THE REPUBLICAN , OUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA Additiona Local. Associate nr \V. II , Carson rrivcd in the city Monday to ume charge of Tint Riii'unu > ? as associate editor , Mr. Cars comes high- ly recon4mended as an all round newspaper man , having for nineteen years run a newspaper in Gibbon Nebraska. He has full authority to aolicit and con tract work for Tun RKPUHUCAN , and any favors extended him will be appreciated. Respectfully , D. M. AmsiiHRRY , Publisher. P. M. Rublee left Wednesday on a two week's trip to Omaha , Chicago and Culver , Ind. Miss Ora Squires left Sunday to assume her duties as teacher of the school five miles west of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Will Martin re turned last week from their several weeks sojourn at I3x- celaior Springs , Mo , Mrs. Eaton who has been visit ing with her daughter Mrs. Alfred Cook the past two months returned to her home at Omaha Thursday morning. Judge and Mrs. C. L. Gutter- son and Miss Grcningcr left Wednesday for thcLoup ; where they will be the guests of Harry O'Neil , at Myrtle Farm. Miss Thayer arrived in the city last Friday and will be the guest of her sister , Mrs. Shepard- son for the winterA few years ago Miss Thayer was a nurse in the Broken Bow Hospital when it was under the management of Dr. C. L. Mullins. What's the Answer ? Yesterday as Harry Iszard was hurrying towards the depot with a special for his paper he war. stopped by a friend with the inquiry , "what's the matter ? " The genial reporter called the attention of 1m friend to a little dog running up the street , and asked "why does that little dog run ? " The friend gave it up and was informed that the little dog was in a hurry. So saying Harry hurried along. Advertised Letters. Uucl-ntued letters for the week ending November 2 , 1909. Mrs , Minnie Cummin , Daisy Theatre , Mrs. M. Fern , John P. Johnson , John Kirkpatrick , Ole Uicker , W. H. Lacke , Fritsc O. Murty , John P. O'Hrien , I < ee Salkie , J. D. Sims , Stewart Smith , Lawrence Wilson. Mrs. Curtis Bengcr , of Calla- way , is visiting friends and rela tives here this week. Rev. and Mrs. II. F. Campbell , of Hooker county , spent several days in the city on their way to Eddyville , where the Kev. will become pastor of the Christian church. Strayed or stolen from my farm four miles north of Broken Bow Saturday night , Oct. 23 , one plain brown mare coming three years old Percheron bred weight 1200 Ibs. Finder please notify. 22-2t J. T. Cole. In Indiana the republicans scored several important victories particularly in Indianapolis , where Samuel Lewis Shank , re publican , was elected mayor and the entire republican ticket returned. OUSTER CO. 3L.AN13 . MAN YOU have a sip in a farm , or ranch for sale IF list with me. .1 you want to buy a snap in a farm or rane1 come and see me. Phones , of fice 42 , residenf , , 129. BROKEN Bow NEBR. 'CHURCH COLUMN. This column will be used for church news : uid notes. Pastors' ' ire invited to arrange to have such items ot news intended for this column not later than Wednesday morning- . Al. I : . Church. COMH T.KT US WOKSHI1' ToriHTHKK. Sunday : 10:00 : n. m Sunday School 11:00 : a. m Morning sermon 2:30 : p. in Junior League ( > :30 : p. in Epworth League 7:30 : p. m Evening sermon Thursday 7:30 : p. m Prayer Meeting Baptist Llmrcli All who have no other church home are cordially invited to worship with us. SUNDAY : 10:00 : a. m Sunday School 11:00 : a m Preaching 3:00 : p. in Junior Union ( > :30 : p. m B. Y. P. U. 7:30 : p. m Preaching Monday : 7:30 : p. m Teachers Meeting \ Tuesday : 7:30 : p. m Ayoga Class Wenesday 7:30 : p. m Prayer meeting The series of meetings which will begin in the Baptist church the last of November or first of December will be conducted by Rev. J. L. Iledbloom a preacher of exceptional ability. lie is not a professional evangelist , but a soul winning pastor having been pastor of one church lor twelve or thirteen years. The demand for his time in special meetings has been so great that he gave up his charge about two months acjo to help pastors save souls. A.T. NORWOOD pastor. U. U Church Sunday School , 10:00 : a. m. Preaching at It Subject The In heritance of Moral Manhood. This service will be of special in terest to every member ; please be present. All others who desire to come are welcome. The evcnir-gscrvics will ' begin at 7. The first half hour'will be spent in song and prayer service. The preaching services \vill be gin at 7:30. : This service will be 'evangelic. Pr'aj'er meeting every Thursday eve at 7:30. : Cordial invitation to all. S. M. 2ikc PaHtor Presbyterian Church "Men of .Broken Bow , A Call to Larger Things" is the subject next Sunday evening. A male chorus will sing at thin service. 11.00 a. m. "Fellow workers" is the subject. " Sale Fine DurocV Jersey Boars. These hogs are all pedigreed and there is nothing finer in the county II. II Squires. 22 tf Pull ; Don't Jerk. "If there is one business on earth that a quitter should leave alone it is advertising , " says John Wanamaker. "To make a success1 of advertising one must be prepared to stick to it like a barnacle on a boat's bottom. Advertising doesn't jerk , it pulls. It begins very gently at first , but die pull is steady. It is likened to a team of horses pulling a heavy load. A thousand spasmodic medic jerks will not budge the load , while half the power exert ed in steady effort will start and keep moving. " John Iszard the popular pro prietor of the Commercial Hotel , who has been confined to his bed most of the past week with a severe cold is slowly improving. | LEGAL NOTICES nrPAKTMUNT OP TUB INTHKiOU. U. S. J.ilHl Olllre at hiuooln. Nebraska. Svpti'Ultier . ' 0 vim. Nottcp Is licrcliy RiVfii th.U MVron Taylor of Hfrwyn. Nobr.ifika , wlio on July U. 1WI , innUo hoiiiL'Hluail Hnlij No , i7' JJ. serial No. IW.YJ , lor s\v4 nt-y ami si ' 4 se'X ami se' < sew sfctloii \ township is n , r.inije 2U v , . ( ith I'nii. Meridian. Hlfil nutletol Intention to IH.UC ll\v year proof , to establish i Mini lo the land numo described bufoie A. K lluiiiphii'y. roiintv Jiiiigr. at Uiokeii liow , Ni'br.isk.t , on the Kith , ilay ol Notemlier. IIKrt. Claimant names as witnesses : I.esley Welch , of I'erwyii , Neb , anil Ullery Cllne , Holey Cllne , Jcioine Tailor , all ot liroken How. Nebraska. Cms. T. SHRDD , OC7 to No 11 Ct DVJI'AKTMENT OP THH INTERIOR. U.S. T.tind Oniceat Lincoln Nebraska. October a ) , 1MW- Notice Is hereby given William Moore of 11 Token How , Nebraska , who , on April 'J7 , 1'XJ.I , made Homestead Cntry No I'd&O , No 0 ! > 3 > . tor N" SU1 * and S1NUM. . section : ) , towns-hip 11)11 ) , ranKe-Dw dtli I'rln. Morldan lliril notice ol Intention to make dual lUe ) rar pi oof , lo establish U.tlui to the land .iboii' ilesi rlbed , before A. U. Ilninphrey , Coimtv .luilne , at itntken HOW , Nebraska , on the ith day ot December , | KI. names \\itiicsses : George Il.iuiinoncl , Mclvln Lee. Mark Hoots , William 11. Frey all of Htukca How , Nebt.iska CIIAS , r. SilBDl ) . Register. Oct 21 to No 2 > Ot DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR. U. 5. Land Ofllccat Lincoln. Nebraska. Suut. 30. 1900. Notice IH lu-rebv given that Myron Taylor of Hcrw yn. Nebraska ho. on March 13.1003 rmilc Houiesteail UtilrvNo 17817 Serial No. 093S , for northwe t 14 of northeast ' ( of sec tloli 13 towtisllllilS n . t.inKpS" . w 6th I'rln Meridian has mud notice ot Intention to maue tlnal live year proof , to establish cliiim to the land above descrlbcil , before A. R Humphrey , County Judge at lirobdi now , of November. 1'HJ'l. Nebt inkii mi the lilth M.iV CUiUtiiiuit niuiies as witnesseo Lesley Weluli.ol HOI \vvn. Nebiaska atiil Emery Cllne. Roiey Cllne. .lurome Tavlor all ot Uroken It0w , Nebraska. CHAS. P. Siiuiin. Register. Oc 7 to No 11-Ot. DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR U. S. Land Olllce at Lincoln Ncraska , October 20 100' ) Notice Is hereby given that Harrlat U Itoyles , deserted wife of Sterling Hoyles of Hunt ) n Nt'b. , who on November 5 I90i uiaile Homestead entry No. 17828 , Serial No. Wi for Nil V of K\V W Section 31 , Township 10 n Uango 19 w Oth Principal Meridian , has tiled notice of Intention to make Phial live year proof , to establish claim to the land above described before A. II , Humphrey , County Judge , at llrokcn How , Nebraska on the Ith day of December 1W > . Claimant names as witnesses. Pantile Sanderson , Clara Juker , George McCray and William McKnlght all of Uerwyn , Nebr. Oct JA to Dec 2 CHAS. P. SIIKDII , Register. TAX NOTICE. Certlllcate No. 4410. To Joshua Freeman : Vou arc hereby notified that on November 0 , 1V07 , L. A Wight purchased at public sale for taxes for theear 1 < M > the following described land to wit. The north V4 of south % of section Si township 10 range 25 In Custer county , state of Nebraska. That said land was assesed In the name of Joshua Kreeman anil that , alter tlie expir ation of three months from the third publi cation of this notice , tax deed will be applied lor. lor.Flist Flist published November 1,1909. 11 4 3t L. A. WIOIIT. TAX NOTICED Certificate No. 3833. To George Howdcn : You arc hereby notlllcd that on November 0 , 1900. L. A. Wight purchased at public sale for taxes for the year l'XT the following described laud to-wlt. Lot , 4 of section 18 township 19 range 24 In uusler county , state of Nebraska. That said land was assessed In the name of George W nowden , and that , after the ex piration of three months troin the third publication ot this notice , tax deed will be applied for. 1'lrst published November I , 1909. 11 I 3t LA. WIGHT. TAX NOTICE. Certltlcates Nos. 4194 and 4197. To Daniel D. Tledeman : You are hereby bv notified that on November ( J , 1007 , L. A. Wight purchased at public sale for taxes for the > ear 1'KJO the following described land , to.wlt The south H ot southwest 'j ; of section us , the northeast H of northeast K ot section 32 , and the northwest U of north west "j of section 33 all In township 10 range 2i in Custer cuonty State of Nebraska. That said land was assensed in tlic name ot Daniel D. Tideman , and that after the ex- pirailou ot three months from the third pub lication of these notices , tax deed will be applied for. l''irst published November 4. 1909. It ll 3t L. A WIGHT NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of Custer County. Nebraska , In the matter of the estate of James R. Call , Deceased. Notice to credit ors : The State of Nebraska , to Creditors of said Estate Take Notice , that I will sit In the County Court Room , in ijrokeu How , in said County on the 2Jnd day of November , 1909 , and the 23rd day of April , 1910 , at Id o'clock A. M. , to tecelvcand examine all claims tiled and presented against said estate , with a view to do their adjustment and allowance : and that on the Urst date above named the petition of the widow will be heard for homestead , exemptions and allowance , and other statutory rights. The time limit lor the presentation of claims against said estate Is six months tiom the v'lbt day of October 1909 , and the time limited for the payment of debts is one yeai trom said date. Dated October Si , 1909. [ SKAI. } A. H HUMl'JItlHY , 102131 Count ) Judge. f introduce fine materials , clean TO methods , scientific equipment into the making of soda crackers was one triumph To actually bake into them a subtle goodness , a real individuality , never before known , was another triumph But to effectually protect them so that the fullest benefit of these fine materials , this careful , cleanly baking , this unique goodness comes to you unaltered , was the crowning triumph that gave the world Uneeda Biscuit n 5 * NATIONAL" BISCUIT COMPANY Professional Caids / FRANK KELSEY ALL , KINDS OF WBU.S Consult bim if you want water BROKEN Bo\vp - - Nuirn. BANGS' STUDIO KAST SIDH OK SQUAUK Agents for Chickering , fvcrs 1'ond nrnl Star pinnos wi : CAN SAVI : YOU M BROKEN Bow , - - Nuim. J. L. FEKGUSON J NOTARY PUBLIC ] J Real Ks.Ute , Insurance , Farms nnd J Ranches for Rent , Legal Papers Drawn , Smvoyiug anil Platting. COMSTOCK NEBR. , - - - . HARRY KIMBALL Practical Undertaker j and Licensed Embalmer ' Business phone , 301 Resilience 33 jB BROKEN Bow , - - NEHR. DR. G. F. BARTUOLMEW PHYSICIAN and SURGEON All calls promptly at tended day or night. Office in rear of Phone Realty block No. 61 BROKEN Bow , - - NEBR. N. T. GADD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW "Office over Holcombs book store. Office phone 208 Residence 20 BROKEN Bow , - - NEBR. Dr. A. VINCENT SHERIDAN Office and residence in the Mrs. GJeitn building just west of the Security State Bank. Phone 390 Calls promptly answered day or night BROKEN Bow , - - NEB. F. W. BUCKLEY , M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Fitting of glasses. EYE , EAR , NOSE and THROAT omce In Dierks Blk. Flionu 200 BROKEN B3W , - - NEB. PERFUMES Delicate and de lectable odors all the new summer fan cies and the old-time favorites. Perfumes of refine ment sweet , soft and lasting. We have all the newer varieties. J. G. Haeberle BUY YOUR Wall Paper AT A CATALOGUE HOUSE Buy yourpaper of a catalogue house and you trim it with a pair of scissors , or pay a paper haoger 5c a bolt. Buy it of us and we trim it free of charge. Buy your paper of a catalogue house and make your selections from a few small samples. Buy i it of us and you make your selection - i tion of a large stock of samples. Buy your paper of a catalogue house and pay for it before you see it. You will wait a week or two before you get it. You pay the freight charges also storage charges if the roads are bad or something unforseen comes up preventing you from getting your paper immediately upon its ar rival here. Buy it of us and do away with all this. We allow you credit on all un used paper returned to us. If you lack a bolt , phone to us and we will send it out on the mail. If you come in on Saturday , come earlv and we will have more time to show you the stock. We have just received a new fall stock and will be pleased to show you. Prices lOc to SOc per bolt or double roll. S , R. LEE The Busy Druggist