Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 28, 1909, Image 5

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Uneeda Biscuit
are made from the finest flour and the best
materials obtainable
That Makes them an ideal
Uneeda Biscuit
are baked in surroundings where cleanliness
and precision are supreme
supremeThat Makes them Pure
Uneeda Biscuit
'are touched only once by human hands
when the pretty girls pack them Clean
That Makes them
" " ' i M *
are sealed in a moisture proof package
That , Keeps them
( Continued from last week. )
As follows upon the petition
of Gordon Thomas et al , for the
establishment of a road in town
ship 14 range 19.
We your committee recommend
that the petition bo granted and
damages allowed against road
Diat. No. 1 Loup Twp. as
follows :
O. w. VanNortwlck as stipulated ws
And as follows upon the peti
tion of Arnold Krebcl et al , for
the establishment of a road in
township 19 & 20 range 17.
We your committee recommend
the petition be granted as recom
mended by the Commissioner and
damages allowed against Road
Dist. No. 1 Comstock.
Joseph Klanccky for land and fence $75
Arnold Krliel for land taken and for
fence 75
Barbara Klanccky for land taken aud for
fence W
Geo. Krummel ( or land taken and for
fence 75
Also reported as follows upon
the petition of Albert Shafcr et
al , for the vacation of a part of
road No. 186 in township 17
range 18.
We your committee recommend
that the vacation be granted as
recommended by the Commis-
And as follows upon the
petition of P. F. Campbell ct al ,
for the establishment of a road
in township 14 , range 20.
We your committee recommend
that the petition and all damages
be rejected.
JAMBS LKB > Committee.
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read ,
and that the roads be and here
by are established and vacated
as recommended by the com
The balance of the afternoon
was spent in committee work and
at 6 p. m. the Board adjourned
until 8:30 tomorrow.
Thursday Oct. 14 , 1909.
The Board met at 8:30 : with all
members present except J. B.
The parties interested in the
establishment of the Chas. I.
Bassett road in township 13 ,
range 5 , were present before the
Board and after listening to
argument the road committee
made the following report there
We your committee recommend
the petition and all damages be
JAMUB LKK > Committee.
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read.
' A motion was duly made and
carried.that in as much as J. W.
Barnes is absent from the state
that the John Kleeb road be
layed over to the next meeting
of the Board , and that the clerk
be instructed to notify all parties
The balance of the forenoon
was spent in committee work
and at 12 m. a recess was taken
until 1 p. m.
The Board met at 1 p. ' m. with
all members present except Gil-
Douglas Grove Institute $12.50 ;
Mason City Institute $12.50 ;
Broken Bow Institute $12.50 ;
Merna Institute $12.50 ; Ansley
Institute $12.50 ; Oconto Institute
$12.50 ; Callaway Institute $12.50
and Anselmp Institute $12.50.
The judiciary claims committee
made the following report.
We recommend that the follow
ing Juror claims be allowed.
Freeman Lewlu f s.rui
William Jacks . . 11.10
" " '
W.T. Cannon . . . ' t ; 10
T. T. Daniels 8.00
A. I ) . JohllSOIl H.40
Charlns Krecuun ii.w
A. L. Conhlscr ji.SO
Alfred Cooper 9.40
8. A. McGiuness )
Die Johnson
J.I. Chrlstcnsen
Henry Holgerson is.-jo
Joe Lanum H.OO
11J. Martin 11,30
Ueorgec. Marsh ILMK )
Iiarney Marquiss 10.00
Archie Meek 12.40 Pointer 1:1.00 :
Charles Robertson . IO.M )
K.Cl. Roberts H.SU
Jerome Taylor 9.20
S.O. Walden . is.w
Newton Wright 111.70
Prod Arthur 10,70
peter Arp iuo ; ;
H. E. lllowerd 11.20
Fred G. chase
Win. s. Cole
And the following claims be
allowed in the case of the State
vs Buckley.
William Tyson .ro
B. M. Weltuian 4.M
Norrls Harbor -UK )
E ; s.cirii ; w
\V. A. Lush
N. I'enney 450
J.T. lirldgos 4 r
J.T. ManTon q.&o
Oeorge wlnklcman . ) M
Luther Qray 4 ri
Clint Savldge 4
I. A. Horn 4.o
( Seorge iirown 4 jy
A J. watklmi 45 ,
John McClulgan 4 n
And the following claims be
allowed in the case of the State
vs Chas Moore.
J. I ) . Amsberry
Newton McAdauis .h )
And that the following chiims
be allowed in the case of Stale
vs Michael Tully ( .Insane. )
W. K. Taltiot 1 day member ol board ,
c Examination oi patient $ s.oo
Alpha Morgan 1 day member of liorrd. . 300
Oeo , 1) . Malrl day member ot board ;
Clerks costs 5.2
I'hll Tie nicy 1 day as witness and 40
lilies 400
Lawrence Tlerney1 day as witness and
ID miles 4.00
Friday , Oct. 15 , 1309.
The board mot at 8.30 u , m. witl
all members present except J. B
Gilmore ,
The forenoon waa spent in com
mittoo work and at 12 m. the board !
adjourned until 1 o'clock.
The board ro.assombled at 1 p. m.
aud the claims' committee made the
allowing report :
Wo rocommen.l that the following
ilaims be allowed :
nines Oiliron delivering volini *
HupplluH I 0 < >
T Uaihl Halury as county Atty. 250 l
4 T Guild 45 HO
i OiiHlimun expense for U house 7 8 < (
1'J Wood dflivorinir bulk In to Kile
Creek. . . 2 00
Western Lturhl unit fuul Co. Uis for
"rnnuis delivering ballots
to WoHtorvillp , Ansloy , Myrtle 8 Ui )
iliiiltli Premier Typo Uo. for
ribboiiH ! 1 f. ( >
IV I Uraii * Hillary as lipputv 110 DO
US Mills M . , Uaro of Airs. Ida
Juno CO 00
kHon and Lund delivering elec
tion ImllotH 3 5l >
JrU 12 I'enninuton , euro of the
poor s S > 00
? armerH Inst Merna.uhare of i p-
pronriation 1'J 50
Kd Al Scott , care of Aim Din-rail
and childrun 1105
Qoo Willing , nuirchandiHo for court
house 1305
1'lie ( Junior Co. lieiicon , printing1 of
Hoard Proceeding 4.0 US
JOH I'itrinun , part payment on tax
liHt . . . : 200 00
JOB 1'iirman , part payment on taoc
llBt fi7 09
los I'iirman , salary for Supt 125 ( JOt
\t \ K Oolo , euro of Johnny Uill u 0
UluiH Huckleberry , Juror in Uill
cane 1 10
( JhiiH W Lloyil , Juror in Uill case. . . . 1 10
J \V Watson , iurorin Uill ca o 1 10
I1'C Hartinaii. juror in Gill ciiHu i 10
H A Hudlor , juror 'n Uill casi- 1 10
Jtirtiw K Hauler , juror in Uill co-in. . i 10
Uuo 12 Uist sr. witnosH in Uill 1 10
J STurvoj , witnuHH in Uill casB. . . . 1 10
H 'I' Uuiici.iiHoii \ \ itiiuhK in Uill cnso 1 10
I II liryun witniiHH in Uill case i 10
Milton Crist witness in Uill . i 10
1) W Uuncttiihon witness in Gill. . . .
case 1 10
Lester Orist witness in Uill caH > . . . . 1 10
Kdward Uill vvitiu'HH in Uill cusc . 1 10
lj 10 ( Join care oi JohanniH WiLFKe-
linkhuy/.en S2 CO
The JaincH 11 Watson Co. housu
coillnir 02 12
J W Cralir bonnl and waHliitur for
jail inmutas SI CO
L lu Cole viewinir body of JohanniH
vViirtrolinkhayzpn 18 SO
A M Hnyder Juror in Weirelinklwy-
zen UIIHO 110
J A lIutchlnHon iuror in Woirollnk.
bay/on caao. . . . . 1 10
Ilnriy Ixiirci juror in Wuireliiikhay-
zc > n ca o . . . . . . i 10
Charley Myor.s Juror in Weuehnk-
hayzen caau . 110
CM Knit : iuror in W6trclinkluij zen
cane . . . . . . . . 1 10
nuH Osbornu Juror in Wlirolink-
hayzen caHtf . i 10
Uhlch SoronHon wltnexH inVlirnc -
linkhuzun ease . 300
W i'fttrlek witness in Wit :
ir ) linkliiiy/uii cawo . y 00
W L MeCandluuH Ilxinu' boothn for
primary oleution . 400
VunCott it Uoockcr nutsu for court.
hotlbu . 280
J T Kadcliffe Halary as tiupt ( c/r
poor farm . S3 00
DrJ II Morrow care of K True iriiK 21 CO
Scott Cooper services an janitor. . „ so ' 00
Hcott Cooper werviceH as janitor. . . 5O 00
lOd McCoimiH nulHu for court huuiKf v U )
WeHtern hitrht tV Fuel Co ( Jus icr
court bouse . . . . 4. bO
UlllCntrland paintlnu cuilinir Son
court room etc . vz CO
Hammond it Stcplions Co cerdf e (
atttindnnce . . nr b'
AnderHon it 1'ornuy repairing lab-
rutory . 7
Chaw Mytton cure of Thou MovrlH . 21. ( W
Hammond > V : Stephens 2OI Kuppi H . 51 .90
Kelly it Wills aco't of . Mr * . Ida
June . . . . . 15 * a > (
Jv Smith U It ticket for AIrn. Dnr-
rah and livery hire . 8St
J U Hnuberle mdne for court txjusu. : ( t y.
J U llaeborlii nidHo for Mr Uarrab. J H
The Smith I'rumiur uo HUpiULeb for
county Judtro . a 15
ThoCusterCo Hepublican tfeintintr
noticuH . . . . . . . , . ir-U
Bit Koo Huuplios for court U/OUHC. . . 13-1 OQ
K.-cd W ituckley M 1) cawof .Mr a
Muirnw . 2S.-CH.
iUam Uros part paymunti > n hual-
. -1iJ\vrIlu."t , ' < . f . \ . 180 ° ' *
J E Urlnt bridura work aud ) inilento 72 II
Ueo W Uoudley brldire * 'ork und
mileane 37 00
Ueo W Ueadloy board work and
inilcaire 1C s °
Edward l < oley sr bridire work and
mileaire 25 00
JDdward Poley sr board work and
mileaire 19 CO
Hen P Morris siu'iilntr warrants
and mileaire H 00
James Ijoe oridire work board
work and mileace 1C9 65
ItenPM orris bridge work board
work and mileage 21 25
J K Urint bridtro work etc 3 10
J E Urint bridge work board work
and mileau'e 5S 10
Jos Pigman part payment on tax
list U9 30
Null UuttorHon work on tax list 2J 10
Jos Pieman part payment on tax
JiHt 93 01
JOH 1'iirman part payment on tax
list 120 'M
U II 1'icman for otllce vork 104 22
S U Use mdso 13 BO
James Leo
J E Urint
It was mov d anil carried that the
report of the committee e accepted
uiid mlodtocl HH rend.
The bridge committee made the
following report :
Wo recommend that the following
claims be allowed :
JamuH Crnltr labor on bridiro west
of llerwvn $ 1 oo
O E Liiwtion puttinir lloor on bridire. 2 00
lion Preilmore work on West Union
and Walworth bridire Cl 00
Karl Mclntite haulinir lumber from
Walworth to Sarcent 22 in
J it Lanir'work on bridire across the
Muddy 4 SO
J W Leo irradini : Evans bridiro 12 00
James Lee irradmir Evans bridire. . . . 13 00
AlJukerirrr dinir Evans bridire 14 00
S A ester Lumber Co merchaneiso
for bridire lit 85
jFred J Pittsin ropairinir bridj-e ( i 75
iKiirl Mclntirc haulinir brush 800
Jake Ericson repuirinir Walworth
briiliro ' 2 25
Uilbort Cooper repairing Walworth
bridiro 'J 70
N C Tarleton repairing Walwortli
bridire G 00
111 Sartrent repairinir bridjros 8 45
iomur Uilmore work on bndireB. . . . 1 00
Vm Poland Work on Sarirent grudo
ttc 03 CO
L 11 Watson work on Surgont irrade
etc 7000
Vni Leinirer work on tiarirent irrado
etc 22 10
icrt Jolinson workonHarnentirrade 0 80
lirumbauirh work on Sargent
grade 100
Mvde Itoach work on Sarirent grade 51 00
S T Johnson work on Sargent grade
me : . 23 00
. West Johnson work on Sargent
grade etc U CO
ST Johnson work on Sargent grade
etc , 2800
Win luickbee work on Sargent
grade etc 91 00
ST Johson work on tiaigent grade
etc 18 00
Win Poland work on Sargent grade
etc 800
Ueo M EdwardH work on Sargent
grade J 00
Ueo M Edwards work on Sargent
grade C2 00
ChurloH iiuckbue work on Sargent
giadoetc 7800
Kail Urumbaugh work on Sargont
gindo 00
II Hill work on Sargent grade i 05
Raymond Ueisor work on Sargent
grudo etc 07 CO
K liuttwork on Sargentgrade etc . . 01 00
Win Poland work on Sargent grade
etc , CO 00
iMurl Craven work on Sargent grade
etc 55
T S Calkins work on Sargent grade
etc C200
tli'o McUee work on Sargent grade. 30 hi
U Manning work on Sargont grade. H 00
A \vllhti3 work on Sargentgrade. . 12 20
Tolaf OlcHon work on Sargent gtade 20 U )
U Hondcrvon work on Sargent
jrraclo et 1529
John WycuL' work on Sargent grace
flo CS 01
Lyuu > Craven work on Sargent
rrado 0521
II KJronl work on Sargent grade. . . . & U
lOdi'ar Uoo work on Sargent grade. . 11 w
\\ok\Jp \ work on Sargent grade . . 2 ' * )
Jon RUKH work on Sargent bridge. . . 10 " *
' i K A Jo.tinBon work on Sargent grade 10 00
A K V lii'iiderson work on Sargent
M grade C 80
' I W L Henderson work on Sargent
grudeotc , 5020
Edward Foley Sr
Ueo wHeadley ,
It was moved and carried that the
report of the committee be accepted
and adopted as read.
The court bouse and jiil commit
tee recommended to allow the claim
of W. G. Purcell Printing Oo. for
the primary election supplies in the
sum ot * 293 20.
The road committee made the fol-
lowincr report upon the petition of
Bert Roberts et al. for the establish
ment and vacation of a road in
township 17 , range 19 :
Wo recommend that the within
petition ho granted ns stipulated
and ilaniRgris allowed as follows
against iload Diat. No. Garfield
township :
O II Mostanvre $ oo oo
Willis Cadwell iw i
Margaret MuCready 7500
We also recommend that the fol
lowing claims he allowed :
The Custer County lleacon publish
ing road notices $2400
H H Cummins one day as chamman 2 ( K )
CK Doming one day us chainman
on Doming road 200
Edwin Flock one day ns uxmun on
Uemingroad 2 oo
Hang Jorgerson one day us chain
man on Fleisher road 2 00
H H Cummins one day n chainman
on Kussell road 2 do
11W Buckner chainman on Mctcalf
road 1 ( )0
A J VanAntworp surveying and
platting roads 27 W
Phil Bck chainman on Myers road. 2 oo
Peter Beck one day exman on Myers
road 200
A J VanAntwerp surveying O K
Doming road 25 no
J Urahain one day chainman on
Ueming road 2 Oo
It was moved and carried to ac
cept and adopt the
of the cjmmittee as read and
hat the roads be and hereby are es
tablished and vacated as rccom-
mended by the committee.
And upon the application of X.
VIohat for the privilege of a cattle
uhute on a public road in SW4 of
Seo.3 17-22.
We recommend that the applica
tion bo granted , the chute to be
erected and maintained by him with
band rails.
The erroneous and delinquent
tax claims committee made the fol.
lowing report :
We recommend that the county
treasurer be instructed to write a
tax ealo oortificate in the name of
the county , and assign the name
upon the payment of the face of the
tax , together with the advertising
fee on lots 4 and 5 and 11 to 20 in
block 10 in the village of Wester-
A motion was duly made and car
ried to adjourn until December 14 ,
City Residence Tor Sale or Trade.
Three room house , good barn
and orchard , one acre of ground
in southwest part of town , all
fenced with chicken wire.
10-7 to 28 W. T. JON S
u. S. I.andomceat Lin oin N * i > ra i1t.i
0 ( tubrr " 0. IWJ
Notice IH licrt'l ) ) ' given that William M'WJf
of HruitiMi How , Nebraska who , on / ! ' ! ' ' . " ! ,
I < i03 , made Homestead KntrNo. . l7n < / > . > ' ; "
No , 0930 , forN' , SKW and S1. NK' " 'i'.1" "
: w , township ltn ! , range sow CUi Trlii.
has Hied notice of intention to make
live year proof , to establish i latin to the land
above described , before A. K. Humpnre. ) .
Comity JudKe , at ijroken HDW Nebraska , OB
ttio4th day ol December , lOO'J.
" "
Clalmunt names as witnesses-
Hammond , Melvln Lee , Mark Hoots. . .
II. Frey all of iiroken How , Nebraska.
CIIAH. f. SiiKiti ) . IleglH
Oct 21 to No 25 ( It
U , S. raml Olllce at tliiuoln , Nebraska ,
September 30 1W" .
Notice Is hereby Kiveu that Myrun Taylor ,
of Herwyn , Nebraska , who on July 1:1. : iw < -
nade homestead Untry No. 17 < K2. Serial No.
uvr > Z. tor swu neU and 3j4 ! sejf and si"i s < 'H
section 12 , townslilp 15 n , , ranee 20 w. Otn
I'fin. Meridian , has Hied notice of Intention
to make llnal live year proof , to establish
claim to the land above described before A.
K. Humphrey , county Judge , at iiroken Ilpw ,
Nebraska , on the ISth , day of No\i'inler , IWW.
Claimant names as witnesses- Lesley
Welch , of Uerwyn , Neb. , aud Ettcry Clln * .
Holey Cllne , Jerome Taylor , all of uroken
Uow , Nebraska.
ClIAS. F. SHUDD , llculster.
OC 7 to Noll-lit
In the County court of Cusier County.
Nebraska , In the matter of tub estate of
James II. Call , Deceased. Notice t credit
ors :
The State of Nebraska , to Creditors of
said Estate :
Take Notice , that I will sit In the County
Court Itoom , in iiroken How , in said county
on the 22nd day of November , 1909 , and the
23rd day of April , 1910. at 10 o'clock A. M. . to
receive and examine all clalnts tiled and
presented against said estate , with a view
to do their adjustment and allowance ; and
that on the first date above named the
petition of the widow will be heard for
homestead , exemptions and allowance , und
other statutory rights.
The time limit for the presentation of
claims against said estate Is six months
from the 21st day of October 1909 , and the
time limited for the payment of debts Is one
year from said date.
Dated October S1909. \ .
[ SKAI. ] A. U. IIXlMl'HBKT ,
UK21-3t County Judge.
In the County court of Custer _ county
In the matter of the Estate of George
Cummlngs deceased. ,
The State of Nebraska , To the Heirs , Devi ,
sees and all parties Interested In uatd
Estate :
Take Notice , That a petition has been lll < ; d
in the county Court of custer county , Ne
braska , by rred N. cuniudncs for the pro
bate of an Instrument purporting to be the
last Will and Testament of George Cum-
intngs , deceased , and for the appointment of
himself , executor thereof , which has been
het for hearing before said Court on the 1st
day of November , 1909 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , at
which time all concerned may appear ami
enter objections thereto and contest the
probate of said will.
Given under my hand and the seal of the
Bounty Court of Custer County , Nebraska ,
this 9tli day of October , 1909.
[ SKAI. ] A. R. HUMi'HUEY , County Judge.
O U-28-3 ;
U. S. Land Offlceat Lincoln , Nebraska.
Sept. 30..1909.
Notice is hereby given that Myron Taylor
of Uerwyn , Nebraska , who , on Afarch 13,1903
made Uomestcad Kntry No. 178 7 , Serial No'
0933 , for northwest H of northeast M of sec
tlon 13 , township 15 n. . range 'M , w. 6th prln
Meridian has Hied notice of intention to
make Unal live year proof , to establish claim
to the land above described , before A. 11.
Humphrey , County Judge , at Iiroken BOW ,
Nebraska , on the ISth day of November. 1909.
ClaSmant names as witnesses : Lesley
Welch , ot Berwyn , Nebraska , and Emery
Cllne. Rotey Cllne , Jerome Taylor all of
Urouen Ilow , Nebraska.
CHAS. F. SHEDU , Register.
Oc7toNo 11-Ot.
Whereas Sarah A Carroll Hied her petition
on tlie County Court ol Custer county Neb
raska , this ttu ! day ol October 1909 , alleging
that John Carroll died intestate In this
County August 31st , 1005 ; that no adminis
tration lias been had on Ills estate ; that he
died seized and posseasea of the WW of EVt
of section olio , In township sixteen , range
twenty In Custer county Nebraska and that
said real ehtatn Is not liable for the payment
of the debts ot said deceased , and Is wholly
exempt from aii.ichmentexecution or other
mi-sue prosess , tint shu Is 57 years of age.
resides at itroken Uow and Is the widow of
said deceased , and that Anna C Sellars , who
is it years ot age , and whose residence Is
Kails City , Lizzie V. AIccuc , whose Is 33 years
of age and whose residence Is Alliance ;
John L. Carroll , who Is 111 years ot age , whose
residence Is iiroken How ; Charles R. Carrel ,
who Is 21 years of age. and whose residence
Is iiroken How and llertha M. Carroll , who
Is 19 years ol aue and whose residence U
Iiroken How , all of Nebraska , are the solo
and only heirs of the said John Carroll , de
ceased , praying that the allegations of said
petitions be found true ; that she be decreed
to be the widow of said John Carroll deceas
ed ; that the parties mentioned above be *
found to be the sole and only heirs of said
deceased ; that homestead be set apart to
her from said property , and that the same
be distributed to said mentioned parties as
sole heirs subject to her rights , and that
said realestate be found and decreed to be
wholly exempt for attachment , execution or
other inesne process and not liable for the
payment of the debU ol said deceased , and
tor general relief , aud without admlnlstra
It Is accordingly ordered that said petition
bo heard at the County court room In nrok-
en How , Nebraska on the 30th day of October
1909 at 10 o'clock In the forenoon , alter the
publication of this order for three successive
weeks , prior to said hearing , in the Custer
county Republican.
Witness my hand and beal of offlcc Oct.
Oth , 1909. A , U. HUMl'lIltKY ,
Oct-7 to Oct 21 3t County Judge .
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