Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 15, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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$1.00 Per Year.
Where matter IB set on wood bane electrotype
a fiat prlcoof twenty ceutnver lncii.oliiirlecol-
umti.'lor ! ch Insertion , two ormuj'e liihertloim
15c ntB per Inch. .Special puftltlon , Mniflu In ,
Bortlon 2u rents per inch. IMIHO. electron *
two iir IMIIIU tlniCM , 15 cents per Inch. 1'ayiueiit
llrnt o ( uaeh muntli.
Local advertising llvu cciitn pur line eacliln
Notice of church church ( aim , Hocladlra and
eiilurtulunienlH whcru mutiuy IH cli.uucil , uni !
half rate * .
Death notices free , half c i k"1 ( or puhllHliliiK
Card o ( Thanks , 0 cen < < .
I4rt5al notice * ) at rates provided statutes of
Society itotlccnand ii ! < toliitloiMoiie-hal r.iiei
Wi-cldinif uotlccn ( tee , half price ( or ant of
K lite red at Ilrokcii How , Nebraska , for trann-
nilHHloii In thu Unlliid Hiatus nulls
at second claim rates.
Herbert (1. ( ftlycrs , Ildilor and Publisher
Political Aiinoiiiicciiicnl.
Uclng promnteil by a ik-slrc to lead and
direct the forces of thu ircU ; :
county of Caster , In whonu scliooln ( ' wts a
pupil nearly : io yearn ago , 1 hereby tormally
announce myself a cainllilatc forthu position
of County Superintendent of 1'ubllc Instruc
tion , 1 tiavo advocated republican prlacl
pics for 15 yearn and am tlius anhiiiK thu dl
tlnuulshvil honor of being Its nomlndc at thu
coming election ,
I hereby announce to the Republicans
of Ouster County that I nut it candidate
for. thu nomination to the office ' ol
County Surveyor , subject to the express
ed will of the nieinbeiM of my party at
the primary. I have served as Deputy
County Surveyor for the past 3 years ,
and previous to the pracltcul end ac
quired my education in the County
bchools of Custer County , in the I'reinoiit
Normal school and the Nebraska State
Univuruity. I have always lived in
Custer County and have always suppott *
ed the Republican ticket.
1 desire to announce my candidacy for the
ofllce o ( County Superintendent , subject to the
wlshug of the voters and Hchool patroui o ( the
I was born In Ciiatcr county and received my
common school umicatlou In her schoola.
Sluco then I liavo tauirht several years In the
district and rlltatrc schools of the county ; have
received a professional state certificate and
completed a full collv ? < i course. I believe
both education and experience fit mo to do
rOlclcut wark ( or thu county.
Ausclmo , Nebr ,
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for the nomination lor the olllco of county
treasurer , subject to the decision of the He-
publican voters at the ronilntf primary elec
Hon. I have been a resident of Cusler
County since IBSI and respectfully solicit ,
your.nupport. JULIUS R OrrUM.
I hereby announce to the Republicans of
Custer County , that 1 am a candidate tor
the nomination to the olllco of County Sur
veyor , subject to tile expressed will of the
members of my party at the primaries. 1
tlnluhcd a civil engineering course at the
University of Michigan , and have had 20
years actual experience In all the different
Hues of engineering and more than ten ol
those years In land surveying. Have lived
five years In Cusler county.
Sargent , Nebr.
1 hereby announce myself as a candidate
for nomination to the oillcc of County
Treasurer , hubject to the will of the Re
publican voters expressed at the primary ,
A B-17,1P09.
Am the present deputy under J. E. Cav *
anee. Am a practical book keeper aud have
Iiad yearn of actual experience In the woik
of the olllce.
livllevlng myself well qualified for the po
sition would respectfully solicit your sup
port , w. II. POOH.
1 hereby announce myself as a candidate
for nomination as County Treasurer , subject
to the Republican primaries August 17. 1
have been a resident of the county since
18SI , with the exception of about live years ,
and If nominated and elected will make
every effort to conduct the office In the best
interests of the tax 'payers.
A , J. VanAntwcrp will make
a hard working conscientious
man for county surveyor.
If practical training1 and ex
perience counts for anything A.
J. VanAntwerp ought to make a
good county surveyor.
Those seventeen Democrats , of
the Senate , who voted against
free lumber , are likely to be ask
ed to explain their vote when
they desire re-election.
George Porter seems to have a
clear field as a candidate for the
Republican , nomination for regis
ter of deeds aud it is right that
he should. If we could always
get as good men as Porter for
candidates it would not be neces
sary for us to devote so much
attention to polities because we
could rest assured that the
county business would be well
taken care of.
Earliest Advertiser.
Noah was one of the earliest
advertisers. He advertised that
he would sail on a certain date.
Those w'm ' did not believe in
advertising failed to yet tickets
and were left out in the wet
without umbrellas or bathing
suits. As most of them could
nut swim , they took In the trees
ami became monkeys. The
origin of the monkey is now
settled. ICx.
The candidates are now get
ting down to business and the
race for office is wanning up. If
each voter at the coming primary
and election is as anxious to vote
for the best man as each one of
the candidates is to get his vote
there will be no mistake made.
It is every man's duty to study
the list of candidates and pick
the men he believes to be the
best qualified.
If we Republicans do not wake
up to the demands of the people
for a lower tariff upon the neces
sities of life , our Democratic
friends , the enemy , will give ua
a surprise something like the
congressional election of 1890.
This Democratic upheaval was
followed by the election of Grover -
er Cleveland. That was a tariff
reform expression of the people
and as history repeats itself , we
are at present leaving the latch
string out for the Democrats to
walk in.
One of the most commendable
things about the 4th of July
celebration was the fact that the
day was a very peaceable one.
Af ) a usual thing several arrests
are made and very often a fight
occurs. But there was nothing
of the kind here on July 5th and
tVie marshalls of the day had
nothing to do but see the celebra
tion. The people were kept so
busy all of the time seeing the
events on the prouram that they
didn't have time to stop and.
think of making trouble.
The public square has been so
wet and muddy since the rains
almost two weeks ago that it is
almost out of commission so far
as its being a pleasant place to
spend your leasure time is con
cerned. It was too muddy for
the celebration and too muddy
for the people to attend the band
concert Saturday oveuing. This
is due to the fact that it is so
low. The sewerage1 system of
the city seems to be buch as to
run a considerable part of the
water that falls through the
streets around the square. The
public square needs filling up
and we need a sewerage system
to carry off the surplus water ,
Don't think because the report
er sees you getting on the train
that he ought to know who you
are and where you are going , or
if he sees you greet some friend
that he knows who they are and
where they are from. We aim
to get all the news , but you may
be one we don't happen to know
We try to become familiar with
names and faces if possible , but
during the years past we have
been to church and failed to see
you there ; we have hung around
the town pump , but some of you
weren't there ; we have loafed on
the street ; we've even risked our
reputation on back streets on
dark night but you weren't all
there. And we'll be hanged if
we know where to find you all.
So if you are going or coming or
know anybody cutting up queer
capers let us know.
It is rumored that the letters
threatening Governor Shalleu-
berger with assassination for
signing the 8 o'clock closing law
and supposed to have been sent
by an employee of one of the
saloon keepers of Omaha has
been sent to him in order to im
press more strongly upon the
minds of the people of Nebraska
the fact that the forward march
of the temperance movement
means that several thousand men
are go'ug ' , to be thrown out of
employment. No doubt the
closing of saloons by the
temperance workers does compel
a gn-at many men to find new
employment and perhaps their
remuneration is not so high for
a time alter the change but this
is a small matter when you con
sider the thousands of men whom
they , as liquor sellers , render
incapable of earning a good liv
ing and supporting a family.
Political Conventions )
A law passed by the last
Legislature provides that a state
convention shall be held by the
various parties on the last Tues
day in July. This will make the
convention this year come on
July 27th , or a week from next
Tuesday. The law also provides
that a delegate county conven
tion shall be held at a date prior
to the time of the state conven
tion. The law does not say how
these delegates to the county
convention shall be chosen. If
conventions are to be held ac
cording to this law before July
27th to elect a county committee
and delegates to the state con
vention it is high time that the
chairman of the party committees
in this county get busy. The
law goveining the new political
convention is as follows :
Sec. 1. Party Committees.
The state , congressional , judicial
and legislative committees of
the various political parties
shall be chosen in such manner
as may be determined by the
state central committee of each
respective party. County com
mittees shall be selected by the
delegate convention. The
various officers and committees
now in existence shall exercise
the power and perform the duties
herein prescribed until their
successors are chosen in accor
dance with this act.
Sec. 2 Conventions. The
various political parties shall
hold a delegate state convention
on the last Tuesday of July , of
each year. Said convention
shall formulate and promulgate
a state platform , shrill select a
state central committee. No
action shall be taken by said
state convention , either foe or
against any person who is or
may be a candidate for any office
that is to be voted on at the next
general election.
There shall be held a delegate
county convention in each county
prior to the time of holding the
state convention is provided for
in this section , at which conven
tion the delegates to the state
convention and the members of
the county central committee
shall be selected ; said convention
shall transact such other business
as shall properly come before it.
Delegates to national conven
tions of the various political
parties shall be selected at a
state or state and congressional
conventions composed of dele
gates chosen in such manner as
may be determined by the state
committees of each respective
party. Provided that the dele
gates to such state or state and
congressional convention shall
shall be appointed by such com-
uiittes to the several counties
upon the vote cast at the last
election for electors for president
and vice president in the respec
tive counties ; and , provided
further , that each county shall
be entitled to at least one dele
gate in such convention or
Estate of Nicholas Sinets , deceased , In
County Court of Custer County , Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska , to all persons in-
teiested in said estate , take notice ,
that Julian Smels has tiled a llnal
account and report of his administration ,
and a petition for final settlement and dis
charge as such , which have been set for
hearing before said court on July 14 , 1909 , at
10 o'clock a. m. , when you may appear and
contest the same.
Dated June U , 19(9.
J17toJuly84t A. 11. lIUMl'iinsY ,
( Seal ) County Judge.
Going to
take a vacation ?
Do not forget the essen
tial article that , are gr > t from
a drug store. A boille of our
hand and face lesion is cool
ing to the skin after a day out
in the wind and sun.
Here are some of the
things that should be taken
Talcum Powder
Chamois Skin
Headache Tablets
Laxative Pills
and other things too numer
ous to mention , but I have
them all.
On ft , LLL
The Busy Druggist
In the county court of Custer County , Neb
In the matter of the t-btate of Jens M. Chris-
teusen , Uercasfd.
The State of Nebraska , to creditors of
said oastate :
Take notice , that I will < ilt In the County
court room. In Broken upw. In said county ,
on the Hind day ot July , UHW , and the 39th
day of Dec. 100 < J at ID o'clock a. m. , to re
ceive and examine all claims tiled and pre
sented against hald estate , with a view to
their adjustment ami allowance ; aud that
on the Hist date above named the petition of
the widow will be heard for homestead ,
exemptions and allowance , and other statu
tory rights.
The time limit for the presentation of
claims against said estate Is MX months
from the 2ind day of June , I9oy , and the
time limited for the payment of debts is one
year from said date.
Dated Junes. . 1003. A. R. HUMPH KEY ,
J 21 , to J in 4t County Judge.
We are in the market FOR
Will pay the highest price of
fered on the Broken Bow mar
ket. Call and see us before sell
ing. 34-tf
( REPORT , ,
From Every
Man and , \Voman
That appreciates a complete-
at-every point jewelry store.
Lately we've been adding to
our stock here and there.
Strengthening it fulling it
out in spots that seemed to
need it.
Put in a lot of new Watches ,
and quite a few Rings of various
Increased the showing of the
smaller goods all along the line ,
which rounds out our stock nicer
than ever.
In what are YOU interested ?
Be sure you'll find it here.
Be sure it will reflect the signs
of the highest quality. Be" sure
it will be priced fairly.
Eyes tested and glasses fitted.
Boost your business
ly advertising through the
It wasn't the name that made the fame of
Uneeda Biscuit
It was the goodness of the crackers
that made the fame of the name
Un a Biscuit
/Sold only in
Moisture Proof Packages