THE REPUBLICAN , OUSTER , OQUNrJL % NEBRASKA has actually been changed and cultivated ' ' 'Biscuit t/ No lodger are , . ' , ' IOVI : satisfied y/ith craHeksf : s ; . j- ; " < : : i takeQ. from the grocers'N . * grocer-s' , - , - . " "box " barrel ' " " " : i or expdsecl to dust , moisture , handling. They have learned , thziku j" .7 . . . . _ _ T * } " ! f * * + ! * * " ' * * * * 'l j- AM. * / ? A : * * ' - A'1 * * j i ' A I r' ' V H * ' ' ' " " M jcrisp , v * * . - * . Siu ; . . - W * ' , i ifa ' J"y"J ; I , andreally : good Sure ithpse t. . . . protected fry a moisfiire. are the kind , L .t as * , * . if „ . , just . from . - . - . u , n-i the . „ . "oven . i. . i.'i Tu Jr-muj.jiini w * i when theyask for ; - rft j. . v ; -i . , V ' * : > ? -il t * - I fj. ' i t C i c- . r ( -i KZS// 'I K ' " * ? * > w : - . .I'JM ' si 1.0. it NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY' OS . ( w J l. M YOUR ' tj.-n ' . "Wall Paper AT A CATALOGUE .HOUSE Buy your paper of a catalogue . and you trim it with a pair of scissors , or pay a paper hanger Sea bolt. Buy it of us and we trim it free of charge. Buy your paper of a catalogue house , aud make your selections from a few small samples. Buy it of us and you make your selec tion of a large stock of samples. . Buy your paper of a catalogue V n * * n - * . n M * 1 * -t n * f f\ * 4-1 V * r * f * * * * < rt i < AlWMOl * K4UV4 I1-/ * wt * UWAV/&V * VV/M see it. You will wait a week or two before you get it. You pay the freight charges also storage charges if the roads are bad or something unforseen comes up preventing you from getting your paper immediately upon its ar rival here. Buy it of us and do away with all this.t We allow you credit on all un used paper returned to us. If ' you lack a bolt , phone to usand , we will send it out on the mail. If you come in on Saturday , come carlv and we will have more time to show you the stock. We have just received a new fall stock and will be pleased , to 1 show you. Prices lOc to SOc per bolt or double roll. 8 , R. LEE ; The Busy Druggist To The Voters of Ouster County. I am a candidate for the office of county clerk , and being the present deputy in this office , it is , impossible for me to make a per sonal campaign and keep up my wOjTk In tbe office , hence , I take this .means of soliciting your support at the comingelection. . - I have been a resident of Cus- ter county for 27 years , having moved , here from Iqwa with my .parents'.when a boy 6 years old ; I"d eire to be elected , if at all , 'whqllyupon , my merijp , , andto ( , those with whom it lias been my pleasure to do business as Deputy , I ask that if you feel that I have given satisfaction , that you give me a favorable consideration. As Deputy I have been the Clerk of the Board of , Super visors for the. past ( fpur years * and I'am thoroughly familiar with the vast volume of work " ' 1 , that ' comes befora 'tfiia-"bbdy ? . , I Uwvji a Oihjid itherg ; < l , work of the . county in charge , and feel ) B.w . P .that I am thoroughly , in touch with this line ofi work , i& the Clerk's , o Gce. . . I am equally , fauuliar with tbe .assqssnieut , , tax extension , and all , other kindred matters con nected with this office. I was..a soldier in Co. , M. 1st. Nebr. U , S , , VolR , and served with them m the Spanish Ameri can war and the Philippine Insurrection. , If elpcted , I promise a fair and Square L-xduiinistration , i and will make this , uiy only business , and will give the office my entire time and attention. Asking your .consideration 'of ' my candidacy and support at the polls , I1 am Yours truly , , . W. II. OsnoKNij , JK. School of Agriculture. A meeting will be held at the Court House at two p. m. on Saturday , October 21 , of those interested in the Course1 of Agri culture to be1 held here next winter. JV D. RKAM , Pros. F. JACOIJS , Secy. Have yousce , our new long coa sweaters , they are dead swell. ' 10-14-tf ' Kiffiiri-Lucke , t . i , . ' , Qrink-"Blue , Ribbon" coffee- Roasted fre-U every day. 24tf. See' 'J. W. Scott for choice groceries , and hardware. 10 7-tf Drnk ' 'Blue Ribbon , " coffee Roasted ; fre h every day. 24tfy ffSffimfm 'm' * -'fm t vntnn fr 'nATfif ( , TT rrv QurNeto Ayer's ' Hair Vigor was good , the best thru was ninde. But Ayer's Hair Vigor-new im proved formula , is better , It Is the one ereat specific for fallIng - Ing hair. A new preparation in everyway. Ne\\i'bbttle. ' New contents. Ask your druggist to show it to youM the new kind. " Doti not chartgo'Ilie totor of'Hie ' 'hair. ' 1'orfciuln with aoli bottle n pbtnr il )9 your As wo now make1 our neviHnln'lor < { , it dpcs not liayc ] 0)P ) slightest , effect ( ipoiv the. .colorof t e.hftir. Yoit may use tt freely and for . any length . of time with .f M - * 'f i * r * * Tl e M. B. A. Lodge books jvill he the I epublica'ii office every 'day ' , ' ing Monday pf , each -ivcek , until further notice. . , , - i i : , ' i i . , \ ! t ij BrobeurBow , Neljr.pct. 12,1 , Under , an agreement entered intob } ' all , theheirs of. ' th'c Jol/n Carroll estate , this estate will be probated , atttl t ani aiithorizld aa their agent to , sejl. thi ? .land discribed as the' west half bf the west-half ofsoctiotioner town * ship sixteen , range twenty , con taining 108 acres , and lies five uiile east of Broken Bow , Nebn , TMt Jo Ion /I t IT til \ - \ /-fTrtt/l f iAt r n o W but1"arrangements . can. be. made K for loan for about one ta'f of purchase price. This is-a very ; good farm and"we "want to sell at' once. Inquire of J. T. Wood Broken Bow , Nebr. - Drs. Farnsworth & Beck Dentists. Drink aBlue Ribbon" coffee Koasted fresh every day.24-tf. ; PUBLIC SALE. " . . . , , I will scllat public auction on my farm eight miles southwest of Broken Bow kuown , as the Uayward fannjon Tuesday Odt- ober 2f1909 , commencing at lQ a. , m. . , . i . . , r i , . 87 Head , of Cattle. . . , | j25 cows , 5milch : cows , 10 com ing 2 year old steers , 5 coming 3 year old st'cers , 13 coming 2 year old heifdrs , 28 calves , steers and heifers , 1 Polled Durham bull 2 years old. - ; - , . 40 powst w.eight. 10.0 Ibs. and up , 45 boars weight 100 Ibs , and . . < v < i > up. . . . . ' . : ! I ' 3 Head of Horses. 2 mare .coils' coming 2 years old 1 'suckiiig bolt : . ' ; ' Farm Machinery. 1 set single harness , 2 sets work harness , 1 Ddering- mower , 1 .Badger cultivator , 1 Deere rid ing cultivator , 1 riding Jistpr , 1 gang plpw , 1 Dems'ter press drill , 1 hay rake. ' Some household goods and. other articles itoo { numerous to mention. Free , lunch , at npqn. TcrmsSof 'sale : All sums o'f ' SlO1 and under , cash. Sums ; over $10 1 year's time will be giVen with qotcs of proved , security at the rate of 10 percent interest. H. 1 ? ' . Ivuappi * owner. i ij. JJ. Jo'riesaucti6ueer. ! ) 4 U-i Johnson & Taylor , clerks- . uil , . . I i J i iJi C i ' ' ' f f t , FOR SAT.IJ Qaarter . block in at . I ? i . ' , t J , " I . t . . i i ! . . * / , ' ' ! very'desirableslocatton.u ' ' . ' DripAR'i'SIENT'OF THE1 . -U ) . S. IJaml Ofllce at JjtnrolnNebraska. . / ' ' October'KO , im- ' > TjlotlfiQ is liercbs Rlvcn that William Moore ol HtroV < en Huvvf NebrtisVa , wlio"on April 2T , t'xtt , made IIoiiifste'aa 15iltiT o : I78i0/Ser > al No.OD.Vi. lor N'iSESi and S'i NKU. section , : ! 0rtownslilp iCn.ranKoSO ' tli Irln. , Mcrliian : ii.i'M < ilUl | nbtlce bf Intention to make Unal ! lv year proof , to establish claim to the land aupve. Ufsorbml ( , ijeforo A K. . Humplirey , County .TUilgp. at inviken now. Nebraska , on tlic nil day of IJerember. 10UU. . Ulahnunl nainen 'as ' witnetsesr' Oeorge Hammond , Melvln Lee. Mark Uoots. William . li'rey all of nroketi now , Nebraska. < : CHAS , EC SUKUD. Kegister , Get 21 tp > oX > Ct t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. " i > . , - ' t In the County court bf Ouster County. Nebraska , In the matter of the estate1 of James U. Call * Deceased ) Notice to credit- , ' ' 'ors : The State of Nebraska , to Creditors of said Estate : ' Take Notice , that I will sit In the County CourtKoom , in Broken Bow , In Bald county on the ind day of November , 1909 , and the 23rtl day 'of Apnl , 1910 , at lo o'clock A. M. , to recelvu and examine all claims tiled and presented against said estate , with a view to do their adjustment and allowance : and that on the tlrst date above named "the petition of the widow , will bel hearfl lor homestead , exemptions and allowance , and other statutory rights. , I The time limit for the presentation of claims against said estate is .six months from the 21st day of October 1W , and the time limited for the. payment of'debts Is one year from said date. | Dated October 81 , 1909. . ' > [ SEAL ] A. H. HUMl'IUlEY. I0-il-3t County Judge , r arrived on October 16. Although we had a liberal supply , the demand for them was so great that we were unable to fill all our orders. They were elegant oysters , large , juicy , fat Bluepoi'nts , right from the ocean , with all the salt sea flavor. The demand for these oysters proves that the pepple pf this community appreciate a strictly first class , pure food article. We will have a double ' ' 'supply ' for our trade the latter part of this week , but we advise those wishing them to order early . : , . ; aud avoid being disappointed. , i . , We invite all of our patrons especially lovers of good oysters to call and see our new , white glass topped porcelain container. It is a triumph of ' scientific ingenuity for preserving oysters pure , without injuring their natural flavor. ' We give oyster booklets free to those who de- sireUhom. Remember the brand , Sealshipt Oy- 'stcrs. ' Quarts 60c , . t i The Eagle Grocery Co.PHN 0N58 BOW ABSTRACT CO. BONDED Farm Loans QuicklyuOlosed 1. A. RENE A U OUSTER CO.LAlSrP MA3ST "P YOU have a snap in : & farm , or ranch for sale I list with ne. If you want to buy a snap in a L .farm or .ranch . , come rfnd'se6 me. Phones , of _ * I - , . . . * ' * 4 .4-- > A t i ' i fice 42 , residence,1129. \ BROKEN Bow NEBR. . .i uu Professional Caids/ / . . _ _ , " 3 ! * * * e * * * * * * | J * + FRANK KELSEtf Alli KINDS OF WEMvS Consult him if you want water BROKEN Bow , ' - - NEBR. BANGS' STUDIO EAST SIDE OF SQUARE > Agents for Cbickering , Ivers & Pond and Star plnnos WB CAN SAVE YOU MONEY BROKEN Bow , , ' - - NEBR. J. L. FERGUSON NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estate , Insurance , Farms and Ranches for Rent , Legal Papers Drawn , Suivaying and Platting. COMSTOCK , - - - NEBR. HARRY KIMBALL , Practical Undertaker and Licensed Embalmer Business phone , 301 , Residence 3348 BROKEN BowNEBR. . DR : G. F. BARTEOLMEW . PHYSICIAN and ySURGEON ' -.Ail calls , prqmgtly at tended dayxor night. Office in rear of Phone .Realty block No. 61 BROKEN Bow , - - NEBR. N. T. GADD ATTORNEYrAT-I/AW w Office over Holcotnbs book store. Office phone 208 Residence 20 BROKEN Bow , - - NEBR. Dr. A. VINCENT SHERIDAN Office and residence in the Mrs. Gleim building just west ( of the , Security State Bank. Phone 390 Calls promptly answered day or night BROKEN Bow , - - NEB. F. W. BUCKLEY , M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Fitting of glasses. EYE , EAR , NOSE and THROAT Offlce la Dierks ulk. Phone 200 BROKEN B W , - - NEB. ADAH D. BOWEN , graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music , Boston , Mass. , PIANO FORTE , SINGING , HARMONY , SIGHT-SINGING , and THEORY. Class or private Itssons For full particulars call up 158.i "JK' I POR SAW BY PERFUMES Delicate and de lectable odors all the new summer fan cies and the old-time favorites. Perfumes of refine ment sweet , soft and lasting. We have all the newer varieties. J. G. Haeterle City Residence For Sale or TradeS Three room house , good barn and orchard , one acre of ground in southwest part of town , all ienced with chicken wire , 10-7 to 28 W. T. JONSS