Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 06, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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FOR SAI.K 48 * acres of land ,
Two miles above Georgetown ,
Nebr , , 200 acres in cultivation ;
baled hay and pasture.
For terms write ,
Green Kiver , Utah.
FOR BALK My residence prop
erty in south east part of city ,
call or address JAS. L. KINO ,
al5-tf Broken Bow , Nebr.
A gold fraternity pin diamond
setting E. Shinn on back $25
reward for return to Herman &
Kern's clothing store.
Between Broken Bow and Sar
gent , top curtains and automo
bile pump ; liberal reward for re
turn of same.
FOUND A fountain pen.
Owner may have same by prov
ing property and paying for this
Business Personals
Dr. Bass , Dentist. OverMcCotnas
Farm and City loans at lowest
rates. M-ll-tf JAMUS lyitnwicn.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee.
Roasted fresh every day. 24tf.
Farm and City loans at lowest
rates. M-ll-tf JAMHS LKDWICII.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee'
Roasted fresh every day. 24tf.
Drs. Farnsworth & Beck
Eyes tested and glasses fitted.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee
Roasted fresh every day. 24-tf.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee
Roasted fresh every day. 24-tf
When you think of buying a
watch , think of Sauders' drug
store , jewelry department.
When you think of Cut Glass
or Nice China think of Sauders'
drug store.
Says the collar to the shirt ,
"you carried me well , " let us
meet again at the Broken Bow
Steam Laundry , Broken Bow ,
Piano Tuning.
Leave your orders at Ryer-
son's and have Earl C. Brink
call and tune your piano
Thirty years experience.
STRAYHD One bay marc pone\
black mane and tail ; wt. abou"
850. Liberal reward for recovery
of same. H. T. Bruce Lum be
Co. , Broken Bow.
We are in the market FOR
Will pay the highest price of
fered on the Broken Bow mar
ket. Call and see us before sell
ing 34-t
AlbertQ. Mover , 1
1'laintlff ,
i , , , , M-VS ; I'Actlon to Quiet Title
Maxson etai
Deft-nilants. .
To James W. Maxson , Martha A. Maxson
Francis J. Wllcox , The Stan
Uard Printing Co. , Tne Hamilton Loan .1
Trust Co. , w. ! ' . H. Mills , Receiver. Wllllan
Clark and the Union Trust Co. , of New York
trustees non-resident defrnilnnts ;
You and each of yon will take notice tha
on the 82d day of July , inw. Albert Q. Meyer
the plaintiff above namW , llled his petltlor
In the district court of Ouster County , Ne
braska , against you and each of you the ob
Ject and prayer of which said petition are :
To quiet the title In the said plaintiff to
the Houtheast ( seU ) quarter of sectloi
twenty-six (20) ( In township sixteen (10 (
range twenty-live (25) ) In Caster County. Nt
braxka , an against a certain mortgage HC
curing the payment of Jlin.OO , which mort
gage Is dated October 10th , 1887 , and appear
of record In book 10 of mortgage of page 531
of the Mortgage Records of custer County
Nebraska , for the reason that Bald mort
gage has become barred by the statutes o
limitation and Is not a lien upon said land
and also to quiet the title to said land a
against any right , title or Interest that you
or any of you may have In audio said rca
estate for the reason that said plaintiff an
his grantors have been In the open , notor
lous , exclusive and adverse possession o
said laud , claiming title and ownershl
thereto as against you and each and all o
you and all persons for more than ten year
You and each of you are requlrtd t
answer said petition on or before Monda
the 30tu day of August , 1909.
July 1909. AuiKUT Q. MoYKIl ,
Spent Sunday at Judge Humphreys
Ranch on Soulli Loup ,
Through the kindness of Man-
iger Pickett and Messrs. JJugh
Wells , Rumont Pigman , Oren
Cole and R. J. Sueppard , who
ubstituted for them , the "cen-
ral" girls enjoyed a holiday Sun-
lay a week ago. They spent the
lay picnicing on the Loup at
udge Humphrey's ranch about
iftcen miles southwest ol town ,
. 'lie day was thoroughly onj yed
> y every member of the party ;
nore so , perhaps , because it was
he first time the girls had all
> cen off duty at the same time ,
t being an ideal place to spend
a holiday , hammocks and swing
opes formed a pleasant feature
n the program. A fine dinner
was served in camp and the party
uuched while cnroute home.
Among the party was Misses
tferle Lanterman , Dorothy Lee ,
Dora King , Bcssc Orr , Edna
Vnght and Orcclia Lanphear ,
of the ' 'central" crowd , and
Misses Clair Grove and Jennie
Wilson on the invitation of the
> arty participated in the festivi-
ics of the day , and a pleasant
lay was spent with a conge-
lial "bunch" who went for a
lay of pleasure. While 'Mrs.
Oscar Atnsbcrry is a "hello"
lady she did not accompany the
crowd , but went with her hus-
jand to Mason City instead.
The Telephone Girl.
The telephone girl sits still in
her chair and listens to voices
from everywhere. Hhe hears al )
the gossip , she hears all the
news , she knows who is happy
and who has the blues ; she
knows all our sorrows , she knows
all our joys , she knows every
girl who is chasing the boys ;
she knows of our troubles , she
knows of our strife ; she t knows
every man who tnlks mean to
his wife ; she knows every time
we are with the boys ; she hears
the excuses each fellow employs ;
she knows every woman who has
a dark past , she knows every
man who is inclined to be fust ;
in fact , there's a secret 'ncath
each saucy curl of that quiet ,
demure looking telephone girl.
If the telephone girl told all
that she knows it would turn
our friends into bitteiest foes ;
she could sow a small wind that
would soon be a gale , engulf us
in trouble raid land us in jail ;
she could let go a story which ,
gaining in force , would cause
half our wives to sue for divorce ;
she could get all our churches
mixed up in a fight and turn all
our days into sorrowing night ;
in fact she could keep the whole
town in a stew if she'd tell a
tenth part of the tilings she
knew. Oh , brother , now doesn't
it make your head whirl when
you think what you owe to the
telephone girl ? Vernou ( Tex. )
( Crowded out last week. )
, A fine rain visited this vicin
ity last Saturday evening.
Mrs. Anna Wolf and her sister ,
from Iowa , spent Sunday with
the former's daughter , Mrs.
Dulcie Huffaker.
Jerome Taylor made a busi
ness trip to the Bow last Mon
Quite a crowd attended the
ball game last Saturday after
noon , played by "Happy Hol
low" and "Deer Creek. " The
score was won by Deer Creek.
Miss Delia Turnbull , of Broken
Bow , visited Junnie Cline Satur
day and Sunday.
Rescue Martin made a trip to
the Bow last Saturday.
George Bush shipped cattle
and hogs to Omaha last Satur
Maggie Wolf returned home a
week ago last Friday from Iowa ,
where she has been visiting for
several months , her aunt return
ing home with her.
Hollie Cliuc is on the sick list
this week.
Mr. Sharp went to the Bow
Mrs. Anna Taylor and daugh
ter , Jennie , went to the Bow
last Friday.
Mr , and Mrs. Henry Day spent
Saturday and Sunday with Mrs.
Day's parents.
Mis. Sarah Owen , Earl Owen
and Miss Kelling went to tha
Bow last Monday.
Mr. Peacock , of Broken Bow ,
spent Saturday and Sunday with
his son-in-law , Dave Thompson ,
lie also looked after business
matters on his farm.
Sam Torgerson and Mr. Bry-
son made a business trip to the
Bow last Friday.
If you attend the Chautauqua , you
will hoar seine of the noted orators
of the day ; flvo of the best musical
companies on the Chautauqua plat
form , nnd a wldo variety In enter
tainers and lecturers.
The management promises Its pa
trons an unusually strong program ,
and a season ticket entitles the
holder to all programs.
Chas. F. Horner
Chas. F. Horner , Manager of the
Western Redpath Chautauqua Sys
tem , Is now recognized , nationally , as
one of the greatest Ohautauqua managers
agers hi the country. Mr. Horner is
working conscientiously to give the
best In Chautuuqua talent the plat
form affords. Under his management
this Chautauqua will bo a success.
Ernst Harold Baynes
An unusual attraction with the Illus
trated views , will bo Baynes' lecture
on the habits of American wild ani
mals and birds. Dnyncs Is a prom
inent writer In Outing Magazine and
national authority on llfo and habits
of the American DlHou.
The City Livery
And Feed Barn
Feeds your horses no poor grain
and will supply you with good
Horses and Eigs
at reasonable prices.
Come niul see inc.
W. A. Tooley
Pitting of glasses.
Onicc l DIcrks lilk. IMione 00
13UOKKN 11 W , - - NER.
Land for Sale.
160 acres of land located ten
miles north of the city for sale
on reasonable terms. Inquire of
W. D. Grant , M27-tf
Only an ad-reader can wisely manage
The Ads make "management" of
"money matters" in the home
POSSIBLE. The wife who always
studies the ads is working1 in busi
ness partnership with the husband
who , supposedly , has to"know
things" in order to EARN the
money. On her part , the wife comes
to know values , and prices , and
where and when and how to buy
and such knowledge , such education
comes chiefly through * reading and
answering ads.
"Household prosperity" is assur
ed if the wife makes ad-reading a
part of her daily routine.
Custer County
Abstract Company
One price to all. No discount to anyone.
Titles examined.
YOU have a snap in a farm , or ranch for sale
IF list with me. If you i want to buy a snap in m a
farm or ranch come and see me. Phones , of
fice 42 , residence , 129.
You May
Need It
Ask your doctor about the
wisdom of your keeping Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral in the house ,
ready for colds , coughs , croup ,
bronchitis. If he says it's all
right , then get a bottle of it
at once. Why not show a
little % foresight in such matters ?
Early treatment , early cure.
Wo publloh our forinulaa
\Vn banish Alcohol
from our medicine
We urpo you to
consult your
Many a boy is called dull nnd stupid ,
when the whole trouble is due to a lazy
liver.Ve firmly believe your own doc
tor will tell you that an occasional dose
of Ayer's Pills will do such boys a great
deal of good. They keep the liver active. 1
Mudo by tlio J. 0. Ayer Co. , Lowell , Mam.
Almost anyone may rid themselves of
dandruff and scalp irritation and prevent .
baldness if they will use Kexall " 93 " Hair
Tonic. We are so certain of this we guar
antee to return every cent paid us for it if
it doesn't prove satisfactoiy. " * Try it at our
entire risk.j Two sizes , SQC. and 1.00.
For Sale By A. II. SOUDERS
will scon be a
thing1 of the past
I can locate
3Tou in Grant ,
Hooker and McPherson -
Pherson Go's.
Call on or write
Lena , - Nebraska.
WlcPherson County.
I1'I IIP llarEiilns. In Tcrklin nml Douel counties ,
All smooth , level land. HInck , rich soil , Nenr
rniltond. Good towni nnd adioininn farms. 8115
tojzoprrnctp. Termsrensonable. Correspond
ence solicited. Will send maps , literature , etc.
Write tmlav.
The WcLlcrn Loan & Trust Co. , Holdreue , Nebr.
- > < &v
b * > /V.-3 , V
'from Worry
„ _ _ . _ „ „ JTa sky full of white'floating clouds ,
a river and a& bridge over whicli to rumble , a lake , blue and invit- ,
1 ing , ' amongVjreenjjhills/ hour's run to dinner , and the sense of.
V { power and ; comrolat the wheel .of.a Rambler and .we.will.have no
thought of busimessfcares. '
VitiTthe i t
\Tl > c Car oi Steady Service
( there ira dedrto l ieasurepf w i thT tuisfaction freedom . from '
the worries' , of I. the road/i
The great economy and efficiency of this car is due to such exclusive
Rambler features as the offset crank shaft , straight-line-drive , safety spark
retarder , Rambler Spare Wheel , etc. Let us prove this to you. Call
and we will explain these Rambler features in detail , and by actual
demonstration ; no obligation on your part whatever.
Seven'Passenger ' Model , forty-five horse power with offset \
cranJc shaft , $2500. Other models , $1150 to $2500.
The ; Carof Steady Service
W. E. Talbot
Broken Bow ,