Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 15, 1909, Page 7, Image 9

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Held "by H. A. Brandenburg ,
of Merna , Uek. won the buggy
given aw ay by Mier and Zen-
nedy Ju ) 5th. 3&r. Brandenburg -
burg was we pleased , for he
knows that al John Deere goods
are bound to pease. We carry
a full line. Buggies , carriages ,
spring wagons. The roller bearIng -
Ing wagon and the Dain mower.
The Dain mower holds 'the
world's ' record on durability ,
quality and price.
We are handling1 the ACME line of mowers , rakes
and binders. Look over our line and if we cannot con
vince you we have more and better points in the Acme
binder than any other binder on the market , it won't
cost you anything' .
See our big- sale of Granite Ware. Now is the
time to get your kettles , pots , stew pans , etc. , for
putting up fruit.
Our line of harness , whips , fly nets and covers are
complete. The Hies will get busy soon.
Our line of general hardware is
complete. Give us a < call.
G enera 1 Hard '
Farm Loans Quickly Closed
Model Forty-Four , 34 H. P. $2250.
Spare Wheel , with inflated tire , brackets
and tools. $74. Mugnoto. { ICO.
Power at Rear Wheels
In the ordinary automobile much energy is
wasted in transmitting power from the engine
to the rear wheels through universal joints , or in
other words around corners.
In the Rambler , the power is transmitted in a direct
line from the crank shaft to the rear axle. This straight
line drive insures the delivery of maximum power.
The Car with the Offset CranU Shaft
The great economy and efficiency of the new Ramblers ia due to
such exclusive features as the Offset Crank Shaft , Straight Line
Drive , Safety Spark Retarder , Spare Wheel , etc.
The Rambler Spare Wheel marki a step forward In the . constant effort to
provide for the owner's greater comfort and convenience.
Let ua call for you some morning , and take you . to your place of busi
ness In a Rambler. No obligation on your part.
The Car of Steady Service
W. E. Talbot
Broken Bow ,
Custer County
Abstract Company
One price to all. No discount to anyone.
Titles examined.
A heavy rain and considerable
hail fell here Saturday morning.
Our farmers arc busy these
day's harvestingami laying-by
their corn.
Mrs. Lund and two children
Anna and Edward arc visiting
relatives at Anslcy this week.
The families of Peter and
James Overman ! visited at Peter
Beck's Saturday afternoon.
Geo. Crookham and family
called at P. F. Campbell's Sun
A. V. Sjntrgin was a Kearney
visitor last week , returning * home
Saturday. Mrs. Humphrey ac
companied him home and will
assist in the housework.
Mrs. Wilshirc and her mother ,
Mrs. Solomon , have been en
gaged by S. S. VlcConnell to do
housekeeping for him.
C. C. Smith had men at work
Monday repairing roads and
bridges on the mail route , made
impassable by the recent rains.
Mrs. C. C. Smith and sous ,
Claude and Vance , attended
church at Burr Oak Sunday
Uncle Johnnie Myers has been
spending several days recently
getting signers for a petition to
be submitted to the county board
asking for a road to be layed out
from Georgetown to Deer Creek.
G. L. Crookham has leased
his large ranch here to E. D.
Gould , of Kearney , and will
move his family and household
effects to Caldwell , Idaho , at
once. Clarence Spry -will ac
company them there , taking care
of the car en route. Mr. and
Mrs. Crookham have a large
number of friends here who join
in wishing them a safe journey
and happiness in their new
Real bsfalc Transfers.
John Sennett to Fred
22-13-1S..5600 00
Samp , 160 acres - -
Kittie M Weimer and
husband to Niels Ander
son , parcel in lot 12 , in
block 25 , Mason City 400 00
Marshall A Walter to
Win. S. Kennedy lot 10 in
block 3 , E Keyners sub of
block 3 , Broken Bow 1450 00
The Union Land Co. to
Sherman A Robinson , lots
5-67 8-9-10-H-12 block 31
Oconto 220 00
Margaret C Smith and
husband to Willis Cadwell
240 acres in sec 15 and SO
acres in 22-17-19 5250 00
Rierzi A Barrett to Clyde
E Carlos lots JU and 20 in
block 3 , A. W. Candy's
add to Broken Bow 15 00
Win S Waddington to
Marion S Daily , 160 acres
in 15-20-21 420000
Peter W Dooley to
Gertrude Great , 320 acres
in 10-18-20 630000
Katie I Dukessinglelo
Ed. C House parcel in uw
of block 4 E Reyners add
to Broken Bow 6500
Mary flansbury and
husband to The Arnold
Telephone Exchange , par
cel in lot 4block 1 Arnold 250 00
Union Pacific It R Co to
Lars Blixt , 160 57-100 in
l-14-2r. 72257
S H Knudsen to John S
Vmnedge , lots 4 and 5 in
block 14 , original town of
Sargent 275 00
Ckas F Miller to Theo
dore Rutten 160 acres in
17 and 20 , 15-23 6500 00
Hilda C. Chilcote and
husband to Olaf Holt ,
parcel in 8-15-25 100 00
Union Pacific R. H. Co.
to John Matz , 320 acres
in 21-14-23 136000
Edward S Chadwick to
Anton Smock , 160 acres
in 1-13-22 240000
Lincoln Land Co. , to
C F Ellersick lot 2 in block
6 , 3rd add to Comstock. . . 200 00
PI A Sherman , trustee ,
to Jesse Pierce , parcel in
10-19-18 250000
Schedule of Broken Bow Mail * .
Trnln No 40 ( lam
Train No 4J < nW a tit
Train No > (4 ( 7'h : > nm
OUCIUta I'OK TIIK WliHT CtOSK Al l'Ot.m\Vt !
Train No 4. ) 8 : < JO am
Train No 41 7.tO u m
Ortico oprti Hmul.iv from 0:3U : to 1030 a. in
week ilays.O liOa. in. tu7..W 11. in ;
Kstate ol I'.itilck Tplion , tloceascil , In
Count > Court ot Cutter1 County , Noluaska
The State of Nebraska , to all persons
nti-rested In s.iiil estate , take notice , that
lertliaTelion lias tiled a llnal account anil
eport ol her admlnistfitlon. ami a petitioner
or llnal settlement anil ye as sui h
\hlch have been set for hearing before salil
ourtonJulj . ' < , uw , at lo o'clock a m.
> hen you may appear and contest the same.
Dateil July 7,17iw.
July 7 to Jul ) 21 : i t County Judge.
Which do You Prefer ?
We have
and a long list of others.
We would like to sell
you aH much or as little
as you need.
Also line toilet requisites
of all kinds in great
J. G. Haeterle
FOR SAT.K ISO acres of land
Two miles above Georgetown
Nebr. , 200 acres in cultivation
baled hay and pasture.
For terms write ,
Green River , Utah.
FOK SAIK Well regulated
Restaurant , good location. Goo (
reason for selling. Inquire Con
Cannon's restaurant.
FOR SALK My residence prop
erty in south east part of city ,
call or address JAH. L. KIKC ,
al5-tf Broken Bow , Nebr.
FOUND A fountain pen.
Owner may have same by prov
ing property and paying for this
Business Personals
Dr. Bass , Dentist. Over McComas
Farm and City loans at lowest
rates. Mll-tf JAMHS Litmvicn.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee.
Roasted fresh every day. 2'Uf.
Farm and City loans at lowest
rates. M-ll-lf JAMIE ; ; l < itmvicn.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" colTcc'i
Roasted fresh every day. 21 If.
Drs. Farnsworth Heck
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee
Hoastcd fresh every day. 24-if.
Land for Sale.
1dO acres of land located ten
miles north of the city for sale
on reasonable terms. Inquire of
W. D. Grant. M27-tf
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee
Roasted fresh every day. 24-tt
Says the collar to the shirt ,
"you carried me well , " let us
meet again at the Broken Bow
Steam Laundry , Broken Bow ,
Texas school land is selling
for five dollars per acre. For
cheap railroad rates see Jesse
Ifyounci'd help of any kind
lell as many people as possible
There are more than 40,000 pee
pie who subscribe for the Oma
ha Bee. You can tell them al
for one cent per word per day
Write today.
The allurements of spring arc now at I heir
height , and summer is on Us way.
llowaliout a new snil something made fo
your measure and your own choice of style and
fabric. J
Come in-now and look over the beautiful
array of pure wool samples. They're very nobby.
frraf . 'jKriW a xmSssuwx-ssaieiDii gjnea al 5wii ? 'fflr'rf *
Send your Abstract Orders to
Bonded Abstracter
Office in Security State Bank
7 ftM
A satisfied customer is the best of adver-
tisments. Read what he tells his neighbor.
Von gel the best bed room furniture
You < > 'el the best dining' room furniture V
You < et the best1 luill and ollicc furniture ,
You cl the best kitchen and iniscelUnions
You et the best parlor and library furniture
You et the best cluiirs and roclcers
You < 4'e ( , the best rugs and carpets
You x'l the best prices best of all
r'flayi t gggr.'rarmsg
F YOU have a snap in a farm , or ranch For sale \
list , with me. IF you want , to buy a snap in a
Farm or ranc.h come and see me. I'hones , of
fice 42 , residence , 129.
c aan Model "E Tourahout
TKe Jackson Model
is tlie test car for tlic money
Hint is made in the automobile world to dny. This
oar is lamed for hill climbing , famed for taking1
cnro of the hard propositions , il is simple in its
construction , big in its engine equipment , hand
some in outline , and big tuul comfortable in its
Gome in ana let me prove tnis is true.