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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1909)
THE REPUBLICAN , ODSTEH COUNT * . NEBRASKA 3 SUCCESSFUL COUNTY FAIR ( Continued from front page ) CATTLE 8HOUTHOUNS Bull two years and ovor-lst , Brenizer ' And McUullough. Bull 1 year and over 2-Hrenizer and and McUulloutrn , 1st and 2nd Bull calf Brenizer and McOulloUirh. 1st and 2nd Heifer 2 rrs. and over-Bronizer und McUulloucrn , 1st ; B J Tierney , 2nd Heifer one year und over 2-Brenizer and Mccullouifh , 1st and 2nd Heifer calf Brenizer and McUullough , mand 2nd KED POLLED AND POLLED DUKHAMS. Bull 2 years and over--Q J Dady , Mason City. Bull 1 year and under 2-Q J Dady Bull calf-Q J Dady Heifer 2 yrs. and undor-QJ Dady , 1st and 2nd S Heifer calf-Q J Dady , 1st i 1 Hull S yrs. and over-B J Tiernev , 1st ; H A Hunter , 2nd Bull lyr. and under 2-H A Hunter 1st and 2nd Bull call-It A Hunter , 1st and 2nd Heifer ' 'yrs and over-B J Ticrnoy 1st and 2ndHeifer Heifer cal-K ( A Hunter tnt GALLOWAYS AND POLLED ANGUS. Bull 2 yrs and over M Ooble , Berwyn SWEEPSTAKES Four animals the get of one sire either fix Brenizer and McUullomrh Best herd of cattln coiiHiHtinir of i bull. I cow , 3 yrs and over , 1 liclfor , 1 > oar aiul under 2 , I heifer under 1 yr Brenizer and McOullougb Best bull any airo or brood Uronizor and McUulloujrh 1st ; Q L Dady2nd Best cow any aire or breed Brenizer and Mcl'ullouchlstand 2nd HORSES TlIOnOUQHBUEDS Stallion ' 1 j ears and over U E Freeman Sargent 1st Mare 3 yrs and over Ohas Harper , C'al- laway , 1st Stallion 3 yrs and over-Thomas Finlen PEKOHEHON NOHMAN AND BEL- UlUM. Stallion Sirs and ovor-W E Ueedei 1st ; S Waddinirton 2nd Stallion 2 yrs and under 3-E Skinner 1st ; ( juvier and Larson 2nd Stallion or Illley stickintr colt-F (1 Perkins , Berwyn 1st and 2nd Mare3yr.sand over-K O Perkins 1st and 2nd Stallion 3 years and overJ E Uliuebell | Ht UHADE HOUSES Stallion or Illloy 1 yr and under 2-0 II Harbauirh ist ; S Waddinirton 2nd Stallion or Illloy Kucklni : colt U E Boeder 1st ; W E Iteeder2nd Maroa.vrs and ever U II Harbautrh 1st ; J B Hulcomb 2nd Filley 2 yrs and under 3 Lynn Sullivan 1stFor For host iieneral purpose i * E Cole 1st ; W Frey 2nd MULES Single mule 2 years and over C 11 liar- bautrn 1st and 2nd Sinwle mule Niickinir colt-UharleS Waters , Lillian , 1st Pair mules 3 yra-U H Harbauuh lut SWEEPSTAKES. Best stallion any aire or breed -vV E Hublue IHI ; Thos Finlen 2nd YK < J ! H WPw - ( U iMSm J QJj QJW fl QJ "OD QJ o o . - ' Q QH 02 O i i HH 2 Best mare any aio or brood F O P-ir- ins 1st ; U II ll.irbuuirh 2nd' Best inaro with suckinir colt by Kido to show breodinir of mare J B Ilolcoml ) 1st Best colt-PO Perkins 1st Best drivintr team W B Frey 1st ; Hem er Itupert 2nd Sintrledriver-W B Frey 1st ; J V Heed- r2nd Special B-w E Heodor 1st Grade stallions , OlasH U-S Waddint , " ton ibt ; W W'laylor2nd FARM PHODUOTH White winter wheat A It Burnt ? is > t ; Ed Booth 2nd Hed winter wheat-L Q Davolt , Broken Bow , 1ft ; Lizzie Happ 2nd White sprier wheat A H Burns 1st Fall rye-E T Happ 1st ; carl Happ 2nd White oats-FM Sharpe 1st ; 0 M Hue 2ndWhite White barloy-A II minis iht and 2nd Buckwheat J N Devalt 1st ; H N Happ 2nd 01. . Flax A II Burns Ut Broom corn-F M Sharpe 1st ; Vincent Stedry 2nd Hemp A II Burns 1st and 2nd Speltz A H Burns lat and 2nd Timothy-A II Burns 1st ; 2nd HiMlTop-J E Wilson 1st ; J W Conlt-y Hromo irass J W Uonley 1st ; A H Hums 2nd German millet Floyd Happ 1st ; A II Hums 2nd Alfalfa fli-Mt cuttlnir-Vincent Htodrv lstJ ; \VConley-2ndbecondcuttintrJ ; w ( Jonley ; A II Hums 2nd : I'liird cut tinir-J N Da'voit 1st : \V"Davolt 2nd. Fourth cuttinir-J W Uonley 1st : It Hond 2nJHost Host collection of sheaf L'rainn and crasses F M Sharpe Dunnini ; 1st ; A il Hums 2nd MELONS , PUMPKINS. SOUASBES. Watermelon , Garland I < ewi , Uti P M SUarpenJ. . - "nil. MuEltniclon. H A ThompsonUt : E T Kapp , Cantaloupe. IM Booth , Ut ; II A Thompson' 2nd. Summer Kijnash. J M Davolt. 1st. M.irroiv Siiuasb. W W Waters. Ut and 2nd. llubli : < rd Squash. P M Sharpe , Ut ; Eatella Kapp , 2nd. PuiLpkhiR. A W Davolt , Ut ; P M Rae , 2nd , Cltion , H E Miller. Ut. 2nd. Hest Collection. P M Hhaipe , Ut ; Ed Booth , VEttETAIM.ES. Peek JJirlv Irish Potatoes. M (4 ( Smith , Mcrnn , Iht ; Ed Hooth , 2nd. Pi'fk Late Irish Potaloui. A W Davolt , Ut ; 1M ' . ' Hoolli'nil. Peck WhltiiOuloim. Mrs II M Wrlirut , lit. Peck Onion Sets. Illlie Butt , Ut ; E D Eu ' bank , -'ml. Peck Turnips. A H Hums , Ut ; E D Eubank , 2nd. Peck Talile ' Beets. A H Burn * , Ut ; M < J Smith-'ml. Peck Suifar Heels. A B Burns , Ut ; Loa Davis. 2ml. I'eck Kntatiaicas. A B HumsUt. . Peck Parsuipi. E D Eubank , Ut. 1'jcU Carrots. E D Eubank , UtA ; W Davolt , 2nd. Celery. P M Sharpu , Ut. Bead of CaUiace. Ed Hooth , UtB ; Houd,2nd. Peck Hod Tomatoes. Mrs H W Davolt. Ut ; Lou DavU , 2nd. Peck VullowTomatocH. A W Divolt. 1st. Perl : of purple tomatoes. Mrs IJ W De- vali lit. One Muart white Held beans. J N Da\olt Ut ; M ( i smith ' 'd. Ouiutiart lima beansv A II Burns Ut. Oir quart castor beans. A II Burns 1st ; A W Davolt 2nd. Quart wax beans. A B Brown 1st and 2d , Salsify , 0 roots. PM Sharpe 1st ; A H Burns 2nd. Ithui-haru 0 stalks. EUle Uayuionil Ut , A U' D.ivolt W. Horseradish. P M Rae 1st , I. O Davolt 3d. oH oW I * W W QP O 3g 3C H U C 3uo CO id w G uoO I * O ( id cu H o M O 6 0)fi cua f fiH g 6O H 3O i * gO ] w R ( / ) O COCO O 3e id O O U COw 3 " 00 e C UO CO O id u idO O COO irl * * Z O O rJ ido w U IH ido rfO 0 , o O O o a I * Q 33 7 } 731 -1 i I CO HcHt collcctliili nt venetaliles. A II Hums Ut ; ICd Houtll M. 1IAHV SHOW Nicest baby Rlrl nndt-r one year. Mrs A J Van Antwerp Ui ! Mrs T L Farntworih M. Nicest bahy boy under one year ol age. MruMuiiahati Ut ; Mrs CO I'eter 2U COIt.M I/argo yellow dent corn. A U Hiiriis 1st ; I' K ( iutlirlctfnd. Small tlent corn. Iw a Davolt 1st ; FM Sharpr x'd. I aryc whitf dciit corn. K Cl Perrhor 1st ; F M .Sharpo Und. Small white dent corn. A II Burns HI ; LA ltaipM. | Calico dent. 0 It Uussoin 1st ; A II Hurras- Swc t corn. S If Halnes 1st ; J Wilson 3d. Pop corn. A H Jiurus 1st ; FA Happ and. Bloody butcher. Mrs H W Davolt 1st ; b 1C llalnrs 2nd. largest ear corn. F M Sharpe lat ; A II Burns 2nd. llest collection of corn. F M Sharpe Ut ; A II Uurns 2nd. 2nd.CORN CORN ON STAMv Large yellow dent. J K Spring 1st ; K D Piper id. Small yellow dent. A II Burns 1st. r/trt'o white dent. 0 M Welsh Ut ; B Bond 2nd. 2nd.Small Small white dent. A H Burns 1st ; I.lz/e Itapp ' 'ml. Calico dent. A W Davolt 1st ; K T Happ 2d. Sweet corn. J K Wilson 1st ; B llond 2nd. Pop corn , bloody butchur. Jesslu Hates 1st ; II A Thompson 2nd. Katllr corn. AV Davolt 1st ; Mrs BV Davolt 2d Tallest stalk corn. Oscar Tappeu , Ut ; I.on Davis , ' 'ml. Whlti ! winter wheat. Vincent Slcdry , Ut ; A II Hums , 2nd. Vcd winter wheat. Otcar Tappan > 1st ; It A Kapp 2nd. White sprlnif wheat , All Uurntt , Uti C M Welch. 2nd. Rcil sprltur wheat. Oscar Tipputi , in ; A II Hiirn-i , i.'nd , Pill lO'e. A II lillriiH.NljVpilfent Steilry.3nd. \Vliituoatb. M//iu H.ipp , 1st ; Vincent ryml. . Whltu barley. A H Burns. Ut , Hjckwheat. A 11 Hums , Ut ; P M Uao , 2nd. Plax. A H UiirnN , Ut. Hruoni corn. A II Hums , Ut- Hump. A B llnriif. Ut. Speltz. l < \Vulch , Ui ; C M Wnlch , 2nd. Timothy. A II DuriiH , Ut. KL-I ! tup. A II liiinis , Ut. Itlue ( IrasH. A II Hums , Ut , White Clover. A H Uurns , Ut. Urd Clovur. A B Hums , Ut. Hronie ( iraits. A B Hums , Ut. German Millet. M li Smith , 1st11 Hun M 2nd , Uulden Millet. A B litirus , Ut ; B Bo i - J Hungarian ( irasB. A II HuruN , l.t. Orchard ( Irasa. A II Hums , Ut. Alfalfa. A B Hums , isi ; U Uu'M , 2u < ? Hi'st colk'ctlou ot ahtfif srulua ud IM s A II Huruti , Ut. Six weeks potato : * . E D Piper , Uti > - t D Piytr , 2ad , Heil corn bean. ED Piper , 1st : Mi 1'iper , 2nd. Kapc. E D Piper Ut , ; Mrs ED Pipei i Cucumbers. Mrs H W Davolli Ut Thompguii , 2ud , KadUheH. Willis Taylor , Ut. Walnuts. Willis Taylor.UtjFloydKa-.p . - ' ( innrda. A W D.ivoit , Ut ; Kr.itk B it ' Illuu Stem ( Iras * . Vincent Stcdiy , , Welch , 2nd. Special Collcctiou , A II Hums , 1st ; J C Wu' son,2nd , Ked Millet. A W D.ivolt.Ut ; L P Wrlcli.Jad. Peariuti. Mrs A W Davolt , Ut ; A W D . volt , 2nd. Cotton. A II Hums , Ut ; f-lllle Ilutt.Ind. KohlHabi. A B Burns , Ut ; M G Smith , 2nd. Corn. I < \VelcbUt ; LlUlc IIutt,2ad , ( Contlnuua to page 0)