Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 22, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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$1.00 Per Year.
Wuerc matter la * et on wood linen electrotype
a tiat price of twenty cenu pet liich.aliiKlecul-
iimn.'lor ach Intcrtlon , twoorinoro liiBcrtluns
UceiitM per liikli. Special tuMltliui , Mntfli ) In.
hcrtlou 20 cent * pcrincli , Metal baHe , electrdi > -
iwn or inocti llinet , IS cents per Incli. I'ayineut
Hint of .icli niontli.
Local ailvertlMlntr flvu centn per Hue each In
rrllo .
Notice of church cliurtli fnlm , noclablcs anil
fiitirtamineiitH uliure iiionuy IH cliariied , one
lialf ratuH *
Death HutlccH frea , liaU i rir" for publlBhliiir
Card ot Thankn , 5 ( ) cen it ,
LrKal iintlceb at rat en ( irovlilcd ( itatiitcs of
Society notlcenaml irsolutloust > tic-lialriies !
WedUlfltf notlccb liec , ball price lor itm of
Entered at Hroken How , Nebraska , for tranb-
misalou In thu United StateH mails
at second clasH rates ,
Herbert G. Myers , Editor and Publisher
I'olitical Announcement.
I hereby announce iuynelf as a candidate
tor tliv nomination for county Judge-on the
Kuuubllcan ticket at the primaries
AUKUSt | 7tll , N. UWJllllT Koilll.
I hereby announce to tttc Republicans
ot Ouster County Unit 1 inn a candidate
for the nomination to the office ot
County Surveyor , subject to the express
ed will of the tnuinbeis of my party nt
the primary. 1 have served us Deputy
County Surveyor for the pnst 3 years
uud previous to the practical end ac
quired my education in the County
bchools ot Cuater County , in the Fremont
Normal school and the Nebraska State
University. 1 have always lived in
Custcr county and have always support
ed tht Republican ticket.
I desire to auiiounce my candidacy for the
officoof County Superintendent , Hubject to the
wishes of tile voters aud school palrou * of thu
I was born lu Cutter county and received my
common ncUool cuucatloii In her schools.
Ulrica then I have tauuht years in the
district and village schools of the county ; have
received a professional state certlllcate and
completed a lull college course. I bollcve
both education and experience lit me to do
ralcleut wjrk for the county.
( JAKL.ANL ) K. I < UWIS ,
AiiHulmo , Nebr ,
I hereby announce to the Republicans of
1.1 Custcr County , that 1 am a candidate tor
. the nomination to the olllce of County Stir
\ eyor , subject to the expressed wljl ot tht'
member * of my party at the primaries ,
luilshcd a civil engineering course at the
University ol Mlchlyan , anil have had L'O
years actual experience In all the dllferent
lines of engineering anil moie than ten of
those years In land surveying. H.tve lived
ttve years lu Ouster county.
j. I. . . KKIKJUHON ,
, Siirgrnt , Nebr.
I hereby announce myself as a
for nomination to the oitlce ot County
Treasurer , .subject to the will ol the He-
imbllcau voters expressed at the primary.
Aug. 17 , U"09. "
A in the present deputy under j. U. Cav
auee. Am a practical book kecpcrand lutve
had yearn of actual experience In the woik
ot the olllce.
litillevlng myself well qualllled for the po
sition would respectfully solicit your sup-
1'ort. w. n. Pooit.
Following the precedent set by the candi
dates fur supreme judge , I circulated a pe
tition as candidate for county judge , under
thu non-partisan law , and I take this oppor
tunity of thanking the voters who signed
tin ; same. This law has since been declared
unconstitutional , and I now announce myself -
self as a candidate for county judge on the
Itepubllcan ticket , subject to the coming
primary , and pledge myself to perform the
duties of the olllce to the best of my ability ,
If elected. I have no connection with any
other candidate lor this otilcc , or with any
ring or faction whatever , but reply upon my
former record as county judge , my consist
ent Itepubllcanlsm , and the friendship built
up In private life as a citizen of this county
for the last twenty-eight years. Hoping
that you will deem It for your best Interest
to give me your support at the primary
election , 1 thank you in advance.
Kegpectfully yours ,
J2-J to Aug 13 U J. A. Aituomt.
I , Walter \V. Waters , reside on my farm
eight miles northwest of Ansley. 1 have
had a professional state certltlcale for ten
years and am a college graduate and began
teaching fifteen years ago , and during that
time have had experience in every grade of
our educational system , i have a family of
u wife and three children , and If elected , I
shall devote my entire time and energy to
the Interests of the schools of the county ,
and you may rest assured that your schools
will leceive due attention. I believe this
office to be the most Important In the
county since the destiny of the rising gen
cratlou Is largely shaped by this most I in
portant otllce , and since thr formation ot
the schools of the commonwealth is to de
velop and create a more edllghtcned cltl
Vfiishlp , therefore the work done here Is of
vital Importance. Mistakes made because
of Inexperience , Inactivity or wilful negli
gence , can never be corrected. I was a
member of the Nebraska Schoolmaster's
Club. A very exclusive organization made
up of college presidents , university profes
sors and the leading superintendent ! , of our
state , twenty-live members was the limit to
the membership for nearly four yearn , In
selecting a candidate for this position , It oc
curs to me that certain requirements ought
to be considered , a man of much successful
teaching experience , of good ( ittallllcatlons ,
of mature Judgment , and ol an energetic
disposition , should be looked upon wltn
favor. If your decision Is made In harmony
with the above , I shall be pleased whether I
am Huccesstul or otherwise , as the best tal'
ent Is Imperative for this place. Thanking
you for consideration already received ,
I am , Very truly yours ,
w. WATKUB , R. F. . 2.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for nomination as County Treasurer , subject
to the Ucpubllcnn primaries August IT I
have been u resident of the county slnro
ItHI , with tin1 exLi'piluu of about lite years ,
and If nominated and elected will nuke
every effort to conduct the olilcir In the beit
Interests of thu tax p.iycis.
1 not Hiy aitiiounic mysrlf .is a c .mdldati *
(01 ( tin-nomination Inr the 011119 ol county
tiiMsmer. subject to the decision of the He
puhlli.ui xnti'ts at the coming pilnurv HIT
tlun. I liaio lifi'ii a irsldriit ot Cusu-r
Comity hlniiiBbl .did uvpp'tfiilly solicit
your support. JULIUS P. Drum.
Whenever yon find a politician
who prcsutnea himself to have a
life lease on an office its time for
the people lo inquire into the
conduct of said official.
A. J , Van Antwerp in a pro-
gres.iive 3'oting' Republican and
one who , if elected county sur
veyor , will give the people hon
est , conscientious service.
Tlio time has come for the
people to make up their minds
as to the most available and
worthy material for county offi
cers , and a newspaper does but
its duty to the public when it
points out the best stuff for the
The time for filing closed Sat
urday with W. II. Oabora for
county clerk and George K Porter
ter for register of deeds without
opposition for the nomination at
the Republican primary August
17th. The popularity of these
men follows as a consequence o ;
their attention to duty as dep
uties and their fair andsquare
way of dealing- with the people
at the court house.
Garland 13. Lewis , of Anselmo ,
who is iisKing1 the voters to sup
port him for county superinten
dent , was in Ansley Monday.
Mr. Lewis is a man wo 11 quali
fied for the position to which he
aspires and if elected will no
doubt make an official as efficient
as his brother , J. G. who served
the people of Custcr county as
superintendent about four years
ayo. Ansley Argosy.
Oftimes a county judge is too
much occupied in other matters to
g-ive attention to official duties.
Why would it not be a good idea to
have a new law creating a mar
riage license commissioner so
that when a young- couple de
sired to be married the necessary
papers could be secured without
infringing- the time of the
county judge.
Judge Humphrey went to
Mcrna one day last week. Soon
after he started a young- couple
appeared at the judge's office
seeking1 a marriage license. They
were compelled to telephone al
over the country and finally lo
cated him and had him author
ize the clerk of the district cour
to issue the license. Wouldn't it
be better to have a county judge
who would attend to business in
stead of attending- ball game ?
N D. Ford , of Ansley , the
Ansley law man and a loya
friend of the editor , was a callc
at our sanctum one day las
week. Mr. Ford will be a can
didate for county judge mule
the non-partisan law. Mr. Fort
has resided in Custcr county the
past three years and is a gradu
ate of the Albany , N. Y. , law
school. We dare say that the
office would fall in good hand
should Mr. Ford succeed in bciiij ,
elected. Mason City Star.
John T. Wood , present rcgis
ter of deeds , was m town las
Saturday , shaking1 hands will
old friends and neighbors. II
expressed a feelingof a littl
more independence than usua
because of the fact that he ha
but six more months of office
Then he will again be a free
man , and have opportunity to
look around for any satisfactor
business opening1 that may prc
sent itscll. John Wood has beet
an efficient official and an ac
cotnmodatiug- . Mason City
Chairman W. A George of the
Republican central committee
has issued a call for a mass con
vention of Republican voters * o
be held in this city Saturday.
The meeting will be held in the
court house at 2 p. in. 'I he
neeting is held for the purpose
of electing delegates to the state
convention which meets in Lin
: oln next Tuesday and to select
county central committee.
This is in accordance with the
lew law passed by the last leg-
blaturt' . The central commit
tee is now selected by this con
vention instead of being chosen
by the candidates after they are
nominated. The time is so short
that Chaii man George believed
it would b impossible for the
voters in the different precincts
in the county to get together to
select delegates to the county
convention and so he issued a
call for a mass convention. The
interest taken by the Republi
cans in the coming campaign
gives promise of good results
and a good attendance is ex
pected at the convention Satur
Nine McComas has a hired
Miss Leona Heaps returned to
her home in Snake Run Tues-
Keith Guylon finished shock
ing grain for Ed White and is
now working for J. T. Cole.
Miss-Jessie Apple , of Broken
low , visited the Sand girls the
list of the week.
Mrs. M. D. Callen is improv-
ug quite rapidly.
Miss Nellie Guyton , of Kddy-
ille , is visiting in these parts.
F A. Routh and family Sun-
layed with the former's sister in
the vicinity of Ortnby.
Roscoe Callen left Sunday
inornitig for Succa. .
Mrs. Rilph Johnson is enjoy-
ng a visit from her sister and
lusbatid , Mr. and Mrs. Black-
nand and little daughter from
York state.
Walter Cole is visiting his
brother , Or .n and wife in the
Bow this week. We are glad to
report that Walter has gained
two pounds since his arrival
There were some gentlemen of
the Bow looking over the Peden
farm this week with the view ,
perhaps , of purchasing same.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Rector , of
the county seat , spent Sunday' at
A. I. Routh'a.
Miss Verna Sands has been on
the sick list.
Mrs. Small's baby is ailing.
Ralph Johnson's father is very
Miss Whitcman went to Sen
eca Sunday.
Miss Hazel Norcutt has been
hired to leach the Jackson
school. It is a good school and
Miss Norcutt is a teacher of con
siderable experience.
The Ever Faithful Union Sun
day school will give a picnic in
Martin Hate's grove the last Sat-
uulay in this month. The pro
gram is to be volunteer work.
Any one passing within half a
mile of Henry Rapp's last Satur
day night might have heard
enough preparation going on to
assure him that the picnic prom
ises to be a success.
Jess , Karl and Goldie Triplclt ,
Flavy McBac , Nellie Holcomo
and Kffie Tenant , went to Snake
Run last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. McRac and Ora
visited at Laughlin's Sunday.
Miss Esther West has the
Pleasant Ridge scho 1. She has
taught this school before and
the board know what they are
doing when they hire her. As
soon as the trees grow a little
and a few minor improvements
arc nnde Pleasant Hidge will be
one of the prettiest schools in
the county.
( Copyright , by J. II. Llpplncott Co. )
Undo Ezcklcl Meadows was about
to attend the reunion of his old regi
ment nt Cincinnati , and his faithful
wife was packing his vallae. On the
occasions of his rather Infrequent ex
cursions from home this was n duty
which devolved upon her alone. At
first Ezeklol had been accustomed to
assist her with suggestions. But of
late , since his hair had become gray
er and his limbs stiff or and his mind
slower , ho had been content to resign
the whole proceeding Into her trusty
Now the valise , half filled , was on
the bed ( a newspaper between It and
the spread ) , and around It were those
articles , montlonable and unmention
able , which were to complete Ezeklel'a
traveling outfit. Leaning on the foot
board was Ezeklel himself , blandly
surveying the array , and presumably
listening to the multitude of Instruc
tions that accompanied the packing.
" Now , 'Xeklel , " continued Mrs. Meadows
dews , "I've put In two pnlr of clean
.wristbands ( cuffs ) , and they'll be
'plenty , because those you have on
jlmvon't been turned , you know , and
you can wear 'em as they are on thq
train , and when you get thdro you
must turn 'em , and they'll last you
till Sunday. You understand , do you ,
'Zeklel ? "
Ezoklel started from a reverlo Into
which lie had fallen and said ,
hastily '
"Yes , yes. "
"And , 'Zeklel , before I forget It 1
want to say that here In this corner-
see ? I've tucked your skull cap ,
which you'll need In the sleeper. II
the lock of the bag Is towards you
it's In the righthuml corner nearest
"I Guess I Was In a Hurry , Martha. "
to you ; so remember , and when you
open the bag keep the lock towards
you. Then you won't muss up every
thing looking for your cap. Under the
cap are three pair of socks , whlch'l
last you , for you put on clean ones
this morning. You've got plenty ol
handkerchiefs , too , for I've washet
enough. Are you listening , 'Zeklel ? '
"Of course I am , " replied Ezeklel
"Then don't go round with a dirty
handkerchief. Your collars five of
'om , all you've got are- laid flat In
the bottom of the bag. So remem
ber , ad don't try to wear one a whole
week And hero are two fresh suits
of underwear , with watch mo ,
'Zeklel ! a winter shirt extra , so as
If the weather gets cold and I 'spect
you'll be out on the river nights ,
maybe you'll be comfortable. I put
In only two starched shirts , hut when
you are done wearing the one you've-
got on you must send It out to ho
laundered. That'll give you a change.
Will you , 'Zeklel ? "
Silence for a moment.
"Will you , 'Zeklel ? " repeated Mrs.
Meadows sharply.
"Yes , yes , yes ! I said , " returned
Mrs. Meadows looked at his PUB-
plclously , but resumed :
"You're to wear your gray coat on
the train , and your best coat I'll put
right on top of everything , and when
you reach the hotel you must take
It out the ilrst thing and hang It up
so as to smooth out the wrinkles.
Now , 'Zoklel , do bo careful and fold
It neatly. Where ar vou going ? "
Kzeklel had sidled off towards the
door leading Into the sitting room.
"I dtinno , " ho said apologetically.
"I thought I'd read the paper. You're
all through , aren't you ? "
Mrs. Meadows viewed him with
"Through ! " she ejaculated. "When
I was just starting In to tell you about
your best coat ! I don't believe you've
heard a word I've been saying ! Now ,
what was I talking about ? "
"Martha I've hoard "
, every word ,
asserted Ezeklel evasively.
Mrs. Meadows , unconvinced , never
theless continued :
_ _ _
" "Thls ls the way to foldyou coat ,
eo It'll fit In the bag and the win-
klcs'll come in the right places see ?
Watch mo , 'Zoklel. Lay It flat so.
Then fold the lapels over so. Then
turn up the tails BO. Then fix thu
s'covea so that the crease comes at the
elbows so. 1 forgot to say , first ol
all flatten the collar tliat way see ?
Are you watching , 'Zeklel ? "
"Certainly 1 am , Martha ! " mechan
ically assured Ezeklel , his eyes fol
lowing her movements but his
thoughts busied elsewhere.
"Then lay It smoothly In the bag-
so , " further explained Mrs. Meadows ,
bringing her operation to a triumphant
After EzekleJ was on the train and
was speeding towards his destination
Mrs. Meadows suddenly exclaimed :
"There , If I didn't forget to tell
'Zeklel to bo sure and fold his trou
sers over a chair nights , to keep "em
nice ! "
Hut It was too late.
Ezoklel arrived safely at.Cincin
nati , met old comrades , participated
In all the festivities of the programme ,
stayed until the very end , and came
homo conscious of having had a splen
did time , but glad to bo able to set
tle down once more In peace.
Mrs. Meadows , retaining her hus
band near her to answer her many
questions , unpacked the valise.
"Mercy on me ! " she cried , extrlcat-
'Ing ' the "best coat" from the space
Unto which It had been rammed , and
holding It up In cabbage-leaf condi
tion. "Oh , 'Zeklel , after all the trou
ble I took to show you ! Why , you
just rolled It into a ball. Sakes alive ,
what a man ! "
"I guess I was In a hurry , Martha , "
pleaded Ezeklel sheepishly. "I mighty
nigh missed the train. "
"Fiddlesticks ! " retorted the In
censed woman. "Now you can send
this out and have It pressed I'm not
going to try to press It. Do you hear ,
Zekiel ? "
"Yes , Martha , " ho replied , anxious
to dismiss the subject.
' "Zeklel , where are you handker
chiefs ? " she demanded , eying him
sharply , after having rummaged the
Interior of the hag.
" They must be all there , " he pro
"Well , they aren't. I can find only
one. You didn't go and leave 'em In
the hotel , did you ? "
Ezeldel shook his head and fidget
ed. He was puzzled , and he realized
that his plight was desperate.
"I know 1 didn't losb 'em , " was all
that he could say.
Mrs. Meadows darted at his best
coat and felt In the tall pocket.
" 'Zekield Meadows ! " she ejaculated
accusingly as she drew out , one by
one , seven handkerchiefs and dis
played them to him.
He chuckled feebly. "I thought that
coat seemed kind of funny behind , "
he explained.
"How many have you In your gray
coat ? " she demanded.
Ezeklel took It off , and in it depre
cating manner explored Its pockets ,
extending the search to'his trousers
"I declare ! " sniffed Mrs. Meadows
wltherlngly. Magazine."A
"Now where's that other white
shirt ? " she queried with wrathful In
' "Ain't It there ? " Inquired Ezeldel
'in mild surprise. "You don't suppose
1'vo got a shirt In my pockets , do
you ? "
"No telling , " said Mrs. Meadows.
"Do you reckon you sent It to the
laundry and left it there ? "
"No , I didn't need it laundered , so
It ain't at the laundry , " mused Eze
klel. "Can't be possible I didn't pack
It , either , for I took special pains to
look round the room before I went
out. "
"Then where is it ? " persisted his
wife , again poking through the mis
cellaneous pile which the valise had
disgorged. She straightened up and
peered at him over her glasses.
" 'Zeklel Meadows ! " she screamed ,
abruptly. "If you ain't got on two
shirts ! "
Ezeklel examined his shirt sleeves
and fingered the openings at the
By jimlny , that'so ! " ho assented
with slow astonishment.
"And , 'Zeklel , you're wearing your
winter undershirt ! I Just believe you
wore it all the tlmo you were away
too and the thermometer up in the
nineties. "
"Well , " confessed Ezoklel , re
luctantly , commencing to disrobe , "I
did think Cincinnati was the hottest
place In all get-out , but I've been
b'lled ever since I got back , so I
reckon that perhaps I misjudged It. "
Some Privations of the Rich.
In recent generations the world's
wealth has been increasing at an un
precedented rate , but , at the same
tlmo , life's pleasures have beeen fall
ing more and more within the ordi
nary citizen's reach. Pessimists see
that the rich are getting richer , optim
ists that the poor are coming to their
own ; but neither suspect the plight to
which the cheapening of commodities
and privileges has brought Dives.
Truth is that , although there are
more things to do and more surpluses
than ever before , there are fewer
means of getting one's money's worth
out of a huge fortune.
Supplies Used by Post Office.
Some idea qf the quantity of materi
al used by the postal service may be
gained when It is stated that during
last year the division furnished 925-
000,000 yards of twine , 3.2GO.OOO pens ,
2811,000 penholders , 050,000 pencils and
2,600,000 blank cards. To wrap the
bundles , 5,100,000 sheets of wrapping
paper wore used. Blank forms are fur
nished by the millions. Of the form
"Application for Domestic Money Or
der , " which Is seen In the lobby of
every post olllce , there were 161,770-
000 used last year , and during the
same period G0.03 i rubber stamps were
manufactured and supplied to post of
fices. Assistant Postmaster General
Do Graw , lu National Magazine.
"A Slitdi in Ttnw ftvos "
The trained
watch eye sees
many good watches
that are allowed to
go without cleaning
and oiling1 until the
oil is entirely dried
up and the pivots are
cut and rusted in
such manner that it
costs twice as much
to put the watch in
order as it would if
taken in time. If
your watch has stop
ped once it may stop
again just when you
don't want it stopped
Now is the time to
bring it to me.
cfvacatiee ?
Do not forget the essen
tial articles that are got from
a drugstore. . A bottle of our
hand and face lesion is cool
ing to the skin after a clay out
in the wind and sun.
Here are some of the
things that should be taken
Talcum Powder
Chamois Skin
Headache Tablets
Laxative Pills
and other things too numer
ous to mention , but I have
them all.
The Busy Druggist
There must be no doubt ,
no uncertainty in the
mind of the patient as to
the rightuess of the pre
scription. Perfect confi
dence in our prescription
fulling by both phys
ician and patient
begets a faith
which alone
won't cure sick
ness but certainly helps.
-A , H.
Successor to Ed McComas.
In the county court Of Custor County , Neb-
In the matter of the estate of Jens M. Chris ,
teuscn , deceased.
The State ot Nebraska , to creditors of
said castate :
Take notice , that I will sit lu the County
court room , In IJroken HOW , In said county ,
on theS-Jndday of July , 1009 , and the 29th
day of Dec. 1009 at 10 o'clock a. in , , to re-
cehe and examine all claims tiled and pre
sented against said estate , with a view to
their adjustment and allowance ; and that
on the tirst date above named the petition ot
the widow will be heard for homestead ,
exemptions and allowance , and other statu
tory rlghti.
The time limit for the presentation of
claims against said estate Is six montlm
from the 82n l day of June , IWU , and the
time limited for the payment of debts is one
year from said date.
Dated Junes. , u J. A. H. HUIJHHHKY , \
J SI , to J is It County Judge.
Fitting of glasses.
OlUcc in Dlerks nik. Phone SCO