Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 19, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read.
The official bond committee
made the following report :
We recommend the following
bonds be approved.
Jerome Taylor , clerk cast Cus
ter ; R L Briggs , justice of peace
east Custer ; Albert Klecb , jus
tice of peace Garfield.
Geo-W Headley ,
J B Gilmore ,
Edward Foley , sr , Com.
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read.
The judiciary claims commit
tee made the following report :
We recommend that the fol
lowing claims be allowed.
E. U'Schwlnd , Justice of | ieaco costs..f 2 CO )
Nellie I-auver , witness anil mlli'.iKu. . . 0 : ia
John hauvcr , witness ami mileage 0 IN I
II. J. Shlnn , Justice costs 3 o.'i
H. J. Shlnii , Justice costs. . . . fi fl )
Oco 11 Malr , clerks costs 3M
< ; eo 11 Malr , clerks costs 3 W )
Clco 11 Malr.clcrks costs 4 2S
Ueo II Malr , clerks costs 3 fit j
Gee 11 Malr , clerks costs 3 5C )
Oco H Malr , clerks costs 4 IK
11. J. Shlnn , Justice costs a Ui
11.1 Snlmi , lUNtlco costs 305
11 J Shlnn , Justin- costs 3 Oft
Horace Kennedy , fees and expense
nrsl iiu.irtor 151 4 ! >
Horace Kennedy , fees and expense
second quarter IB3 " 8
And that the following claims
be allowed in the case of State
vs. Tephain , et al :
U W Miller , 1 day 30 miles * 400
SK button , 1 day HO miles 4 ( X >
Maryitnycr. I day 30 miles 4 >
Thomas lioyer. I day 30 miles 4 Oil
Herman Hwanson. 1 day : V ) miles 4 uo
William ( lontry , I .lay 30 miles I " 0
Hubert Miller , 1 day 30 mllcB I <
lilmor lias * . 1 day 30 miles I " 0
Fred llrlttan. 1 day and 30 miles 4 00
Hert Kmiiileld. 1 il.iy m miles 4 oo
O J Howe , i day 30 miles 4 oo
Ira Foster , serving sup. for state 3 75
And that the following claims
be allowed in the case of State
vs. Mary Sexton ( insane : )
\ \ K Talhot. member of hoard and ex
amination of patient woo
Alpha Mo'paii , member of hoard SO1) )
ileo II Malr , inumbur ol hoard and clerk
costs r >
Patrick Hrxton , 1 day as witness and
M miles 4 w
Johanna Muxton , 1 day as witness and
to miles 4
Charles Kroeman I day as witness ana
CO miles 4 SO
Oeorge Mary. 1 day as witness and SO
| miles ' r > 0
j J B Gilmore ,
1 ® !
v ' f * \
on derf ul * display s of
Splendid Racing
Idberati's Band and
Grand Opera Singers.
Pain's Baiile'inthe ' Clouds
with Airship m
, Alhlelic Meet -Carnival - BaseBall
for information. Premium List. or Entry Btankswrifc
, , W.R.Mellor ,
We arc handling1 a line of paint
with a five year guarantee. 1C
you are thinking of something in
the paint line let us show you the
best paint on the market.
are showing a good 4
coat line of Graniteware
at prices that will cause you to
smile. season is here , you
need a Kettle , Sause Pan , Cullen
der , Spoon. Look over our line ,
you will find some article you
will need.
OUH line of Buggies , Spring
Wagons and Carriages are
complete. If you contemplate
getting a Rig step in our shed and
look over our line. We can please
you with a Velie , the best on the
II1 * you want a mower to cut your
grass we have them. The
'Daiu , no better inade. Try one
and be convinced.
WE are still handling the
Sharpless cream sepera-
tor. Easiest cleaned , easiest
running machine on the market.
Look them over.
lme ° a ( es anl Gents
and Combination Saddles.
Riding Brides , single and double
buggy and work harness are com
plete , .look them over before you
purchase. We can satisfy with
quality and prices.
WE have a fine line of Tiger
drills , Latest improved.
See them.
general line of Hardware
Stoves , Silverware and
Cutlery is complete. Call and
see us.
G enera 1 Hard
Gco W Headlcy ,
Kdward Foley , sr , Com.
It was moved and carried thai
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read.
A motion was duly made and
carried that the county clerk be
instructed lo draw warrants for
all claims allowed at this and
prior meetings of the board.
The minutes of August 11. 12
and 13 , were then read and ap
proved , after which it was mov
ed and carried to adjourn until
Thursday , Aug. 19.
Jos Pigman ,
By W II Osborne , jr ,
Deputy. '
Harry Grooms has left this
Elton Carrel is working for
M. D. Callen.
Mrs. W. H. Rice and two
daughters and Mrs. O. A. Cecil
and son visited their brother
Nine McComas and family Satur
day night and Sunday.
Misa Nora Sinyer arrived here
last week from North Platte to
assist Mrs. J. T. Cole.
Kalph Johnson's nephew and
ousin of New York state are
isitiughere. .
Mrs. G. C. Rector was brought
ut to her mother's home last
donday. She is very sick. The
oclorp , as yet , have not formed
definite opinion of her illness.
Mrs. Wess Cole , of Kansas
! ity , visited J. T. Cole's last
week. Her son , Lynn , who has
been here all summer , returned
with his mother.
Stewart and Blaine Lanterman
and C U. Franklin's Suudayed
ivith Oscar Tappan's.
Miss Mabel Ormsby was the
guest of Miss Lela Koozer Sun-
lay night and Monday.
W. W. Bishop's are tresuing
his week.
M. D. Stone's were callers ; at
Butler Sand's last Sunday.
M. D. Callen's spent Sunday
.vilh Mr. Olmsteads.
A number from ( his vicinity
have been attending the Chau-
tauqua and find it very interest-
B. B. Sands had a severe at
tack from his heart last week ,
was unconscious several hours ,
lis friends hope that this may
not soon be repeated , as this is
a very dangerous organ to have
trouble with.
School commences first week
of September in Tappan Valley
with Miss Luce as instructor.
Mrs M. D. Callen and Maud
were in Merna one day last week.
Little Margarete Heaps who
has been ailing , is better at this
Keith Guvton spent Sunday
with Chas. Koozer.
John Triplett is still hauling
hay from the-P .den farm.
One of Mr. Koozer's cows vvas
killed by lightening last week.
Broken Bow , Neb. , Aug. 19 , ' 09.
I wish to take this means of
expressing my thanks to tbe Re
publican voters of Custer county.
for their votes in placing me in
nomination for the office of
county clerk.
Having no opposition at the
Primaries , and being your pres
ent deputy county clerk , I have
not taken the time necessary to
make the campaign , but trust I
will have the pleasure of meeting
a large per cent of the voters be.
fore the November election.
To those who had business
dealings with me during the past
four years as deputy , I ask , that
if I have given satisfaction , that
you give me favorable mention
to your friends and acquaint
Yours truly ,
When you think of buying a
watch , think of Sanders' drug
store , jewelry department.
To the General Public on the
proposition ot mowing weeds :
I have been requested by
several farmers who have taken
the pains to mow the weeds in
the public highway about their
places , to enforce the law and
compel others to mow the weeds.
Upon examination of section 6181
obbey's statute of 1909 you will
find that it is the duty of the
road overseer to have this done ,
in case the owner refuses to do
it , and Lave the same charged
against the property as an as
sessment , in other wnrlp , a tax
against the real estate.
In case the r ad overseer fails
to do this duty after being so re
quested by any resident of th2
road district , then it becomes
the duty of the county attorney
to prosecute the road overseer
who shall pay a fine of not less
than $10 nor more than $50.
This I will surely do , and no
road overseer should have any
preference of men , neither as to
their standing or financial condi
tion. I make this public state
ment so as that all road overseers
may understand the law.
N. T. GADD ,
Countj Attorney.
Wjien'you buy
toilet soap
you want soap , not pre
miums. Don't pay for
something1 you do n't
by buying- from canvass
ers their sweet-scented
wares. You want a soap
that will leave the skin
white and soft and leave
a pleasant order.
We sell Tar. Soap , Glyc
erine Soap , Oat Meal
Soap , Cocoa Oil Soap ,
Castile Soap , Carbolic
Acid Soap , and soaps of
all kinds. All of them
are high grade and you
will get your money's
worth in SOAP if you
by them of
S , R. LEE
The Busy Druggist
Kstate No. L'35 of Eben Chapln , deceased
n County court of Lancaster County , Ne
The State of Nebraska , To all persons In
terestcd In said estate , take notice , tbat a
petition has been tiled for hearing on for
elgn will olfered for probate , which ha
been set for hearing on August 20,1B09 , at 1
o'clock 9 M.
Dated July 20 , i 09.
( Seal ) A. U. HuMiMiiiKY ,
County Judge.
If you need help of any kind ,
tell as many people as possible.
There are more than 40,000 people
ple who subscribe for the Oina
ha Bee. You can tell them all
or one cent per word per day.
Write today.
When you think of Cut Glass
or Nice China think of Sanders'
drug store.
Received another car of Studebaker -
baker Wagons. It pays to buy
the best' . Guo. WILLING.
It is surprising to see the
amount of dirt that a Noxall fil
ter will take out of your drink
ing water.
Delicate and de
lectable odors all
the new summer fan
cies and the old-time
Perfumes of refine
ment sweet , soft
and lasting.
We have all the
newer varieties.
J. G. Haetere
A Gentle Being
That'i Why Everybody
Made n Mark of Him.
"Down ! " cried Mr. Dolly pegs in n
gentle voice as the elevator approached
preached Ills iloor.
Hut Instead of stopping , the elevator
seemed to increase UH speed and it
flashed down In front of Mr. Dolly-
pegs' imploring face with a harsh and
cruel emphnsls.
"Dear me ! " murmured Mr. Dolly-
pegs. "Dear mo ! "
For Mr. Dpllypegs was a gentle soul ,
and BO that n wondering world may
know a gentle soul If ever 'again they
meet , let us consider the case of Mr.
Dollypegs as he stood there in the hall
of this olllce building waiting for a
He was , then , one of those creatures
who seem to find it impossible to re-
mnln seated when u woman is standIng -
Ing , and every time he entered a
man's private ofllce he took oft Ills
hat and bowed. He never Interrupted ,
never contradicted and never raised
his voice. Ho never stared at any
one and if any one stared at him he
moved away. Whenever ho gave an
order ho prefaced it by "Please , " and
whenever ho received a service he
said "Thank you very rnucli. "
Ho had a way of patting horoen an
ho passed them , particularly the steel
skeleton constructors attached to ped
dlers' carts , and when he walked down
a residential thoroughfare he started
all the docs' tails wagging like a for
est iu a big wind. Children smiled at
him instinctively and he could look
at n baby in its carriage with such
an eye of admiration that the infant's
mother had all she could do to re
strain herself from bursting Into tears
of pride. Such In part , was Mr. Dolly-
) egs , who stood In the hall of his
office building waiting for a car.
Again the car came down , but this
ime it stopped , though in a grudging
sort of way , and the elevator man
opened the door with so much spirit
that Mr. Dollypegs nearly met dis
"You seem to be In n hurry to-night ,
William , " ho smiled at the operator.
"Yes , " said William , lumping his
jaws ; "no time for foolishness in this
car. "
Whereupon all the other passengers
lumped their jaws and only stopped
squeezing Mr. Dollypegs against the
side of the cage when a testy old gen
tleman on a lower Iloor ( who had been
shaking the elevator gate until the
building rattled ) got on and began to
squeeze Mr. Dollypegs all by himself.
"Dear me ! " thought Mr. Dollypegs ,
"Dear me ! "
He was ( he last man to leave the
car , and as he walked along the street
to the "L" station he stepped off the
sidewalk four times to avoid jostling
his fellow pedestrians. On the first
occasion he stepped into a puddle of
water ; on the second he collided with
a pushcart ; on the third an automo
bile nearly had his life , and on the
fourth a truck driver swore at him.
"Dear me ! " said Mr. Dollypegs , as
everyone turned around to grin at the
object of the truck driver's flowers of ,
speech. "Dear me ! "
At the "L" station he was stepping
to the window to buy his ticket when
a thin man in a hurry dodged ahead
of him ; then a medium sized man In a
hurry ; then a youth who trod upon
his foot ; then a girl who raked his
countenance with the feathers In her
hat ; then a full-faced ornament of
society ; then an iirltable gentleman
who showed It , and finally , taking ad
vantage of a lull in business , Mr. Del
lypegs placed a quarter In the window ,
saying :
"One , please. "
The tlcketseller gave him ten pen
nies and a bent ten-cent piece for his
change , winking at the ticket chop
per as he did so , and the ticket chop-
aer , who had been watching Mr. Del
lypegs1 endeavors to purchase a tick
et , winked back to the ticket seller
and roared in a frightful voice "Tick
ets ! "
"Dear me ! " thought Mr. Dollypegs.
"Dear me ! "
On the elevated he gave his seat tea
a cynical featured member of the fair
sex , who thanked him not.
"Dear me ! " thought Mr. Dollypegs
"Dear me ! "
A gentleman with a fresh fish In a
pa.ier bag held his package In such a
manner that it dripped all down the
s'do ' of Mr. Dollypogs' coat , and when
he moved away and looked at the gen
tleman , the gentleman moved close to
him again and scowled at him.
"Dear mo ! " thought Mr. Dollypegs.
"Dear me/ ! "
Upon reaching home Mrs. Dollypogs
rounded on him for being Jive minutes
early and Mr. Dollypegs sought seclu
sion and comfort by walking over to
the canary's cage In the corner and
chirping at the family pet ; but the
canary opened its beak in horrid bel
ligerency and made a feint toward
Mr. Dollypegs , as though it would pick
his face oft for t\vo seeds.
ii i ngnt men and there Mr. Dolly
pegs turned.
"How dare you ! " said he. "You lit *
tie beast ! "
Ho walked away , his mild blue eyes
looking troubled and his expression
denoting growing contrition and
Bhamo. Ho walked away , and , walk
ing back again to the cage , ho lifted
his face to the bars and whispered
in tremulous tones :
' "I say , Dick , old boy. I didn't mean
to hurt your feelings , little bird. "
Among mammals only the giraffe ,
porcupine and armadillo arc mute ;
they have uo vocal cords.
NOTICI : or si-nom , PISIKICT
Notice Is lu > rcbv l\ . n that a f perl. I dec-
' '
I ov . m the c-oiintv of
SJflCrrini.'ailalc ! ' , of , " " ' "wka. to b"eV < l on
M - . 5thla ! > tul Annum. iw. ! ami
Uicrownil.pMil.mttH * . „ the l.- ai valors
? h , , . " " " ' ' 'strlct " ' " ' I "I'V ' " 'I ' election
" . ; . ! ! ! , " ; otl"K < " ' " " " lu.iHlslii the
HUIII u. . < . , . ( for tlii- | > iitiH. | > ol cnrtlug
? , " } ; ; * "Ol' ' ° " 1 'iHi lliiK .mo : or nmiNliliig
fnr , Hi . .sclii.ol > n ' ; atiiMaii i umiltnie tlu-re-
linliiliiiK tu in * ( mill \\uiilti
he corporate limitol t | , , . ( ; iy , , ' llroken
for " " nwnun 'levW"
on s.ild minis as It foe-
arj .iiul J (1 f . . . jt-ar
ho'levled hy i i'T1 , ; , , , } - ( ) ' , a i.-iiiiiiuiuu , tnnd iii'Kla- to
g A. t ) . null , and each year then-alter ,
.11 said bonds aru matured , lor an amount
--iicient to p.ij-said bonds
- - at their inatur-
( . . "n di'Jollia8 ' 1UL' | alul I'Jyal'lu ' A. 1)
Wi. ( and to draw Interest at the rali > of nt
" Inti'iest , payable seml-annually.
. .
- - - pud p.iyahlo at Kouutzc
rothers the Lisca Agency ol the State of
Nebraska. In the city ot New York. Said
ends to be drawn In the sum of ll.ooooo
aeh and to be signed , sealetl and delivered
provided by law and In accordance with
he provisions ol Siib-dlvlslon M , of Chapter
P. V > heelers' compl.ed statute for mop.
bald election shall be hejd between the
puist ui D o'clock a. m. . and 7 o'clock p. in. ,
t the city hall on the south slilo and .it the
id co h < ei ! hiiliuii 'on the north Blde of said
chool district.
The tlcki'ts at said special election shall
ave prlriti-d on them :
"Ior tliiiHsuliic of bonds. "
Against the issuliiB of bonds. "
Dated August 2nd , nv.1.
nv.1.A. . II. IIUMI'IUIRY ,
II. Jwvnrr.
To Frank IMyion and Nancy fayton. non-
ii'sldent defendants :
You and each of you arc hereby
hatou the I7ili day of .inly , icoy , diaries
lovler Illi-d in the dtsulet court or Ulster
iMinnty. Nebraska , his petition jou ,
IheobJi'Ct am ! prayer of which are to obtain
; i di-cii'f against you iinlrtiiig ami eonilrm-
'ng ' In litniM'lt the title and possession to tlio
ACS' half ( MM. ) of thosouth\vi"U iiiii tcr ( sw
'I ' ) ot section f. ( M towns-hip Ntvenlcen (17) ( )
lortii ol range eighteen ( IS ) ostol the Utli
' . M. In f'ustcr county. Nebraska , decreeing
hat jou haino estate or Interest In said
.remises , enjoining you from claiming any
intt-rcst therein auvrrso to the plaintiff and
'rom liiterrnpllnir his use and enjojment
inoreot and for general equitable relief
Alth co.stsol suit
You ami c.Kli of you are required to
inswcr said petition on or before the 20th
lay of Septi-mbir. lHHi ! %
Dated this lltti day of August , 1BCO.
: U2-sj4t UIIAIII.KS OoviEit , Plaintiff ,
lly SULLIVAN At SIJIHHS , Ills Attorneys. .
Parties knowing- themselves in
debted to S. P. Great & Co. are
notified to call at the Great
home and settle , either by casher
or note. All unsettled accounts
will be placed for collection
about the 14th of Aug. , 1909.
j23A.12 S. P. GKOAT & Co.
Use paint that is guar
anteed not one year
not three years but to
satisfy you.
Enclose the surface
of your house with a
coat or two of
Lucas Tinted
Gloss Paint
and if it is not salisfac-
tory to you , we will
furnish paint and
painters to repaint it.
Fair enough ?
The Rexall Store.
Successor to Eel McComas.
Western Lands for Sale
rnllioail doo.l towns and adioiniinr furini tit
tnljoprrncio TrrniRri-asonnble Coiretnond
ence sohrlKd Will send unps , literature , etc.
Wi'lr tnJav
Ihs Western Loan & Trust Co. , Holdrene. Nebr.
Read The
$1 a Year