THE REPUBLICAN , OUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA. CUSTER COUNTY REPUBLICAN $1.00 Per Year. ADVERTISING RATES. Where matter IB st oil wood taio rltctrotype a tlat price cil twenty ceuu jwr luiti,8lutflecal- uruiii tor tuicruou. two or more luaertloiu ) liceute ucr Special puitUluu , Muuloln , teriUm 20 cents per Iticlu Metal babu , uluctrov two or uioiu tluie i 15 Lents l > ur liiLh. 1'aymunt Brut of each tiluntli , Ifocal atlvertltlnir five ceuu per line each la lerllou , Notleo of clinrch church fnlrn , noclableii and entertainment * nhofe money In Chat4ii1t one hnli rattw , Ueatli "otlcen free , half r.rlc for publishing obltturle * . Card of TUauks , 0 cen ii. Legal uutlces at raies provided atattuei of Hoclety notlceanml resolutions , ono-hali rji Wetldlnu notices lice , halt ptlcu for jiot uf proaeuti. Entered at Ilrohen Bow. Nebraska , for tranir uiUalon In tUo UUlttxl Hlalea tualli at iccond claiB rates. tterberl G , Myers , Editor and Publisher REPUBLICAN TICKET. Stale Vor Justice of the supreme Court. JOHN II. IIAHNKS. JACO11 FAWCETT. SAMUKw SEUUWICK. For HegcntH ot the Slate UnUurslty. CHAHLU9 S. AI.LKN. W. G. WUITMOUK. For Hcgent of tin- State University. ( To nil Vacancy ) 1'KANK L. UALI.EK. County Tor Treasurer. W. 1) . 1'OOK. For Clerk. W. II. OSUU HlJK. For UegUter of Deeds. GEOKOE E. POUTEK. For judge. N. t ) . FOKD. l-V ShetlU. HORACE F. KENNEDY. For Superintendent. GARLAND E. LEWIS. For Surveyor , A. J. VANANTWERI" . For Coronur Dli. G. E. PENNINGTON Sheriff Kennedy h : < , in the last week , dctnonst ated hb ability to do effiecthc work as an officir. He bas not only caught bis men but be bas also persuaded them ti confess and turn over the prop , rty and bas thus saved the c unty the ex pense of a law sr * . Kennedy has a reputation fi getting his man and always t ! to save the county money in Batching and convicting them. The question of voting bonds to build a court bouse is now be fore the pcoplcjof Dawsou county. The newspapers of the county tire writing columns of editorials stating reasons why the dear people should vole the bonds. Think of an old county like Dawson - son having to vote bonds to build a court house ! But bring this question home to yourself , just imagine for a moment that the county was divided and the question of building three new court houses was up. You can't expect to have three new counties without you have three new court houses and the Callaway , Sargent and Ansley boosters will want good ones too. Ouster county is not bonded now and it never has been. Why ? Because it is a big county and it isn't necessary. Notice. The Bctbcsda Sanitarium has quit business until spring. No Bethcsda baths will be given in Broken Bow until Dr. Fetter- lings return next spring. All mail addressed Jo Broken Bow will be received and answered. Apples ! Apples ! We will commence picking apples the 30th of this month. Ben Davis and Walbridge will be 75c per bushel and Jenetins , Missouri Pippcns , and WJnesap 85c. You pick them. Good culls and windfalls one half price. We have 400 gallons of A No. 1 cider vinegar 3 years old for 25c per gallon. By the barrel 20c We want two women and one man to pick. One dollar per day for women and $1.50 for men. Board and room. Don't come on Saturday. W. F. JENKINS , Arcadia Fruit Farm , Arcadia , Nebraska. i Uneeda Biscuit are made from the finest flour and the best materials obtainable Food That Makes them an ideal Uneeda Biscuit are baked in surroundings where cleanliness and precision'are supreme That Makes them Pure Uneeda Biscuit are touched only once by human hands when the pretty girls pack them Clean That Makes them Uneeda Biscuit are sealed in a moisture proof package That Keeps them til NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Good milch cow for sale cheap. Jno. S. McGraw. Nice little barn , nearly new , for sale cheap. Jno. S. McGraw. Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee Roasted fresb every day. 24-tf Position Wanted. I desire to secure a position as clerk in a store Orhnc Marke Halsey , Nebr. S-16-21 Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee Roasted fresh every day.24-tf. Dr. Bass dentist , over Todd's millinery store , FOR SAT.K Quarter block in a very desirable location. S , M. DOKK s If You Can Afford Cut Glass You can afford our kind. If you could compare our goods as to design , weight , workmanship and appearance with commoner lines , it wouldn't take you a second to size up the difference. There is plenty of cut glass that is little better than cm- pressed article. Ours possesses that scin tillating beauty that can be compared only to diamonds. We have it in all the vari ous shapes that are popular at present , and we wisli testate state right here that there is nothing better made. We arc contented with a small profit on these goods , and are selling them close. FOR SAW : ou TRAD 640 acres , Cherry county , near good railroad town. GEO. C. STKVUNSON , Broken Bow * Nebr. NOTICE TO Tllf : PUBLIC. I will open the Market Day Sale season on Saturday , Oct. 2 , 1909 , with a big- commission sale at the Tom Fiulin barn. Rates for selling as follows : Horses sold , per bead $1.00 Horses not sold 50 Cattle , single bead 50 Cattle in bunches 25 Hogs , single head 50 Hogs in bunches 25 All other articles , 5 per cent' off. Nothing offered for less than 25c List your property in time to have it advertised and try to offer only what you wish to sell as I am taking special pains to bring buyers for your stock from a distance. W. II. O'RoRKK , Mgr. WM. PUKCKIJ. , Auc't. I'OH SAI.K BY 3XT. Advertised Letters. for week ending September 28 : Mrs. J. B. Coe Miss Agnes Colby Mr. James Hendricks Mr. Elibie King- Jules Haumont , P. M. We are in the market FOR WHITE and YELLOW COKN Will pay the highest price of fered on the Broken Bow mar ket. Call and see us before sell ing. 34-tf S. J. LONUKOAN PAINT THAT PAYS That's Shenvin Williams paint. Why ? Because it covers more surface , wears longer and looks bet ter than any other high grade paint on the market. It adds greatly to the beauty and at tractiveness of a pro- pertyand often helps to sell it at a profit much greater than the cost of painting. Get ourjree book let and color card. S , R. LEE The Busy Druggist HIGH GRADE Lumber , a large assortment and complete stock for Builders to choose.from. Let us estimate on your contracts. We always try to please. H. T.BRUCE & CO. Lumber & Coal South side. Great Cut In Farm Wagons We have the wagons and you need them For the next thirty days we cut the price on wagons from $5 to $8 to make them move. We have the WEBER , BETTENDORF and MANDT WE ARE RIGHT ON DRILLS There is none so good as the DEMPSTER " PRESS DRILL. . We are agent for the KEYSTONE and JOLIET CORN SIIELL- ERS. We have a car load of ENDLESS APRON CLOVER LEAF MANURE SPREDDERS at the same price as you buy a cheaper spreader. See us about them. We can give you extra value for the money. Just received a car load of the finest ante seat Moon Bros , buggies ever brought to the county. See them if you want a real up-to-date buggy. G , W , Apple Hardware Send your Abstract Orders to J. G. LEONARD , Bonded Abstracter Offioe In Security State Bank'B'Id'ng Advertise in the BEPUBLICAN