Pcrtina Secrets You Should Know Golden Seal , the root of the nbovo plant , Is a very useful mcvllclno , Many people Rather It In our rich woodlands during the miumicr. Few people know how valuable It Is In dyspepsia , catarrh , and us a general tonic. Many thoiiBiimlponndflof this root nro iipcd each year In the famous catarrh remedy , 1'crunn. This fact explains why ovorylwdy uses Poruna for catarrh. For Lame Back An aching back is instantly relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. This liniment takes the place of massage and is better than sticky plasters. It penetrates without rubbing through the skin and muscular tissue right to the bone , quickens the blood , relieves congestion , and gives permanent as well as temporary relief. Here's the Proof. Mr. JAMKH 0. lan : , of itoo nth St. , B.iWashington : , J > .awrites : "Thlity yeiirsiiRO t loll fiomnecnlToM anil eorf. otialy Injured inylim-U. 1 nnlloieiltoril- My nt times ; from tint small of wj linclc nil arnmul my utomneh w.'is Jiibt in If I liuil boon hu.ituii with a club. J moil c-very plnntur I could Rot with no icllof. Hlouu's Liniment took the pain right out , nnil I ofin no\v do HI niudi Indilur work as any nlun In the Bhoji , tliauks to Mr. J. P. KVANS , of Mt. Airy , On. , unysi "Aftor being iillllctoil lor tlirc-o yours with rhoimi.uUin , J used Hlo.in'a Liniment , and was cured sound and uell.midam tlad los.'iy 1 Imvon'tbocn tionliled with ihomnaU.im since. My leg won badly swollen from my liln to ; jny Itnno. Ono-half a bottle took the jiuln iiml swelling out. " Sloan's Liniment lias no equal as a remedy for Rheu matism , Neuralgia or any pain or stiffness in the muscles or joints. Meet , 25cEOc. and $1.00 Nlnnu'ft lionlc on tioraoi , cattle , ihritp , it1 ! I ltry cut . IVee. Aililrens , Dr , Earl S , Sloan , Boston , Mass. , U.S.A. UVl ] STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY KORj SAL1J oAT THIi LOWEST I'RlCIiS IJY M'KSTCKN NKWSI'Amil UNION Jl 554 W. Ailnms St. , Chlcnuo Nebraska Directory Gem M ELL lliilf Tom-saiiil I.lno Ulolilnus. Now ami rom- plele cnsnivjT " i > l nt 2-111 N HtliSI , Um'uln. FULL LINE OF PHOTO SUPPLIES ! > < > Mill u.1111 i hi' lli'M Curt ) Shelter lilucll" 11 MI , ill ml MARSEILLES CORN SHELLER Wrllo for rutnlnir or wo your loo.il itniler JOHN . EERE PLOW CO. , OMAHA Let us mnko you figines on jour bill. Good grades , quick shipment and low prices. Direct to consumer F.W. Brown Lumber Co , , Lincoln , Neb , yH tlio hlilicBt yrlce lor SOUTH DAKOTA Improved nnil mtmpro\ fni-mx lu eastern South Dakota for hitlu on CROP PAYMENTS or 10 YEARS TIME Will fix'ct biilKlliigH on any farm on nuinecnxy H. I'rlc-o tf.1) : ) to WO ju-r iru . I'mlihts , , etc. , tultli r.in ALEX. 11. IIA1T , Turinm & B. . IDth and O 3U. . Lincoln. Neb. HERBERT E. GOOCH CO. imOKERS AND DEALERS Grain , Provisions , Stock * , Cotton Main Office , 204-205 FrMernity Bldu. Lincoln , N bruiU . Hell riiono 51 ! ! Auto Fhone EOTiO Largest IInuso In .Slate. POULTRY HOUSE PLAN Bent Located on the Side of n Hill to Avoid Standing Water During the Rainy Seasons , - > - - 13 y John Sorhum. This Is a poultry house which I think will stand the test of all ell- mates. I think It well adapted to the cold climate of Alaska , or the hot ell- mat o of Australia , as well aa all tem perate regions , writes John Sorliam In the Poultry Tribune. It Is best to first select a iildo hill on which to build , ho that the water will not be standing around or under the house during rainy seasons. I have mine built on level ground , but shall remodel It soon , digging away about 12 inches of ground from un der the hoiibe and icplaclng It with coarse sand. I shall also dig a trench around and close to It , two feet deep , MAKING GATE IN WIRE FENCE PUui far Multlng Opening ; tliut Can He Vurletl to Any Size to Stilt-By II. U. Bryunt. In milking u guto in u wlro 1'onee , ( iso CxG'H for the K"to posts and -Ixl's for the rest of the posts In the fence. The hrnco shown at A should bo a dxl , and should be placed two-thirds ol' the height from the ground on the gate post and one-third of the dis tance from the ground on the second post. At U Is hhown a brace nmdo ol' wlro which should bt > placed around the bottom of the first post , and nailed to thai Itill not slide. The other 1'iul.iH placed uuar Ihu ( oil of second po t from the gate. Hy placing a stick In the two strands they can be In the floor through which the honf > may pass up and down. The stop ( H ) Is hinged at the back , with a hook In front so It can bo hooked up , com pletely covering fho opening In the floors ; each pen Is arranged this way. The floor Is built two feet from the ground and the hens arc fed In this under story In winter. On this base ment floor there should bo at least six Inches of scratching material to keep the fowls busy. This scratching shed under the building Is closed up on all sides excepting the front. Each pen Is 8x2-1 feet , making 192 square feet of floor space In which can bo kept a flock of GO hens. In summer I Poultry House with SubScratchIng Pen. one fool wide , and shall fill In ono foot of loose stones , covering with ono fool of ground. Tile would be much better than stones to keep the ground dry around the house. The h use which 1 have planned Is S feet wide , ItG feet In length , con sisting of tin eo pens ( although It can bo divided Into any number of pens ) each pen being 8x12 feet. The house is S fool high In front and G feet at the back , and Is built with a cheap grade of lumber which is not painted , but a layer of building paper Is tacked on , over which Is plhccd a two-ply roofing material. The roof Is covered Section Through Interior. the same way , excepting the paper Is covered with three-ply prepared roof ing. The floor Is double , with a two- Inch dead air space , which contains also a layer of building paper ; the lumber is good shiplap or tongued and grooved lumber. There Is an opening Cutting Gate In Wire Fence. avlbted and brought taut. The second end brace shown at K should bo nmdo out of 4x1 fastened to the top of the styond post from the gate and secured at the bottom of the third post. The gate frame shown at II , C and I ? should be made out of 3x3 well put together. Stretch the fence wire across the gate , and cut after stapling firmly to the triune of the gato. Of course , this plan can bo varied to any slzo of length to suit the builder. Spraying Fruit Trees. Don't spray only the trees from whk-h you expect to get marketable fruit. Spray all the trees , otherwise the trees you go to the trouble to spray early in the season may become infected later by the unsprayed trees. Money In Sheep. Sonic men have cleared 100 per ci-nt on their money la sheep for jears ; but these are the real shop. j herds. Not every man has the shepherd - herd Instlnc' ; but wo may all do bet ter than we do. take out the litter and when it rains the fowls all go under the house for shelter. 1 have two windows In every pen ( above the floor , of course ) , anil when but ono pen is built , t also have two windows ( ono on each side ) , on the sides. The windows should all be hinged at the top , so as to admit fresh air all over the house when needed , and there should also be a shutter for every window , to bo shut on winter nlghls. These shutters should be made of tongued and grooved lum ber and hinged with loose pin steel butts BO they may bo taken off In warm weather and put out of the way. I always like to have plenty of light and sunshine in the cold win ter days , but you know the moro windows dews In the poultry house the colder It Is at night , thus you see here is where your shutters come handy. . There Is also another point In this house which should not bo overlooked , that Is , the covered roosts. A hinged hood projects over the roosts which keeps the fowls' combs from freez ing In severe cold weather. This hood is fastened with loose pin hinges Mko the shutters and may bo taken off In the spring. The hoods are also sup plied with hooks and may bo hooked up in day time If desired. The roosts ( C ) are above the nests , between which there Is a largo dropping board , which also makes a covered passage way ( D ) for hens to enter the nests. This passageway Is open at both ends. You will notice that in my plan 1 have only one entrance , this Is in the middle pen , while the other pens have a small door for the hens to pass In and out. If you like you may have a door Into each pen from single door at the end of the building. Corn and Pork. The farmer who has a number of spring pigs ready for the fattening pens should devote a little time to the study of feeds and tholr Influence on the quality of meat produced. When It Is desired to produce pork , or rather fat , one kind of feed is necessary. When the desire is to have lard hogs for the market , no other kind of feed should be used. Corn Is pre-eminently a fat-forming feed , and when the feeder wishes to produce an animal with a great deal of fat to supply the lard trade noth ing is bettor than corn. When the do- she Is to produce animals for meat alone nothing can bo a poorer feed than corn. The Influence of corn on the per centage of fat should bo borne In mind and the ration mixed to accom plish the best results. Manure Currants. Were you dissatisfied with the size of your currants ? Let ua whisper a secret. You can improve the fruit greatly by heavy manuring. Now is a good time to apply it. The wood IB ripe and is going into Us long rest. You may pile straw manure about the bushes so heavily that the grass and weeds , If any , will bo smothered , and all the bettor for the currants. This fruit needs mulching enough to keep the surface cool. Need of Cream Separators. With average cows and using the cream separator It is estimated that from $50 to $75 per year can bo saved In butterfat with ten cows. Tula amount will about pay for a good cream separator , and its usefulness will last for many years , making the buying of ono a good Investment. He- ing able to sell the cream without hauling the milk to the creamery also saves much time and labor. Value of Potato. On account of the starch they con tain , potatoes are valuable as food. The potato tuber consists mainly of a mass of cells filled with starch and encircled by a thin , corky rind. As stated , the chief value of the potato as an article of diet consists in the starch It contains , and to a less ex tent In the potash and other salts. The quantity of nlt/ogou lu U' com position is small. Thirteen Chicago University Pro fessors 0. K. the Statement. Holy Dook Is Neither the Compen dium of Truth Nor Theology , De clares an Official Editorial In the Biblical World. Chicago. The divinity school of the University of Chicago gave the world another startling bit of advanced theology elegy when the 13 editors of the lllbll- cal World put their O. K. on the state ment that the Ulblo Is not a compen- dlutn of ethics and never was Intend ed to bo. The argument appeared In the form of an editorial In the magazine , of which Prof. Ernest DeWltt Hurton , D. D. , head of the department of New Testament literature and interpreta tion , is the editor-in-chief. "The asso ciate editors are members of the fac ulty , and their unanimous approval Is necessary before an editorial goes to the printer. Often two or three col laborate on an article. The editorial makes the argument that the ethical methods of Jesus were Ideal In that they wore elastic and ad justed to lit conditions as they were found. In an Interview Dr. Hurton elaborat ed on the presentments made in the editorial In a manner to emphasize what many persons had read between the lines , viz. , that Sunday baseball and other personal enjoyment of the Sabbath were not necessarily sinful , In the minds of the 13 professors. Dr. Burton did not mention baseball In his discourse nor did ho mention saloons , but he left room for some very plain Inferences. As did the editorial , ho held that the Bible was not an Iron clad depository of truth and arbl- Prof. Ernest D. Burton. trary rules of conduct , but a historical record. And no less an authority than Jesus himself was cited in support of his position. "The Blblo Is not a compendium of truth , nor oven of theology , " said Dr. Burton. "It Is a record of religious and ethical experiences rather than the last authority and a composition of all theological truth , such as It Is held to be by most churches. "Taking the Bible at the beginning and following It through , wo find it ever-changing , according to the con ception of the times. We cannot take It as a compendium and opening .It say : 'There Is the law ; there Is the truth. ' " Parts of the editorial read as fol lows : "What shall we say concerning the commands of Jehovah In the Old Tes tament to exterminate the women and children of a vanquished lee ? How shall we account for the fact that the Old Testament heroes Indulged In polygamy , forbidden by our modern laws ? How can wo teach tttal ah stlnence from a Blblo which repre sents Jesus as partaking of wine at feasts , and which even tells how ho miraculously produced wine from wa ter on ono occasion when the supply fell short ? " "How , for example , can a Christian gain in Intelligent understanding of the Issues at stake In the modern con flict between capital and labor if ho simply confine himself to a riftdlns of the Blblo ? How shall he gain de fensible moral convictions concerning the ethics of child labor If he confine his attention to a literature which never dreamed of the possibility of modern factories and machinery ? "When one turns to the Gospels one cannot fall to bo Impressed with the way In which Jesus taught moral ity directly from life rather than by the methods of the scribes. Ho de termined what was right in any in stance by examining the situation it self. When sickness needed to be healed the interests of suffering hu manity wore of moro Importance to him' than the Jewish legislation concerning - corning the Sabbath. "Is it not time that wo should cease to apologize for this method of Bibli cal study which has been universally adopted In our seminaries ? " Cure Effected by Radium. The latest use of radium was upon a case of Illarlasls , or blood worm dis ease In Paris. In this mosquito-caused disease the blood at night swarnm with millions upon millions of micro , scopic maggots plugging up and In flaming and swelling the kernels li the armpits. A short course of radium In the armpits cured the swelling and nmdo the worms scarcer In &o blood. A secret that Is worth keeping Is , of course , uoubly worth toll ig. THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG. Mrs. Unuer Tell my son-in-law that I thank him for his Invitation , but am unable to accept It. Servant Good. Ho promised me half a dollar if yon weren't able to some. The Steady Man. We'd like to write a little rhyme about the steady man , who keeps on pegging all the time and does the best ho can ; the man who early goes to work and doesn't get home till late ; nor over try to shirk In order to be great. There are some fellows who will try to do their business tricks and have a linger In the pie of .city politics ; they try to put on lots of style and play a heavy role , and in a little bit o' while you find them In a hole ! I like the man of steady pace , his system I admire ; he has no wild desire to place more irons in the lire ! Los Angeles Express. Government Sanatoria. The United Stales government op crates three tuberculosis sanatoria , one for soldiers and officers of the regular army at Fort Bayard , N. M. , one for seamen in the merchant ma rine , and others employed in coast service of the government , not in the navy , located at Fort Stanton , N. M. , and one for officers and enlisted men In the navy at Las Anlmas , Col. The first hospital Is conducted by the de partment of war , the second by the United States public health and ma rine hospital service and the latter by the navy department. Never Opened His Mouth. "Not Infrequent rays of unconscious humor illumine the otherwise impos sible stories that come to my desk from amateurs , " says a reader for ono of the magazines. Recently I chanced upon this choice bit : " 'John , the husband , and Grace , the wife , ate on together in silence. There was indubitably an 111 feeling between them. The husband devoured a plate of soup , half a fish , an entree or two a piece of roast beef , together with a sweet , without ever once opening his mouth. ' " A Resemblance. Canon Ilcnsley llenson , at a dinner in New Haven during his Yale lec tures , condemned the ugliness of the English archbishop's attire. "One of our archbishops , " he said , "preached in a Kansas church in his panoply of knee breeches , gaiters and apron , and the leading paper of the town concluded an admirable report of his fiermon with the words : " 'The archbishop wore Highland dress. ' " Ladies Can Wear Shoes One- size Hinulltr nttcr using Allen' ! ] Font- Kiise. the antiseptic powder. It mnki-s tlKlit or now shoes easy. Cures swollen , hot , sweating nclilni ; feet , Ingrowing nails. Always use It to Break in now Shoes. At nil DriiKKlsts. 25c. Don't diccpt nny substitute. Trial pncktigo FRRK liv inuil. Address Allen S.Olmstedl < oUoy.N.Y. Nature helps every man to become that which he desires to become. If he put forth no effort Nature assumes he wishes to be a nobody , and grants his prayer. Ulbcrt Hubbnrd. The U. S. Government lias bought 25 Gio - < CJ.UOO boxes ) of Hough on Hath to Kind to the Panama Canal /one , because it deus the-\\oik. The old reliable that iie\i-r fail- ) . The unbeatable extcimiiutur. 15u , 25c , 75c. The Reason Why. "I wonder why men don't take mon > interest in the primary ! " "Possibly because it is a secondary consideration. " Haltimorc American Stop KuoiMng ! Try the bct and mo t certain icniedy for all painful ailment llnnihns Wuurd Oil. Tinv.i. . \ it le- lii've-4 all fcorcnera from Mirain * . < nt' . wounds burns , t.cad ! > , etc. , is Do You Know Him ? "What sort of a chap is ho ? " "Well , he's ono of those follows who think that anything mean is a joU < > if It isn't on him. " Pettit's Eye Salve Restores. No matter how badlv the t > \ ( , m.iv be Nc.f-ud or injined. All druggist * or Ilow- nl BIOS. , lliillalo. X. V. Only a disinterested third party Is nble to realize that there are two sides to a question. through n haKKlniM-mipli < irlrrliut"il tliro.it. Allen's mm Jlilh.iii ! will lir.il the utfcrllnn ( inlikU und . -"ic , ' > IK-iiiiill lUholtli s The bravery ol uome men Is like that of bulldogs ; they haven't sense enough to be afraid of anything HAD A BETTER SUGGESTION And , Coupled with the Unchaining of the Dog , It < Vl'as Carried Unanimously. "Well ! " ( lenuimled the sicrn-fnced wonmn ns aho lenncd over the red- handled broom , "what do you want ? " "Lady , " snld the wnyfnrer , with the long beard and matted hair , "I'm an actor by profession and In hard luck. " "Woll , what have I to do with that ? " "Why or 1 was thinlciig If you could spare me a quarter to got a shave and a hair cut I could get a job In the role of Vlrglnlun. " "Oh , that's a poor excuse , " Bhe said , with a curl of her thin lip. "Go up to the town without a shave and a hair cut and get a job In the role of Rip Van Winkle. And before he could say another word she started to unchain the dog. Experienced. Non-Coni. ( to recruit ) I don't sup pose you cv r smelt powder , have you ? Recruit Oh , yes. I was In a drug store before I enlisted. Cured by Lydia E. Pink- ham'sVegetable Compound Milwaukee , \Yis. "Lytlia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound has made mo a well woman , and I would like to tell thcwholoworld | of it. I suffered fromfcmaletrouble and fearful painsin my back. I had the best doctors and they all decided that I had a tumor in addition to my female trouble , and advised an opera- tion. Lydia E. riukham's Vegetable Compound made mo a well woman and I have no more backache. I hope I can help others by tolling them what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. " Mns. EjuiAlirsr , 8333irstSt , Milwaukee , AVis. The t'bovo is only ono of the thou sands of grateful letters \vhich are constantly being received by the Pinkham Mcdicino Company of Lynn , Mass.which provo beyond a doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound , made from roots and herbs , actually does cure these obstinate dis eases of women after all other means have failed , and that every such suf- cring woman owes it to herself to at least give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound a trial before submit ting to an operation , or giving up hope of recovery. Mrs. Pmklmin , ol tiynu , Mass. , invites all sick women to tvrito her for advice. She Las guided thousands to health and her advice is free. Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Din- trcssfrom Dyspepsia , In- diRt-hUtm ami Too Hearty Knllng. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness , Nau sea , DroHHlness , Had Taste In the Mouth , Coat ed Tongue , I'aln in the Side , TORPID LIVKH. They regulate the llowels , Purely Vegetable. SjMLllLLSMALL DOSE. SMALLPBIjjE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similc Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTESa Mary T. Goldman's Gray Ualr Restorer re tore * criElnnl colirtr IDI J , hmlJiful manner nirom 1 toll diju. Jin- 'tin Is di turentfromnn > - thitiB elso. ctlpct is urnl. lias no ppillmcnt. no It's neither ttickv nor Greasy it'n nu pure nnl rlenr n mitpr. l > < > n'toi- potliurnt a'onhnttlin > naniUnfotlipNliii\n found rare nn < l fat. * itlnrv. For mmnlo mnlrr.iuli iilwo. lutols frro , nrito \.VAIY T. tlOLJUIAN , 47JU/ , ( . liar. Illda. . ft / > , ! „ / . M „ , , . ItoiurotoiMntMaivrli. ln l culorctourh lr full n/elx.tlloa for tain br all doaleri The Modern Razor NO STROPPING NO HONING KNOWN THE WORLD OVER Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the best of all medicines for the cure of diseases , disorders and weaknesses peculiar to women. It is the only preparation of its kind devised by n regularly grndu- nted physician an experienced and skilled specialist in the diseases of women. It is n nafo medicine in any condition of the system. THE ONE KEMEDYwhich contains no nlcohol and no injurious habit-forming drugs and which creates no craving for such stimulants. THE ONE REMEDY BO flood that its makers ore not afruid to print its every ingredient on each outside bottle-wrapper r.nd tsttcut to the truthfulness of the same undcv ou'K Itjs sold by medicine dealers everywhere , and any dealer who hasn't it can get it. Don't toke a substitute of inknown composition for this medicine oir KNOWN coMi'osmoN. No counterfeit i ns good cs the genuine and tli3 druggist who says something else is "just as ocd aa Dr. PicrccV is cither mistaken or is trying to dcceive you for his own selfish benefit. Such a man is not to bo trusted. Ho Is trifling with ur mo t priceless possession health- y your _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ , * I # r * * tt f * t f may be your life itself. See t'int grt what you ask for.