Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 01, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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The King of Laundry
SOAPS. Yellow soaps
contain rosin. SUNNY MONDAY contains
I no rosin.
I 'Sunny Monday bubbles will wash away
youitroubcs. . "
Use Gold Dust it
is better and cheaper
than yelow soap.
Buy Sunny Monday
and Gold Duster
j ,
The Brokeu Bow Steam Bak
ery Is selling goods as follows :
White Bread 6 loaves for 25 cents
Rye Bread 6 " li 25 "
Graham Bread 6 " 25
Cream Bread 6 " 25
All kinds of cookies lOc per doen
Doughnuts lOc per dozen
Buns 10c per dozen
Cream Puffs 25c per dozen
Macaroons 30c per dozen
Layer Cakes 35 and 50c each
Angel Food 10 and J5c each
Pound Cake lOc each
Jelly Rolls lOc each
ip Cakes 15c per dozen
Fresh Pics daily 2 for 25c
We have only one reason why
you should patronise us and that
is "because you get more for your
Oetll TJss
To The
Fanners' ' Live Slock Commission co ,
Rooms 209 anil 211 Exchange Bldg. South Omaha.
A 13 S T R A C T IN G
Farm Loans Quickly Closed
Equalization Proceeding.
Broken Bow , Ncbr. , June 15th ,
Persnaut to the provisious of
Sec. 121 , Art. 1 Ch. 77 of the
Revised Statutes of the State of
Nebraska , for the year 1J07 , the
County Hoard of Ouster County
met as a Board of Equalization
at the court house at ( J a. ni. and
was called to order by the Clerk ,
who called the roll and the fol
lowing members answered pre
sent :
J. 1C. Griut , supervisor of dis
trict number 1.
James Lee , supervisor of dis-
district number 2.
L. Cusuuiiti , supervisor of dis
trict number 3.
Edward Foley , sr. , supervisor
of district number 4.
J. B. Gilmore. supervisor of
district number 5.
Geo. W. Headley , supervisor
of district number 6.
Ben P. Morris , supervisor of
district number 7.
M K Foster , county assessor ,
and Jos I'igman , county clerk.
It was moved by Griut and
seconded by Foley , that Ben P
Morris be made chairman of this
board. Motion carried.
The chairman then appointed
the following1 committee to in
vestigate the different protests
that come before the board.
Committee number 1 J E Grint ,
L Cash in an and Jas Lee.
Committee number 2 Edward
Foley , sr. , Jos Pigman , and Geo.
W Headley.
Committee number 3 M R Fos
ter , J B Gilmore and Ben P
The forenoon was spent in
committee work and at 12 A M
the board adjourned till 1 , P
Board met at 1 , pm with all
members present.
Committee number 2 made the
following- report upon protests
that had been given them for
Upon the protest of Wui. Ilar-
tner , we recommend that the sjj
of the sl/ Section 12 town 13
range 22 be reduced $40.00 as
sessed value , and that the nl/
of the nl/ section 13 town 13
range 22 be reduced $40-00 on the
assessed value , and that the wj4
f the w > l section 34. town 14
ange 21 be reduced $100.00 as.
cssed value.
And upon the protest of Ellis
lansen , we recommend that the
Notice i-i Jicruliy given by virtue ot .in
del ot b.ile enU-ietl l > j tlie District Court
f Unite ! Countv , Nulirask.i , on May 25 , HKW ,
t , i session of the district court ut nal'l '
ouiily then lioUlen , In an action for p.irti
Ion tbcn pending therein , wherein J.uue
, ech\ici | was plaintiff anil Lester Carl
ll.i'r , Adah llva lllair , et al , were defend-
nts , I will bell at pulillr sale the lolloulng
esttiued tract of land tolt : Lots t\\ent >
nice and twenty.four CM and 21) ) of block
wo (2) ( ) of A. W. tSaiulj's addition to the
own , now cltv of Hrokt-n How , Nubiaslca ,
ogt-tlier with the small frame dwelling
iouse situated tht-reon , on the Oth day ut
uh. 1009. nt 3 o'clock In the afternoon oi
aid day at the east fiont door of the .court
oustat Ilroken Htyv , Ouster county , Neliras
ka to the highest bidder for cash.
iuwiN P. MYKKS ,
li. Uu'l'ICKSON ,
Attuiney for plaintiff.
J 3 to J 1
Keep Your
Poultry Healthy
* MMM K WB | U K nMeM B H
] t pays to feed your hens
uitl chicks some good reliable
[ ) oultry food occasionally
rather than let them droop
and die from cholera. It will
serve as a tonic and a preven
tive of diseases.
Tt also makes hens la } ' .
1 have the C1UEAT WtiST-
that is guaranteed to give
satisfaction. ] also have in
sect powders and lice killers
which are an essential thing
to keep chicks healthy din
ing the summer months.
The Busy Druggist
northeast quarter section 27 and
he northwest quarter section 26
town 14 range 22 be reduced
$380.00 assessed value.
And upon the protest of John
A Allen , \ve recommend that the
lorthwcst quarter section 25
town 14 range 22 be reduced
$100.00 assessed value ,
Edwatd Folcy , sr. ,
Jos Pigmau ,
Geo. W Headley ,
It was moved and seconded that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read.
A motion was duly made and
carried that the county clerk be
instructed to notify Roy F II C
and C E Slnckcv , to appear be
fore this board on llie Uth day
of July 1)09 ) , and show cause it
anj % why the valuation of their
and in section 34 and 35 town
ship 14 range 21 , should not be
raised to $10 per aero.
The balance of the afternoon
was spent in committee work
and at 5 p m , the board adjourn
ed till 8:30 : a m , tomorrow.
Wednesday , June 16th , 1909.
Board met at 8:30 : a m , with
ill members present.
Committee number 1 made
he following report upon pro-
ests that had been given them
or consideration.
Upon the protest of II M Mar-
uiss , we recommend that the
outhwest , ' 4 of section 2S , town-
hip 16 range 20 , be reduced $78
ssessed value.
And upon the protest of Kos-
tta P Gordon we recommend ,
hat the northwest tf of section
5 , township 18 , range ai , be rc-
uced $500 assessed value.
And upon the protest of Jack-
on Dye , we recommend that the
lerk be instructed to remove
rom paragraph number 14 of
he personal schedule of said
Dye. the sum of $1100.
J E Grint ,
L Cushman ,
lt > 1 James Lee ,
It was moved and carried that
he report of the committee be
ccepted and adopted as read.
It was moved by Foster , seconded
ended by Gilmore , that the as-
essed value of the north \'t \
northeast ; , section 10 , town 15
ange 18 , be reduced to $226 , and
hat the west > j southeast
( , section 3 , town 15 , range 18 ,
be reduced $551. Motion car-
At 12 in the board took a re
cess till 1 p m.
Hoard re-assembled dt 1 p m ,
with all members present.
It was moved and carried that
f R Humphrey , be cited to ap-
) ear before this board and show
reason , if any , why the sum of
MOOO in money supposed to been
on deposit in the state of Iowa ,
should not be placed on his
schedule for taxation.
Committee number 1 made the
'ollowing report upon matters
referred to them for consider
Upon the protest of Joe
Wright , we recommend that the
west Yit northeast % , the north
east , northwest and the north
west , southeast , section 13 , town
16 , range 19 , be reduced * 285 as
sessed value , and that the east
, southwest 4 , south , 'j ' ,
southeast # section 13 , town 16 ,
range 9 , be raised 8267 and that
the owner be given notice.
And upon the recommenda
tion of the deputy assessor of
Sargent precinct , we recommenc
the 58 98-100 acres in the north
] ' , northeast Xi section 3 town
19 , range 18 , be reduced $500 as
sessed value ,
J E Grint ,
L , Cushman ,
James Lee ,
It was moved and carried tha
the report of the committee b
accepted and adopted as read.
It was moved and carried tha
the improvements on the north
west } ( , section 25 , town 20
range 24 , be raised t50 to equal
ize the same.
It was moved and carried that
the southwest # , section 30 ,
town 17 , range 20 , be raised f 120
assessed value.
It was moved and carried that
the northwest y\ section 30 ,
town IS , range 20 , be lowered
$140 assessed value , and that the
northwest , northeast section 31 ,
town 17 , range 20 , be reduced
$160 assessed value.
The balance of the afternoon
was spent in committee work
and at 6 p m , the board adjourn *
cd till 8:30 : a m , tomorrow.
Thursday , June 17th , 1909.
Board met at 8:30 : a in , with
all members present.
It was moved and can led that
the improvements assessed
against the southwest \ { section
20 , town 16 , range 17 , in the
sum of $1500 be transferred and
added to the assessment of the
northeast X section 19 , town 16 ,
range 17.
It was moved and carried that
the sum of $75 as carried out
against the south > , southwest
, ' : ( , section 29 , town 16 , range 17 ,
is a 40 acre tract , be stricken
off , and the sum of $2631 re-
nain as the value of the whole
> 10 acres.
It WAJ moved Hiul curried Unit the
urn of fSuO.OO of f 1000 00 im-
uovementH listed against lota 17 ami
8 , block 18 , original town of Ana-
ov , be removed and Haled against
ote 13 iind M , block 18 , original
own oi Ansley
Balance of the work was tponl in
ommiltuo work it ml at 12 in. I lie
loard ml jo urn oil lilt 1 p. m.
Board met ut 1 p. in. with all
lembcra present.
Co.iimittoo No 2 in a le tlio follow
ng report upon pro tot 1,3 Mm I had
)9un ) given thorn for counidoration.
Upon the protest of John D.ivis ,
vo recommend that I ho value of
raot No. 10 in the SIC SW eoction
, town 15 , rungo 18 , be reduced to
1201.00 asaesaod value.
And upon tlio protcbl of Mary 11.
Jowoa , wo recommend Unit tlio SIO
, eeo. 18 , town 18 , range 18 , bo
ednued to $ fL'8.0 ( ) nirjosBoil vnluo.
And upon the recommendation tf
lie Dapi'y Asdjsa.jr of Lonp ttvp. ,
vo reoommoiid that tlio MIC [ , too.
U , town M , rungo 1U , bo reduced
o $ > 18 00 fueomed value.
And upon the protest of V. II.
VciHHiireidor rcootnmund that
he NE 4. , BOO. M , tosvu 17 ,
ange 21 00 placed back on the
mghml iiH3B8Hiiuuit as placed by the
Bb'JBHor for 11)08. )
JO I ward Foley , Sr.
Jou. Pigmiin
( Jeo. W. Hoadloy
( Jonnnillue.
It uiia moved and uirried that the
epotl of tlio committee bo accepted
and adopted as road.
Itvaa moved and curried tlittt the
ST VV \ sec. 14 , town 17 , ningw 1U hi-
reduced $80 0)0 ) tigsesoed Vdlue.
The chairman appointed commit
ee No. 1 to eiuli/.j ( ] lioruny , com-
mUeo No. 2 on cuttle and committee
* J. > . ii on inuleH and III H.
Committee No. , ' ! reported HH fol-
owa upon the protest of Frank L'o-
/ .udW : , jour committee , reoom-
nend lhat thi within reqiiutit aa iai
an it ielates to Frank Co/ad be lejcct
ed and thai It. G. Furritor I o notified
o nppear htfuro tliin boatd on tlio
15th day of July , and oho.v OHIUH , if
any , why the improvements on the
Nlfl \ BOO. ilO , town 1U , range IS
should not bu increased -I-100 00.
M. II. Fobter
.1. H Gilmore
Hen P. M < rris
It waa moved and carried thai the
report of the committee bo accepted
and d'lop'ed tu read.
At 0 p m the board adjnnrnei
tiil 8 a m. tomorrow.
Tmirailiiy , Juno 17tli , I'.IO'.I.
I5o rd met ut 8 a m. with al
memberH present , and the c. mini Una
appointid t. ) equal so horaes made
the following report :
We rutijinmend the following
per cant of raise and lover in the
several precincts on hones :
I'Oiip , K. 1(3 ( per cent ; Ouster , H
3 per cent ; no\tf laa Grove , L ( i p T
cant ; Victoria , R. par cent ; Sur
gent , H , 10 pwr cdnt ; Woatorvillo II
4 psr cent ; Myrtle It. 15 per com
Algernon , It. I'J pur rent ; Kilfoil L
1(5 ( per cent ; Mrokon Mow , h 5 pe
cent ; DijliKlit , nothing ; Arnold , H
12 per cttnt ; Lillun , 1..0 per font
Klk Creek , L 14 pt-r conl ; WL-H
Union , K. lii per o nt ; Cliff , I. . 1L
per cent ; Grant , L. 8 per cent
Triumph ! K. U7 per ( sent ; Ansley
nothing ; Horwyn , L. 15 per cent
Klim , R. I per cent ; CUrfield , H 11
per cant ; llayea , 1 { . ! 57 per oont ;
Broken Uow , city , nothing ; Wayne
L. 0 per cent ; Comatock , L. 128 per
J. E. Orlnt
It , Cushmiin
ilanieB Lee
It was moved nnd carried that tlio
report of the committee bu i.coeptad
nnd adopted aa rend.
Committee appointed to uqnnlizo
: attlo in the County made Iho fol
lowing report :
Wo recommend that the following
i > er cent of raise and lower on oattlo
: io made :
Lonp , r. 7 per cent ; Douglas
Grove , 1. IK per oont ; Wood Hivor ,
lothing ; Victoria r. 10 ptr cent ;
Sargent I. o per cent : Wetmnillo ,
lothing ; Myrtle > 1. ( J per omit ; Al-
gornon , I. li ( per cent ; Kilfoil , r.
1 per cent ; Broken Ho\v \ , 1. 1'J per
) ont ; Delight , I. ; { per cent ; Arno'J ' ,
r. 11 per con I ; Lihinn , 1. 1- per
oont ; Klk Crock , r. 11) ) pir con ;
West Union , r. 20 per cent ; Triumph
- if ! > per tunt ; 01.11 , r. 13 per oei.t ;
riiiit , nothing ; Analry , 1. 1J pi > r
cent ; IJ-rwyn , n tilling ; ilim ! , r. JO
> er cent ; Cimliehl , r. 8 ptr ctnt ;
ii'H , not'i.inBroken / ; Bow , oit ' > ,
2t ( per cent ; Wa > nt , r. 12 p'or
cent ; Comatook , 1. 12 per com.
10 I ward Foley , 5Jr.
G jo. W. Hoadloy
It WIIH moved and carried that the
eport of the committee be accepted
uul adopted an ro.ul.
The committee appointed to equal.
20 mules nude the following ro-
> ort :
Wo rroommond that the folk\v-
IIR per cent of raisu and lower b-j
mile on miiloa iu the count ) :
Loup , r. 31 per Osiit ; Cuator , none ;
) . ) iighn Urove , 1. 14. per cent ;
Wood Hivor , I 15 pirei'at ; Viotoiia-
. 3 per ortiit ; Sargent , r. 43 jcr
ini ; WoHtorvdle , n-jiit1 ; Myrtle , L.
7 pr o ° nt ; Alm3mon , r. 13 pur
out ; Kilfoil : L 10 per cent ; Brok
en Bow , 1. ! ) per cent : Delight , r.
' 2 pur cent ; Arnold , r. 1(5 ( pir com ;
/ilium , I. 13 per con ! ; Klk dec I ; , 1.
S p > ir cent ; WOH ! Union , r. 18 pr
out ; Triumph , r. 2i > par oont ; ( JhlY ,
. 8 per t'fiii ; ( .irtuit , I. 3-1 per cvir ;
AiiHloy , r. T ) per cent ; lJoi\Vn , 1.
2f ) per conl ; I'llim , r , II per cent ;
Sailirtld , r. II prr oont ; lliiC'H , r.
15 psr cent ; Broken Bow , oi y ,
IOIIH ; Wa > no , 1 22 per cent ; Corn-
took , 1. ' 21 per int. .
Wo ulhO the following
ipr wilt of riiirfo and lower on the
Hewing prccinolB of thocOiii'y on
iogs :
Ltup , 1. I per co i' , Cukljr , r. 3
mrciuil ; Utiighta ( rrovo , 1. 8 per
j n ; Wood Kiver , r. 13 ptr ionl ;
Victoria , 1. 5 per oen" , SHrpent ) .
0 per cell' . ; Wobtervillo , r fi p r
ant ; Myitlv , I. 8 per ojnl ; Alger-
ionI.l8 per cent ; , r. ll
lor cent ; Broken IJow , IK no , He
ight , none ; Arnold , r. 30 per our ;
.illiun , I. -I pir cent ; Klk ( Jrenk , 1.
1 per cent ; Wcwt Union , 1. 4 per
ont ; Triumph , r. lit per com ; Cliff ,
. 4 per cent ; OrHiit , I. 4 per cent ,
\iiBloy , r. 2 portion ! ; Uerwyn , r. ( >
i ! nt ; iOlim , r. I0pore-nl ; ( Jar-
iold , r. 22 per cnnt ; Il.iyiiJ , r. ' S
ior cent ; Broken Bo v , ( Jity , nom ,
Vayno , 1. T per cent ; Comslock , 1.
23 per cent
I\I \ R. I''o9t ' ( r
Bon P. Murria
.1. B. GilrnofO
Coiiimiitof ) .
It WIIH movoJ and ouriod that tha
rportof the committee be accepted
an rend.
It wiu moved mid cutriol to ad
ourn till July IJth , U8 o'oloo : u.
Wo Imve ji full stock
of STEAM and AVAT-
hJR Hillings.
CHUCKS in all sizes.
Also a full line of
threshers supplies.
Now is the time to in
stall your plumbing' or
healing1 plant. Speci
fications and estimates
chci'iiullv made.