Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 09, 1909, Image 1

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Indications Are That Crowd Will Be
Largest in Years.
Dr. Carver' * Wild West Show Will be
Great Drawing Card. County
Fair Will Entertain Those
Who Could Not See
State Fair.
Tue contractor exoivuting the
pool for Dr. Carver's famous show
to be given during the county fair ,
anil into which the horses dive from
thu fotty foot platform , at a depth
of seven feet , has struck water and
is having difficulty in completing
the pool to the required depth
He lias placed an engine with a
latga pump on the margin of the
pool and is in that way keeping the
water down , so that be hopes to bit
able to complete the pool to tbe r
quired depth.
Racing Horses Here.
Harriets and turning horses have
begun to arrive and bavo been oom.
ing eacb day since tbe latter part of
last week. Tbe race bam is now
almost filled. It seems certain now
that tbe fair next week will furnish
eome splendid races.
Come to County Fair.
Tbe attendance at tbe State Fair
on Monday and Tuesday , as report
ed by tbe State papers , Wda lose
thau two thirds the number on tbe
Bame daya last year. Tbe cr.twdH
which tbe State fair failed to re
ceive this week because of tbe
bad weather , our Fair will enter
tain next week , if tbe weather is
Building New Barn.
Tbe-managoment of the Fair bave
f. r in my years been orippelud for
want of means , to construct ternpor
aty barns for horses on exhibition
Because of the large number of
hcwes pcomUed tbia year and tbe
large space necessary to house them ,
the management at the last mooicn
dec dfcd to build a new barn and
miw Lave a large force of workmen
at work and hope to have the sanu
finished bj Saturday night. They
will La prepared to properly Lou e
and care fur the thorough brads ,
Stundaid biod , Peroheron , Norman
htid Belgium , Shires and Ul > de
that will be exhibited. Tbia ex
bibiiion promises to far eclipse any
tb 11 of the kind ever before seen
at our county fair.
New Amphitheatre.
Tbe new amphitheatre at the Fdii
gr. uads ie completed and ready foi
lh > - painter who will bagin work 01
) he Mime immediately.
Aeroplane Will Fly.
Prof. Baranaen will bavo lih now
aeroplane on tbe Fair grounds next
Monday and will be ready to begin
bia flights which will be g ven each
day if the wind ia suflicidnt.
Dr. Carver with bid grout show
oud diving horses was at Alma last
Wfriek , is at Lincoln this w > ek an 1
will be her0 ufc t weiek. No one
cau afford to mUs U 'B woudorfu1
The direotcrs are aired 'y at worl
cu tbe agricultural and art bull , and
by Tuesday tbe same will piea ait a
Tbe horsemen now exercising at
the track report it in splendid con.
Fine Arts Department.
The ladies of the city and
county cannot afford to overlook
the new premiums secured for
the fine arts department. Mrs.
H. T. Bruce is superintendent ,
announcement of which is found
elsewhere in this paper.
Ladies Department.
It is to be hoped that exhibits
/or the ladies' department under
the superintendcy of Mrs. A.
Motgan will be numerous this
year. This department is di
vided into fourteen subdivisions.
Lot 1 is knitting ; lot 2 , crochet
work ; lot 3 , baud-sewing work ;
lot 4 , drawn work ; lot 5 , satin
stitch embroidery ; lot 6 , Houi-
ton lace embroidery ; lot 7 , out
line embroidery ; lot 8 , Kensing
ton embroidery ; lot 9 , sofa pil
lows ; lot 10 , jewel work ; lot 11 ,
rope , silk and Persian embroid
ery ; lot 12 , cut work ; lot 13 , lace
work and lot 14 , ilower work.
In the culinary department
here are 136 different premiums.
wet 1 of the department offers
\2 \ premiums under the general
class of butter , cheese , cakes ,
etc. Lot 2 is canned fruits , jel-
ies and preserves , providing for
)2 different premiums.
We educate our girls to play
he piano , but we neglect their
education in the culinary arts.
There are more good musicians
n the county than there arc
oed cooks , but there are some
plendid cooks in the city and
county. The culinary depart
ment of the county fair associ
ation very much desire a large
xhibition by these artists.
adies be sure and bring or send
an exhibit for this department.
ury Term of District Court Convenes
October 4th.
So far only two cases have
been docketed for the criminal
ertn of the district court which
convenes on October 4th , The
case of the State of Nebraska vs
Willard , was continued until
October at the laot term and
Edwards , who is charged with
cattle stealing will come up at
this term. Guy W. Olmsted's
prelmmary hearing is set for
September 30th and if he is
bound over his trial will prob
ably come in October.
The jury for the October term
term , which was drawn from
the names submitted by the
board of supervisors , is as
follows :
Fred Arthur Peter Arp
[ I. E. Ulowers Fred Chase
W. S. Cole A L. Conhciser
Alfred Cooper Chas Freeman
0rge Graves Henry IIelgcrt > c n
A. D. Johnson Wui. Jackson
Freeman Levin H. J. Martin
Gco C Marsh Barney Marrjuiss
S. A. McGinnis II. K. Pointer
Chas.Robertson R. G. Roberts
S. C. Waldron Jerome Taylor
Archie Meek Newton Wright
G. W. Arnold and Fred Kleeb
started Tuesday evening on a
coast trip.
Judge Hostetler opened the
equity term of the District Court
in this city Tuesday. A number
of divorce and other civil cases
come up for adjustment. A
detailed report of these will be
given next week ,
Attorney N , D. Ford , of Ans
ley , Republican candidate for
county judge , was in the city
Tuesday looking after district
court business. There is every
indication that Mr. Ford will be
elected in November by a large
Map Showing the Proposed Lines of Counly Division.
N. W. Qr. 730 sq miles N. E. Qr. Slfi Sq. miles.
S. W. yr. 760 sq. miles S K. ( Jr. 576 sq. miles.
lly Mrs. Am.iiula L. X.uidcis
Last Saturday evening Miss
Imilda Irene Xanders entertain
ed at a seven o'clock dinner in
honor of Miss Floy Rose , of
Lincoln , who is the guest of
Miss Delia House.
Bunches of golden glow Hewers -
ers decorated the house and
During the evening Miss
Slater , of Boone , Iowa , an ac
complished musician , favored
the guests with a variety of
vocal and instrumental music.
Those present and invited
were , Misses Delia House and
Nell Gutterson , Messrs. Herbert
G. Myers , John Dalton , Ken
neth Kublee , Weber Loucrgon ,
Miss Royse , Lincoln ; Mhs Sla
ter , Boonc , Iowa , and Mrs.
Smith , Chicago , 111.
Rev. and Mrs. Aubrey cele
brated their fifteenth wedding
anniversary last Monday , Sep
tember the 6th. The invita
tions were issued from the pul
pit of the Presbyterian church
Sunday morning and evening
and included all the members of
the church and their friends and
extended to the general public ,
all who cared to come were as
sured of a cordial welcome. The
hours were from four to six and
from eight until ten p. m.
The manse was profusely dec
orated with golden rod , sweet
peas and china asters.
Vocal and instrumental music
added largely to the enjoyment
of the many guests. One of the
selections was , " 0 , Promise Me , "
sung by Mrs. Stevenson , accom
panied by Miss Hrcnixer. The
same song was sung at Ihc wed
ding fifteen years ago. Hev.
Aubrey sang several pleasing
Pine apple punch , lady finger ?
and nabisco's were served.
Rev. and Mrs. Aubrey were
the recipients of a very hand
some present , a dinner set of
haviland china , the gift of the
congregation and a few friends
also several individual gifts
The Rupuii IO.VN j > ins their
many friend in wishing then
many happy returns of their
wedding anniversary.
" "
Last Monday evening a dc-
ightfnl and informal dancing
larty was given at the Temple
theater by some of the young
men of the city.
There were about thirty
couples present.
' The music was furnished by
Taylor's orchestra , and dancing
was continued until mid-night.
Wednesday evening of this
week Miss Madge Kay enter
tained her former pupils at her
; iome in the northeast part of
: own.
Invitations wcic issued to
thirty-six young ladies and gen
tlemen , pupils of Miss Kay ,
when she taught in the public
schools of this city ' 02 and ' 03.
The evening was delightfully
spent in reminiscent talk , in an
examination contest , in which
Miss Lena Gschwind won the
first prine , a picture , and Jim
Thomas , the second , a knife ; in
in impromptu program
Miss Mary MorKan . . .Recitation
liilin Daltnn . . Address uti I'rloiiilslilii
Torn st > : cLi > ) Violin solo
Dainty refreshments were
served. Miss Kay was assisted
by Mrs. Nannie Far is , of Chicago
cage , 111.
The parly broke up at a late
hour with many expressions of
pleasure to Mrs. Kay for making
possible this delightful occa
o K. s. MUUTINO.
At the regular meeting of the
O. 1C. S. at Masonic hall last
Friday night , the committee on
entertainment presented a short
program , which included a remi
niscent talk on pcliool days ,
"dear old happy fool days , " and
a vocal solo.
Mrs. Rublce , Mrs. Xanders
and Judge Gutterson were ap
pointed to arrange the entertain
ment for the next meeting and it
u&afeto say the unusual may
be expected.
Many moon's have waxed and
waned since the last peaceful
meeting of the clans at "Ogce-
danl'oe" ( on the hill ) until last
Sunday , when , as the western
shadows long , iloated o'er Hrokcn
How bright ami slro g , The
Chieftain's wife her buqle blew ;
The cast and west the signal
knew , and fast the faithful clans
atound her drew.
Four clans were represented at
this renewal of the too long
abondoncd gatherings. 'I he feast
was prepatcd in the quaintest
way imaginable and thoroughly
enjoyed. Three representatives
of the press were present nnd
quite naturally much of the con
versation of the evening hinged
on newspaper prcferances. An
other gathering of the clans is
promised for the near future.
MA/.UMA N. I. T.
' The rectory of St. John's
Episcopal church is the scene
this evening of a delightful
gathering. The occasion is the
third of a series of social affairs
given by Masuima members. The
Misses Janic Cooper , Christine
Springer , Syble Outline , Kuiily
Robertson and Irene Xanders arc
hostesses. Each member of this
flourishing organization was
permitted to invite one friend to
partake of the festivities. After
a pleasant social hour a "milli
nery contest" was announced
and a prue offered the lady who
could make the prettiest paper
hat or bonnet. Sheets of tissue
paper , blue and gold , the Ma-
gum a colors , tied with baby rib
bon , were distributed among the
guests and work commenced-
After a very busy half hour the
newly made , and up-to-date , hats
and bonnets were collected. Mes
srs. Gco. and Loucks Xinders and
Kenneth Rublce , acted as judges.
The awarding of the prixe was
no easy task ; the judges decided
that each contestant was worthy
of a prie. : There being but one
pritfc to offer , they finally
awarded the priae , but to whom
we have been unable to learn.
The porch and lawn were
lighted by Chinese lanterns.
Delicious refreshments were
served by ihc hostesses.
The evening was a delightful
one and heartily enjoyed by all
who attended.
Mattic and TIattic McOuistcr
went to Sioux Falls Tuesday.
The HtMijamin stock company
will open the season at the Great
opera house Monday with the
presentation of "The Girl from
the Hills. " They will also pre
sent , "The Spider and the Fly , ' '
and "Tempost and Sunshine , '
on other nights during the week
These arc new and popular pla h
and with Jfck Henj-tnrn and his
company to put them on the }
should m.iko a great hit with
the pjoplc. The company will
present a new play each night
next week.
Andre Macchi , an Italia who
has been working with Dalton's
bridge gang at Ansley was ar
rested by Constable Archie Coon
Monday and placed in the
custody of Sheriff Kennedy.
Macchi got an idea that the
officers were coming after Inn
and he left the gang and wa
arrested by Constable Cocti. Af
ter an examination by County
Attorney Gadd and Dr. Talbo
he was turned loose as he did no
show indications of being craxv
as was alleged.
Stale , School ami Township I axes In *
creasing More Rapidly.
People Should Be Well Satisfied
Increased Valuation Shows Nig Increase
in all lixccpl County I axes
in I en Years
A comparative statement of
taxes for the last ten yeur.i shows
liosv thoroughly satisfied a Cus-
ter county tax payer sluuilrt he.
During this pciiod it will bo
noted that the total value of tax
able property in the county has
tripled , that state taxes have
kept almost exact pace with the
increase in the value of taxable
property and have tripled also ;
that school dishict ta.scs have
considerably more than doubled ;
that special road taxes have in
creased more than forty fold ;
that township taxes ha\o been
multiplied three and one-third
times , and that village taxes
have almost doubled , while
county taxes arc less than a half
larger than they were ten years
Our stale tax has trebled in
ten years , it costs us three times
as much to do our share toward
maintaining the expense of the
state government as it did ten
years ago , yet you never hear
any one suggest dividing the
state to decrease the tax buiden.
The number of dollars paid as
tax for county purposes hns in
creased less than one-half and
yet while the value of property
in the county has increased threefold
fold with such a showing sonic
office Imn'ing , new covinty scat
laud owning men : uc''arguing ,
that we should divide the county.
They want four tinlcs as many
political snaps as there nre at
present and thev want a little
increment added to the land they
own in the vicinity of three
proposed new county s nls and
i hey want it fit the expense
of every honest , hard-working ,
tax payer who docs not belong
to the office seeking or the coun
ty scat land owning classes.
It is plain that the best under
standing of where tuxes are
going comes from talcing a com
prehensive view of ( he whole
field rather than soincbodx V > ten-
acre lot. Such a comprehensive
view of the tax situation in Cus-
ter county shows that its tax
payers should be thoroughly sat
isfiedvhcn their property is
ticblcdmil their tax for county
purposes increased less than fifty
per cent.
llroKeii How Wins from AiLslev , 2 Jo t
In a well played gun- ol ball
Monday afternoon Hrokun K. > w
succcedetl in winning frcm their
rivals by a close score. ' 1 li rough
a number of innings the score
stood 1 to 1. At the eighth in
ning Cruthers walked Xinders ,
who stole second , went to third
on a fuMdei's dioic ; and c.ime
home on Hawk's error.
Broken How is still three
panics behind Ansloy ami it. will
requite tomc good placing to
break even.
Owing to the chilly weather
the attendance was not largo.
The two teams play dining
the county fair. The games will
be played on the ball grounds in
the morning. The score
I'.roken Bow
Ansley 0100000 00 I
Lotteries Broken Bow Hull-
fish and Smith.
Ansley Caruthers and Hawk.
Umpire Rocckcr.
liroKcn Itow Itnsc ( tall lUillelin.
Games with Mason City and
Ansley in the forenoons ( hiring-