* * Merchandise Sacrifice On account of our Mammoth Stock of Dry G-oods , Clothing , Shoes , Queens ware , Groceries , etc. , \ entire stock in a GREAT HUE SALE c and continuing until closed out , at prices unheard of in this section of t 100 cents on the dollar "but has "been damaged some "by. smoke and wat Colored , good quality , now 22c Fair Fancy Linen white and colored , 50c now 39c Fire Sale Prices. You cannot afford to lose out on this sale of seas ( Good Linen , 75c now 58c marked will be only few days event to close out our $25,000 stockc Pure Linen $1.00 , now 72c We hitch a dollar to a bigger The Prices Marked * in Plain Figur . C * > 1 i o o A * All Standard Colors _ _ _ ' / Dry Goods Seasonable Dross Goods Slightly Smoke Damaged. All our popular $1 and $1.25 lines of suiting , plain cloth , etc.go at 72c Entire line of 50c , 65c , 75c cloths , Mohairs , Panamas , Suiting , Wash goods and Waistings will go at 37c Complete stock of wash fabrics at 40c , 45c and 50c will go at 30c All dainty summer patterns in 25c , 35c , and 40c values will go at 17c Wash goods selling at loc and 20c will go now at He Lawns , Batiste , etc. , selling at 10 and 12c will be sacrificed at 7c Ladies' Cool Waists Just Smoked a Little. 1 Lot Lawns containing $2.50 to $3 numbers now go at $1.78 1 Lot Lawns containing $1.50 and $2 numbers will be sacrificed at OOc 1 Lot Lawns , containing 75c , $1 and $1.25 numbers , sacrificed at 59c Laces and Embroideries. 50 per cent DISCOUNT 50 per cent Entire line is smoked. Think of it at 50 per cent discount. 33L g ? 3bL Good Quality. Red Seal Brand. Ladies and Chlldrons Hosiery Regular 15c and 20c Misses Hose now 7c Regular loc and 20c Ladies Hose now 8c And many others but not room to list. Ladies Hand Batfs This was a shipment just received and being marked when fire was discovered but are slightly soiled. Regular $3.00 to $5.00 bags now 98c Regular 1.00 to 2.50 bags now 09c Regular .50 to .75 bags now 19c Ladies Rain Coats $15.00 values , slightly smoked $7.50 12.50 " " " U.25 10.00 " " 5.00 5.00 " 2.50 3.00 " " 1.50 Some of these coats were just re ceived the day before the fire and are the latest styles possible. Ladles Bolts 5 doz. Belts , Leather , Elastic , etc. 5c each. Mens Furnishings- > - < . - and Clothing Hosiery Water damaged , will wear as clean stock. 25 do/good colors. Sold at oOc per pair. Now 13c lints Straw hats slightly smoked but impossible to notice it. Finest quality , new shapes , sold at $1.50 to $2.00 , now $1.12 Good material and shape , 75c and 1.00 now G9c Many others on display , prices even lower. Gordon Hats Still' and soft felts in latest blocks and colors. $3.00 to $3.50 now goingat $2.24 Soft dress and work hats , formerly $2.25 to $ . " . .00 now $1.78 Plenty of others still cheaper. IMC UL Bleached Unbleached - Mens Shirts Reg 20 cloz. work shirts , water Reg soaked , formerlr 50c now 29c Reg 75 do/ , dress shirts , slightly smoked , all new patterns and yoi go6d qualit3T , formerly $1 to 1.50 G8c It will pay to buy a years supply at above figures. - Mons Gloves Good work gloves of calf and horsehide $1 to $1.50 now 78c Gloves formerly 75c to $1.00 58c Mons White Collars 1 lot slightly smoked , all sixes and TSa styles. 5c each , 0 for 25c. CLOTHING Every afternoo.i during this sale there will be an auction in this depart ment until we have disposed of the entire stock of Men and Boys suits. AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION I REMEMBER July give Economy is an easy chair to old age. Think carefully , decide wisely , act promptly , this add for you may skip a dollar. Will Give No Premium Coupons During1 Sale.