Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 23, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Three million acres of govern
ment land to be opened lor set
tlement about October 1st in
South Dakota. Unch ; Sam's
greatest land drawing. These
landa to be opened under the
United States homestead lawn.
For reliable information about
these lands , send 25 cents ( sil
ver ) for our interesting little
booklet , "The Cheyenne and
Standing Kock Hcaorvalions , "
tell ! ) about the history , topogra
phy and soil , climate , rainfall ,
who may take homesteads , etc. ,
compiled by state historian. In
cludes also up-to-date map of
South Dakota showing lands to
be opened.
If you arc interested in sccur-
i'jg 100 acres of this rich land ,
send for
wrap uj > a quarter and
this booklet and map at once.
Address Homestead Informa
tion liurcau , Pierre , S. D.
If you need help of any kind ,
tell its many people as possible.
Three arc more than 40,000 people
ple who subscribe for the Oma
ha 3'ee. . You can tell them all
or one cent per word per day.
"Wrhe today.
All hunters found trespassing
on. Sunuyslope ranch will be
J29-tf W. B. PK Y.
Laud for Sale.
160 acres of land located ten
miles north of the city for sale
on reasonable terms. Inquire of
W. D. Grant. M27-tf
Business Personals
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee.
Eoastad.frcsh every day. 24
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee'
Roast'id fresh every day. 24tf.
. . . DM. Farnaworth & Beck
13ycs tested and glasses fitted
-10-tf DR. BA.imioToM.uw.
* J + .J.-.T . --L-ML./
We arc in the market FOI
Will pay the highest price of
fered on the Tlioken Bow mar
kct. Call and see us before sell
ing * . ' 34-t
1)6 ) City liwv
BriU wiltrUBUWSJf
And Feed Barn
Kceds your horses no poor grain
nnd will supply you with good
Horses and Rigs
nt reasonable prices.
Come and see me.
W. A. Tooley
will scon be a
thing of the past
I can locate
you in Grant ,
Hooker a id McPherson -
Pherson Go's. '
Call on or write
Lena , Nebraska.
IVIcPherson County.
Pitting of glasses.
Om e lu Dlerks ulk , IMioue 2t)0 )
TiiY ! DO S\Y
That revenge is liic ou'y
which ia wrontf lo pay.
That "trail blaxcr'1 h not a
misnomer for Colonel Jesse
Thiitlhe Big-xng1 Huea ought
to defeat the attempt 10 diviilc
the county.
That the coiuily fair program
was carried ou . lo a letter as ad
That the Republican ticket
this year is the strongest ever
put beiore the people.
That an officer fails to do his
duty when he fails to prosecute
a man who has violated the law.
That there never was a woman
but was just aching * to tell sume
other woman how to do up her
That the amount of money lev
ied for county pui pises is Uss
this year than it was four years
That to make home happy is
an art an art a { jood many p o-
) lc have cither lost or never
'That a certain man who if
calling * on another man's wife
) etter be careful or he may gel
into trouble.
That the reason women do no
> repose is supposed to be due tc
: hc lact that they want to have
the last word.
That the divisionists try ti
accomplish by misrepresentation
what they cannot gun by a
statement of facts.
That if your wife is the best
woman in the world , you should
tell her so ; it will keep her young
and lengthen her life.
That a large percent of the
people would be crimiu .Is in one
way or another if tin y thought
they would not be puuished.
Train yourcyrs to rest on the
brightest spots in life. Pass the
darkness on th other side. One
of the suunies places on earth is
the spot madcred bv the hal
lowed inline' .1.3 of those we love
in our own homes.
. .
" * jkVil ) if1
> (
i i i iiiiiLi * .M. > nmrn"
* * _
. .
* ! .w - Si I
Hic MG p | l
That's Shcrwin
Williams paint. Why ?
Because it covers
more surface , wears
longer and looks bet
ter than any other
high grade paint on
the market.
It adds greatly to
the beauty and at
tractiveness of a pro
perty , and often 1:01 ps
to sell it at a profit
much greater than
the cost of painting.
Get our free book
let and color card.
The Busy Druggist
That a few croakers air nece-
ary in every community to
n-.iM.iri1 tli1 i.V.o of progress at
which live men are advancim ; .
That a law i-j made with the
xpL'dation that it will be en-
'orced and that a man who is
ilected to enforce the law should
lo it.
That one long-faced , hollovv-
ycd , winning , caping , chronic
riclcer can do more to keep away
Business and capital from a town
than all the drouths , short crops ,
Miinch lings , cyclones and bh/-
sards combined.
That of all things for which a
young poison shou'd strive , a
rood character stands easily at
the head of the list. It may be
hard to get on without a wealth
and education , but without a
good character , no permanent
i rid enduring success can be
That if you arc a kicker and
see the shadows r failure in
everything that is proposed to
help the town , for heaven's sake
go into some secluded canyon
and kick you own shadow on the
clay bank , and give the men who
are working to build up the town
a chance.
That when you hear a man
sneering at the local papers you
can safely bet he don't spend hU
time making them better. Thcj
who dent see a benefit arising tc
a town from its newspapers
haven't as much sense as a cove
oyster , and arc about as mucl
value to a town as a ten ycai
That the life of an an editor
wns saved the other day by a
silver dollar in his pocket. A
. .ruik shot at him and the bullet
sUruck the dollar. Now should
we happened to get shot before
you pay up your subscription and
there isno dollar to stop the ball
we shall always presume you
might have saved our life.
That some of our pretty little
girls seem quite fond of our cun
ning little boys , on whose lips
the first appearance of what will
in the course of time be a mus
tache , and they are really im-
perling the lives of these youths
in keeping them out so late even
ings. Girls , remember that little
boys should go to bed early.
That twix twilight and dark'
up near Manitou Park , a maiden
sat coining her bright golden
hair , when heated with roaming ,
all panting and foaming , there
came up and squeezed her a big
gmxly bear. It did not affright
her , the bear did not bite her ,
she lay back and murmured : "O ,
still tighter dear. " This brckc
off old bruin he let off his woo
ing , sneaked back to the moun
tains and hid a whole year.
The father who is "chummy1
with his boy , gets down to thai
eager , inquiring , restless little
soul and explains and encourages ,
does not need to cut a birch gad
in order to maintain discipline ;
and the mother who sympathizes ,
cuddles and plays with her chil
dren can keep her slippers on her
feet and her hair brush on the
dressing table. Children need
love and sympathy as much as
ilowcrs need air and sunshine.
That those who think the farm
ers of this county want to tran
scribe three sets of county re
cords , build three court houses ,
pay four sets of officers and main
tain four district courts , four
juries and four jails , have an
other guess coming. The county
seal boomers expect tc make
money by county division and
they can afford to pay more
taxes. The farmer who doesn't
expect to make money by it is
the man who is going to foot the
Notice ,
The Bethcsda Sanitarium has
quit business until spring. No
Bethcsda baths will be given in
Broken Bow until Dr. Fetter-
lings return next spring. All
mail addressed to Broken Bo\v
will be received and answered.
MWf * > MMAww.M. Mj MMtar * < * Ma KnS < kt M-i Mte > r
\y \
Selling men's
youth's and "boy's
clothing at half
price until all
are closed out.
Henry W. WaUerintrc , Walternilre
Ills wife , wliosc llrst naiin : Is unknown.
Charles Harries , and the unknown lielrs.
devisees and legal representatives of Emma
liarnes , deceased , defendants , Taue Notice ,
that on August seth , I'JOO , Joseph i : . Walter-
mire , plalntltr , tiled his petition In the Uis
trlct Court of Custer County , Nebraska ,
nguintt Caroline Waltennlre and .the above
named defendants , the object and prayer of
\vhlchareto foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by the defendant Caroline Walter
mite and , lacnb Waltennlre , now deceased ,
to the plaintiff upon the \\est half of the
northiMst nuarter , the southeast quarter of
the noitlieast quarter , and the northwest
Muatti-r ol thesontheant ( iiiarter of sectlot
twenty six. In township fourteen , range
twenty-live In Custer County , Nebraska , to
secure the payment of a certain promissory
note dated June "Hit. 1001 , f0r the sum o
100 00 , due and payable on or. before June
Dili , Ilk. ' ) , at 8 per cent Interest , there Is
now due on said note and mortgage the sure
of WMitOvltli interest thereon from this
date , for which sum and Interest and costs
plalntlll prays for decree that defendants be
required to pay the same or that said prem
ises may be sold to satisfy the amount found
due , \\lth general rellet and for such other
matters us appear in said petition and
pi ayei thereto ,
You and each of you arc required to ans
s\ur hild petition on or befoio l'lc ' 3's' ' 'toy
of October , 1909 , as ordered by the Court in
making order for this notice.
Dated Sept. 14th , 1W ) .
JosiiPti K. WAt/ruiiMiKB , T'lalntlu" .
lly his attorney , J. A. AIIMOUU.
In the matter of the estate of Wllllum
Thomson , deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance
of an order of uruno o. Hosteller , Judge of
the district rourt of Custer County , Nebras
ka , made on the 2Jnd day of May , 1900 , for
the sale of the real estate hereinafter de
scribed , there will be sold at the main en-
tiance door of the Court House in llroken
1'ow , in Custer County , Nebraska , on Salur
day , the second day of October , 190' ) , at one
o'clock p. in. , at public vcnilue to the high
est bidder for cash the following described
real estate to-\s If. The southwest quarter
of the northeast quarter and lot two In sec
tion one In township fourteen north of
range twenty one west of the oih P , M. In
Custer County , Nebraska , Said sale will
remain open one hour.
Dated this Utii day of September , I90o.
T. T. HUM , ,
Administrator of the estate of
William Thompson , deceased.
S 1C 3031
Delicate and de
lectable odors all
the new summer fan
cies and the old-time
Perfumes of refine
ment sweet , soft
and lasting.
We have all the
newer varieties.
J. G. Haeterle
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a
strong drink. As now made ,
there is not a drop of alcohol
in it. It is a non-alcoholic tonic
and alterative. Ask your own
doctor about your taking this
medicine for thin , impure
blood. Follow his advice
every time. He knows.
V.'o publluh our formula *
We bnnlih alcohol
from our m aicln
We urco you to
consult your
Ask your doctor , "What is the first great
rules of health ? " Nine doctors out of
ten will quickly reply , " Keep the bowels
reRular " Then ask him another question
"What do think of '
tion , you Ayer'a
Pills for constipation ? "
-ilaio by the J. C. Ay tr 03. , Lowell , r.Tim m.i
Don't You Forget It.
We will have everything
for you in the line of Fruit
and Lunch.
Cheese Dried Beef
Minced I Tain
We want all our friends
to call and sec us.
ikeppard & Burk.
You have to buy the coal and we have to havs
the money.
Let us furnish your lumber , building material
and coal.
You know we always have the stock and we
can take care of you and your wants in our line.
Dierlcs Lumber and Coal Company
J. S. MOLYNEUX , Mgr , Broken Bow , Neb.
88 Welcome 1909
Oil sardines , 0 cans
sardines 3
Mustard , cans
Potted ham , 5 cans
bottle ! i ; 30c
Nut butter , a large
Sockcyc Salmon , the best < 2Qc
The best Red Salmon , per xan
Fancy minced luncheon loaf per pound 15c
Extra fancy bologna , per pound
Extra fancy weinerwurst , per pound 15c
" . 20c
Summer sausage , per pound
Highest price paid for fancy butter , fresh eggs ,
melons and produce during fair week.
We buy , test and pay cash for cream.
ar. i\r
Phone 5 PURE FOOD CENTER North Side
Our Officers and Direc- _
- n > l Vl %
tors are CUSTER
Our Stockholders are
Our Depositors are
Our Loans are made teA
A Custer County Bank
Broken "Bow , Nedraska.
Try Us for Farm Loans
Advertise in the