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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1909)
THE UlfiPUBLiOAN , CUSl'Mi OOUNTi , JNJfi . I - " .lit * - - CUSTER COUNTY REPUBLICAN. $1.00 Per Year. ADVERTISING KATK9. Where matter la net on wood l > asu electrotype a flat price of twenty CCIIIH per Inch , aitiifle col- umu , for each limurtlou. two or nioru Insertions ISceuta per Inch , bpcclal pusllluiit fcliiulc In. section ZOcentH pcrllicli. Metal bane , eluclros- two or moro tlim'8 , ISccuts per Inch. I'aymeut ( IrHt of each nibutli. Local advertising five ccuU per line each Iu tcriloii. Notice of chnrch church fairs , sociables ami entertainment * where money l charKeil , one half rates. Death notices free , half erli.1 for publishing obituaries. Card of Thanks , 50 cen , Legal uotlccs at rates provided statutes of Nebraska. Society aotlcesaud resolutionsone-hail riies Weddlnir notice * ( tee , half price for ml of presents. Entered at broken IJow , Nebraska , for trans mission lu the United .States mails at second class rates. Herbert G. Myers , Editor and Publisher REPUBLICAN TICKET. State For Justice of ttiu supreme Court. JOHN 11. 11AKNU3. JACOIJ I'AWCUTT. SAMUB7 , SKDtiWICK. For Hegents of the State University. CliAKLUH H. ALLKN. w. G. WUITMOIU : . For Regent of the Stale University. ( To till Vacancy. ) 1'KANK L. 1IALLER. County For Treasurer. W. II. POOR. For Clerk. W. n. OHBORNE JR. For Register of Deeds. GEORGE E. I'ORTEK. For Judge. N. I ) . FORD. For sherllf. HORACE P. KENNEDY. For Superintendent. GARLAND E. LEWIS. For Surveyor , A. J. VANANTWERI' . "When you vote for county di vision remember that you are voting for high taxes. If taxes are too heavy to suit you now how do you suppose they will be when you come to bond the county for about $400,000 after the county is divided. If the county ought to be di vided because some of che people ple have so far to yo to tin county seat why is it that ( hose who live farthest from it vote against county division ? The bonded indebtedness which would follow as a result of county division would consid erably increase the taxes on rea > estate. This would make it much harder for Custer county far mers to get reaR estate loans. Loan companies always hesitate to loan money in counties where the bonded indebtedness is heavy. The total vote polled at the recent state-wide primary in Nc. braska slightly overtops 93,000' The total vote polled in Nebras ka at the election last Novem ber was , in round figures , 271,500. The number of voters partici pating in the primary is almost exactly one-third of the number of voters who had a * right to participate in it Omah Bee. ' PAINT THAT PAYS That's Sherwin Williams paint. Why ? Because it covers more surface , wears longer and looks bet ter than any other high grade paint on the market. It adds greatly to the beauty and at tractiveness of a pro- perty.and often helps to sell it at a profit much greater than the cost of painting. Get our free book let and color card. S , R. LEE The Busy Druggist t Read The REPUBLICAN $1 a Year When a Democrat uses the word "non-partisan , " just sub stitute the word "Democratic" and you will understand what he really means. Whenever you hear a Demo crat talking about a nonpartisan san judiciary just remember that to him a non-partisan judiciary means Democratic judiciary. The people who want county division are tlie people who urc looking for a boom in their real estate value. Whenever the value of their land raises the tax on it will raise , but then they expect to sell it and let Uio other : ellow pay th high tax don't the ) ? The man who shrinks from ex posing rottenness in his own community because it might cause a local disturbance will never do much toward making his community better. \ \ hen laws are wantonly broken it is sure to bring about a disturb ance if an .itlcuipt is made to en force them. The worst gamb ling den or opium joint cr.uld not be closed without a diMm A saloon can not be tvo and brought within iho law without a disturbance. A. dis turbance , almost an explosion , takes place when a saloon is closed. Yet there are few lo that the ultimate refull of thcso exposures and dis'urbances is not for the best. Tiie crank and disturber is often a mighty use ful citizen. State Capitol. Now conn's Judge J. J. Sulli van , formerly of Culuinhus , but now of corporation ridden Oma ha , and brings suit in the Lan caster county disliict court to have declared unconstitutional the state occupation tax law on corporations passed by the legis lature last winter. That legis lature must have already been a mongrel body indeed. Nearly all of its acts of importance have already been ( Iceland illegal by some ( iourt , but. Judge Sullivan , the particular pride of Democ racy , and its one hope on its state ticket , was not expected to join in the general raid on the work of the only Democratic leg islature the state ever had. Let us pray to be delivired from its repetition. Its 6 o'clock closing law seems to be the only one ol importance that is likely to hold water , not to mention anything stronger. Geneva Signal Opponents of direct primaries in the eaet have pointed to the fact that in the direct primaries in Pennsylvania the machine usually wins as evidence of the viciousncss of direct nomina tions. The fact that ic is almost invariably machine men who op pose direct primaries is sufficient to discredit thaf sort of argu ment , Vut the case is completed by recent revelations in Pennsyl vania. In Schuylkill county re cently five election officials have signed' a written confession of falsifying primary returns. They say : "We did get the impres sion that it was a common and ordinary thing to do , little real izing that we were committing such a serious crime. " The ma chine has long manipulated the returns from tegular elections Here is evidence that it has been saving itself from destruction by falsifying the primary returns and that such methods have been so common that those com mitting the crime little realized that we were committing a serious crime. " This evil is of course attributed to conditions that grew up under the old sys tem , conditions it will take the new system some time to destroy Public opinion itself needs some amendment , to judge by the fact that the man who exposed this particular breach of the law be sought the court not to make scapegoats of the men who con fessed for the reason that "so many perjured professional bal lot box crooks escape. " State Journal. < It is nothing , if not amusing , at the antics of the Democratic party of the state , in regard to their appeal for a non-partisan 'supreme ' court. They claim in jth ir state platform that they are in favor of non-partisan nom- iuatious for judges of Iho su preme court , but want the men s lected on merit. Hut they want the first qualification of merit to bn this. "II > i must be a Democrat. " The proof of this ics in the fact in the fact that the Democrats are now before the people of the state with a full ticket of judges of the si > prcme court 1-beled Democrats , and the papers of the Demo cratic faith arc pleading for votes for their nominees on the theory of non-partisanship. They acknowledge that the Re publican ticket is composed of clian and able men , but they an ; not non-partisan , i. e. , they are not Democrats , and hence wholly urqualified to be elected to n place on the supreme bench. Such blooming tommy-tot is ful ly worthy of a lot i/i1 disciples c f Bryan , and shows the kind ui political schooling he would givv i i i I I S t i III Will be the opening play by The Bemjamin Stock Co. AT Groat's Opera House Monday , Sept15 This company of superb artists will hold the bmrds all during the f ir with a new play each ir ght. Tickets a ! SioicomEi's ' book store in that celebrated school of poli tics he would establish at the state capitol at the expense of the state. Tn another year's course they tiii ht even learn to probate wilh and bog the widow's mite to make a cam paign.--St. I'.ml Republican. FOR SALE. Wonting to go out of business will soil my on tire stock consist ing of Imdwaiv. stoves , furni ture , barh wire , Stmicbakcr buggys , wagons and implements. Will sell'or rent buildings. This is a good opening for energetic voting men. Will consider an improved farm ; will sell at re duci-d prices until r.alo is made ; will : il sn keep sloi.k complete. S < ) O-7 5t ( li-j. : WIM.IJT LOST Small m-tnl pocket book l.tsl I1'rid.iy evening. rngravcd inid ; Hrinrru this nflice and receive n liberal ! reward. SPECIAL PLATE SALE /f Sept. 14 , 1969 ( . ' . ( insisting of ILivil.'ind & Co , Royal 1 Million , Theo Ilavilaml. H.i . n.p . AudrSan and Japaih-Hc Jhuul painted China Plates. Rcjjular price rangijig- from 23c to $4.50 on sale Sept. 14 from IGc to $1.08. Now on display in our window. i First come lirst served. HiifiuTS Attentionl 1 oMtii ' > no limiting on my rarc'i. Frank XVpi&e ri''t ' v. S- 'J-O-7-iU. O-i ik "Blue Kibb.m" coffee l-'o.isiffl frx-sli > M'tM' fl.iy.-'Mf. ? t You Forget It. | We will have everything for yon in the line of Fruit and Lunch. FOR FRUIT : Peaches Pears Grapes Apples Oranges Bannanas FOR LUNCH : Cheese Dried Beef Minced Ham Bologna We want all our friends to call and see us. & Burk. . ,1 A bran new six room house with closets , hydraulic well and a barn for 8 horses. This house is in a good residence portion of the city and 'sets on two lots 100x112 ft and will be sold for $1500 A new six room house with closets , lot 50 x 112 ft , barn for farm horses , well located. Will sell for $1400 3 Hew six room house centrally located. Will sell for $1300. A number of other city proper ties for sale or trade. Call and investigate these rare bargains. We can arrange to give time on the payment of two thirds of the price of these dwellings. We represent the Nebraska Building & Loan Association and can furnish moniy for the building of residence or business properties at a rate as low as the lowest. Don't forget that we have some of the best farms in Custer county for sale. We always try to make the conditions suit the customer and we can suit you. X J. S. McGRAW REAL ESTATE and FARM LOANS