Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 09, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Three million acres of govern
ment laud tp be opened for set
tlement about October 1st in
South Dakota. Uncle Sana's
greatest land drawing. These
lands to be/ opened under the
United States homestead laws.
For reliable information about
these lands , send 25 cents ( sil
ver ) for our interesting little
booklet , "The Cheyenne and
Standing Kock Kescrvations , "
tells about the. history , topogra
phy and soil , climate , rainfall ,
who may take homesteads , etc. ,
compiled by state historian. In
cludes also up-to-date map of
South Dakota showing lands to
be opened.
If you are interested in secur
ing 160 acres of this rich land ,
wrap up a quarter and send for
this booklet and map at once.
Address Homestead Informa
tion Bureau , Pierre , S. D.
If you need help of any kind ,
'ell as many people as possible.
There are more than ' 10,000 people
ple who subscribe for the Oma
ha Bee. You can tell them all
or one cent per word per day.
"Write today.
All hunters found trespassing
oil Sunuyslope ranch vill be
J29-tf W. B. FR Y.
' Land for Sale.
i' *
160 acres of land located ten
miles north of the city for sale
on reasonable terms. Inquire of
W. D. Grant. A127-tf
Business Personals
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee.
Roasted fresh every day. 24
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee
Roasted fresh every day. 24tf.
Drs. Farnsworth & Beck
Eyes tested and glasses fitted
-10-tf DR. BAKTHOLOMnw.
We are in the market FOR
Will pay the highest price of
fered on the Broken B nv mar
ket. Call and see us before aell'
ing. 34-tf
The City Livery
And Feed Barn
Feeds your horses no poor grain
and will supply you with good
Horses and Higs
ut reasonable prices.
Come and see tne.
W. A. Tooley
will soon be a
thingof the past
I can locate
you in Grant ,
Hooker and McPherson -
Pherson Go's.
Call on or write
Lena , - Nebraska.
McPherson County.
Fitting of glanscs.
Offlce In DUrks ulk. Phone 2tW
Continued from last weet.
The committee appointed to
check up the oflice of Hie regis
ter of deeds for the Grnt half of
19 made the following report :
Total fees first half 1909.
January 4th to July 3rd , ' 09 ,
inclusive. * 29f > 0.75.
Ki-BlttiT' * fnlary $ "W > 00
Dupiity'nxMary Mo 01
ClorU'i Hillary > ' ) 00
1'ustnup W IN 3 ( <
Kxtraclurk lilru VI >
KXCIMS dm ! I In1 comity IS.V w
$ * Wl 75
State of Nebraska , CusterCouu-
ty , SB.
J , J. T. Wood , register of
deeds , in and for Ouster county ,
Nebraska , do hereby certify that
the above and foregoing state
ment of fees earned by the office
of register of deeds for the lirst
half of year 1909 , is a true and
correct statement of same to the
best of my knowledge and be
In testimony wherCof I here
in to set my hand and ofllcial
seal this 15th day of July , A.
D. 1909.
J T Wood , Register of IXeds ,
Ouster County , Nebraska.
Subscribed and sworn to by J.
T. Wood , register of deeds , be-
brc me this 15th day of July ,
A. D. 1909.
Jos Pigman , Co Clerk ,
Dy W II Chborna , jr , Deputy.
Custcr County , Nebr.
To the Honorable Board of Su
pervisors , Ouster County , Ne
Gentlemen : We , the under
signed committee duly appoint
ed to check up the register of
deeds office have compared the
above and foregoing report with
the fee book of the oflice , and
have checked same with the rec
ords of the oflice and find same
true and correct as stated to the
best of our knowledge and be
J B Gilmorc ,
Ben P Morris ,
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read.
The erroneous and delinquent
tax claim committee reported as
follows :
We recommend that the coun
ty treasurer be instructed to can
cel the tax on lot 3 to 24 in block
24 R R addition to Callaway for
the year l')01 ) and 1903.
And also to cancel the tax on
lot 9 to 24 in block 56 R R addi
tion to Callaway for the years
1898 and 1809 , same being erro
We also recommend that the
treasurer be instructed to write
tax certificate in the name of the
county , and assign the same
upon the payment of the face of
the tax , together with the ad
vertising fee on block 9 Jewetts
and Lillys addition to Broken
And upon the application of
R A Moore as relates to lots 14
to 16 in block 41 R R addition to
We recommend that the coun
ty treasurer be instructed to
write receipts for the years 1895 ,
1896 , 1898 , 1S''J , 1900 and 1901 ,
showing the tax paid upon the
payment to him of- the legal
amount due and inieresV"tVwit :
Village bond 10 mills for each
year , and village general 10 mills
for each year.
We also recommend that the
followirttf requests for refund of
tax be rejected for various rca-
socs. John M Sweeney , S A
Kelley , C C Cooper , Will Davis ,
M 13 Gordon , Fred Leibert , A A
Coxson , Herman Swanson , A L
We base our statements upon what has
already been accomplished when \ve offer
to return the money paid us for Uexall
" 93" HairTonic , if it fails to nuke the
scalp healthy , euro dandruff , grow hair and
prevent baldness. You take no risk what
ever when you try It Two sizes , 500.and
# 1.00. '
For Sale By A. H.SOUDORS
Mathews ,
James Lee ,
J E Grint ,
L Cushman.
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read.
At 12 o'clock the board ad
journed until 1 p in.
Alternoon Session )
The board met all p tn with
all members present.
The road committee made the
following report upon the peti
tion of J S Kirkpatrick for a con
sent road in town 17 range 21.
We recommend that the peti
tion be granted.
And as follows upon the peti
tion of Frank Dobesh et al , for
the establishment and vacation
of a road in town 14 , range 19.
We your committee recom
mend that the petition as recom
mended by the commissioner be
granted and the vacation be re
jected the road to be 40 feet
wide , and damages against road
district No 1 Loup township as
follows :
for land 21' $02 CO
lor I'ctict ; 128 00
for chute 40 to
Frank Dobcsli lor hind ami fence 100 00
J E Grint ,
James Lee ,
L Cushman ,
And upon the application of
George Troyer for a cattle chute
on the public road in sections 19
and 30 , township 17 , range 23.
We recommend that the re
quest be granted , chute to be
reeled and maintained at his
expense with hand rails placed
And upon the application of
George H Smith for a cattle
chute across the Dittmar road in
section 8 , town 13 , range 2-
We recommend that the re
quest be granted , chute to be
erected and maintained at his
expense , with hand rails placed
We also recommend that the
county surveyor be instructed to
make survey of and plat the road
petitioned for by E S Woodruff ,
et a ] , in accordance with the
We also recommend that the
following- claims ba allowed.
S I < Cannon , commissioner mi two Camp
bell mails $ " 00
1 M Case , clialnmaii on case roail $ - 00
Clias I ! Howard , axeman on Howard road 2 00
Ulnicr WillH. cliaimuati ou 11 owaril road. 2 00
( JeoV Jones , mirreylut ! ' on ( illmore roDil. 400
A J Van Antwerp , surveying roads etc..56 20
R W lluckner , commlaaionur on roads 100
AJ Van Antwerp , surveyliiir roads etc
34 M
And that the claim of W P
Grafts for damages caused by
the location of the E F Myers
road in town 14 , range 20 , be re
jected for the reason that claim
ant agrees to give the land on
the line.
J E Grint ,
Jas Lee ,
L Cushman ,
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read.
We also recommend that the
following claims be allowed :
dcoV Hundley , board work and mile
age I 18 00
Hen 1 * Morris , attending board meet
ing and mileage 38 00
Edwaril Foley Sr , attending beard
mectlngand mileage 2023
J I ) Ullmori ; , board work and mileage. 33 80
J K Qrlnt , board work and mileage. . . . 85 S9
J II Orlnt , viewing bridges etc 61 75
U I. Turner Luibr Co , coal for court
house etc 10 00
Amanda Foster , work for county clerk 19 M
Ueo V Hartholomcw M , D. , medical
services - . 10 oo
Oeo w lleadley , attending board meet
ing and mileage ai 40
Kd'ward Foiey Sr. , board work and
mileage 36 80
Crowiiovcr Tel , Co , , tolls 500
Dlerks Lumber Coal Co. , merchandise. 10 ' . ! : >
II M IMnckney , salary etc 300(0
KJopj ) & uartlctt Co. , i vol Cobbey
statutes 54 TK )
M K iievlngton , care of E. A. Wilson. . 15 oo
Stella Verier , equalizing and work oil
school district values 4" 00
Janle Cooper , equalizing ' . . . . 10 32
Luna Sims , equalizing and work on
values 10 40
Alice Humphrey , equalizing and work
on values 25 CO
Nellie Ciuttcrson , work on assessors
books 49 21
James Lee , board work and mileage. . . 70 21
Ti Cushman , fare for paupers 20 oo
J 11 Gilmorc , board work and mileage. 23 00
Miss Wlnkler , nursing Mrs. Ida June
and transportation C5 M
Dlerks Lumber Coal Co. , coal for Mrs.
Larson 4 oo
Jos 1'lgman , part payment on tax lUt. ? . ' . Un ,
Scott Cooper , service as janitor W ( Hi
L cushmau , transportation tor Mrs.
SarahQayner \i
Western IJaht & Fuel Co. . gas for
courthouse . . 1985
j T Itodcltff , salary as supt , of poor
farm . 7uO OJ
John Craig , salary as dcp , sheriff . no oo
B K Malloy , work done for court house 1 00
National omcc Supply Co. , supplies for
courthouse . 74 BO
lien 1' Morris , attending board meet
ing , board work arid mileage. ' . . 'M 50
Jos. I'lgman , part payment on tax list. 75 oo
J O Haeberle , merchandise . 5 75
M Krause work on schedules . 100
Sheppard & LJurk , supplies for 11. T.
Mcclary . ia 70
J 11 Atklsson , merchandise . . s 23
Jos I'lgtnan , part payment on salary
19CU . 250 00
Jos IMgman , part payment on tax list. 300 00
H It Hangs , expense for casket . 25 00
John F wcscott . * 4 00
Guy Mvciinori ! . 400
Chas D Uragg . 9 50
B K Wlnimer . 4 00
W M Stevens . 4 00
A Wolf . 7 70
AC White . 4 00
Will Hlnman . 4 00
Jerome Taylor . 400
Jim Hrlggs . 400
J F Russell . 400
FNegloy . 4 00
TT Daniels . 4 00
George Wright . 4 00
Joe Moore . 8 00
Fred Myers . 4 00
Fred Franklin . ; . 4 00
0 Hiser . J 00
TSCrosslcyJr . 4 00
Hans Arp . 4 00
us Olson . 4 00
Canute Lcc . 11 50
TOOlson . 4 00
FiedJ Anderson . 400
Fred Duls . 4 00
Frank Johnson . 4 00
Chas. O. Llnd . 15 00
1 A Colcman . 4 (0
M O Montgomery . 400
lien Holcomb . 400
LorenCornett . 4 00
Harry Klrnball . 4 00
Porter Farley . 4 00
HertOrvls . 4 CO
Frank Button . 4 00
Frank Gorham . 4 00
John Pfrehm. . . . . ' . 11 00
W J Leep . 4 00
Hobert Farley . 4 00
Eddie Helms . 4 00
Vose . 4 75
Gordon R. Pike . M 10
Myrtle Primary
Albert Sherbeck . t 4 00
John W Urynn . B 50
Jos Murry . 4 ou
1 < " K IJelano . 4 oo
\V PHyntt . 4 00
Jesse M iSiclioln . 4 00
Ouster No. 2 Primary
J 10 Morrison . s 4 00
E K I'itchenborcrcr . 4 oo
John Maier . 8 00
John Cameron . 400
AL ) Wise . 4 00
Triumph Primary
O U Murphy . s 4 00
Win Wurren . 4 uo
U K Itlwle . 8 25
Alf Shreyer . 4 oo
1J J IJeechler . 400
Lillian No. 2 Primary
A P Wood . s 4 CO
J 8 Austin . 4 oo
H McAllistei . . i oo
Sam Weinman . 400 Wallaje . s 30
Wood Hirer Primary
Glins Winters . S 4 00
Gee Mary . 4 oo
L J YunAntWitrp . 4 no
Olias Davy . .400
A J Watkinn . . . . . . . . 8 3J
( Juater No. 1 Primary
Jos Haofcle . 51 oo
J W Hoirors . .400
ti i Netii . . . . . . ; ; . 7 a ,
Have Uoultur . ' 4 no
John Foxworthy . . 400
Uarlleld Primary
Bert FrnncoiH . s 4 oo
JOH Biadhurn . 4 oo
Oheatcr Oroon . i oo
JOHHC Itradbnrn . 400
Paul McUatilin . 7 us
Wcutorvillo Primary
M Q llnyes . 400
John WolHh . goo
I ) It Leach . 4 QO
W A Uardner . 4 oo
FA12merHon . 300
John Heott . i po
Kilfoil Primary
JOH Fonimore . coo
J J Joynur . c oo
Win u.'UHii
. a oo
Frank Ktlly c 00
EM Coleman coo
Grant Primary
H 15 Williams 4 00
Harvey Stockham 4 oo
Joe Gilmore 4 00
WalterOox 4 oo
Trump ( Jnmpau u 5t'
Elim Primary
O Bomie 400
John Tallin 4 oo
Frank Foohtman 4 03
Unas Worrell 400
E S Woodruff 1200
Hayes Primary
W D Ulankenflliip 4 oo
Willie Leonard 4 oo
MnrkToploy Hr 400
TT Wlnohnstor 9 50
waiter Davis 4
Algernon Primary
R KMillor 400
OFFrazior 4 oo
F N MoHsman 400
J M Amaberry 4 oo
O II KllUon . . . 4 oo
J H Me Adams u s 30
Victotia Primary
Davhl Christen 4 oo
W H I.OW18 400
K M Scott . ' . ' 400
FUwilson . . 4 oo
Ira Foster 2 00
U O Empflold 1200
N O Gfloriro 4 ( \ )
II M Campbell 4 ro
wP.Iudue . 400
Dinh woodruff 4 oo
J F Hryson s 10
BMMaplo 400
T M Myers s oo
.lamps Ann 4 ro
ION IHshoD 400
Mort Kussell 4 oo
Ilorwyn Primary
Boyd Linder 4 oo
FG Perkins 4 oo
UnUhrUtnnsen 7 oo
L F Oxford 4 oo
J GUraiir 4 oo
Douclas Groo
A J Pickle 4 eoN
N 1) Amos 400
wHAmos 400
E G Bpooner 4 oo
Uli Ulover 8 40
Cliff Primary
wj nice 4 oo
Uliiia HUkomun 4 oo
WA wardrobe 4 tx )
MliiardUIII 8 so
Cw Layton w
Henry tJarrtUt 400
( Continued to page 7)
TO THE NORTHWEST : Cheap one-way Colonist fares to tne
Northwest.I'uget Sound ana California , September 15 to Octohtr
15 ; daily through trains to the Northwest via tinJrnat Northern ;
also via the. Northern Padlio. To Cnlifrnih , daily ( 'initial tourist
sleepers via Denver , Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City.
ROUND TRIP TO PACIFIC COAST-Very : low Seattle and
California round trip excursion tickets on sale during'September.
This is the last chance to obtain these cheap rates for the greatest
railroad journey in the world.
EASTBOUND : Special round trip rates to Chicago , Kansas
City , Lincoln , 'Omaha , St. Joseph , St. Louis , August 28 to Septem
ber 5 and from September .11 to September 1U. Daily low thirty
day round trip rates from Chicago to Atlantic cities and resorts.
September is the lat * month for the special vacation rates to
Colorado. Homercekers' excursions September 7 and 1.
Consult nearest ticket agent for latest advices of special rates.
iiiflffiUoi H. L. ORMSBY , Ticket Agent ,
, Broken Bow , Nebraska.
L. W. WAKKI.KY O P.V . , Omaha.
The dirtiest , most
distasteful drudgery
is to carry coal and
ashes to and from
stoves and grates.
And then there's the
fuel wastel
warm evenly every room
DEAL and corner of the house
not "in spots" as with
stoves , nor "one-sided"
heating as with hot-air furnaces on windy days.
In these outfits for Hot Water or Low-Pressure
Steam the firepot has hollow walls filled with
water , which ahsorbs all the heat of the fuel and
distributes it through piping and radiators exactly
where needed hence the great fuel economy.
Let us tell you all about this clean heat , health
protection , safety , and the long-lived outfits.
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
W i
V ,
Fall and Winter
Millinery Opening
Friday and Saturday
September lOth and llth
Mrs. George jrapmeau
South Side ox Square
When Yon Want
call np J. N. Peale