'
union , and the International Typo
graphical union.
A Long-Ranter.
Mary , aged 1-1 , was found one day
by an older sister sobbing and crying. '
"What Is the matter ? " she asked ,
with great concern.
"Three boys have asked mo to go
to the dance to-night , " was the unex
pected reply.
"Well , my dear child , certainly that
is not such a terrible misfortune. "
"Yes ; but I told the first one 1
would go with him , and the last one
was n long-panter" Harper's.
Waste Material.
In process of time It was observed
that the multl-mlllionalro philanthrop
ist had ceased giving costly library
buildings to towns and cities.
"Why Is this , Mr. Canaggy ? " the re
porters asked him.
"Young men , " ho said , "what Is the
use of building great houses for li
braries when all a man needs for an
education is flvo feet of books ? "
Whereat they marveled , but they
could not answer him.
How to c.are for the Child.
Perplexed mother writes : "My child
has sneezing llts after the morning
sponge bath. What would you ad
vise ? " Some mothers give their
babies n hypodermic of morphine for
sneezing. Hut wo have always felt
that this was too harsh f > remedy.
Glvo the baby about three tablespoon-
tula of Old Tom gin with a little sugar
and a pinch of lemon peel. The sugar
makes this remedy more grateful to
the child. Bo sure to keep this prophy
lactic away from father.
Two of a Kind.
Mrs. Boggs I hate to have a man
Iways complaining about some little-
hlng. Now , my husband is continual-
y harnlng on the lace curtains.
Mrs. Woggs Yes , and my husband
IBS keen kicking on our front door
very morning nt three o'clock for the
nst 20 years. Puck.
They Are "Climbers. "
Knlckor They used to hnvo an
upartmcnt In the city and a cottage In
.he country.
Backer Now they Hvo In "Arms"
in town and a bungalow at the shore.
ioffce Usually Means Sickness , But
Postum Always Means Health ,
Those who have never tried the ex
periment of leaving off coffee and
.Irlnklng Postum in its place and in
his way regaining health and happi
ness cau learn much from the cxporl
enco of others who have- made the
One who knows says : "I drank cof
ce for breakfast every morning until
had terrible attacks of Indigestion
producing days of discomfort and
nights of sleeplessness. I tried to give
up the use of coffee entirely , but found
t hard to go from hot coffee to a
glass of water. Then I tried Postura.
"It was good and the effect was so
[ ileasant that I soon learned to love
It and have used It for several years.
I Improved Immediately after I left
off 'coffee and took on Postum and
am now entirely cured of my Indiges
tion and other troubles nil of which
were duo to coffee. I am now well
and contented and all because I
changed from coffee to Postum.
"Postura is much easier to make
right every time than coffee , for It Is
BO oven and always reliable. Wo
never use coffee now hi our family.
Wo use Postum , and nro always well. "
"There's a reason" and It Is proved
by trial.
Look In pkgs for a copy of the famous
little book , "Tho Road to Wollvlllo. "
Kier ronil < li < - iilimo I.'Horf A nov
one iippi-ur * from tlinn to time. They
arts Kcitutne , true , nud full of liuumrj
Great River Convention Is Held
in New Orleans.
Promises the Present Administration
Will Support Issuance of Federal
Bonds If Fourteen-Foot Program -
gram Proves Feasible.
Now Orleans , Nov. 1. Hinging
demands for " 1-1 foot through the val
ley" nnd elaborate Argument In Blip-
port of the program fo" thu creation
of a deep waterway from the lakes to
the gulf have marked the great con
vention of the Deep Waterway asso
ciation that opened hero Saturday.
President Taft , Vice-President Sher
man , Speaker Cannon , governors of
th Mississippi valley states , Innumer
able senators and representatives and
a mighty throng of private citizens
who believe In the big river project
are hero 'and all urge that It bo un
dertaken and carried to a speedy con
President Taft Promises Support.
President Taft , who arrived In New
Orleans escorted by a great llotllla ,
after an Illuminating trip down the
Mississippi rlvor from St. Louis , land
ed from the lighthouse tender Olean
der about eight o'clock Saturday
morning , and was driven to his ho
tel through streets that were cano
pied with magnolia branches , palmct-
toes and southern moss , and every
where entwined in the decorations
were the mottoes "Fourteen Feet
Through the Valley" and "River Rate
Regulation Is Rate Regulation. " At
the Athenaeum in the afternoon the
president aroused a storm of cheers
by promising that If the 14-feet project
proved feasible and advisable , the
present administration would favor
the Issuance of government bonds to
defray the cost.
Not for a "Pork Barrel. "
At the same time Mr. Taft made it
plain that ho would not stand for any
plan to make a "pork barrel" of the
project. He said ho opposed any
such general bond Issue of $500,000-
000 or $1,000,000,000 for waterways
Improvement , the money to bo cut
up and parceled out to different sec
tions. He declared that the Improve
ment of waterways had been carried
forward in a haphazard fashion in
President Taft.
the past , and that a new method
should bo adopted.
"I bollovo in the deep waterway , "
said the president. "I am for it , and
I shall use all the power that I pos
sess In doing what may be accom
plished to give you citizens of this
great valley what you so earnestly de
sire. It Is nil a part of a still great
er movement Inaugurated by Theo
dore Roosevelt , and properly called
by him the conservation of our na
tional resources.
"The projects for irrigation and for
the Improvement of waterways in the
future are not to bo for the purpose
of distributing 'pork1 to every part of
the country. Every measure is to be
adopted on the ground that it will be
useful to the whole country. Thej
are not to bo adopted for sending
certain congressmen back to Wash
ington or for making certain parts o :
the country profitable during the expenditure
pendituro of the money.
"Wo should take up every coinpre
nonsive project on its merits and de
tormlno whether the country where
the project Is to bo carried out has so
far dcovloped as to justify the enor
mous expenditure of money nnd if 1
will be useful when done. When wo
decide In favor of a project , I bellovo
in issuing bonds to carry It to completion
plotion as rapidly as possible. It has
been proposed that wo Issue bonds fo
The Russian Dynasty.
The present dynasty of Russia la
the house of Romanoff , founded by
Czar Michael Fedoro.-lto Romanoff ,
who ascended the throne in 1C13.
The Romanoffs nro descended from
Andrew Kobyla , who came from Prus
sia to Moscow In 1314.
A Missouri farmer was nearly
kicked to death by a mule thnt ho
had rescued from a burning barn. A
mule may bo as ungrateful as u
thoughtless son.
$500,000,000 or $1,000,000UUO , and cut
It up nnd parcel the money out in this
and thnt section of the country. I
am opposed to any such proposition ,
because it not only smells of the
pork barrel , ' but would bo a 'pork
barrel.1" .
Sherman , Too , Is for It.
Vlco-Presldent James S. Sherman
has brought to the people of the mid
dle west the message of the east ,
promising enthusiastic support of the
waterway program. "Wo people of
the cast depend on your people of the
west , " said ho. "When wo help you ,
wo help ourselves , so there Is every
reason why we should do nil In our
power for you , as soon as wo realize
what you want nnd why you want It. "
Speaker Cannon and Secretary of
War Dickinson are no less outspoken
in their assurances of support , and
ninny senators and representatives ,
among them Senator Lorimer of Illi
nois , the father of the deeo waterway
Secretary of War Dickinson.
novement , this afternoon made ad-
resses full of hopeful enthusiasm.
Kavanaugh Opens Convention.
William K. Kavanaugh of Missouri ,
.resident of the association , called the
onventlon to order Saturday morning
ind set forth briefly the alms and
) lans of the organization. lie said the
leep waterway work Is now In this
condition :
1. The sanitary district of Chicago
ms built the deep waterway , practi
cally to .Toilet , nearly -10 miles , nnd
$00,000,000 have been spent thus far
on the work.
2. The entire route of the lakes-to-
he-gulf deep waterway from Joliet to
Xew Orleans , through the Des Plalncs
river , the Illinois river and the Mis
sissippi river , baa" been surveyed tin-
lor direction of congress by United
States engineers , who have officially
eported to congress that the building
of the deep waterway is feasible.
3. The people of the state of Illi-
lois have adopted a constitutional
amendment providing for a bond Is
sue of $20,000,000 , the money to be
spent in constructing the deep water
way southward from Joliet.
4. A bill introduced by United States
Representative Richard Bartholdt of
Missouri Is now pending in congress ,
providing for the issuance by the
United States government of bonds to
the amount of $500,000,000 , the money
to be spent In constructing this deep
waterway from the lakes to the gulf
and other meritorious projected river
5. It is intended to ask the Sixty-
first congress to pass a bill providing
definitely that the United States gov
ernment undertake the construction
of the deep waterway from the point
where the Illinois work will end , to
the Gulf of Mexico.
In the afternoon , following the ad
dress of President Taft , Clifford Pln-
chot , head of the government foivstry
department , made an address on the
conservation of the nation's natural
In the evening the delegates to the
convention were entertained at a stag
smoker by the Progressive union of
New Orleans. This evening all the
delegates and the ladles accompany
ing them were the guests of the Pro
gressive union at the New Orleans
Opera house , where "La Juive" was
given by the French Opera Com
His Politics at Home.
A political canvasser called at a
homo the other day and inquired as
to the political affiliations of the man
of the house.
"Oh , well , " said the housewife ,
"he's everything. He's nice when he's
away , and he'.s not so nice at other
times. '
"Hut about politics , " said the can-
va&ser. "Is ho a Democrat or a Re
publican ? "
"Well , It depends on who ho is
with , " said the lady. "If it's policy
to bo a Democrat when he's with Dem
ocrats , he's a Democrat , and when
he's with Republicans he's a Repub
lican. "
"I understand , " persisted the canvasser
vassor , "but between ourselves , what
Is ho at homo ? "
"Oh , at homo he's n perfect terror. "
Birth of Biblical Art.
The first nibllcal Illustrative art
consisted in the symbolic frescoes of
the Catacombs.
"I was strongly tempted when we
were in the conservatory nlono to take
you in my arras and kiss you. Would
you have been very angry with mo If
I had done so ? " "Yes very. Hut
thank you for the compliment. "
Fortune's Whims.
"Where did you git do hand full o'
change ? " asked Meandering Mike. "It
was forced on mo , " answered Plodding
Pete. "A lady up do road sicked do
dog on mo. I had to steal de pup an'
soil 'tin In solf-defense. "
Any druggist can supply these In-
gradients or will get thorn from his
wholesale house.
' Mix half pint of good whiskey , two
ounces of glycerine ; half ounce of
Concentrated pine compound. Shako
the bottle well each time and use in
doses of a tcnspoonful to a tablespoon-
ul four times a day. " This prescrip
tion Is said to work wonders.
The Concentrated pine Is n special
pine product and comes only In half
ounce bottles , each enclosed In an air
tight case , but be sure It Is labeled
'Concentrated. "
"I say , old chap , will you lend a
friend a , dollar. "
"Is he really In need of It ? "
"Rather. Ho wants to pay me with
How Relief from Distressing Kidney
Trouble Was Found.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wolf , 388 W. Morgan
St. , Tlpton , Mo. , says : "Inflammation
of the bladder
reached its climax
last spring and I suf
fered terribly. My
back ached and
pained so I could
hardly get around
and the secretions
were scanty , fre
quent of passage
and painful. I was
tired all the time and very nervous. I
began using Doan's Kidney Pills , and
after taking u few boxes was cured
and have been well ever since. "
Remember the name Doan's. Sold
by all dealers , 50 cents a box. Foster-
Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Why He Bought It.
Conductor Say ! aren't you old
enough to know that you can't ride
on a child's ticket ?
Silas Filkins Sure I be. But only
yistiddy Samanthy sed I wuz glttln' t"
be childish-llke , an' so I thought
mebbo y'd let me ride half-fare.
Why He Won.
Abou Ben Adhem set forth his
"I never lied about what a good
time I had on my vacation , " he cried.
And , lo , etc.
has no substitute. No other n-mcrty IN KO rf-
I I'ctlvo for rheumatismInmbaco.fitlUnc'ss.nonnilKlrv
or told o tuny sort. I'utuplnUc.&cnnd&Uaboltluii.
In the prisons of Bengal , India , tu
berculosis kills about two prisoners in
every 100.
there Is no quicker , surer
remedy known thnn Dr. D.
Jayne'a Expectorant. Four
generations of children have
been relieved and cured by
this old and reliable medicine.
has been successfully em
ployed for over 73 yearn in
countless cases of Croup , MI , An ,
"Whooping Cough , Colds ,
Bronchitis , Inflammation of 1
the Lungs and Chest , Pleu
risy , and similar ailments.
For the cake of your children
leep a bottle of Dr. D. Jayne'a
Expectorant in your home where
you will have It at hand in an
emergency. Soldby nlldrucelsto
in three elze bottles , $1.00 , SOc
Or.D. Jarne's Tonic Vormlfugo
is the ideal worm medicine , and
an effective tonic for adults and
children alike.
Many smokers prefer them to lOc
cigars. T < > 11 the dealer you want Lewis'
Single Binder. Factory , Peoria , Illinois.
Yon cnn grontly Incrcnso your business with no or *
trn Invcntiuont by mlllun AlfrcO I'nits * I'rlzn
Wnllpuper. Wo wiint onu ecxiil worker In each
tlrlnlty nml to the llmt nortny nppllcnnt will send
ritii5 , by nrcpnld oxprowt. flM > lurco unmplo
liookH nhowlnn u r-iCO.OOO.OO Wnllniipor block
for customers to wilect Irom.Vo rffcr ll ! > c nil jiroflu
to our reprn > ontBtl\os. Answer quickly that } ou may
KPt the n cncy In jrur vlclirlty for 1910.
Alfred PeiiU Co. . 111110 Waba li Avc. , Chlcnso.
makes laundry work a pleasure. Id oz. pltg. lOc.
Inventors' book free. lleHor
fc Itohb , I'.it Attys. , 1M-1&7
McUlll BltlB. , Wash. , U. C.
Clean Mm
Outside cleanliness is less than half the battle. A man may
scrub himself a dozen times a day , and still be unclean. Good
health means cleanliness not only outside , but inside. It means
n clean stomach , clean bowels , clean bleed , a clean liver , and
new , clean , healthy tissues. The man who is clean in this way
will look it and act it. Ho will work with energy and think
clean , clear , healthy thoughts.
He will never be troubled with liver , lung , stomach or blood
disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean stem
achs. Blood diseases arc found where there is unclean blood.
Consumption and bronchitis mean unclean lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
prevents these diseases. It makes a man's insidcs clean
< ' and healthy. It cleans the digestive organs , makes pure ,
clean blood , and clean , healthy flesh.
It restores tone to the nervous system , and cures nervous exhaustion and
prostration. It contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs.
Constipation is the most unclean unclcanlincss. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
lets cure it. They never gripe. Easy to take as candy.
_ , . r4
depends upon the heater how
constructed whether it gets all
the fuel-energy or only some of it.
If the heater is a
( Equipped with Smokeless Device ) ]
the raising of the temperature is
Turn the wick as high or low as
it will go there's no danger , no
smoke , no smell just an emphatic
raising of temperature. The
Automatic Smokeless Device
is a permanent check upon carelessness , making the heater
safe in the hands of a child. Burns nine hours with one
filling , heats all parts of a room quickljr.
Oil indicator tells amount of oil in the all-brass font. Damper top.
Cool handle. Aluminum window frame * . Cleaned in a minute. Finished
In Nickel or Japan. Various styles nnd finishes.
Every Dealer Everywhere. If Nrt nt Yours , Write for Descriptive Circular
to the .Nearest Agency of the
( Incorporated )