THE REPUBLICAN * OUSTER COUNTS' , NEBRASKA. npHERE are foods ix < * all purposes but for Energy * * a& E r For the brain = energy business men need ; the muscle-energy workmen need ; the nerve = energy housewives need ; the all = round energy school children f . ) j. dren need. NATIONAL BISCUIT A soda cracker in ap COMPANY pearance more than a soda cracker in goodness , freshness , crispness0 Moisture proof packages0 - m. - y. . ,5. J" Real Ustate Transfers. C.H. F..Stcuiiner to C. W. . . "Harris , lots 1 , 2 and 3 in - Siemincr'sadd to Ansley . $ 250 Aril. .Hoffman to Jane Landers , lot 3 in block 15 , R. 13. Allen's add. to Arnold . ISO Ernie P. Moore to Claude 8. Sidwell , ICO acres in 32 , 16 , 20 . 1200 CUas. C. Cooper to Simon Rigby , parcel in 3 , 10 , 18 and 9 , IS , 18 . 1300 Lincoln Land Co. to C. C. Coopsr , parcel in 0 , 1 5 , 18 . 225 Elizabeth C. Corapton to Guy G. Compton , 1 ( > 0 acres in 26 , 13 , 22 . 1 Frank C. Shreve to Charlie A. Walton , lots 1 , 2 , 3 , in block 3 , Jcase Gaudy's add. to Broken Bow 600 H. F. Kennedy , sheriff , to ClelliaC. Baker , lots 1 , 2 in block 6 in Mason City 652 Ivory Real to Joseph Jeliu- ck , 160 acres in 1 , 14 , 19. 4000 Daniel G. Wapner to Ann Moody and Nettie Banks lotsy , 10 , 11 , 12 in block 6 , Stevens' Anslcy 1400 R. E. Brcga to Edgar R. Lewis , lots 1 , 2 in block SSinCallaway 40 Wm. A.Lcserve to Edward McComas , lots 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 in block 2 , A. W. Candy's add. to Bro ken Bow 1750 Isaac Clark to Chas. F. Outhout , parcel in block 17 , Wcsterville 10 Martha A.Bradley to Marie F. Tiernoy , lots IS , 16 in block 15 in Ansley 700 Lillian K. Andrews and husband to Thomas A. Newman , 160 acres in 9 , 16 , 25 1300 Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. to village of Sargent , parcel in lot 1 , in block 7 , in Sargent 400 Norway Nat'l.Bank to Lil lian R. Andrews , 160 acres in 9 , 16 , 25 500 Wm. Jasper Martin to R.L. Wilson , 160 acres in 24 , 18 , 17 4500 Ella L. A. Murdy , 160 acres in 24 , 18 , 19 4000 Thad L. Farnsworth to V. Pearl Hunter.all of block 4 , in Reyner's add. to Broken Bow 3000 Ellen Busic to Hiram Cur tis , lots 1 , 2 , in block 18 , in Ansley 700 Willis Cad well to James S. Caywood , 160 acres in 7 , ' " 17 , 19. . T. , , . . . . 3200 Martha A Bradley to Marie K. Tierncy , lots 13 , 14 , in block 15 in Ansley 700 Real Estate Trant.fors. Howard C. Adams to John S. Kiik- Patrick 1150 aorui In 2811-21 $5.000. . .lowollViit01 bury mid Anna ll.iwlc to S. F. llrown Lot 1'J In mock 12 In WcHtervlllo $10. James S. Caywood to Eliza V Phillips 1G2 and 99-100 acres in G-l ? lit $0,100.00. ChriH Appel to Amlors J. Anderson and Jens Soronscn 320 acres in 1-in 18 $8,000 Wm. . Wynkoop to Thomaii Matto.x 1GO acres in Soc. 1 nnd 2-16-18 $7f.OO O. II. Martin to Edgar A. Dennett Lota , 21-22-23 and 21 In Block 8 Cal laway $ 500.00 Oliver G. Smith to A. Gale 10 acres In 9-18-21 $150.00 M. Mathiosen to Wm. Wray ICO acres In 20-19-25 $1,600.00 P. C , Hanson to M. Mulhleflon 320 acres In Sec. 1718and 20 Tp. 19 RE $3.200.00. Lincoln Uind Co > to Ebonezoi Miller Ms Int. 1 l ' 's ' 1 and 2 In Block 13 Sargent. $22.50. Chas. C. Gardner to Ebenezer Mllle Lots 3-1. and 5 Block 13 Sargent $90 Martha C. Lewis to Edwin D Golld S20 acres In Sec. 31 and 32 Tp. 14 U 20 $3,200.00 Ezra P. 9uvage to Ebenozor Milloi Lots 1 and 2 in Block 13 Original Town of Sargent $22.50. The Union Land Co. to John Moran 18-19-20-21-22-22 and 21 Block Lota - - - - - GO Callaway. $215.00 J. P. Gaudy to Ebenzor Miller , Lots 89 and 10 in Block 13 In Sargent $30 Thomas Norlmrg to 13. J. Thorn burg Lots one to 12 Inclusive and 1(5 ( to 21 In Block ( il Callaway $500.00 Win. Smith to Ebonzer Miller 1(50 ( acrca In 10-20-19 $ GOO.OO Win. L. Aldrlch to James M. Lewder dor Parcel In 32-17-20 , $900.00. Chalet ) Larson to ChrlH. Appel 320 ncres In 11318 $1,000.00 Jullett J. KiuiHilollaml husband to Mathlo Jensen 100 acres in 29-14-21 $3,200.00. Lovlra L. Allen nnd husband to Causby A. Jones Parcel in Block 5 II. 13. Alien add to Arnold. $ iJO.OO Jesse Gaudy to Hey F Stuckoy and George E. Stnckey 1GO acres in 20-M 21 , $1,300.00 The Union Land Co. to Blanche Owens Lots 22 and 23 In Block 43 It. U. add to ( 'aliaway , $3SO.OO. Lincoln LandC o. to .lolm C. Marion Lots 15-115-17 and IS In Blotk 2 Lin coins add to Anslej , $101)00 ) The Union Land (1o. to James E Odgen Lots 2 and 3 In Block 39 R R. add to Callaway , $9300 HIGH GRADE Lumber , a larg-c assortment and complete stock for Builders to choose from. Let us estimate on your contracts. We always try to please. H. T.BRUCE & CO , Lumber & Coal South side. B. & M. Train Schedule WKST I10UNU No. 41 ll:5 : pin Ko. 41 a W a m No. 39 8 40 pin KAST HOUND No. 42 U W a m No. 44 72S ; p in No.40 53 am Nos 39 and 40 run bntwrnn Lincoln and Hroken How only , ami not nu Suuilay , K re 11 : lit tralim Nos 47 ami 48 carry but are run as extras Read The REPUBLICAN $1 a Year Theham ham tores Located in Opera Block re5 Paints , Oils , Furniture , Oueensware , Wire Fencing and cultural implements. Pianos of the test makes Steger , Arim's , Smolcr & Muler and other good makes Hugs , Carpets , Mattings , Oil Cloth , Linoleums and Window Shades Steel King and Lansing Wagons. Pace Maker Plows. Steel Ranges and Heating Stoves of Best Makes. Laurel , Monarch , Jewel , Round Oak , Diamond. Hard Coal Burners , Soft Coal Burners , Oil Stoves. Try the Stockkam. Stores First Let us do your printing.Ve can ao it , BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TliW REPUBLICAN \ JOB PRINTING \ AS YOU I-1KIC IT j FRANK > : 2 13 K\ ' : : ALL KiNi.vt : a : : Consult him if you want w&icx. BROKEN Bow - - Nri . * * * * * BANGS EAST SIDE OF Airrnts for Chlckcrliur , Ivcrs andPon and Star Pianos. : : : : : - : WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Silas AHolcomb. . Edwin F. Myers. IIOLCOMB A ; MYERS ATTORNEYS Special attention give to Litigated matters , Probate matters ana col lections. . ' . . ' . / , OFFICE IN MVEUS BnitDINQ 11 r ok en How , . . Nc-br.isVa. J J. L. FERGURON Notary 1'ubllc , Comstock , Nebraska. Nebraska R13A.ti ESTATK-INSURA.NOK FARMS AND RANCHES FOR REHt LEGAL PAPERS DRAWN J Surveying and Plattluir NcatlylDone EDWIN F. MYJ2RS INVESTMENT SECURITIES HKOICEK I1OW , HARRY KIMBALL , Practical Undertaker ? & Licnsed Embalmer Business phoue , 301. Residence 3348 Diekon WOXB , Nob. N. DWIGHT FORD TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Arniour-IIanna Block NEBR. AN3 LKY - - John S. JVIcgpacu FARM AND CITY INSURANCE AND SUKKTV BONDS OITV PROPKRTI1CS DR. G. F. BARTHOLOMEW Physician & Surgeon All calls promptly attended day or night. PHONE 61 Office in rear of Realty Block National Shining Parlo Pllvate Ghaira Fur Ladles Five cents every day $ I.OO A Month UVBRY DAY HUINB Clothes Cleaned Sulto - $ l.OO Pants - - BO Coats - - - BO Overcoats . . 65 N. T. Gadd ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Cffioe over Watt's Music Store Phones. Office ao8. Residence 209 DR. JESSE L. OSTUOPATHIC PHYSICIAN CALLAWAY - NEBR. Schedule of Broken Bow Maili. 000 I KS 1-0 * TUB KAST CLOSE A 8 VOIUVMI Tralu No 40 6 a m Tratu No 43 9:30 : am Train No 44 7 : 0 p ra \ roocu a run TUB WK T CLOSK AI FOLLOWS * Train NB 43 800 ; a ni Train No 41 7i30 pm Office open Sunday from 9:3U : to 1030 a m week aays , ; 3Ja. in to ? JO p , m.i