THE REPUBLICAN , OUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA. r. * HIGH GRADE Lumber , a large assortment and complete stock for Builders to choose .from. Let us estimate on your contracts. We always try to please. H. T.BRUCE & CO. Lumber & Coal South aide. Stops Hair Falling Ayer's Hair Vigor , new im proved formula , will certainly stop falling of the hair. Indeed , we believe it will always do this unless there is some disturb ance of the general health. Thena constitutionalmedicine may be necessary. Consult your physician about this. Does not change the color of the hair. yormula with etch bottle A 9 Show It to your doctor ifers A.k him about it. then do a * h lay The reason why Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling hair is because it first destroys the germs which cause this trouble. After this is done , nature soon brings about a full recovery , restoring the bair and scalp to a perfectly healthy condition. Knrto by the J. O. Ayer Co. , Lowell. Man. STRICTLY PERSONAL J Pearl Munk went to Berwyu Monday. Mrs. L. A. Parmenter went to Crestou , Ohio , Sunday. When you think of drugs , think of Sauders drug store. Johd Squires and wife left for Colorado Springs Friday. P , F. Leonard , of Anselmo , was in the city Sunday. _ E. E. Ryan and C. D. Johnson bought tickets for Seattle Sun day. day.Rev Rev , N. Harmon went to Yuma. . Colorado , Monday to spend a few days on his ranch. F. W. BUCKLEY , M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Fitting of glasses. BYE , EAR , NOSE and THROAT Office In Dlerks Bit. Phone 280 BROKEN B W , - - NEB. HOMESTEADS will soon be a thing of the past I can locate you in Grant , Hooker and Me- Pherson Go's. Call on or write J. T. MORROW Lena , - Nebraska. McPherson County. W. S. Mattley , of Ausley , was in the city on business last Fri day. day.O. O. W. Parr , of Merna , was transacting business in the city last Friday. Dr. T. L. Farnsworth made a business trip to Grand Island Wednesday. Fred II. Wood , of Oconto , was in the city on business Tuesday and Wednesday. Ed Sluckey , of Oconto , had business before the county board in this city Wednesday. NH * p Anderson returned to Alliance last week after making a business trip to Omaha. Mrs. Frank Crable and her two sons went to Lincoln Wednesday morning on a visit. J. O. Taylor , of Berwyu , was ' in the city Monday before the insanity board in the Talbot case. Misses Bertha and Alice Hufffccker , of the South Loup , were visitors in the Bow the first of the week. Miss Helen Leet , who has been visiting Miss Erma Willing , went to Omaha Wednesday morning. Miss Millicent Orr went to Omaha Wednesday morning to return to her work as a nurse in an Omaha hospital. Ras Anderson went to Grand Island Monday evening to meet his daughters , Eunice and Florence , who have been visiting their aunt at Ettstis. Mrs. E. E. Durea and her two children returned Wednesday morning to Lexington , where they will remain until about August 1st. Mr. Durea has rented a house , but it will not be ready for occupancy until about the first of August and Mrs. Durea went home to stay until that time. \ F THE ROCKET h that Smote our Roof J is now on exhibition at our store , and while it prov ed to to a great "knocker , " it is nothing as compar ed with the Rocket that has hit the price of all SUMMER WASH GOODS at our house. The Strictly Summery Stuff Must all Go. Get your snare of these bargains while they last. 1 Lot Summer Wash goods consisting ingof lawns , batistes , organdies and bordered voiles , worth lOc , 12c and 15c. Special price to close out the lot per yard 8c 1 Lot Mercerized panamas , dotted Swisses , mercerized voiles , etc. , worth 15c , 18c and up to 22c per yard at the remarkable price per yard of lie 1 Lot Silk organdies , imported Scotch zephyrs , silk mulls , etc. , worth 25c , 35c and up to 50c per yard , all go in this sale to close out the lot at per yard I8c 1 Lot ladies' silk umbrellas worth S2.25 , $2.40 and up to $3 , for this sale to close out the lot at $1.98 I Lot ladies' gauze vests worth 8c and lOc to close at , each 6c 1 Lot ladies' gauze vests worth ISc | to close at , each I4c I Lot ladies' hand bags to close out at a price. See the tags. You will get a bargain. Our entire stock of ladies' skirts left over from last season to close out at just half price. We want to reduce our stock of low cut shoes to the lowest possible point , and for that purpose we will , during this sale , give a special discount on all low cut shoes of twenty per cent. First Showing oi Mens Fall Hats Nobly Styles at Right Prices Did you ever see Silver Dollars in a Clock ? We have one that grinds out silver dollars to our customers. Watch the clock and get time cards at our store. Always selling the most reliable lines of shoes. John McGraw made a business trip to Dunning Tuesday. Ed Walsh , of Omaha , state representative of the Woodmen of the World lodge , is in the city looking after the interests of the. local chapter of the W. O. W. Mrs. W. C. Luce and daugh ter , Emuia , started Wednesday morning on an extended trip to visit relatives in Omaha and points in Illinois. J. L. Ferguson , of Comstock , who is a candidate for county surveyor , was in the city Wed nesday finishing' up his business as deputy assessor. The crowds at the Star theater have been unusually large the last week. The circus and the pictures of Niagara Falls have been very popular. Arthur Ledwich and Fred Baisch started west Saturday. They expect to see the Seattle Exposition and visit other points in the west. They will be gone at least three weeks and may stay permanently. The Baptist and United Brethren congregations will unite next Sunday evening. The services will be held in the United Brethren church. Rev A. T. Norwood will preach. Manager Swan of the Star theatre announces that he will have pictures of the famous Nel- son-Gans fight at the theater Friday and Saturday. The Gve- foot fans recently installed make the theater a cool and comfort able place and all who are in terested in a prize fight will miss a rare treat if they do not see this show. The law icquircs that every land owner shall cut the weeds on the public highways on his premises between July 15 and August 15. All land owners in Broken Bow township are hereby notified that unless they comply with the. lavvvaml cut their weeds the township board will be com pelled to impose the penalty pro vided. By Order of Township Board. Communication. Editor RmvrnucAN : I see by the Nebraska State Journal that death is reaping a harvest in Lead , S. D. , rheuma tism being the principle death dealing disease. I find also in your own beautiful city of Bro ken Bow a number ot rehumatic cases. One lady in S. D. , Mrs. John Tart , at but 42 years of age passed away after seven years of illness from rheumatism. My experience with as painful case as human was ever attacked with convinces me that there is absolutely no excuse to suffer if those a filleted will apply the remedy which has given me absolute and perfect cure for I have not had a single pain from rheumatism for twenty-live years. Quit the doctors and take no more of iheir medicines and go to a high , dry altitude. Friend of Afflicted. A Land Proposition. Lcyman Co. South Dakota , now offers an exceptional field for investment. In the best of all kinds of farming lands that 3 years ago could be bought for $300 to $500 a quarter , is now selling from $1600 to $3000 a quarter , and is steadily going on up and there isn't any doubt but it will soon double its self from what it is now ; all kinds of farming carried on to a perfect success. The soil is unusuallj rich and deep. The native grass is the best in the world ; there is no better land for mixed farming and dairying in the United States. I am no land agent , but I have a friend up there that is interest ed in the land business and has a list of some fine land and I want to go up there after while in the interest of my own place up there and would like to get a bunch to go up with me. I can then prove to you what I have arc treated right in every way , as I am working for a living and don't have a good chance to meet you every day. For farther information write M Box 48 Broken Bow , or call at the RK- Ftru&icAN office. July 8 to July 21 N. Dwight Ford , of Ansley , was in the city Wednesday and filed as a candidate for the Re publican nomination for county judge. Mr , Ford is a graduate of the law department of Union University of Albany , New York. He studied two years in an office in Albany before entering the University law school and prac ticed one year in Albany after graduating. Mr. Ford is thirty- one years of age. He is admit ted to practice in all courts in New York and Nebraska and the courts of the United States. Mr. Ford is a bright fellow and is making a great many friends in the campaign. When you think of buying a watch , think of Sanders' drug store , jewelry department. When you think of Cut Glass or Nice China think of Senders' drug store. 'rcafefofct CENTUR > COFFEE YOUR CR < RAS ANDERSON DEALER IN GRAIN AND COAL Feed in large and small quantities at both wholesale and retail. Special attention given to filling orders for coal in any quantity. Broken Bow , - - Nebraska Don't Delude Yourself BY THINKING THAT WE CAN'T SELL YOU LUMBER AND ALL BUILDING MATERIAL AS CHEAP AS ANY ONE FOR LIKE GRADES , AMOUNTS AND TERMS. PHONE 79. f G. L. TURNER LUMBER COMPANY If you want a car that is easy and simple of operation , that runs smoothly over good and bad roads , and one that causes you the least trouble and expense in keeping ifc in good running condi tion uy Tne .Mitchell Gar Sl.OOO. $1.500. $2,000. F. O. B. RACINE , WIS. W. E. Taltot , A. G. 'Martin If You Are Thinking Of Borrowing Money f BUYING A FARM , I BUYING OR BUILDING A HOME. | FOR THE ERECTION OF A BUSINESS FOR \ HLOCK , PAYING OFF YOUR PRESENT LOAN , BUSINESS OR ANY OTHER LEGITI MATE PURPOSE , And desire money , at lowest rate , without the payment of a commission , with every advantage in matter of repayment aud prompt action , SEE Ross G. Moore Attorney and Bonded Abstractor.