Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 01, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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L 1
That makes wheat. Wheat
calls for "bindersWe " are hand
ling the Acme line-best
"binder on the market. Look them
over "before you "buy , come and see
it demonstrated. We can show
you the improved parts that make
the Acrne the "best on thef
market , we also have the Acme
mower and hay dump rake none
"better. Let us furnish you twine.
We also handle the Dam
mower. Every "bcdy knows the
Dain is good. Also Dain haying
tools , stackers , sweeps and rakes.
Our line of buggies , carriages
and spring wagons is complete.
Lap robes , single and double har
ness , nets and covers , everything
to make it comfortable for the
H horses.
The Velie buggy is too well
know to need an introduction.
They are the best on the market
and fully guaranteed.
"Wathena" the white
cloud will be with us all day
the 3. 4 and 5th of July. Don't '
fail to see one of the greatest
wonders of the age.
Look over cur line of stoves.
You will need one for the hot
weather or for this fall. Our
line is complete.
Get your fireworks for the 4th
from us. We have a full line.
Our buggy will be ghen away on llie 5lh. Don't fail to get your
tickets in.
General Hardware
. .
' These items were crowd
ed out of last week's issue :
Mr. Piper purchased a Deering
mower in Sargent Wednesday.
August Leek and family visit
ed Charles Govicr Sunday.
Alex Pirnie and his three sons
visited Broken Bow Thursday.
Ruben Campbell made a busi
ness trip to Analey Thursday.
Milt Peterson went to Broken
Bow Friday to purchase haying
R. D. Campbell who has been
having some bad luck caused by
lightning striking around him
has had his house lightning rod-
Wcissert and Berwyn played a
a baseball game Saturday which
resulted in a score of S to 1' ) in
favor oi Berwyn.
Mm. Shadden and fnnily have
been visiting her father , Mr.
Brown of Wcstcrvillc.
Montgomery's little boy set
their barn on fire while playing
with matches. The barn , some
grain , harness and a valuable
horse were burned.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith of
Round Valley have been visiting
their daughter Mrs , Harry Gov
Prairie Hill.
The Circle will meet with Mrs.
Bolan July 8.
Misses Ola and Susie Thomas
visited Sunday at Air. Schurr's
of Prarie Center.
Mr. Rhodes went to the sand
hills Sunday morning
Mrs. Klgin Bcal and sister ,
Mrs. Nail , left Sunday night for
Seattle Washington , where they
will attend the Exposition.
Mr. Thomas was elected treas
urer and Mr. Howard moderator
at the school election.
Mr. aud Mrs. Longfellow spent
y al Ormsby.
The time for Sunday School
has been changed from 2 p. in.
lo 10 a. 111.
Clarence LaDuke is working at
A crowd of the "Valley" boys
took in the band concert and the
show Saturday night.
Three buggy loads of young
folks went over to Coble's Sun
day. Ice cream aud cake was
served in the afternoon , to which
every one did full justice. Carl
Rapp took advantage of the oc
casion to show his new buggy.
Goldia Triplctt and Flavious
McRea , Karl Triplctt and Codaj
McRae , were up at Holcomb's
Sunday. '
Geo. Laughlins spent Sunday
at Johnny Hart's.
M.r. Walker made a trip to the
How'last week.
The Deer Creek boys played
base ball against the Loup val
ley boys last Saturday. Score ,
11 and 18 in favor of Loup valley.
Teua and Edith Taylor return
ed home last Saturday from
Lincoln , where they have been
attending the Univerity , to
spend a few weeks with their
Mrs. Thompson spent
Saturday and Sunday at Broken
Miss Alice Iluffaker , who has
been teaching school near Mul-
lin , Nebr. , returned home last
W. II. Cline has been very
sick the past week ,
Mrs. Dulcic Iluffaker spent
Saturday and Sunday with her
mother , Mrs. Wolf.
Mrs. Martin and daughter ,
Kosenc , went to the Bow last
Mr and Mrs. W. R , Cline are
rejoicing over the arrival of a
baby girl at their home Wednes
day , June 23.
Cecil and Mattie Griflith spent
Saturday and Sunday at Mr.
Mrs. Nellie Burnett was taken
to the hospital at Omaha last
Mrs. Hammond has been on
the sick list.
Paul Oline made a flying trip
to the Bow last Friday.
Mr. Griffey and family visited
at Geo. Bush's last Sunday.
Peter Beck and family called
at G. L. Crookham's Sunday
Morris Myers marketed hogs
at Oconto Monday.
Mrs. C. C. Smith called on
Mrs. Lund and Mrs. G. L. Crook-
ham Friday.
Alice and Phillip Beck visited
at C. C. Smith's Friday afternoon
Ellen Lund is assisting Mrs
Crookhaiu with her housework
this week.
Mr , aud Mrs , Win. Spy called
at C , C. Smith's Saturday even
Philip Beck visited with Horace
ace Crookham Monday afternoon
Clarence Spy has been helping
Uncle Johnnie Myers during the
busy haying season.
Herman Pierce and wife at
tended church at Burr Oak Sun
day evening.
f A. V. Spurgin and Mrs. Wil
shire spent Tuesday gooseberry-
Herman Campbell and family
visited at P. F. Campbell's Sun
At the annual school meeting
Monday afternoon , Frank De-
vine was elected moderator and
G L Crookham was elected
treasurer. It was voted to have
nine months of school this year.
Georgetown will celebrate this
year on Saturday , July 3rd , in
G | L. Crookham's groie. A pro
gram , games , big dinner and re
freshments will serve to furnish
a good time to all who come.
Anyone wishing to spend a-quiet
4th of July iu a cool shady place
should attend this celebratiou.
Real bstute Transfers.
Heal estate transfers for the
week ending Thursday , June
24 , 1909.
; Burton to N Peterson and ' 1 litodo
i la , Us 1 and 2 In lilk 14 In Mason
City tlSOO 00
{ A Hunter to c Ui.uidt. its ill anil : u
In bIL 2 III K A llunltT s add to Lt It. 1100 00
Inrtlu Sloven to .lol.n andVm
HoLlic , 101 I 100 acn-s In II li. US . W7 .IJ
nil.i A Stevens , widow , to K 11 Ilia
lows , K0 ! acres In 7 1.117 COW 00
jliuoln hand co to V A wyni'Kar , lot
no IIHn C.illum .idil to M.isun 200 W
; Ci Harrows to N I'uturson , and The.
udocU. It Hill blk U In Mason. . 100 CO
Vii.i Maullck el al. to A H Stuekf y , a
parcel In blk : ! t original low n ol II U 50U UO
, Audeison to N U Troycr , parcel In
8 152.1 . . . . . HSOO 00
U S nentiett et al , to Qeo Cllngerman.
320 .u res 111 35 15 IB 0000
1'Uroat toe U and Q rr , in blk ioa
add IJroketi Uow 200 00
J b Mt.Graw to Krank Spanl 1UJ acres
ill 151021 -tOOO 00
F Ludlow to J S McOraw , ItiO acres In
151921 3500 CO
K b wuuderllcli lo V Ci KeiiiUer , par
cels In ser Ult 30 31 and 3J twp 14 21 B300 CO
'lary ' Uyerly to J T Uyerly. parcels In
sec 9 and-4113 and 24 looo 00
Mary M Kobtnson to V c Talbot , 40
acres In 18 10 19 200000
Union Pacific Kit co to .1 Clark , 019
42-100 acres In 19 14 23 no 20 uui'o ' . . .
, a\ini l < Allen and husband to Jo
seph Schrostroin , Its 7 aud a blk 3
UK Alien's add to Arnold. . . . r-0 CO
.avina L Allen aud husband to T c
Holllday , Its IZandM In bit 4 K K
Allen's add to Arnold 13000
J w Thompson to 1) It Uockwell , par
lei In blk 21 urlglnal town of U It 300 00
< a\lna I.i Allen and husband to GV
Morrow. Us 13 and 14 blk K K Allen's
add to Arnold 12003
J II Thompson to C O Taylor. Its ; i and
4 In blk 2 Jeunett's add to li li . . . 20rO CO
li 13 Robinson to G Moriou , It 5 In blk
1 U K HobliiHon add to Arnold . 100 00
.avlna L Allen and husband to
lilaiRhu U Allen , Us 1 and 2 In blk lo
Hi : Allen's add to Arnold 100 00
Lincoln Land co to Husscll S Calkins ,
Its U 7 and B In blk 4 oiljilnal town of
Sargent 07 0
. .tiicolii Land co to C L ) Helms , U 4 In
blk 58 add to Ansley 000
Ansley Dairy Association to J F La
man , north 40ft of U 1 In blk 7 Ans
ley 150 OJ
W L Poster to W Hohnbaum , 1 9
acres In U 14 19 180000
Jlerks Lbr Co to J V I.anuni , It 3 In
blk 7 In Ansley I 0 00
C Maullck to Fred and Glenn C
Iteain , parcel In blk 28 original town
of liroken Uow 35o CO
Real estate transfers for the
weekending July 1 , 1909.
T T Varney to K O Mor
ris , parcel in Lincoln's
add to Ansley S 821 00
F J Kulha to Caroline
Morteuseu , 120 acres in
11 13 18 3600 00
O Taylor to N L Shi-
lev , Its 3 and 4 in blk 2
Jewett's add to B B. . . 2000 00
W E Phillips to C J Ben
son , 5 acres in 10 19 18 950 00
Lincoln Laud co to Mar
garet Berger , Its 10 11
12 13 and 14 in blk 2
Lincoln's add Ausley. 395 00
Lincoln Land co to Hattie -
tie B Mattley , Its 7 S
and 9 in blk 2 Lin
coln's add to Ansley. . 255 00
O H Mooney to A H Pes
ter , Its 12 13 14 15 16
17 and IS in blk 3 Ans
ley 4300 00
Tho's Wright to David
Collier , Its 7 and S iu
blk 3 1st add to north
Margaret Berger to Hattie -
tie B Mattley , It 4 in
blk S north Ansley. . . 150 00
A Morgan to J S Baisch ,
parcel in blk 11 in B B
original town 300000
E E Watts to DT Adams
55 acres in 10 20 18. . . 2500 00
O S Pulliam to E W
Davis , Its 8 and 9 iu
blk 1 Sargent 130000
D T Adams to E E Watts
It 8 in blk G Sargent. . 760 00
G II Zieke to O S Pul
liam , 305 acres in sec
tion 0 and 31 twp 19
and 20 range IS 11200 00
C F Hahn to Henry Hahu
40 acres iu 29 14 17. . . 100000
E C House to Sammy
Lee , west half of blk 2
in Reynor's add B B , . 800 00
W L Pickett to S C
Waldrou , 320 acres in
17 14 24 270000
A II Burns to A A Shaw ,
150 acres in sec 13 and
, 19 116 r 21 GOOOOO
Jiuckec Ranch , formerly known as the Black Ranch
and to the first settlers as , the "Middlesex , " lying1
about fifteen miles south of Mroken Bow.
Divided into flsome .M > 0 farms , of as good soil as can be
found in any part of Nebraska.
Laid out roads cross these lands both ways and
thousands of acres are under cattle and hog fence.
Some (500 ( acres well set to alfalfa and about 1200
acres additional are under cultivation.
J'Ymr good uihnost new ) farm houses. School house
On land and near center of tract.
These farms are right now on the market and must
be sold in the next sixty days.
Prices range from yl2.f 0 to $30.00 and one of which
has already been sold at the high mark.
hUtArS : About one third or one fourth cash on or
before March 1st , 1910 on possession ( a reasonable
part of which shall be cash on execution of contract ) ,
and balance on five to ten years time lit 0 per cent
annual interest.
The chance of a life time and you cant afford to miss
it. Write , wire , or phone at once.
T. A. RlfiNEAU. Local Agent.
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
We have an automobile that will meet the daily trains arriving in
Broken Bow , to carry prospective buyers lo the ranch.
One Result \
If you knew the exact figures representing
the volume of business of each of the important
stores of this city for a year past ; and if you made
a list of these stores in the order of their import
ance , according to these figures
Then , if you knew the exact amounts each of
these important stores expended duriing this same
period for advertising in this newspaper ; and you
made a list of these stores in the of their
importance as advertisers
You'd find that your two lists
would Toe exactly alike
, J
A F Pinkley to E C
Shullss , U 17 in blk 1
A f Piukley's add to
Ausley 130 00
C O Hall to E McKin-
ncy , It f > in blk 33 rr
add Callaway SOO 00
Union Land co to F SI
McGraw , Its 14 15 and
1 ( iu blk 39 rr add to
Callaway 199 50
Otto Spangenberg to
Anna F Spangenberg ,
100 acres in sec 2 and
3 tp 14 22 aud 40 acres
iu 34 15 22 3000 00
A T Sims to Angelina
Sims , Its 1 and 2 west
half of It 3 in blk 1 R
A Hunter's sub of I ?
Reyuor's add B 13 and
Its 35 3 ( 37 and 38 in
blk 1 3000 00
B E Robinson to Lenora
Hardin , It 3 in blk 2 in
B E Robinson's add to
Arnold 100 00
Jas Stockham to S P
Great , parcel in sec 2 ( >
and 35 twp 15 rg 23. . 4800 00
T Baber to A R Nausel ,
Its 7 and S in blk 11
R E Allen's add to Arnold
nold 100 00
Lincoln Land co to
Mary A Perkins , Its 11
aud 12 in blk 4 1st add
to Mason 13500
Lincoln Land co to G W
Helms It 5 in
, blk 5 s
add to Ansley 5000
K A Hunter to W J
Lang , Its 6 7 8 33 and
35 in blk 2 11 A Hun-
ter'a add B B 660 (50 ( vx
Laura Pcnn to Will lit - \
Penn and Maud Penny \
7 acres in 33 17 20. . . .SQOO'GO '
Will Penn and wife to-
Laura Penn and hus
band , Its 1 and 2 in
blk no 1 J P Gaudy's
add Broken Bow 35 00'00 '
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee
Koasted fresh every day. 24tt