Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 04, 1909, Image 5

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\ Our Local News
Drs , Farnsworth & Beck
James D ire of Gates was among
the city viaitors Monday ,
See J. W. Scott for choice
groceries and hardware. 10 7-tf
Eyes tested and glasses fitted ,
My city residence for sale or
trade. Call or address W. T.
Jones. Scpl.-23-lf
For house cleaning by vacuni ,
Phone J. Simonson at Ryeraon
Bros. Co.
FOR SALE Quarter block in at
very desirable location.
S. M. DORR s
Mrs. Alpha Morgan returned
Saturday night from a months
visit with relatives Chicago.
Rev. W. II. Xanders spent
several days in Grand Island and
Columbus the first of the week.
Miss Bessie Johnson , who is
teaching school near Anselmo
spent Saturday and Sunday at
Roy Strattan is back at the
4lcases" in the Purcell job shop ,
after a chicken hunt over on the
South Loup.
LostA heavy silver watch
Elgin make. Had a black cord
tied to it. Finder please leave
at this office. 1028 - It.
Services at St. Johns Episcopal
Church next Sunday morning
and evening1. The public is
cordially invited to attend those
Misses Lena and Inez Fountain
who are attending high school
here , left yesterday morning : to
spend the vacation at their home
in Sidney.
W. J. Rice , off Cliff Table ,
comedown Saturday to report the
political ontlook in his vicinity.
The REPUBLICAN acknowledges a
social call.
Alvin Daily , of Milburn , demo
crat candidate for County Clerk ,
was a visitor the first of the week
on a return trip from Callaway
where he was a spectator at the
division ox roast Saturday.
WANTED. To rent with priv
ilege of buying1 a good well im
proved level valley farm of 1 ( > 0
acres near Broken Bow. Ad-
dresa T care REPUBLICAN Broken
Bow. 10-28-31
Ner Hartley dedicates the fol
lowing lines to Col. Brega :
Brega , you can't divide this
county , there's no use to try ; the
majority of the people have other
fish to fry.
The ladies of the Baptist con
gregation take this method of
tendering their thanks to the
patrons of their election dinner
and supper for the liberal patron
age accorded them.
Harry Sherman of Sargent was
a city visitor Monday. He had
the honor of presiding at the
joint debate on county division
between Brega anb Squires Mon
day night at the opera house.
There are four former Broken
Bow boys stationed at Deadwood
in the employ of the railroad com
pany and Adams express. They
Ai are W. S. Amsberry , Ralph Cox ,
Russell and E. P. Lowe , all of
whom hold renumerativc and
responsible positions.
t offer for sale a new 7 room
modem up to-date dwelling
house , four blocks from business
centre and two blocks from school ,
fruit and shade , location finest
in city , in established neighbor
hood overlooking city and valley.
For price and terms see James
Ye editor and family visited
the scribe's parents couth-west
of Broken Bow , last Sunday. This
is the first time within about
twenty-six years that the family
have all been together , at once.
Tbe occasion was an enjoyable
one and time passed all too quick
ly , Comstock News
Dr. Bass dentist , Jkover Todd's
millinery store.
Mrs. John Hanoy , who was the
guest of Mrs. J. G. Brcnizcr the
past week , returned Monday to
her home at Mcrna.
Miss Hill , who recently resign
ed as a teacher in the Public
Schools of this city , left last Fri
day for her home at Wahoo.
Mrs. J. M. Philips who was the
guest for a few days of Mrs. Pat
Stevenson , left last Thursday
for her home in St Louis , Mo.
Mr. Shearer , who has been
spending a number of months
with his daughter , Mrs. Will
Purcell , left Wednesday for his
home at St. Louis , Mo.
Estraycd. 3 head of cattle
branded F on the right hip. Any
one seeing cattle with this brand
notify J. L. Ferguson , Sargent
and Comstock. 10-28-31
Roy Musselman came up from
Greeley last Friday morning and
is the guest for a few days of
his uncle and aunt , Mr. and Mr.
Joe Wolyneux. '
J. W. Scott returned Friday
night from Texas where he went
to look after a location for the
winter , where he expects to gofer
for Mrs. Scotts health.
J. D. Taylor , who is making-
his home with his daughter , Mrs.
A. T. Norwood , left Wednesday
morning for a visit with his son ,
T. L. Taylor , and family at
Mrs. Sarah J , Davison says
she has her mince meat ready
for customers , and any one wish-
ng English Plum Pudding to
send their orders in early.
Phone. 94.
The Baptist Juniors were
entertained at the home of Mrs.
D. M. Amsberry Friday evening.
Dainty refreshments were served
in keeping with Hallowe'en and
the little folks had a merry time.
Roy Lowe , of Deadwood , S. D. ,
arrived in the city Monday from
the west on his way to Callway
to visit his wiie and parents.
Roy is assistant ticket agent for
the B &M. R. R. at that point.
The B. Y. P. U. held a Hal
lowe'en social at the home of
Mrs. A. E. Anderson Friday
evening. Ghosts , witches and
fortune tellers were there to
amuse the guests and with the
refreshments partaken of made
the evening an enjoyable one.
Mrs II. M. Sullivan left Tues
day for Lincoln , where she will
spend some time visiting with
her three daughters. Mrs Sulli
van will also visit different places
in Kansas , and expects to be
gone about one month.
R. E. Brega accompanied by
several of his followers from the
vicinity of Callaway came over
Monday evening to convince the
voters of Broken Bow that it
was to tliL'ir interest to vote for
county division. It is to be re-
greted that all who were ( leaning
that way were not out to hear
the disucssion , as those who we
have heard express themselves
were thoroughly won over to the
anti-division side by Squires
The Jewel ( Kas. ) Republicai
says it would like to see a whole
count'settled entirely by uiai
order people and see what woult
happen. The stores would slant
it as long as they could and then
move away. Banks would close
their doors ; newspipers have to
quit ; the hotels go out of busi
ness ; mechanics move away
schools and churches dwindle
sidewalks go to wreck ; building
wouid be vacated , unpainted ant
dilapidated ; strangers would take
one look and flee. Isn't tha
precisely what would happen o
an entire couuty was populated
with people who bought every
thing in Chicago ? Who would
buy a farm so located ? Be a
iriendtoyour home town and i
will be a friend to you ,
Georgetown Items.
Mr. Urooks , who has been visiting his
sister , Mrs. Deck nud family , left Man-
day for Colorado where he will visit
another sister.
Willie and Murl Spnrgin ami Claude
and Earl Smith , who are attending
school in Kearney , are nil nt home this
week on a vacation.
Glen lluckiicr started to school this
James Mulvnncy is on the sick list.
Mr. Cocu and daughter Minnie called
ut the Mnlvnney home Sunday.
Mis. Kinkuid.of liroken How , is visit
ing her daughter , Mrs. D. Woodruff.
Mis O'lw , of Broken Dow , is visiting
old friends on the I.onp.
Mrs. Pierce , of cSewnrd , is visiting her
son , 1J. W. Pierce , and family.
Mahel Smith and Alice ller.k spent
Saturday evening nt the Spry home.
Mrs. Lund nnd daughter Anna are
visiting friends near Ansley.
Mr. Overgaurd attended the speaking
in Oconto Saturday night.
Mr. Myers is having some trouble with
his eye and talks of going to Omaha to
have an operation in the near future.
Mr. Dnmbell has leased his ranch to
parties in Wisconsin for five years. The
Cambell family talk of going west.
Mr. Heck has rented his farm to Win
Spry , and the Deck family will go to
vureka , Montana , in the spring
A Hallowe'en party was given at the
Smith home Friday evening
Mrs Oscar Thompson is in a hospital
t Omaha having an operation performed
u her eyes
Prairie IlilL
Mr. Beal is better at this writing.
The Circle will meet with Mrs. Bolon
"hursday of this week.
Mr. C. Howard is building a chicken
louse for Mr. Thomas.
Mr. Weesner's hog house is completed.
The road is being worked near Mr.
Everybody is glad to see the roads
votked , because they hnvo needed it for
long time.
Roy Manna spent a few days in the
-icinity this week.
Mr. Thompson , of Mertia , will preach
every two weeks at the school house.
There was some damage done in the
valley last Sunday night it being Hallow
Miss Longfellow and sister Florence ,
tlrs. Brown and daughter went to visit
elatives at I < oyal Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Longfellow and daughter
Esther spent Sunday at Mr. Bay's in
Union Valley.
Mr. Evins had a telephone put in last
Orlcllo News.
Mrs. M. IKuapp and granddaughter ,
Miss Carrie Murrie , spent Sunday nt G.
S. Towns' near Wagner ,
Messrs. Hill and Moore arc out ( solicit-
ug for the parsonage to be built in the
near future.
C. E. Hostic was a Broken How visitor
Saturday. While there he punctured a
ire on his auto.
Two of Mrs. Dyke's sisters spent Sun-
lay with her.
A. T. Ilillmuu spent Sunday at home.
AlcKinley Murmurinjjs.
Most of tbe farmers are busy husking
corn these fine days.
Several attended the barbecue and
rally at Callaway. They report it a big
day , and are nil for county division.
J. II. Walburn , Ernest Booth and
Joseph Haefele attended the anti-divi
sion meeting at Oconto Saturday night.
Several of the young people attended
the party at J. E. Morrison's Wednes
day night. A good time is reported.
Gllllford ,
We had our Hallowe'en social Satur
day evening A good crowd was present
and seemed to enjoy our free entertain
ments along with the delicious popcorn
balls , pumpkin pie and coffee After the
time for merriment they listened to our
well rendered program We are assured
of their enjoyment by the ninny compli
ments received on our decoration , sup
per , program and free entertainments
The proceeds will go to buy frames for
some beautiful pictures presented by the
The merry ghosts will entertain you
Thanksgiving as Pilgrams of 1624
Mngg'e Wallace was absent Wedues
day on account of the toothache
Little Harvey Mueuel of Ansley visite
with us Thursday
Ths History class have finished the
French in America and the reading o
Our ship has taken us to New Orleans
We are all enjoying the ride and teach
Mr and Mrs Mucsel and son , Harvey
from Anslry , visited with J O Taylor's
last week
Mr C Oveiton Is through husking coin
Yes we want him for roul overseer
waiter Wallace came home Saturday
evening from Dave Hipsher's in Snake
Run where he is building n fine large
barn to be here to vote Tuesday
Mr and Mrs J Hart Sundayed at Chns
Ora McRne nnd Gladys Amsberry
Ilnllowe'cued at Jack Hurt's.
Mrs Hoyd Lindcr Is visiting in the
eastern part of the state
Miss Rains has moved to Chns Ams
Lewis Martin and Claude Amsberry at
tended E E Hogabootu's sale Wednesday
west of Broken Bow
Steve Taylor helped Fred move into
his new cement house in Derwyn this
Ross Taylor is getting his ice pond
( Omitted last week )
Workl Work ! We're always busy.
We're sorry that we've been so slow
with our items. Maybe we've been dis
cussing county division too. May Cus
ter remain "one" this year and forever
On account of Miss Rain's illness Mon
day , Maggie Wallace taught the pri-
marians in.thc morning and Gladys Atns-
berry in the afternoon. Doth girls ex
pect to be teachers in after yearn.
Roberta Talbot was absent Thursday
on nccouut of sickness.
Herman Wallace was absent Friday
on account of sickness.
Little Ruth Kennedy from Broken
Bow visited with us Wednesday.
A surprise party was given on Roy
Lowdeu at Walter Wallace's Saturday
evening. Twenty-four friends were
present. The evening was spent in
various games. Lunch was served at
midnight. All report n good time.
Miss Rains visited Saturday and Sun
day .with the Amsberry children.
Several of our friends spent Saturday
evening at Tom Wright's. All enjoyed
the taffy pull.
Mr. L. Morris and family from Brok
en Bow Suudayed with C. Amsberry's.
Ha/el Norcutt and Carl Rnpp visited
at Wallace's Sunday evening.
Mrs. A. Hnrrington is enjoying n visit
from her sister , Mrs. G. W Cnscy from
Clinton , Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs , Kennedy nud
family visited with Mr. Talbot's this
Mr. Brown's new barn is completed.
Mr. Dave Hipsher from Snake Run
has employed Walter Wallace to build a
fine new barn.
Lewis Martin ami his wife visited with
his mother-in-law .
- - Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. West from Broken Bow
visited with Oscar Porter's Sunday.
Mr. Morris took a car load of his little
friends down to Bers Welch's Sunday.
Mr. and Mm. Boyd Linder visited
Sunday with Mr. Liuder's mother , who
ms been very ill , nud his grandmother
who has been ill from a fall down stairs.
They are better at this writing.
Mrs. Wallace has been suffering with
he swelled head since she fell down the
eller steps Monday.
J. B. Klutup , of the West
fable , was among1 the city visit
ors Saturday.
"The Beast and the Jungle , " every
drop of fighting blood in your make
up will tingle. Your indignation
at the conditions exposed will be
almost lost in your admiration of
Judge Lindsey's game , single-handed
fight and your realization thnt he is
performing A magnificent public
You'll find the
g very liUblc magazine.
Lumber , a large assortment
and complete slock for Builders
to choose.from. Let us estimate
on your contracts. We always
try to please ,
Lumber & Coal
South side.
The N * w Marshall & Wctulell-Stylc
Join Our New
Co-operative Club
If you arc the least bit ambitious , and want a piano nt nil
Then We Sure Want You In This Club
Yon know something of our square-dealing methods ;
* „ " nnd you perhaps are fnmilinr with our relinblc , high-
grnde , world approved line of instruments. You know
too thnt we are not given to offering
"Something For Wo th Ing" "Fake
But we nil have to advertise more or less , nud OUR
way is THROUGH OUR FRIENDS. Already our
ninny , many satisfied customers are voluntarily working
for us "TOOTH AND NAIL" but in 1910
We Expect To Sell At Least 100 Pianos
and to do this we need still more help ! By our new
club plan we propose to offer yon u fair , legitimate
chance to earn yourself a piano , simply by n little
friendly help and co-operation ! If this sounds good to
you write or ask for n
Co-operative Piano Club Card. Yes ,
Get into line. The sooner the better for both of us.
The membership will be limited of course , nnd the
chance to get in only holds good until January 1st , for
that's when the fun begins.
who are we ? why
The H. A.Watts Piano House
First Door So. P. O. , Broken Bow. Nobraaka
A Car Load Just Received of Sound. Rosy ,
Luscious Apples
, QSo
In five bushel lots
Single bushels
, &
Feed in large and small quantities at both wholesale
and retail.
Special attention given to filling orders for coal
in .
any quantity.
0 i
8 Broken Bow , Nebraska
For Sale or Trade
I will sell oi\tradeJor.lancVin CasterjCounty or an
adjoining county.
On account of'sickness of my familv I cannot
winter in Nebraska the coming- winter , * I therefor
desire to dispose of mv entire stock of HARDWARE ,
GROCERIES and QUEEtfSWARE , with or without
the building1. I have a good clean stock and a splen
(50 ( DAYS. A rare 'opportunity for anyone wanting1 to
get into a good business.
F "VIT'-ISocxt't , VI
North Slde.Square , Broken Bow , Neb. 8