THE REPUBLICAN , OUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA. t X 1 \ I \ DAYS Fall and Winter Millinery Friday and Saturday , September 10 and 11 Wonderful Display , in our new building , of L'ut- tern Hats , Tailored and Heady to Wear I Tats. Of course you'll see a complete line of up-to-date Millinery Novelties , JIair Goods , Combs and flair Ornaments. I have secured Miss Schmauder , of St. Joseph , Mo. , as designer and trimmer. Miss Lizzie Todd , West Side of Square. S STRICTLY PERSONAL J Ben Martin went to Ottawa , Kansas , Tuesday. Mrs. A. J. Broyles left Tues day for Ottaway , Kansas. Ernest Rapp went to Excelsior Springs , Missouri , Tuesday. The Misses Reyner and Tes- senden spent Sunday at Orrnsby. Sam Blackuian returned from an extended western trip last Friday. Mrs. W. H. Kelley left Satur day to attend a basket grove meeting near Dunning- . Mrs. R. E. Boaz , of Dunning , sr ent Saturday in this city look ing after business interests. Miss Flay Royse came up from Lincoln Saturday and is the guest of Miss Delia House. Monday , Sept. 6 , being a holi day ( Labor Day ) the banks of the city will close all day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davison returned Tuesday from their Irip ; to Falls City and Omaha. Mr. Taylor , father of Mrs. A. T. Norwood , left Tuesday for Gibbon , on a business trip. A seven and one-half pound girl was born to Mr. and Mis. G. G. Beal last Friday evening. Judge C. L. Guttersou made n business trip to the western part of the state the first of the week. Misses Eleanor Richardson arrl Willa Bean went to Merna Tues day evening for a visit with f ri nds. Ben Johnson and Hiram mer went to Anseltno AlomKn evening , where they will ( If some painting. Judge and Mrs. Bobblets , of the South Loup , lelt Monday for a months visit to the old home in Virginia. J. D. Taylor , who is making his home with his daughter Mrs Norwood , left Tuesday on a bus iness trip to Gibbon. Rev II. E. Myers , will fill the pulpit at the United Brethren church next Sunday evening at the usual hour , in the absence of Pastor Buswell. Strangers arc invited tu attend. B. F. Martin , who has been visiting his daughter , Mrs. A. J. Broyles , left Tuesday for his home at Ottawa , Kansas. Miss Jean Taylor left Tues day for Lincoln , where she will enter the state university , tak ing up the study of music. Mrs. Joe. Molyncaux and daughter , Haze ) , returned Sat urday night from their summer outing in the mountains of Cal ifornia. The Misses Pearl and Grace father came up from Ansley last Saturday for a few days visit with their aunt , Mrs. Geo. Luther. E Crawford , who has been spending the past thr e months with his daughter , Mrs. G. T. Robinson , left Tuesday for his horn ? at Corydon , Iowa. L. II. Jewett , cashier of the Securit } ' State bank , returned Monday evening from his trip in the west. He reports an enjoy able trip , / Miss Laura Ramsthel , who has been the guest for a few days of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pig- man , left Wednesday for her home nt Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. L < \ L. Doris , of Lincoln , who were the guests for a week of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Finley , left Saturday for the Seattle exposition. Mrs. Edgar Varney , mother of Mrs. A. J. Armour , spent Satur day in this city , on her way to Ansley from a three weeks trip to Hot Springs , South Dakota. I he daughters of Mr. and \Ii * . \V. U. Kennedy , Vera and lihea , ApcMi' ' a few das in \'a ' < on City the guests of Miss Apple , returning home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs James Largcy returned Tuesday from London , Ohio , where they were called ibout a month ago by a telegram announcing the death of Mr. Largey's mother. Miss Mattie Dewey , the new trimmer for Mrs. George Papi- neau , will be remembered here. A couple years ago she trimmed two seasons for Mrs. Pcnn and made many friends. Her ability as a trimmer is well known. t 320 ACHE FREE HOMESTEAD , WYOMING , COLORADO AND MONTANA : The Mondcll Home stead law makes provisions lor 320 acre homesteads in certain localities , instead of the usual 160 acre tracts. The requirements of the law are practically the same regarding residence , improve ments and cultivation. These-lands are going fast ; if you want a homestead close to the railroad you should act now. CROPS AND RAIN FALL Visitors to the Omaha Corn Show will remember the magnificent display of farm products from Weston County , Wyoming , grown on exactly the bame kind ot land that can now be taken in 320 acre homesteads. The Mondell Act includes lands that receive from 16 to 21 inches of rain fall annually and you only need to see the cropa grown by the farmers already located there , to be convinced. These homesteads can be taken "along the Burlington's new line now building in Wyoming. I personally conduct excursions the first and third Tuesdays ol each month to these lands , and am employed by the Burlington tc answer all inquiries , and to assist you in every possible way tc locate along the Burlington Ljnes. Write for new folder and maj of these lands " " D. CLEM DEAVER , General Agent , Land Seekers Information Bureau , Omaha , Neb. 1004 Farnam St. , Omaha , Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Owen , who reside thirt } * miles south west of Dunning * , were looking after business interests in the Bow last Saturday. x Superintendent R. I , "Elliott arrived in tie city Monday to begin work in .preparation for the school year whicn opens next Monday. Professor Elliott has spent his summer vacation at his home in Lincoln. . Manager Great , of the Opera House , has been making1 some extensive improvements in the interior of the Optra House this summon lie has had it steel lined mul pain'od and , as soon as he can get to it , will erect a large balcony. C. A. Pierce , who has beui playing- baseball on the local nine this summer left Tuesday for his home in Albion. After visiting1 his parents for a few days he will go to Lincoln to resume his studies as a student in the State University. Miss Elizabeth Moody , of Ansley , came up Monday even ing and boarded No. 44 for Creighton , Neb. , where she has secured a position in the school at that place. She is a recent graduate of the Peru Normal and is a sister of Mrs. A. Lanphear , of this citv. Frank Willis , who has been in the U. S. navy for the past two years , arrived in the city Mon day evening on a ten days furlough. lie is stationed on the torpedo boat destroyer Truxtun. lie says his brother , Claud , who is a yoemen , is getting along fine. Paul Humphrey , secretary to Congressman Kinkaid , returned home Wednesday to spend his vacation with his parents , Judge and Mrs. A. R. Humphrey. Since the adjournment of con gress Paul has spent much of his time traveling through the east. Miss Keo Currie , who has been the guest of Miss Nellie Gutter- son for a few weeks , left Sunday for Ravenna and Lincoln. Miss Currie expects to sail from New York City September the Sth for Dresden , Germany , where she will spend a year perfecting her self in the German language. Miss Gutterson accompanied her as far as Ravenna. Rev. Harmon preached his last sermon in this city last Sunday evening at the Methodist church. Rev. Harmon left Monday for Julcsburg , Colo. , where he will ngage in the grain business. 'he family will remain here ntil the first of October. Dur- ng the Reverend's stay in this it } ' he has most acceptably filled he pulpit of the Christian hurch , and has made mpny varm friends. The KKTUHIJCAN wishes him success in his new ionic. When you iniy soap you want soap , not pre miums. Don't pay for something1 y o u d o n't by buying from canvass ers their sweet-scented wares. You want a soap that will leave the skin white and soft and leave a pleasant order. We sell Tar Sf.ap , Glyc erine Soap , Oat Meal Soap , Cocoa Oil Soap , Castile Soap , Carbolic Acid Soap , and soaps ol all kinds. All of them are high grade and 3rou will get your money's worth in SOAP if you by them of S , R , LEE The Busy Druggist Read The REPUBLICAN $1 a Year Miss Dae Cutler , of AIcru.a , was in the city Tuesday. Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee Roasted fresh every day. 2-l-tf Arthur Case , of Georgetown , was in the city last Saturday. C. C. Crampton , of Ansley , was in the city on business Monday. Loucka Xandera and Kenneth Rublce were in Ansley Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Johnson , of Ansclmo , were in the city Tues day. day.Mrs. Mrs. Claud Wahl and Miss Willa Bean came down from Alcrna Tuesday. Joe Wilson , of Ansley , fusion candidate for sheriff was a city visitor Tuesday. Alvin Daily , of Milhurti , the fusion candidate for county clerk was in the city Saturday. J. W. Plymalc , of New Helena , was transacting business in the city the first of the week. II. H. Ileadlcy , of Callaway , was transacting business in the ity the first of the week. Harry O'Noil came up from the Loup Tuesday and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Morgan. Mrs. James Chittick , of Goth enburg , is the guest for a few days this week of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Pigman. E. E. Squires returned last Sunday night from a several weeks trip through many of the southern states Mrs. Miller , who lives in the Dierks block , and who under went a serious operation last week , is doing as well as could be expected. Rev. N. Harmon , returned last Friday from Julesburg , Col. Mrs. Harmon and the children re turned Saturday from Steamboat Springs , Col. G. R. Pigman left Wednesday for a few days visit in Grand Island , before returning to his duties as junior at Purdue uni versity Lafayette , Ind. The Herman brothers received a telegram Tuesday informing them of the serious illness of their mother at Clyde , Kansas. Rodney Herman left for home the same day in his machine. Mrs. II. L. Cooper and sou , Homer , of Giltedge , Montana , spent several days in this city last week , the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cooper. Mrs. Cooper left for Chicago , where she will enter her son in one of its schools , Sept. 12 the pastor of the Baptist churca will begin a scries of discourses from the "Sermon on the Mount. " These talks will be especially for Chris tiati people and will be given at the morning service. All who have no place to go are cordially invited to come and worship with us. A. T. Norwood , pastor. CARD OP IIIANkS. We desire to think our friends wh'o so kindly assisted in dur- i'-g the illness and death of onr beloved husband and father. ftlns. W. H. GUNK , FAMILY. IIUNFfiR'S NOTICfi. A" huuters found trespassing on Sunnyslope ranch will be prosecuted. J29-tf W. B. FHKY. NOTICR. The old settlers of Loup town ship will hold their annual pic nic in N. C. Geotge's grove Thursday , September 9 , 1909. ( toed program , ball game , race's and other sports. Band music. Everybody invited. J. B. JONKS , Pres. W. C. GHOKOIC , Sec. Ifyounei'd help of an } ' kind , tell as many people as possible , There arc more than 40,000 peo1 p'c who subscribe for the Ona ha Bee. You can tell them al or one cen t per word per day , Write today. Cattle Sale Will sell at public auction on Monday the 13th of September on the old Green farm in Eose Valley on Clear Creek , 31 head of cattle consisting of the following : IS Milch cows . ' \ and ! years old 7 one and two year old slccrs -1 heifers I and 2 year old 2 two year old Durham bulls Sale Starts at IO a Terms of sale : Nine months time will be given at 8 percent. Two per cent discount for cash. P. G. Green , Our Ollicers and Direc tors are cu Our Stockholders are Our Depositors are COUNTY Our Loans are made teA A Ouster County Bank for . PEOPL SECURITY STATE Broken Bow , Nedraska. , . Try Us for Farm Loans Free the housewife Grates , stoves , and hot-air furnaces , with their train of ash-dust , coot , smoke and coal- gases , load housc- f keeping with tasks which make slavery for women. The only free house keepers are those whose homes are healthfully , cleanly , conveniently warmed by 'IDEAL L RADIATORS BOILERS Hot-Water or Low-Pressure Steam heating nre the only kinds that warm x „ the house without adding to the labor of its care. Carpets. , draperies , and furnishings are not soiled. The economies in fuel , labor , and absence of repairs soon pay for the outfit. Write or ask for our book thawing II K > la save litating dollars