Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 09, 1909, Page 3, Image 3
REPUBLICAN , OUSTER OOUNl % NEBRASKA. The Out of The Hermon Clothin The stock in the store on the north side of the square will "be closed out regardless of cost. We are determined that not a piece of this merchandise shall go to the new store. We offer you every inducement to spend your money with us and we do not expect one penny of profit- Here is your opportunity to clothe the men and toys for the winter at a saving of fifty per cent. If you Have never attended a genuine sale "before , put aside your prejudice , join the crowd and get your share of this great money saving opportunity. To make this sale simple and plain we divide'our stock in five price divisions and incluSe every suit in our store. Under each division is a truthful description of what you will find. You know the quality of our merchandise , nothing but first class goods have ever entered our store. During the sale we will make no alterations or give suspenders with suits. xrea K2M ! ? Krs ; HERE ARE OUR FIVE GREAT DIVISIONS V Divisou Number 1 Tliis includes all our odds and ends in men's and youngmen's suits that are mis-matched. Suits that were left from the big fire sale. Frock coats and vests etc $1.95 Division Number 2 Mens suits and young mens suits , sixes from . ' ' > 2 to o7. Good wearing- school suits. Suits that are worth twice the price. $3.35 pif Boys' knee pants 1 suit division This includes all our boys knee pant suits. Suits worth iS'i.OO , 55.50 ; , .f 4.00 , and up to $5.00 now - Division Number 3 Mens suits. All sizes. Good all wool suits. Ex ceptional values. $5.90 Boys , knee pant division Includes all our knee pants. Sixes from 4 to 14 now - - Division Number 4. Mens and young1 mens suits. All the newest shades , fancy cull's and longlapels. . Up-to-date in every detail. Regu larly sold at 12.50 , l.'l.30 and IT.00. $9.90 Men's odd pant division Includes all our pant stock. from 1 'H ) to 12 waists. - * Division Number 5 This includes all our highest price suits. Suits tailored by Kuppcnheim- er & Co. and l leisher Bros. Suits that sold all year for 17.00 , 18.50 , 20.0&and 22.50. $13.90 Men's fancy wash vest division Mens fancy wash vests. $1.50 values Cheap at the price MEN'S and BOYS' FURNISHINGS Copyrial.l 1909 . K The House erf Kupinlirunft A Cliieaso * Men's Shirts Includes all our shirts soft and still' bosom. Good assortment 39c and sixes. Men's Wool Underwear Mens wool underwear. Broken si/es. Regular SI.50 , L'.OO and 12.30 goods. - Men's Hat Division No. I All soiled hats. Slightly damaged. These hats are good enough for every day wear. Men' Hat Division No. 2 Includes all the bal mice of our hat stock. $1.50 , 12.00 and $1.19 2.50 hats. - . Men's And Boys' Caps Men and Boys Caps. Assorted lot. GOOD V\LUIiS HERM Nortk Side of Square Agents for the HOUSE of KUPPENHEIMER OPENS SATURDAY SEPTEMBER lltk