Til)3 ) iWUBLIOAN , OUSTJBIi COUNT * , NEBRASKA Three millioa acres of govern ment land to be opened for. set tlement' about . .October 1st in South Dakota. Uncle Sam's greatest land drawing. These lands td be opened finder the United States homestead laws. For reliable information about these lands , send 25 cents ( sil ver ) for our interesting little booklet , "The Cheyenne and Standing Rock Reservations , " tells about the history , topogra phy and soil , climate , rainfall , who may take homesteads , etc. , compiled by state historian. In cludes also up-to-date map of South Dakota showing lands to be opened. If you arc interested in secur ing'160 acres of this rich land , wrap up a quarter and send for this booklet and map at once. Address Homestead Informa- 1 tion Bureau , Pierre , S. D. If you need' help of any kind , tell as many people as possible. There are more than 40,000 people ple who subscribe for the Oma ha Bee. ' You can tell them all or one cent per word per day. Write today. HUNTER'S NOTICE- . All hunters found trespassing on Sunnyslope ranch will be prosecuted. J29-tf * ' W. B. FRMV. . Land' for'Sale. 160 acres of land located ten miles north of the city for sale on reasonable terms. Inquire of W.'D. Grant. M27-tf Business Personals -Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee. Roasted fresh every day. 24 Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee1 Roasted fresh every day. 24tf. Drs. ' Farnsworth & Beck Dentists. Eyes tested and glasses fitted , -10-tf DK. BARTHOLOMEW We are-in the market FOR WHITE and YELLOW COKN Will pay -the highest price of- fared on the Broken Bow mar- ' ket. 'Cairand see us before sell ing. ' v 34-tf . . ' .S. J. LONKROAN The City Livery And Feed Barn -V , Feeds your horses no poor grain and'will supply you with good Horsesand Rigs at reasonable prices. Come and see me. W. A. Tooley HOMESEADS scon be a thing of the past I can locate ' < you in Grant , Hooker and McPherson - Pherson Go's. Call on or write J. T. MORROW * Lena , - Nebraska. 1 'McPherson County. F : TV. BUCKLEY , M. D. 'PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON Fitting of glasses. EYE , BAR , NOSE and THROAT Onice lu Dlerks iilfc. Phone 200 BROKEN BW , - - NEB. I Robinson's Detective Work I wan telephoning Ilntidnll about a dfltnll Umt hud popped Into my bond just tu I was leaving the theater , when the thing happened. "I am Hiiro that number Is not busy , " I assured the operator , find there followed the usiml provoking si- lenco. "I'laguo take It , " I miittorod , when I hoard something llko a moan through the 'phono. "My God , they'll kill mo ! " I almost dropped the receiver In surprise. The words , uttered In a low tlmo , evidently , a woman's , had the effect of coming from blank space. The uhock sot mo to quivering. "They'll bo back in a moment. They'll Imvo no mercy. Help mo , for God's Bake. " Tbo words -umo Jerkily over the 'phono , cut Into sentences , and wore spoken in a repressed fnnhlon as if the speaker were trying to conceal thorn from sonicono. Hut they began to grow louder and more charged with emotion. "Thoy can't bo gone much longer. I think I hear thorn on the stairs now. Good God , they're coming ! Help mo ! help mo ! They're " It was Randall's blutant volco that broke In. "Hollo , " bo said. "Hello. Well ? " "Hang up your receiver , " I shouted , "This Is mo , Robinson. Hurry , you Idiot. Something terrlblo's happened. " It took an endless tlmo to make him understand. The moment ho did cut off I began violently to work the re- oeivor-ho'.dor of my phone In an effort to attract the operator's attention. There waa a snap somewhere. The 'phono suddenly became absolutely dead. It took mo nome time to realize tKbi ; then I Jam mod It down on the desk and ran to tbo door. As I opened it , a cub was creeping by. Hailing the driver , I jumped in. ' 'Go llko the devil , " I said , and gave him , the address of the west oxchangn with which I know my 'phono was con nccted. I fairly gnawed my nails to the quick as the driver whipped his liorso along at top speed. The words wore ringing in my oars. "Help nio ! Help I mo ! " What had happened ? Around the corner wo whirled nnd the lights of the exchange Hashed into .flight. "Walt , " I shouted to the driver , as I leaped out and dashed up ' the stairs. A girl pointed out to mo the manager. "Tho forces have Just been changed , " ho snid. "Tho operator or your line has gone home. " "But can't anyone else toll mo what phone I was connected with ? " I ex claimed. Ho said they couldn t. . Then another resort carao Into my mlud. "Wbero does the girl llvo ? I'l go , to her homo. " Ho asked each separate girl am none know. I was growing desperate when the boy who did c a Jobs said ho , thought sbo lived with her aunt on Queen and Oak streets in the Mills- worth suburb. The next Instant I was In the cab , driving llko fury. The Mills worth suburb was six mlles away. It wns throe o'clock when wo reached Uioro. The girl and her aunt bad moved buck within the city fully ton mlles from where wo woro. As soon as possible I changed cabs , for the borso I had boon using was utterly done up. "Drlvo for all you arc worth. " I said to my now cabby. Tbo words I bad heard over the phone kept running through my brain : "Help mo , help mo ! " Perhaps it was too luto. There was a growing light In the east when wo stopped before a small frame house. Aching in every joint from my hard drlvo , I ran up the stops. IJur-or , wont the bell. There WUB n wait , tb patter of feet , then the gas In the hall was lighted. I shouted wbo I was and whom 11 wanted to BOO. The door cracked and a bead done up In curl-papers appeared. "I'm her. What's the trouble ? " I tola her , clenching my b.inds , knit ting my brows , filling my tones with dramatic emphasis tbo while. She started , slowly her eyes opened , then her mouth expanded into a smile. Fern n moment I stood unbelieving. . "But , do you understand ? " I cried. "Ttila Is a life and death matter. 'Whom was I connected with ? " "Me. " "What ? " She extended a yellow-back volume through the door. "I had got to the ( third chapter ' , just where the princess had been th'rown Into the dungeon , when I bad to go on duty ; so I took the book along : with me , and was reading n bit out to Mamie Moore when you asked for a number. Listen : 'My God > , they'll kill me ! They'll bo back in a moment. They'll have no mercy. Help me for God's sake. They can't bo no much longer. I think I hour them on the stairs . Good ' now. God , they're comIng - Ing ! Help mo , help mo ! They're ' Tbo boss came along about that time. " I turned brusquely away. "Good night , " I said. She giggled. German Shipbuilding Depression. During the year 1908 there \Voro'99 ( against 435 in 1907) ) seagoing steam , ships , of an aggregate of 147,270 grona register tonnage , built In Gorman ship , yards ; at the close of tbo year IP67 ocean steamships were In course of construction , representing 187,362 ton- nage. Ship-building and the shipping : trade have not been prosperous In the last year , w * * 4 , f J' The Cook Came Back MM. Jnrr and Gertrude Come la nn Umlcritanding. "Gertrude IB back ! " Bald Mrs. Jnrr to t Mr. Jnrr when bo c-omo homo the other evening. "It seems llko old times lo have her around the house , " Mrs. Jnrr went on. "After till , there Is Biich n thing nu attachment from long service , In uplto of nil you say , and It also showB that n pays to be kind and connldomte , too ! " "Do you menu , Gertrude , that grim Amazon , who condescended to burn food for us for one day and then rough-boused the place till wo paid icr for a full week ? " asked Mr. Jarr. "Now , yon mustn't talk that way , " said Mrs. Jnrr. "Gettnule wns very sorry. She said that she didn't think we loved her , and nho comes from n very flno family that has seen better lays , and she has a lot of property ! luit she wnn cheated out of before sbo wns born , and It IB a great mystery whore It is or what It la , but Gertrude blnks It's very valuable real estate In Syracuse , because her aunt's people como from Syracuse. " "Well , I have troubles of my own and I don't want to hoar hers , " said Mr. Jarr. "If you are satisfied I suppose - , pose 1 will have to bo. But what did , sbo como back for , to bring back the , door key sbo took away ? " "No , " said Mrs. Jarr ; "she wants to keep the key. She feels It is n tic. She came back because she said there bud boon a mistake. We had only paid her $4 and sbo never worked , not even for society people , for less than $5 ti week , and only for that as a personal favor. And sbo wanted another dollar , BO , ns the now girl wo got yesterday left this morning when 1 asked her to help me rtust the parlor I thought .I'd use diplomacy , and I told Gertrude I'd give her the dollar If she'd take up her place where she left off. " "And she wont right out In the kitchen and burned the salt and bread the only two things she left un- scorched the day she was hero ? " asked Mr. Jarr. "Now , you mustn't talk that way , " said Mrs. Jarr. "Gertrude Is very sen sitive , and I think It was something I she must have hoard you Hay that made her act the way she did when she left. But she Buys she fools like ono of tbo family and likes to stay In n plnco" 'A day at n tlmo , " Inter rupted' Mr. Jarr. "If sbo bears you tall ; lll'o that she won't stay at all , " said Mrs. Jnrr. "Sho really In attached to us. " "Ah , the loynlly of the old fnmlly retainer ! " tiald Mr. Jnrr. "How touchIng - Ing It IB how It apponln to our tender- oit emotions when wo SPO It on the stngo. Wo never see It anywhere . elHo. " "That Isn't BO. " nnld Mrs. Jnrr. "Mrs. Stryvor's second mnld has been with her for nearly throe months Of course alio IB lazy and untidy and makes trouble by carrying tales on the ether servants , but Mrs. Stryver likes to bear kitchen gossip , and , besides , ' the girl Is BO Impudent she Is afraid o discharge her , so you see It Isn't only on tbo stage that there Is devo tion ami loyalty In servants , and Ger trude says " " 0 , Gertrude must Imvo been ex tremely loquacious , " said Mr. Jarr. "YoB , I never hoard her talk so much. She Boomed feverish and excit ed , but I guess It wns Joy In getting her old place back , " said Mrs. Jarr. "Maybe it was gin , " said Mr. Jarr. "Now , once nnd tor nil , " snld Mrs. Jnrr , sharply , "onco and for all , you must stop Interfering with the sorv- ants ! How can I keep n girl If you do ? You nro always detecting liquor on ether people. " "You nro always detecting It on " Bald Mr. Jarr. " mo , "But If you are satisfied I am , and I hope Gurtru 9 Is satisfied , too. " "Well , " said Mrs. Jarr In n hcKltat- Ing manner , "sbo wants different wall paper on her room. She says the pat tern looks as If It were moving. And | she wants us to patronize the other I butcher , because tbo delivery mni : of tin ono wo Imvo Is sj rol' nnd dlstnnt. I think thnt's why she left. And she says she has to have her evenings out and Bho has scruplea against cooking on Sundays , and she thinks It will show wo appreciate her If I buy her n nice hat. " I "Anything else she wants ? Gnrtrudo I Is so modest in her demands ? " asked Mr. Jarr. "Now , you leave mo to alter ' to how tblB bouso Is run ! " said Mrs. Jarr. "Sbo Just comes back when the house needs u thorough cleaning. We'll Bturt In to-morrov and wash the windows and woodwork " "What's tbo matter with doing It now ? " asked Mr. Jarr. "Well , you see , " stild Mrs. Jarr , "aft er I gave Gertrude tbo doll r I owed her she remembered nn appointment Bho had with her lawyer and had to go. She'll bo hero early to-morrow. " But Mr. Jarr laid n mental bet often ton to duo .that Gertrude wouldn't. For a Hard Man. An American guest for the night at nn Inn in Stirling , Scotland , descend ed to tbo otllco at break of day nnd complained to the person In charge that tbo bed wns bard. i "It was llko sleeping on a board , " I ho said. The person In charge replied with cold austerity : "Tho great duke of Wellington once slept In that bed. " "No wonder they called him the Iron Ddko , ' " remarked the guest , rue fully rubbing his person as he turned 'away. ' Youth's Companion. CO , Selling men's youth's and boy's clothing at half price until all are closed out. UHCOWJ th CBN TURTT * COFF 'EE YOUR NOTICE HY PUUUCAT1ON. Henry \V. \ ValtermlreValiermlre Ills wlte , whose llrst name Is unknown , Charles llarnes ; ana the unknown liclrs , ilcvhecs ami legal reiiresi-ntatlven of Km in a Ilarni'.s , deceased , defendants , Take Notice , that on August .toth , IW9 , Joseph K. Walter , uilre , plalntllf , Illeil his petition In the Uls trlct Court of Custcr County , Nebraska , against Caroline Waltcrinlre and .the above named ilofciulants , the object and prayer of which arc to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendant Caroline Walter- mire and Jacob Walternilre , now deceased , to the plalntllf upon the west half of the northeast quarter , the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter , and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of bectlou twenty-six , In township fourteen , range twenty-live In Ouster county , Nebraska , to secure the payment o [ a certain promissory note dated June < Hh. UKI ) , for the hum of Jtuo.o0 : , due and payable on or , before June Uth , 1H.'J ( , at 8 per cent Interest , that there Is now due on said note and mortgage the sum of CSti.OO , with intercut thereon from this d.itc , for which sum and Interest and costs platntlil prays for decree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said prem ises may he sold to satisfy the amount found du , with general rollet and for such other matters as appear In said petition and prajcr thereto , You and each of you are required to ans- s er said petition on or before the 31st day of October , 1909 , as ordered by the Court In making order for this notice. Dated Sept. mil , 1W . JosiH'ii K. WAr/ruiiMiiiB , Plaintiff. i Hy his attorney , J. A. AHMOUII. I siG-Oli-Gt NOTICE Ol' ' ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In the matter of the estate of wUllam Thomson , deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Hi pursuance of an order of iiruno o. Hosteller , Judge of the district court of Ouster County , Nebras ka , made on tue 22nd day of May , 1909 , for thesale of the real estate hereinafter de scribed , there will be sold at the main en trance door of the Court House in Broken How , IA custer County , Nebraska , on Satur day , thu second day of Ootober , 1W9 , at one o'clock p. in. , at public vendue to the high est bidder for cash the following described real estate to-wlt : The southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and lot two In sec tion one in township fourteen north of range twenty-one west of the 6th I1. M. In Custer County , Nebraska. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 13th day of September , 190o. T , T. IJKi.r , , Administrator of the estate of William.Thompson , deceased. S 10 30-3t PERFUMES Delicate and de lectable odors all the new summer fan0 cies and the old-time favorites. Perfumes of refine ment sweet , soft and lasting- . We have all the newer varieties. J. G. Haeterle on-alcoholic Sarsaparitta If you think you need a tonic , ask your doctor. If you think you need something for your blood , ask your doctor. If you think you would like to try Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla - rilla , ask your doctor. Con sult him often. Keep in close touch with him. Wo publiih our formula ! We banlih alcohol yersWe Wa urea you to yers ooiuultyour doctor Ask your doctor to name some of the results of constipation. His long list will begin with sick-headache , biliousness , dyspepsia , thin blood , bad skin. Then ask him if he would recommend your using Ayer's Pills. Mad * by the J. 0. Ay cr Co. , Low U Don't You Forget It. We will have everything1 for you in the line of Fruit and Lunch. FOR FRUIT : Peaches Pears Grapes Apples Oranges Bannanas FOR LUNCH : Cheese Dried Beef Minced Ham Bologna We want all our friends to call and see us. tfieppard & Burk. SUCH IS LIE IN THE FAR WEST You have to buy the coal and we have to have the money. Let us furnish your lumber , building- material and coal. You know we always have the stock and we can take care of you and your wants in our line. Dierks Lumber and Coal Company J. S. MOLYNEUX , Mgr , Broken Bow , Net. 1888 Welcome 1909 Oil sardines , 0 cans ' 25c Mustard sardines , 3 cans 25c Potted ham , 5 cans 2Sc Nut butter , a large "bottle 30c Sockeyc Salmon , the best 20c The best Red Salmon , per can ISc Fancy minced luncheon loaf per pound 15c Extra fancy bologna , per pound 10c Extra fancy weinerwurst , per pound 15c Summer sausage , per pound 20c FRUITS FOR FAIR WEEK APPLES , PEARS , PEACHES , GRAPES , PLUMS , BANNANAS , ORANGES , LEMONS Hig-hest price paid for fancy butter , fresh eggs , melons and produce during fair week. "We buy , test and pay cash for cream. Trade PURE OLD CIDER VINEGAR Mark Phone 5 PURE FOOD CENTER North Side Our Officers and Direc tors are CUSTER Our Stockholders are Our Depositors are COUNTY Our Loans.are made teA A Custer County Bank for PEOPLE SECHR'TY ' STATE BANK , Broken Bow , Nedraska. Try Tte for Farm Loans. \ Advertise in the REPUBLICAN