Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 30, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Hershey , Home of Choclate
( Continued from front pnge. )
and down dulo , brouilit IIH to Pal
myra , u fair Hi/.etl town , nnd wlu-ru
wo weuobllgutl to t-lmngo euro. < n\
lug to difficulties of long HtiuidliiK In-
twcen tliu owncia of the different
rotuln. Tlmo scorns not to have boon
nblo to luHHcn the animosity tliat
lingers In tliu bicaiit of the OWIMTII.
The flt'tli five-cent faio wits col
Ice ted , as w wore Hjicd along to
wards our destination. Shortly ufti't
our arrival as wo were parting the fire
department , we took a pi'i-p into the
building and were pleased to roe-civ * '
an Invitation to thoroughly Inspect U
which of course we did and received
from the gotlcman In charge , the la
formation , wo so much desired.
Tim view from the second flooi
of the building Is Indeed a flno one
( Directly ncroin tliu street Is Un
lovely homo of the manufacturer'- !
mother , with ltn well kipt lawn and
rustic summer house.
A way off to ilio a-- h , Is the
old homestead approa- - through \
long lane of poplais. if. Hernhey IH
t'lilarghiK the homo and cqulplng II
for n. Children's Homo , hiiuciiHlci
and Dauphlne county children , In ( lie
uear future , can find nholtor and n
Lome hero. When the girls reach
the ago of fifteen , they will beconir
employees In the chocolate factory
The boys will bo trained to bo farmers
ors , wide-awake , up-to-date , liitelll
uunt , practical farmeis , .who will have
charge of the Hershey farms and
they are as flno us any the sun
HuInoH on.
The view from the other end ol
the room Is to the north and tin
first glance Is attracted by the bean
tlful stooping lawn , .with Its Immense
circular flower beds. The hill , a lit
tie to the east , Is crowned by a pala
tlal resldonco , built of blue white
line Atone , with red tile roof. There
are acres and acres of magnlflconi
grounds' with flbSW' beds and schrtib
bery and winding white walks and
driveways , ail the result of the land
flcapo Gardener's art. A handsome
stone gateway marks the entrance tc
the grounds and called to mind these
linen of Tennyson , "Whon benoatl
the gate shjli' turns , HOG'S a mansion
' "
more majestic 'th"itttvall thoao she aa\\
| before : ' ' A conservatory , full of rare
and beautiful plants , occupied a wing
of the mansion , with Its billiard
jportlcooH. Pretty now window awn
'hign , give ouch a look ot delightful
pooluQss to the homo. Uetwoen II
find the principal street , which bin
ijutjt been dolugcd with criulo oil , U
, the factory.
Wo walked -down the sJdo streol
| to the Imposing ontranco. On outer
JiiK the bulldhiK , wo found ourselves
in a sort of vestibule , with seats al
olthornldo. ' At1 a little1 window , wf
fiukod innd received permission to gr
through the factory , intt by the time
the guldo appeared our party of i'oui
was Incrcaacd to thirty. Wo wore
taken through the largo office , Into
a wldo hall , over GOO feet long , will ,
big rooms on otich sldo of It , whore
everything la nmdo that } s used 01
raised on the farms , except the chocolate
colato bean.
In the power room Is the Ice planf
The box factory , kturns put GOOD dally
Ono room Is for printing and omboa
sing ; one for preparing the mlxturo ;
jane wlthr twonty-fivo mixers , big
things , exactly alike , Homothlng the
slmpo of a washmachlno of earl )
inako with top exposed and the
llquod stuff reeled back and forth
will largo heavy rollers. Itf.OOO Ibs
of all Kinds of delicious chocolates
nro made dally. Wo cat and enjoy
many' things , with never a thought
as to how or when or where they are
made. In 0116 room the temperature
Is never allowed to vary from 07 degrees -
grees , cold nlr pumps are used foi
tills purpose. One hundred and eigh
ty-six girls 'work la that room. II
over' U should bo the good fortune
of nny reader qf this article to visit
la that part of Pennsylvania , by all
means , visit Hersliay MHIU see whtjt
one man Is dol\g | for the good of hn'
inanity In providing homos , llgltruatc
amusements and steady employment
to hundreds of people. - *
Wo , returned to Mt. Grotna about
tlvo o'clock , That evening Mrs
llertzlor entertained at a marshmoi
low roast. In honor of the guests at
the Gpdars and York town Lodge. Thp
wldo veranda was lighted by electric
bulbs , concnaled In fanciful Chinese
Inntorns and decorated with plants
and flowers. In the living room a
bright flrobnrnc'd - In the lovely now
flro-plaee. Marshmellows on the
ends of- long pointed sticks wore
roasted In the flro. An Impromptu
program of "stunts" dauscd no end ol
'merriment. Refreshments were served
ed and the party broke up with a
cnko walk.
The day of our arrival witnessed
the last dress parade of the 3rd I3rl
Kftdo of State Militia and the break
Ing of camp. Just ouo week later wo
have the pleasure of witnessing the
opening of the cainp of the 1st Brl
gade , under the command of Gen
llowman. Advance details of iol ;
dlern elected the tented city , save
the Ilrd lleglmoiit. who pitched theli
own tents They w ro the last tt
airlvu on the gi omuls , and they fol
lowed their usual custom and pitched
their own tents Saturday moinlng
At nine o'clock wo went down tc
the parade gi omuls to witness the
InipioHuivo cut-oniony ol opening oiimi
Thi ) color iiergoant iased | Old ( Jloi >
to the tot | of the staff In Mont ol
Gen llowmau'rt lioadiiiiutoni | and tlit
opening iialuto by the big pkvc of ar
( Hilary was delayed , owing to daui |
powder , and not until a new box
wan opened and the dry iarhs ( like
salt sacks ) weio brought I'oith did
the opening salute of the eleven
guns reverberate over the south
mountains.Vo then made a lour ol
the encampment. What a prottj
scene the while tented city presents
In ( inch deep contrast to the green
foliage and the Khaki colored brl
I'tulo headfiiiatti'iH.'o watched I he
Third Regiment pitch their touts and
I wan Indeed an Interesting sight. I' ' ,
; lves the olll/en soldier a chance-
; et"a taste of the real thing or what
.hey would have to do If they were
ailed Into actual servlco.Vo won
n time to witness the Guard Mount
Twelvt ! leglmonts were represented
The band played and the people crowd
ed around and chatted with their neigh
pors , while allowing no move to escape
capo their observation. t'ompanj
Irlll.'i In preparation for the annua
Inspection Monday , occupied much ol
the time all day Saturday. Wo looked
Into the dining rooms of the sol
dlers ; the long narrow tables were
covered with white oil cloth , plates
cups , knives , fork OH and spoons were
In readiness for the noon meal. The
officoni meals were served In excel
lent .style. Kach tent contained two
narrow cots. The grounds present n
neat appearance.
Sunday excursions were run from
Philadelphia and Intermediate- points
and the crowd that witnessed the.
dross parade at five o'clock In the
evening was estimated at 15,000. The
crowd was so great that It became
necessary to compel the people * tc
inovo back and allow sufficient space
for the soldiers to march.
I became separated from the rest
of our party , In the rush to for a bet
tor view , and found myself near tc
: i number of bloated , red nosed , red
faced , loud mouthed creatures , bear
Ing a faint resemblance to men , bill
* o utterly , absolutely dlsjustlng
that I left my place of vantage rathoi
than remain In thohi neighborhood
There were "fakers' " galore and
there were hundieds of automobiles o
ill makes , carriages , bungles and wa
gons In an endless stream all day
long , coming from far and near.
Monday morning bright and early
Governor Stuart and his staff arrlv
eel and the Governor's salute of sev
3nlocn guns were fired , waking us
from dreaming prophetic sleep. Right
after breakfast we went again to the
parade grounds , which Is unite a
walk , to see the Gov. and his staff
review and Inspect the 1st Brigade
Wo left at noon for York.
My trip would not bo complete
without a mention of my second visit
to Baltimore , Md. Both visits must
needs Ito exceptionally short. It was
HO many years since Irene was here
that though there was nothing do
Ing of a social nature , yet wo made
many delightful excursions to plac
es of amusements. There are so
many attractive spots In and around
the city and along the shore of the
bay , that It was no easy thing to select
lect a few out of the many , aa re
presentative ) of the different kinds
of summer entertainment.
Out of the thirty six houses of the
10th block on Entarv Place , only
four were e > ccupled , the rest were
either boarded up or the shades low
ered , tolling plainly of the flight ol
the occupants to some other abode
perhaps not comparable with the beau
ty of Entarv Place , with Its wide
beautiful park through the center
full of a great variety of trcew and
schruba , flowers and roses , largo and
small fountains , full of gold and sll
ver figh sporting about , regaidless ol
barricaded , tenantless homes.
Our first diversion , was a car ride
all over the city. To Rlvor View
where the young people took In most
of the attractions , all a glitter with
electric lights , to Bay Shore Park
where wo heard the Boston Ian La
dles' Orchestra In many stirring HO
lections. Wo sate > n the piazza of the
hotel and listened while wo ate. We
walked all the way out on the 1000
foot concrete plor and a short dls
tanco along the sea wall promenade
ono mile long , and listened to the
Hwlch , swlch of the sea along the
shoro. This trip was a rldo of thlr
ty-slx miles and It was quite into
when we reached homo. Thursday
afternoon wo took the trolley at 2:30 :
for Emory Grove , Wo passed Dried
Hill park , suburban and country horn
eg , for a distance of twenty miles
The entrance way to the Grove la
made of white stone. The hotel pi
azza was entliely denetted ; the la
dlo.'i won * i Ither onjoylnw Mielr aftei
noi.i nit-mi or die i lii ; ; for dl'inor.
Wo called on 1 Month of my ai.ilcr.
Urn tent. } and cottage * looked i ; <
cozy and comfortable and were adorn
i-d with hanging baskets of flower"
and polled plant * . Wo visited until
the gentlemen arrived. There wer ?
.oven in our party , Including Dr Swift
p.i'jfor of Mndlsoti Ave M. ! ! . < } huieli
Wo again wont to the * hotel , when
a special dinner had been ordered foi
our putty , and inicli a warm , cordial
wolfinn" as the nuchlngliain'i ) m-nh
ed , wan moat flattering. My nistei
Introduced mo as from the "wild and
wolley west. " One gentleman , H
gray Chesterfield said , Well , If HIO ! Is
n product of ( ho West , she Is not un
like the East.
Kmory Giovo cam are always crowd
ed , HO It happened that ono day : i
passenger gasped to his neighbor
'Please give me a little space. "
'Don't apply to me , " was the
answer "read that advertising
card. " The man glanced up ami
read For space in this car apply
to Custer County Republican.
Our next trip of importance
was to Tolchester down the
Cheaspeake Bay. We left the
city at 2 o'clock , on the big ex
cursion boat called the "Louisa. "
A. row of small Hags decorated
the top of the pumping engine
on the upper deck. Pennants
were Hying from every available
place , a long narrow strip of red
and white was tossed by the
breeze , as it clung to the pole in
the prow of the boa ! .
Shortly afler leaving the pier
on looking back I saw uirtiiy thin
streams of pale grey , two heavy
thick columns , of black smoke
rising from innumerable smoke
stacks ami at places , hanging
over ihe city like a pall. One
can hardly imagine a finer view
tlicn we had that day on the
Kay. Then lee , the Hay and
surrounding country are so full
of historic interest. We passed
Fort McEIenry. Years ago
while attending the Balti
more Oriole , a spectacular affair
on the order of the Ak-Sar-Ben ,
I visited the Fort. We had a
listant Jview of the famous
Baltimore Yatch Club. For
quite a little distance out. found-
rys , smelters and factories line
the shore. Tugs , steamers and
sail boats crowd each other until
we are far out. Slowly the
woods and green fields far away
on either shore , recede from
view , until the western coast is
but a dark line along the horizon.
Then it is that you begin to feel
the facination of the shining1 ex
panse of blue water , with a cold
blue sky bending above it. Tel
chester is on a high blufl" and is
different in many ways from the
other resorts we visited. A
Baltimore Sunday Schcol was
having its annual outing that
day , besides all the other picnic
parties both large and small.
As I do not care in the least for
scenic railways of any kind ; tny
greatest pleasure was in watch
ing the sunlight on the water ,
turning it into a shimmering
expanse of shining gold , bejewcl-
ed with a thousand gems ; or
idly dreaming ; or watching the
bathers from the balcony of the
house overhanging the Bay.
On our return , the "Louisa"
was literally jammed with people.
In the saloon below ( here was
dancing and c.xcellant music , all
the way "back , back , back to
Baltimore" vhcre we lingered
a few days longer mjoying the
beauty of FJutarv Place and the
hospitality of the Buckingham * .
Notice to Delinquents.
Notice is hereby given that the
rental upon the lease contracts to
the following described school
lands in Custer county , Nebraska ,
as set opposite the names of the
holders thereof , is delinquent and
if the amount which is due is not
paid within sixty days from the
date of this notice said contracts
will be declared forfeited by the
Board of Educational Lands and
Funds and said forfeiture will be
entered of record in the manner
provided by law.
Advertised list , 1st , I'm
Custer county.
Description. Sw. # , Sec. 16 ,
T. 18 , R. 17 ; Lessee , W. W.
Description. Sw. % Ne. # ,
Sec. 16 , T. 17 , R. 19 ; N lNe. .
Sc. X. Ne. X , Sec. 16 , T. 17 , R.
19 ; Lessee , Jennie Gustafson.
13. B. Cowles ,
Commissioner Public Lands and
By C. C. Haslow , Deputy.
I offer for sale a new 7 room
modern up to-date dwelling-
house , four blocks from business
centre ami two blocks from school ,
fruit and shade , location finest
iri city , in established neighbor
hood overlooking city and valley.
For price and terms see James
Stop being coal-scared
over anel over again by the pop-
ping-up of that fierce coal bill
of yours. Why not box up the
bugaboo once and for all by
putting into your building a
Hot Water or Low-Pressure
Steam outfit of
They are now put in without dis
arranging jour building or disturbing
occupant ! ) , and can be easily cared ( or
by a man or a child. No ash-dirt ,
coal-gases , smoke , or soot in living
rooms. Need no repairs. Will out
last the building. Their coal econ
omies soon pay the difference in first
cost over old-fashioned methods.
Anderson &
Map Showing the Proposed Lines of County Division.
N. W. Qr. 730 sq miles N. E. Qr. 516 Sq. miles.
S. W. Qr , 760 sq. miles S , JJJ. Qr. 576 sq. miles.
Tuesday , October 5 , Fireworks
Wednesday , October 6 ; Electrical Parade
Thursday , October 7 , ftflilitary Parade
Friday , October 8 , Coronation * Ball
Saturday , October 9 , Children's Ball
Additional Local.
M. S. Daily , of Milburn , was
in town Tuesday.
B. F. Edwards , of Merna , was
in town last Monday.
Charles and William Mytton
came up from Ansley Wednesday.
P. W. Mullen left Thursday
for a few days visit in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Huffman
catne over from Sargent last
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Simonson ,
of Litchfield , were Broken Bow
visitors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Strong , of
Geneva , are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. F. J. Crable.
Mr. and Sirs. E. Haisch and
laughter , of Anselrao , were
county seat visitors last Monday.
sheller and power , nearly new.
J. C. Baker , D. R. Hughes ,
Charles Ilostich and Millard Hill
of Anseltno , were in the Bow
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Wright
left Thursday on a two weeks
trip to Lincoln , and points ; in
Kansas and Missouri.
Mrs. N. T. Harmon and chil
dren returned Wednesday night
from their two weeks trip tote
to David City and Omaha.
Frank Searson , of Green River ,
Utah , is in ths Bow this week ,
looking after his real estate
interests. Mr. Searson formerly
resided here.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scevers ,
of Oskaloosa , Iowa , arrived in
the city the first of the week and
are the guests of Mr. anel Mrs.
Fred Ream. Mr. Scevers is as
sisting at setting up the boiler
in the Court House.
Cobs for sale.
George Smith , who lives eight
miles north of the city , made
this office a pleasant call today.
Mr. Smith is hauling building
material to build a $10000 barn
on his place.
Miss Anna Reichardt arrived
in the city Wednesday evening
from Sheridan , Wyo. , and is the
guest of Miss Bertha Schuiauder.
Miss Reichardt is on her way to
her home at Oxford.
The RKPUBUCAN is not up to
the usual standard this week be
cause of a shortage of help. The
editor was out of the city one
day and the compositor was away
two days longer than was ex
pected on a hunting trip.
Broken Bow Caucus.
Notice is hereby given that
there will be a joint caucus of
the Republican voters of Broken
Bow Township and Broken Bow
City in the County Judge's room
in the Court House in Broken
Bow , Nebraska , on Saturday ,
October 9th , 1909 , at 2 p. m. , for
the purpose of placing in nomina
tion candidates for the following
offices in Broken Bow Township :
One Assessor ,
One Treasurer ,
One Clerk ,
Two Constables ,
Two Justices of the Peace ,
Two Road Overseers.
Also for the placing in nomina
tion for the City of Broken Bow ,
the following candidates :
One Assessor ,
Two Constables ,
Two Justices of the Peace , and
for the transaction of such other
business as may regularly come
before said caucus.
Broken Bow is getting in line
with Lincoln and Omaha in se
curing a large Vacuum House
Cleaner. Mr. Jule Simonson in
forms us he will be ready for or
ders in a few days with prices in
reach of all , Watch for further
Fall estate. Make
your wants known. Get busy and let
us know whether you want to buy or
sell. We can serve you to good
advantage * Call on or write
Meet me at the
Pheonix Cafe
Fresh Oysters Served any Style
Private Dining Roonffor Ladies
G. H. KENNEDY , Proprietor.