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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1909)
TUB REPUBLICAN , OUSTER OOUJNTX , NEBRASKA CUSTOR COUNTY.REPUBLICAN $1.00 P6r Year. ADVEKTISINO KATES. Wlirrc matter Is act on wood base electrotype & flat price ( if twenty truU per Inch. Blntflc col- limn , fur each Imertlon , tnu or inotu Inmirtluiu * liiittitfl t > er Incli. SjHCial ixMltlon , Bliielo In , portion 2i ) ccttlM iicrliiLli. Metal IM U. i-lucltoH- two or nioto times , IScents | ier tucli. I'aymcitl flint cf Licit iiuintli. ducal ailorllshilive cents per Jlne each In erllon. Notice of clmrclt ctnircli fnit , sociable * ninl fiilrrlalnnicnis where munry Is uliaruud , one tin If tales. Diiatti notices free , half rr'i-j ' fur ptitillsltlnir ohltn.irlcH. Card ot TUatiks , SO cert < i. Legal notices at ra'eH provided statute * of Nrbrattka , hocluty nutlccgnnil resolutionsonp-hal rjiei Wciltllnir iiutictH luc , half prlcu ( or us ! uf present * . Kutcrcrt at Ilrohen How. Nebraska , for traus- mlfiMun In tUn United Stated malls at secouil cl.ihs rates , Herbert G. Alycrs , ndilor and Publisher REPUBLICAN TICKET. Stale Tor Justice of the supreme Court , JOHN IS. IIAKNUS. JACOU I''A\VCITT. SA.MUUt , SKUCWICK. J'or llfgvntH ot the- State University. CHAKIIS s. AIUN. w. < : . WIUTMOHI : . Tor Kvgvul of Hit1 State university. ( To llll Vacancy. ) FRANK I , . HAkLUK. County For Treasurer. W. 11. I'OOK. For Clerk. W. U. OSBOKNE JK. Tor IlcgKter of Ueeils. OUOHC.E IS. I'OUTUIt. 1'or judge. N. I ) , IfOKD Tor sUcrlft. IIOKACi : I' . KKMNEDY. For SuierlnttiJcliiit. | : tiAIILANU K. I.EW1U. For Surveyor , A. J. VANANTWEKP. For L'orouer int. . K. 1'KNNINGTON Seme of the nnn partisan ar gument of the democratic press is frantic , some is pleading1 , some ia foolish , but there is one ele ment it all has in common. That in order to be non-partisan you must vote for democrats Tha' ' is the burden of their songSt Payl Republican. If the democrats really want a non-partisan judiciary they can show their sincerity by voting for the three candidates for su preme judge , whose names ap pear * t the head of the repttbli can ticket. Judge Barnes , Sedg wick and Fawcctt have all been tried on the supreme bench am their ability and sincerity is un questioned. Syracuse Journal. No trival pretext ought to in duce republican forces to become divided in the present campaign A solid party , bent on the elec tion of the etitire ticket , wil strengthen the organisation fo future campaigns. No othe course would benefit any one ex cept democratic candidates whosa victory would only helj themselves and their party. Beatrice Express. If W. E. Edwards , who i ohargcd with cattle stealing , ha jumped his bond and gone to Canada as is reported no one can be blamed but Judge Humphrey The law provides that when a man is released on bond pending trial the judge shall require such security for his appearance on the day set for trial as will in sure his appearance. Consider ing the strength of the evidence against him and the penalty a man must pay when convicted o cattle stealing the bond of $250 was too small to insure his stay ing here for trial. County At torney Gadd felt this and made application for an increase to $500 on August 21st. When Judge Humphrey refused this application he shouldered all ot the blame fo Edwards failure to appear at the last term of court. There has been a iecling fo some time among many of the well meaning law abiding citi zcns in this county that 'the la\\ breakers have not been as sevcrly dealt with as they should be , A graat many people were disap pointed at the result of the Car land trial and not a small man ber have been inclined to criti-j cise in other casca. The Willard case is scheduled to come up vheu district court meets again n October. This case hag been .ragging along now for over 'u year and when it comes up in October it should como to Trial. Heal Sticks to II. Brother Heal still insists that a Republican county board will n.inn go the county belter and norc economically than the Kus- onista are managing it. Ivast week he printed the following : "That taxes were lower in the county and state in 1808 than now is due largely to a set of of- icers having control who believ ed in and practiced economy. " Everyone knows that the county ) oard manages the finances ot .he count ) ' , so it must be that he wants the county board changed ind we Hepublicans certainly ought to be willing to help him do it. PRESS COMMENT ON TAFT'S TARIFF SPEECH. President Taft's Winona speech Mirows light on the tariff situ ation with respect to wool and woolen goods and to insurgency. The rates of the law are too high , he said , because it was found early in the fight that the wool and woolen manufacturing in terests in the republican party and he might truthfully have in cluded the democratic party were so strong that any attempt to change the Uingley rate would result in the defeat of the bill. How result in the defeat of the bill ? Only by the turning in surgent of the woolen senators , chief of whom is the senate lead er , Mr. Aldrich. This then was the situation : Sevan senators led by LaFollelte , saying , "Make this schedule right or we vote against it , " another group , Al drich at hcaM , saying , "Give us our graft in this schedule or we bolt. " Surely the first group are not the less patriotic or the less loyal to their party in that the second group was saved , by its superior numbers , from the ne ccssity of "abandoning the party. " State Journal. Air. Taft on "Insurgenls. " To the disappointment of Chicago cage , President Taft reserved his first speech in support of the Payne tariff bill until he reached the northern habitat of the ' 4in- surgcnts , " and he told the good people of Winona , Wis. , which is a hotbed of the "insurgent" movement , sonic things about the new tariff law that were whole some to hear. Without the least sign of evasion or of oratorical sidestepping the president went to the heart of his subject. He charged that the "insurgents' who had voted against the bill had deserted the Republican party , and declared that the Payne law is the best tarilT leg islation ever enacted by a Re publican congress , and therefore is the best tariff law the country has ever known. The president's answer to the Chautauqua indictments from La Follette , Clapp , Bristow and their ilk was strong and sweep ing. In a few brief words he cut the ground from under the feet of the Republican congressmen who voted against their party and told his audience that , not withstanding all that has been said to the contrary , the Payne tariff law is a "revision down ward , " actually and substantially. "Was it , " asked the president , "the duty of the member of con gress who believed that the bill did not accomplish everything that it ought to accomplish , to vote against it ? I am here to justify those who answer in the negative , I am not here to de fend those who voted for the Payne bill , but to support them , " The heart ol the whole "insur gent" movement was pierced by Mr , Taft when he said that to make party government effective the members of that party should ' .iiirrcmler llte.r personal predilections , which were of com paratively less importance. He produced a statement showing that the new tariff law is a ic- vision downward , expressing din- appointment only with the wool schedule , which , he said , was re grettable but not in itself of suf ficient importance to condemn the bill. Touching upon the much mooted question of Repub lican tariff promises , the presi dent said : "Now , the promise of the Republican party was not to revise everything downward , and in tlitf speeches which I made in the campaign , 1 did not prom ise that everything should go downward. What 1 promised was that there should be many decreases and that in some few instances increases would be found to be necessary ; but that on the whole I conceived that the change of conditions would make the revision necessarily downv/ard and that , I contend , under the showing which 1 have made , has been the result of the Payne bill. " President Taft's support of the new law and his arguments in justification of his action in sign ing it , together with his sum mary of the actual results of re vision , have placed several West ern senators and representative * in an unpleasant predicament. Certainly the "insurgents" are left high and dry , exposed and discredited b/ the word of the head and leader of the Republi can iiartv and the president ol the United States. And their constituents who do a little think ing for themselves cannot but see that the president is right. Kansas City Journal. Taft in Hie West. President Taft's review of 'the tarilT law at Winona will be the basia of all parly discussion ol the subject during the campaign of 1910. It sets forth the repub lican position authoritatively. The position is that while the party majority in some details , particularly the woolen schedule , did not reduce the rates as much as they might safely have been reduced , in the general handling the rates were reduced equitably. If the bill has been vetoed or lost by one vote , the president's judg ment is that it would have been an unwise sacrifice of the busi ness interests of the country. Speaking of the party's duty and interests , he said that it would have been also a sacrifice of the solidarity , efficiency and promise- performing power of the party to have projected into the next ses sion another long tariff discussioi and thereby probably delayed or defeated other legislation of the first rank in value to the couu try. try.Mr. Mr. Taft expressed gratificat ion that the republican members of congress who voted agains the bill are seeking further action within the party and not break ing away from it to give aid ant cuuntcnance to a party whicl does not believe in protection This position is impregnable as a choice of tactics in party lead ership. If the party has passe < a bi'l ' fair toward the various ele ments of American population and necessary to uphold the wage- paying manufactures it has met the convictions of the party ant conserved its welfare. The party , cast and west , north ant south , can ask or expect no more The party voters will be pleased with the president's expositiot of party duties , They will sus tain the party majority run ! keep it in power. The republican party did not promise to reduce the tariff to the point of intro ducing foreign importations that would demoralize the business ol American factories. What it did promise it performed after full investigation and fair discussion before public opinion , For him self in signing the bill aad for the majority in passing it , it was You can afford our kind. ff ymi could compare our floods as lo design , weight , workmanship and appearance with commoner lines , it wouldn't take you a Becond Lo sixe up the dilVcrence. There is plenty of cut glass that is little better than our pressed article. Ours possesses that scin tillating1 beauty that can be compared only to diamonds. We have it in all the vari ous shapes that are popular at present , and we wish testate state right here that there is nothing better made. We are contented with a small profit on these goods , and are selling them close. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. I will open the Market Day Sale season on Saturday , Oct. 2 , 1'JO'J , with a big commission sale at the Tom Finlin barn. Rates for selling as follows : Horses sold , per head. . . . $1.00 Horses not sold 50 Cattle , single head 50 Cattle in bunches 25 Hogs , single head 50 Hogs in bunches 25 All other articles , 5 per cent off. Nothing offered for less than 25c List your property in time to have it advertised and try to offer only what you wish to sell as I am taking special pains to bring buyers for your stock from a distance. W. H. O'RoRKit , Mgr. WM. PUKCKI.I. , Auc't , Position Wanted. I desire to secure a position as clerk in a store Orliuc Marke , Halsey , Nebr. S-16-21 Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee Itoasted fresh every day.24-tf. Dr. Bass dentist , over Todd's millinery store , FOR SAT.U Quarter block in a very desirable location. S. M. DORR'S Apples ! Apples ! We will commence picking apples the 30th of this month. Ben Davis and Walbridge will be 75c per bushel and Jenetins , Missouri Pippens , and Winesap S5c. You pick them. Good culls and windfalls one half price. We have 400 gallons of A No. 1 cider vinegar 3 years old for 25c per gallon. By the barrel 20c We want two women and one man to pick. One dollar per day for women and $1.50 for men. Board and room. Don't come on Saturday. W. F. JENKINS , Arcadia Fruit Farm , Arcadia , Nebraska. a sufficient justification that the choice was between maintaining party solidarity on a good bill and breaking it into fragments on minor contentions over unes sential points. Mr. Taft has come into the west , as he said he would , with out subterfuge or evasion. In plain terms and with an honest mind he has told his thoughts on the tariff and laid down his fu ture policies. There is not a doubt that his constructive , defi nite , moderate views , contrasted with the demoraliaingtvindictive , upsetting purpose of the oppos ing democratic organisation , em body the preference of the aver age American voter. By pursu ing this course Mr. Taft will have persuaded and conquered republican opinion in the west , Omaha Bee. vn B m HHBDBMBBBi MHwMl The Stockham Stores Located in Opera Block Hardware , Paints , Oils , Furniture , Queensware , Wire Fencing and Agricultural Implements- Pianos of the test makes Steger , Arnn's , Smoler & Muler and other good makes Rugs , Carpets , Mattings , Oil Cloth , Linoleums and Window Shades Steel King and Lansing Wagons. Pace Maker Plows. Steal Ranges and Heating Stoves of Best Makes. Laurel , Monarch , Jewel , Bound Oak , Diamond. Hard Coal Burners , Soft Coal Burners , Oil Stoves. Try the Stockliam Stores First Great Cut In Farm Wagons We have the wagons and you need them For the next thirty days we cut the price on wagons from $5 to $8 to make them move/ We have the WEBER , BETTENDORF and MANDT WE ARE RIGHT ON DRILLS There is none so good as the DEMPSTER PRESS DRILL. We are agent for the KEYSTONE and JOLTET CORN SHELL- ERS. We have a car load of ENDLESS APRON CLOVER LEAF MANURE SPREDDERS at the same price as you buy a cheaper spreader. See us about them. We can give you extra value for the money. Just received a car load of the finest ante seat Moon Bros , buggies ever brought to the county. See them if you want a real up-to-date buggy. G , W. Apple Hardware Send your Abstract .Orders to J. G. LEONARD , Bonded Abstractor Office In Security State Bank'B'Id'ng