Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 01, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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" "
True Meaning of
GAIN mi- tinHtarn
1111(1 StllpCH , tllO III-
tltuial emblem nf
AmerU an Illiorlv , JH * *
tlco and Independ
ence ralHcil on high.
Again the | U\HI | ! and
\lvld display of tlio
n a 11 o n a 1 colors )
av a k o n H locolloe-
tloiiH of our conn-
try H strugglesor
her onfoiccd hnttlu cry of ficudoiu.
Again chlldron "rally lonud tlio llaj ; "
to uplift their clilldlHh voices Iu Its
jiriilsc and honor ; to Hlng songs of
tilumph and icjolclng over the na
tion's victory.
Ouoo again , as of yoio , loud peal the
bolls tinging out the Kind IIOWR that
it Is the aunlveiuary of the natlou'H
birth ; commemorating the inaiulllcont ;
achievements or uarly nohlo
patriots on that Ural , glorious Fourth
day uf July. Statesmen and oratoiB
are called upon to oxoicluo their high-
out po\\ei'H of eloquence In older to te-
upoii the heaitH and niliidH of
now ciijolng the rights and
ilutloH conferred upon them by an In
dependent form of government , to up
hold thoHo lofty IdealH , and to defend
thobo liable pilnclplos of unity and
fraternity , of political ludopendonco
and freedom fiom aihltiary rule and
despotism for which hravo men will
ingly laid down their llveu , that the
country which they loved , and for
which they fought might as a nation
The Declaration of Independence was
received with every demount ration of
jiuhllc rejoicing. Wo are told that it
way read In public from the platform
of an observatory In the rear of the
ntatehoiiBu. On the sumo day a bril
liant fete wan given In honor of the
natlou'H birth on board the frlgato
Wiiulilngton In the Delaware , the fes
tivities terminating with a ball In the
ovonlug. The declaration was read at
the head of each brigade of the Conti
nental army stationed at New York ,
mid received with joyful hux/.as. Again
on the tenth day of July , the doelaia-
tlou was road In the courthouse at
i "White Plains by order of the , conven
tion then In session. The king's coat
of arms was brought from the hall
whore his courts wore hold and burned
lunhl the acclamations of the multl-
Thus we llnd that whatever form
these public demonstrations of rejoic
ing over the nation's birth might take ,
they wore always preceded by a care
ful exposition of the cause for that re
joicing. The celebration of Indopcnd-
once day , in those early times , wan the
fxultant overflow of emotion duo to
the Intelligence , clearly and pointedly
conveyed to the popular mind , of the
lesoluto resistance of the country's
leadcis to tyranny that should inako
Ameilca free.
Chen a true conception of the
causes , the principles and Inlluencos
that should bo ro-oxamlued and con
templated on every recurring July I ,
the American people would Impart a
meaning and dignity to their festivi
ties on the holiday of national holidays
such as would preclude an Indulgence
in moro senseless , nerve-racking ,
noisy demonstrations ; without thought
of the "why ? " or "wherefore ? " of the
occasion. Too many of our youth , not
withstanding the lessons of American
history learned at school , are apt to
forget the real.significance of Uio na
tion's birthday when they deem It
sutHclont to vent what they arc
pleased to call their "patriotism" in
deafening horn-blasts and In the free
and careless use of reeking explosives
and dangerous firearms.
Nor Is the great mass of our foreign
population which is ultimately to bo
consolidated Into the American nation
properly informed respecting the an
tecedent forces of the country to
which they have come for refuge and
for freedom ; so that at sight of our
Broken Bow ( lets Honors.
( Continued fiom Kirst page )
Christ Episcopal church. The
vested choir , the graduating
class in black gowns , the faculty
and four clergymen marched
down the side , then up the cen
ter aisle to their places in the
front of the church. The text
was , "He Bowed Himself with
all His Might. " No flowers of
speech were used , neither did
the Dr. indulge in flights of
fancy , He simply preached a
plain , practical sermon , full of
wise council , for every day life.
Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock-
Trinity class day program was
given beneath thcjeluis in front
of the main entrance to the col
lege ouilding which is 700 feet
long parts of it are three , four
and five stories high. Thirty-
seven Morris chairs formed a
semi-circle and were occupied by
the class of 1909. As soon as
the clas"s was seated a man nick-
\\avliiM liatincr , and : it : -nuiil ul m.r
n.itlinial nliK , a line M MSI- i.f loMilly
in.iy lie Ulnillcil In ' licarlM and
faniicil Into the Hciillmcnl of ImrnliiK
lint rlidilt'niiH pulllotlHin Tor ( In1 land
ot Ilii-lr iiloitlnn. ( | For llm woul of the
Aini'ilcaii ( lonincnicy tU'iu-iula upon
tlio InloKiIty , Hit ) Ihlc'llty , aye tlio uii-
nwcivliig allo lance of every mUloiml
Jtmt IIH It WIIH unity that Knvc blith
to the nation , BO It IK unity that must
prci.orvo the nation. "In union thc-io
IB stKiiiKlli , " IB IIH true to-day a It wan
a century or two a o. "Tngctlier ! " IH
tlio call of the ate ; anil It IH ( ho call
oapedally to ho hoodoil hy nu of thin
Klorloim Aineilcan roiitihllc.
Ilenco , whllo wo inovo In step to
martial iniiBlc , with the Hlars and
Strlpc'B lliniK to the hrop/.n , while wo
dlno or picnic In honor to the "im-
HOII'H day ; " Indeed , whatever may lie
tlio form of our tojolcliiK over our
coiintiy'H liherty , wo numl hnvo a care
IOH ( we forget tlio real reason of our
inorryinukliiK " " 'I ' Bolf-traliilallon. ; In
dependence day IH ours with all the
Kloiy of tlio n Ht and all the splendor
of the pioHcnt ; freely wo hnvo taken ,
and contlnuo to take all the advant
ages , the rlKhtB , prlvlk-KOS , progreBH
and ad\anceinent that were ushered
Into heliiK with thn nation' : ) birth.
Freely , then , let nn Klvo. Not a
ihetoilcal piatliiK of pntrlotlo dovo-
lion to conntiy. that Is no moro
than a holMntiMOHtod alllanco of
party , not munificent contrlhutloiiH
for public demonstrations with
out purminal and
private dedication
to Hit ! national
caiiHO , not UIOHO
inlBterined oxpiou-
BOIIB | of patrlot-
IHIII , hut the en-
fiaachlBud I n d I-
vldual'H offortB to
preserve the vigor
and purity of the
Institutions of his
city , Btato or coun
try , the lesitlt of
true pa tr lot Ism
which IB "tho
n o b 1 o Bt passion
that animates a
man In the character -
actor of a jjooil
citizen. "
Vital Facts of Independence.
The Fourth of July Is rated a great
day in the nation's hlmiry , not because -
cause the Declaration of Independence
waa llrst read to the Continental con
gress on that day , but because it
watt adopted on that day. It Is true
that a resolution declaring tlio col-
onion to bo free and independent
states \\as adopted July U , but tlio
declaration , written by .Jefferson and
afterward amended by the congress ,
was not adopted until July -I. It was
signed the same day by John Han
cock , president of the congress , and
Charles Thomson , the secretary. Au
gust It was signed bj all the mem
bers of congress present 5u mem
bers. Six nainei ! were alterward at
tached. Col. McKcan did not Hlgn It
until 17S1. Thus the moro fact of
signing the declaration Is of amall
importance. The adoption waa the
vital fact.
Elderly persons who want to sleep ,
although they may prldo thomsolvea
on their kind hearts , Btill fool that
they would like to touch off a bunch
of llrecrackcrs that was tied to the
pig-tall of the Chinaman who Invented
The Easiest Wny.
Ho Oh , no doubt , 1C women woio in
public olllco they would do great
things , lint to come down to particu
lars how. for instance , would you in
troduce the sweeping reforms yon say
are needed in the street
She With broomn.
named , "Duffy , " passed white ,
long1 stemmed pipes , tobacco ,
matches and refreshingtliiuks ,
and during- the exercises the
men smoked their pipe of peace.
The immense and gayly clad
crowd of relatives and friends , oc
cupied three rows of chairs just
back of the class , or stood out
side in the hot sun or beneath
the shade of the elms , enjoying
the festivities. Class statistics ,
in regard to politics , shows the
c ss to be overwhelmingly He-
publican , there being only three
Democrats , X a n d e r s from
Bryan's own state and two from
Conn. President Luther pre
sented the athletic honors , of
which I. L. Xaudcrs received
four. The presentations were
made by Harold Chandler. Kach
member of the class was called
to the platform in turn and a
few humorous remarks , relative
to the peculiar characteristics oj
! the matt , accompanied each pro ,
scn'a'.ior. lv i.-ry body stood ,
wlulf the class sang " 'Neith the
I1 1 us" ai c impanicd by To t's or-
cluslrn. The 1'J yell cloned
e iiilctestitig exercises.
The programs were odd and
tttr.ictivc with their imitation
oard cover , bound in green
Mllicr , witlt brass tacks aud
ree n curd.
In the evening at nine o'clock
lie senior reception was luld in
iMumni hall. Only the wives of
he faculty were in the receiving
me , with the. wife of the presi-
lent at l lie head. Students ,
ilumni and the professors of
Trimly college with their rcK-
cH and Iricmls were guests of
he i-cnior class. Dancing bpyan
it ten with the grand march , led
) y I. F , Xandcrs , of Urckcn How ,
' lebr. , with Miss Mary Blaclr , ot
Voile , Pa. Your correspondent
VA a patroness and chapir < jue. |
will not nllempt to describe
he almost infuiite variety of
icntitiliil gowns.
There were forty numbers on
he lov lv dancing procr.iiJWj
with their rovers , made ot tbony
wood , the real thing- , bound iu
jrecn leather , \vith br.ifs locks
md long green cords , It was
1 : 0 a m , when the twentieth
lance cudrd. Each number n-
ceivod one , two , three and as
ligli as four cncons. Pnn'n'j the
ntcrmission a substantial stip-
) er was served from long tables
in the tfymnahium , consibtintr of
, ill kinds of sandwiches , fing-er
rolls and chicken salad , large
-.lices of delicious brick ice cream
with fancy cakes and ccffce.
Fine linen napkins were used for
the hundred * of yttesls. I have
not SLCII a paper napkin since I
came east. We lingcre 1 a loig
time after supper , while the stu
dents sang song after song , all
started .it the same place and
caught up here and there a3 it
rolled along until the immense
building was filled with melo
dious smnd. The sun began to
pep iil-ovc the hori" HI as the
last dance ended and the Senior
Prom of Hie class of V ) was
numbered with the events of the
James "Whilclicad , formcily a
resident of this cit } ' , is in
Broken Bow today visiting his
old friends.
J. T. Cole was a passenger for
St. Louis this morning-
Millicent Oircame home Wed-
iesday from Omaha to spend a
few days vis1 ting relatives.
Amur : cuR.vrnwnn MANS.
'I Ins is the cry of the Now
England stales , who are taking
an interest iu I he National Coin
Exposition and coming out to
Iowa and Nebraska in December
to learn from 1 armors who fur
nish the world's corn , just how it
is done.
So much interested arc the
New Knglanders that they have
informed the National Corn As-
saciation that after seeing the
corn show in Omaha this winter ,
they expect to give a corn show
in New Kngland nextear
Practically all the New Kngland
states will be represented at the
coming corn show , as well as
many other states which coult
not arrange exhibits last enr
Among them arc North Dakota
Montana , Arkansas , Kcntuckj
and Georgia.
lu-H-iij aiHioinuc tiiysrir .is a in.h.iu
lor nomination to Uio uiili o ul t uuni
Tii-nsuri-i , subject to thr lll oi tin i ; <
| uillunnoiiTsoxprcssfiI , u tiir i > uiuu\
AUK 17 , UHW.
Am the prcsenf deputy umlrr j r r.u
.nice Am a practical book ki-otn-i .u < ii IMV
li.ut .M'.IIS o ( , u tu.ll expelIOIKC la Uu > \oi
ol the oillfe.
Uolli-vlHK mysclt \ > ell iualiili.i u > i in. \
sltion Huulil rvkpectfuil ) soiiiit > , , ui MI (
I10"V u r. MI
If you need help of any kind
'ell ' as many people as possible
There are more than -10,000 pco
pic who subscribe for the Oma
ha Bee. You can tell them al
for one cent per word per day
Write today.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee
Roasted fresh every day. 24-tf
Do you want to relJ , or ex
change your I usiue- ' ? The
) maha Bse will run your advtr-
I-.UHCHI for you at otn- cent a
; ord per day. There -will be
lany out of their 40.0UU renders
who will answer your advertise'
lent. Write today.
Have you a farm to j-tll , or ex
hange ? It costs ouly a cent a
: or l per day , t < 3 ran an atlver-
! . ( ment in the Omaha TVe. It
will reach over ' 10,000 stil cribers
nd is almost sure < o find a
uyrr. Write today.
Land for Sale. *
HiOacc * of lanfl kcitul ten
lilos north of the city for sale
u reasonable terms. lnqtirc ot
V. U. Grant. Na7-tf
T - ; uc of Nil hoi 11 Hmftn. iii-i > ii. In
. I. rmiit < i1 Ciisiei-c'oiint' ' . Nrhis , ka.
'J'n stiii * "I Nfbr.ifka , to ll i tr-ii us in
n fil in , ilil i.l \\f. \ I i.ct- -i utfrc
i. it lull in ' MU'lH hi' ll'n'il I
ji ; > nil ri ] > it of l.iHliniim i itl n
ii'l .1 | i > i lion t.ii i i Hinu lit ii ) dl-
i.,1 M 4 . ' "t Ml Ilil | l ll I I \ t L I.M
" 'Mtliu- I iv smi ( oiirl li'h M , I'J I , u
10 " . | i i k t 1,1 * \ In II.nil I" M , ll'i. | illii
ii'i t lli < -.ihii
D it. .1 nine u line
MT to l.ll- h II A 1' ' IH VI I l.l.\
. ' ' ill I i.i in N .llulLi'
of Idaho. ,
Special Summer Eates
Excursion Hates East-Daily ! > - roun,1 tr n r.i- , with
thirty days limit , in effect early in J no * o New Y > ! ; , J-i-ey Least
JtesorK Huston , Montreal , Portland. Mo , ati'l otlur piotmnent
easi. ru resorts. Somewhat higher round tr-p rues diily , willi all
summer limits , to New England , St Uasvrciicc Kiv-er , Atlantic
Const and New England Rfsotls. Abe tVMrablc rouu'lHi rater
to Wiaconsin , Michigan , etc , including1 hl < jotmicyi , fr va I hir go
to HnlTalo and rcliiru. Rjlct , details , destia.iiutn , etc. , may be
had of your nearest ticket agent.
Excursion Rntes West : Seattle Exposition , fMITornia ,
Pacific Coast tour- * , Denver and Colorado resorts , Black Hills , BigHorn -
Horn Mountain * , Utah , Yellowstone Park circuit through scenic
Colorado and Yellow-done and Gardiner gat.'wnv-i. Houieacokcrs
rates first and third Tuesdays. You can reach. ai ) western summer
resort * on very desirable rates this summer. Call on nearest Uclcct
agent for special publications covering any western touf.
II. L. ORMSIJY , Ticket Agent , Broken Bow.
L. W. WAKKUIY , O. P. A. . Omaha.
M.Mid Fort y-Fonr. 0)11 ) P.
Wlic. 1. with inljjir.l Int t
and toolu , $71. Murnu'o ' il
Try It m The Hills
Test this cat' at half npced on a hill or sand
road where power and every ounce of it is
nnedod. Notice how steadily and powerfully it
pulls when running slowly under load.
The capacity of the Rambler engine for doing this
extra work is most noticeable at low engine speeds.
This is because of the offset crank shaft.
Tic ! Car v-iih the Offset Crank Shaft
AH Iliatpowrr WliWi in n',1 rr t " . < > ' * Vn' ' 1i fn < Jon ontlip'KMiii * .
cvlmclorvilti. ! . i-i ii-klru io Ih'jiii r , uij j > i -i I III. unt , . ' r ol ji'tcrcn' ' ift. it
roftuccsfrirt . < l < . 1 < , ln > " . .
in. niinix t i irinirn i KI : .nit j > o\rrr.Tlieptrniplit-
ine-rinvt.K hvcir llu puwoiUjn claixlwitM'x ufi il.OMallo8stothorcarn.tlc.
Ltt uBdenioii3tial'j thoiofcatuirs ; nj thf > i'"ico ' ami comfort of this car.
Lot in nil at iour hump , mid l.i ! o you i ; iour place of busincta
liL.uo inornini ; in u KixtnLiCr.
The Car of Steady Service
Tow , Ncbr
This Is the same , price as
these "bonds are sold for by Lee ,
j Higginsoa & Co. , and tlio National
tional City Bank , of New York.
At this price they will yield y r
5.28 per cent interest-better than
a savings account-and no invest ,
ment Is safer.