Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 23, 1909, Page 7, Image 7
THE REPUBLICAN , OUSTER COUNTS. NEBRASKA I Mfm Particular Posts ' For Particular Trade We just received a nice car of 4 inch round and extra split red Cedar posts that will suit the most particular trade. Also our stock of building material is complete. Look our stock over before buying. G. L. TURNER Lumber Co. mPMHVanVMM BVHaBI WHH BHMBM HVWI I . _ . . -w. _ _ . , . MILLINERY Call and see tne new styles in Autumn Millinery. They are delightfully unique , Ji HAIR GOODS 1 \Ve carry an extensive stock of hair goods and hair ornaments. MISS LIZZIE TODD \Vest Side of Square FARMSTEADS We have farmsteads that you can buy right. They will make your fortune. 280 acres , improved farm at $40 per acre 320 acres , improved farm at $40 per acre 720 acres improved farm and ranch for $19,600 080 acres , 2 miles from B. B. at $40 per acre 240 acres , unimproved at § 15 per acre. WE HAVE MANY OTHERS inYourliv To The Farmers' Live Stock Commission GO , Rooms 209 and 211 Exchange Bldg. South Omaba. G n OUSTER CO. YOU have a snap in a farm , or ranch for sale IF list with me. If you want to buy a snap in a farm or ranch come and see me. Phones , of fice 42 , residence , 129. . " \7 < S7" . BROKEN Bow NEBR. ABSTRACTING BROKEN BOW ABSTRACT CO. BONDED Farm Loans Quickly D Closed i. A. REJNEAU ; If You Are Thinking Of Borrowing Money f BUYING A FARM , I BUYING OR BUILDING A HOME , FOR THE ERECTION OF A BUSINESS FOR - { HLOCK , PAYING OFF YOUR PRESENT LOAN , BUSINESS OR ANY OTHER LEGITIMATE - [ MATE PURPOSE , And desire money , at lowest rate , without the payment { of a commission , with every advantage In matter of repayment and prompt action , SEE Ross G. Moore Attorney and ended Abstractor. Prairie Hill. Mrs. Morforrt and Miss Ora visited Saturday and Sunday on the loup , Mr. Bay left Monday for Cole rado. rado.Mrs. Mrs. Case and grandson and Miss Bessie who has been visiting ing- their daughter and sister , Mrs. Mrs. C. F. Howard , return ed to their home at Hamburg , Iowa , Saturday. Mr. Miller and wife of Marion , Ind. , arc visiting their cousin , Chas. Wcesncr. Mrs. George Shoup is enjoying a visit from her brother and sis ter frotu Itiiuuis. Mrs. Martin has relatives from Illinois visiting her. B. G. Evans shipped a car of cattle to South Omaha Tucstlaj. Mrs. Chas. Coulter's father , sis ter and husband from Illinois is visiting her. Misses Ora Morford , Oa ! and Susie Thomas and the Misses Mary Neth and Eva Jenkins of Union Valley arc attending col lege at Bioken Bow. * Mrs. John Price returned last week from Iowa where she h.s been visiting the past month. ANSLEY. Ausley boasts ot a new street sprinkler. Several arc attending the Cal- laway fair this week. Miss Mary Geesemau visited her sister , Mrs. Jatnt's Lee , at Berwyn thiu week. J. D. Bush will move to l > roken Bow October 1st and assume charge of a meat market. Ernest Daniels who is located at Craig , Nebr. ' , is visiting old friends in Iowa tuis week. Dick Brega of Callaway called on friends here last week. Earl Morris and wife have taken up their residence in the property they recently purchased. Rev. Grose of Paxton , Nebr , occupied the Presbyterian pulpit last Sunday evening and deliv ered a very able sermon. Perry Foster was looking after property interests in Mason City Tuesday. Everything on the Custcr County Fair bill happened and it was a success. It is estimated that 500 Anslians attended Thursday. Dry Valley. Not much doing down in this neck of the woods. The farmers are very busy these days , in fact , this has been the busiest season we ever exper ienced and it has been the same with every one on the farm. We note several have been to the fair , both at Lincoln and Broken Bow. For the past two weeks its been North Pole gossip , some giving the honor to one and some giving1 it to the other. We de fer giving an opinion at this time. The corn will not yield as much as was thought it would six weeks ago only about one- half or from IS to 25 bushels per acre. We read in one of the leading papers that the hot dry weather burned up 400 millions of bushels of corn in the United States , hence we got a little o : he burn too. Sterley Stevens of Comstock was through the valley last week. ust as long as you don't stop Sterley to do any business its alright , but otherwise the occu pation tax or license shall be necessary. Wanted. By a responsible party to rent a good farm near 3rokcn Bow. Address , J. I. Republican , Broken Bow , Nebr. Good milch cow for sale cheap. Jno. S. McGraw. Nice little barn , nearly new , for sale cheap. Jno. S. McGraw. Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee Roasted fresh every day. 24-tf URTCLLO. N. Jacquot and wife returned from their trip west last Tuesday. Miss Maude Moore spent Sim ilar with home folks. Quite a number of the Ortcllo- itcs took in the fair at Broken How last week. N. T. Waters of Lillian spent Monday night at J. M. Ingrain's. II. Swansou of Anselmo took iliuuer at J. M. Ingram'a. ' A coal surprise Surprising , ir.n't it , how many coal bills turn in a year to greet you ? If coal bills could reason , they would wonder how you keep on in creasing their number so fast when the whole heating ques tion is now so surely and economically settled for once and all by DOILCRS With these outfits , for cither Hot Water or Low-Pressurc Steam , you can make one lump of coal do the work of two. Besides , you can burn the cheapest kind of soft coal or rcreenings. The outfit soon pays for itself in savings of furl , labor , health protection , absence of repairs , and keeping the carpets , decorations , and furniture clean. We have fig ures and testimonials to show that these outfila are the best invest ment feature of the building pays best returns. Ask for booklet ( free ) . Anderson & Forney THEY KNEW HIM , Pompous Politician Well , expect the folks hero wore mighty proud when they heard their former townsman had been inailo assistant ( jocretary. What did they say ? Old Inhabitant Oh , Jos' laughed. TWO EYES NOT AN ADVANTAGE The possession of I wo eyes does not confer upon us nny adumtngo : one of them serves to show us the good tiring , and the other the ovilc of life. A large number of people.1 have acquired the had habit of shut ting the first eye , but very few shut the second ; and that is why there uru so many people who would rather be blind altogether than see all they have to see. J Hippy the one-eyed who are only deprived of that evil eye which spoils all that wo loolt upon. Voltaire. EMPEROR FRANCIS JOSEPH , of Aii'lna and Hungary. ISM. . . EARLY EXHIBITS of FALL MILLINERY Latest Fashions Many Beautiful Patterns r rs. lis First door east of Plieonix Cafe. When You Want f WATERMELONS OKLKKY UANTMLOPKS OK AN ( .IICS PKACI1US HA.NANA8 PLUMS VEGETABLES J'KAUS GKOCK1UU3 up PHONE NO. 1(51 ( We arc now displaying a most complete line of novelties for fall and winter wear. Your early inspection of these goods is invited as it will afford you an opportunity of seeing a large number of exclusive styles. We please all our customers. Every peicc we turn out speaks for itself. Come in and let UK'make you a suit for the Ak-Sar-Ben. "OTbio ESlo-vcttozr RAS ANDERSON DEALER IN Feed in large ana small quantities at both wholesale and retail. Special aUcnMon given to filling orders for coal in any quantity. Broken Bow , - - NobrasJ-a § fatcaacttztm& ' mxtf lOfxS ? rS2IR33nMnTJCSKE3tSBi ! ( ! > V < > i a yXa7Z * Jit in TO THE NORTHWEST : Cheap ono-way Colonial fares to tne Northwest Puget Sound ana California , September 15 to October 15 ; daily through trains to the Northwest via the Great Northern ; also via the Northern Pacific. To ' alifornia , daily tsirough tourist sleepers via Denver , Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City. ROUND TRIP TO PACIFIC COAST : -Vory low Seattle and California round trip oxcursii-m tickets on sale during September. This is the last chance to obtain these cheap rates for the greatest railroad journey in the world. EASTBOUND : Special round trip rates to Chicago , Kansas City , Lincoln , Omaha , St. Joseph , St. Louis , August 28 to Septem ber 5 and from September 11 to September 19. Daily low thirty day round trip rates from Oliicugo to Atlanth cities and resorts. September is the l.ut month for the special vacation rates to Colorado , IIomereckerH1 excursions September 7 and 21. Consult nearest ticket agent for latest advices of apodal vatus. H. L. ORMSBY , Ticket Agent , Broken Bow , Nebraska. L. W. WAKELEV , G. P. A. , Omaha.