Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 01, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    t -
- . . - > - , ,
Only an ad-reader can wisely manage
The Ads make "management" of
"money matters" in the home
POSSIBLE. The wife who always
studies the ads is working' in busi
ness partnership with the husband
who , supposedly , has to "know
tilings" in order to MAUN the
money. On her part , ihe wife comes
to know values , and prices , and
where and when and bow to buy
and such knowledge , such education
comes chiefly through reading and
answering ads.
"Ifonseliold prosperity" is assur
ed if the wife makes ad-reading a
part of her daily routine.
Shut Your Uncritical Eye
And look with the other one about your bouse.
When you have found a piece of furniture which fails
to "pass muster , " get in earnest about replacing it--
and come in and see what we can do fenyou. .
We always have the stock to select from.
We manufacture our own lumb'er and can supply
your wants in every respect.
Let us furnish you the screens for your bouse ,
the roofing for your roof , coal for your cook-stove.
Dierks Lumber and Coal Company
) . S. MOLYNEUX , Mtfr , Broken Bow , Neb.
Custer County
Abstract Company
One price to all. No discount to anyone.
Titles examined.
Sheppard & Burl <
Wish to call your attention to the fine line of
VEGETABLES they have on hand such as :
Carrots Onions
Parsnips Beets
Turnips Lettuce
Cabbage Celery
in the city , shipped direct from Baltimore.
Sheppard & Burk
( Couthiuud from last week. )
AndcrHon & Forney , repu'r ' at court 8 83
Jiinlu Uoopor , work on nHsesHOfH1
bookH 78 2S
b'nirle Grocery Co. , nulse. for Mrs ,
WelL'lt- Ml
Kiitrlu Grojury Co. . rndHe. for B. K.
Ilnrrett U JO
U K 1'onnlnirton , nervleen au tiualtli
olllocr 500
Sum Hu'onHon , unHUHHlnir I.oUff twj ) . tf ! 00
VV D Hull , nHHOBHlnir Hnrirunt twp. . 137 00
J VV Yookcy , livery lilro B tt )
L ) U Ueckwltli , iiRHUHSiliii : DuKlrht C 00
GO Mild. nHHHHslne in Wnyno twp 8100
W M liai roll iiHHUHHlnir Hayes twp. CC 60
VV U Ash , HHHOHBltiir in Lillian twp HI 12
Mllliud Hill , HHHU&Hlni : In 011II tw . 03 10
J \V V jrkuv , iiMHCHslnirlti ConiMtouk
twp 73 M
Itoburi Moiteiini'ii , HhHUHtdnir In
Klk Crc'uk twp lira 00
U M CriniLH , uBHUBBini ; in DcllL'lit
twp 133 CO
I ) ivhl ( 'lirlsU'ii , usHUHsInir In Vic-
torlu twp lus 50
.lumt'H Aliurnuthy , uvHeuainir InV
\V bt Union 10203
John W Hryttn , uttHUHBlni ; in Myrtle
twp 8100
1'iud 11. Arthur , UHHUHHin in Custer
twp 11550
H H C'uininint ) , autmubiiiK' In Uerwyn
twp I2COO
C'hrltf lUiiule , ubsesainir in ICIlin twp bUUO
KG Uoidun , HHneBbinir in Killoil
twp 103 00
A I' Dobeoli , aneebHlni : In Aliremon
twp 100 50
D ( Janln 'r , HHHcaailiL' in Wustur-
\lllo 100 C9
wis KinibliniTi Arnold HBseHsIni : 127 S5
S J Thompson asutiHHhur ( Jurlluld
twp 51 00
! A Nixon , uaHobslnir Qrunt twp. . . . 72 00
luirunu Cliualoy , usscsslni : Tri
umph twp 7005
And that the claim of Dr. IJrtliul-
iiiuw" for ten t'ollurs , bumo being
'or medical servioas rendered JOB.
Ymk , be rej oted.
Moved and carried that the report
of the ojtumittee ba acotpttd and
adopted as road.
Signed ,
fL Cuthixun
Cam. - | James Lee
( j. K. Grint
The court bouse and jail commit
tee reported as fellows :
We reocmuieuj that the claim of
W. Q. Puroell Printing Co. for
$007.21 be allowed , same being for
supplies fum'shed to the county.
Signed ,
C Bon P. Morris
Com. j J. E Grint
( L. CiHliinin
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read.
The Koad committee made the
following report upon the peti
tion of J D Springman et al , for
a road iu T 15 R 19.
We your committee reccom-
tnend that the petition he grant
ed as recommended by the com
missioner and damages allowed
as follows :
Chas Hawk and Kose E Hawk ,
$225 ; Frank P Hawk , $40.00 ; E
L Hawk , $20 , agains-t road dis
trict number 3 Auslcy township ,
and to the owner of southeast
juarter section 22 township 15
auge 19. $20.00 against road
district number 2 , Berwyn town
And as follows upon the peti
tion of Barthol Dittmar et al ,
'or the establishment of a road
n T 13 R 22. We your commit-
ee recommend the petition be
granted as recommended by the
commissioner and damages al
lowed as follows : Barthol Dit-
mas , $75 ; P W Linch , $75 ; Gee
I Smith $150 ; F Cannon , $75 ; F
\V Smith foi fence and damage
o land * 50 , to be assessed
against road district number 2 ,
Wood River township.
And as follows upon the peti-
ion of L D Phillips et al , for the
establishment of a r > ad in T 13
We jour committee , recom
mend that the petition be grant
ed from station No 1 to station
No 4 and balance of petition be
'ejected and remonstrance re
jected and the surveyor be au-
homed to survey a road as
agreed upon by the parties in-
, crested and the sum of $700 be
allowed A D and L EJayart as
full compensation for all claims
as agreed upon by them , L D
Phillips $30 ; D M Osborn , $50 , to
be assessed against road district
number 1 Grant township ; D M
Osborn , $50 ; E Malcoui , $30 ,
against road district No 2 Grant
And as follows upon the peti
tion of E S Woodruff and others
for the establishment of a road
! n T 14 R 24.
We your committee , recom
mend that the petition be grant *
cd and damages allowed as fol-
pws : J B Jones , $50 ; H Huen-
'e'd , $184.80 , for 4 62-100 acres
taken to be assessed against
Eliui township.
And as follows upon the peti
tion of P II Marlay and others ,
'or the establishment of a road
We your committee , recom
mend that the petition be grant
ed and damages allowed as fol-
ows : S F Dimmer , $25 ; to the
owner of the \v4 w # sec-
ion 14 T 13 R 18 $17.50 to be
assessed against road district No
Elk Creek township.
And as follows upon the peti-
ion of B W Kcllenbarger et al ,
or the establishment of a con-
ent road in T 18 R 22. "
We your committee , recom
mend the petition be granted.
And as follows upon the peti-
ion of Hans G Arp et al , for the
establishment of a consent road
n T 13 It 17 and 18. We your
couiuiitiee recommend the peti
ion be granted. We also recom
mend that the Quit Claim Deed ,
jiven by Alfred Cooper to the
public lor a strip of land twenty
eet wide extending north and
south along the east side ot the
southwest quarter of the south
east quarter of section 17 T 15 R
22 , be accepted and the county
clerk be instructed to place the
same on record.
And as follows upon the peti
tion of W S Swan et al , for a
change of road No 863 in section
34 T 17 R 21. We recommend
that the petition be granted and
that the surveyor be instructed
to re-locate and mark road No
1154 in section 7 T 16 R 18 , also
that the surveyor be instructed
to re-locate road No through
south half of the northwest
quarter of section 31 T 19 R 22
and that upon the application of
C E Ross for
the privilege of a
rattle chute on road No 1144 , we
recommend that the request be
granted. Chute to be built and
maintained at his expense with
hand rails.
We also recommend that the
surveyor be instructed to resurvey
vey and mark road No 217 lead
ing to the Sargent bridge , and
that the following claims be al
lowed :
Custer County Deacon , publication of
road notices iflW 75
M S Kalrllelil , tl.mmnn on load No
: U7" oo
Tom Myers , chairman sameNoil7 ; I 00
J H McAd.uns , same No : 3.Vi L oo
Kreil Klancck , bame No 3'J1 200
Wm Price , .ipiirjIilnK Springman road 2 M )
A UeWItt , same II OJ
Fred Harris , same 270
U W Huckner , commissioner and chair
man on roads lit 00
A J Van Antwetp , surveying roads and
mileage 27 oo
W D Hall , couiuilsbtoiier on Cosier road I 25
I.rank Horton , appraising Wilson road a 25
David Hilton , same a 25
Jesse U Teagarden , same ; i 25
C 12 Hass , commissioner of Hlckey toad I 25
TJ Wood , same of Arp road I 00
1'Yank Norton , appraising Uapp road. , a 20
David ICllton , same 320
Jesse K Teagarden , same . ' 120
latak Livingston same ot'leotion road 320
U ! ' Itlchrr , same „ a 20
ra Al foster , same / . 3 2i (
Anton Smock , same ot Uittuior and
J'hllllps road 5 IK )
J I' Kerry , same 5 70
J T Hrldges , vaiue 570
I * O Hausen , chairman on Uradley
road 200
t \V Huckner , commissioner on same. . 4 50
S l < Cannon , same on Wilson road 150
Cannon , same on Myers B 5j
V Allyn , appraising Wise road 200
James Ulckson. same 2 uo
: j Kocli same 2 O'J
iJ Van Antwerp , surveying roads and
mileage 81 00
Signed by the committee ,
J 13 Grint ,
James Lee ,
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee le
accepted and adopted as read
and that the roads be and hereby
are established as recommended
by the committee.
The finance committee made
the following report upon the
bond of the Farmers' Bauk of
Merna , for the deposit of county
moneys. We recommend that the
within bond be approved.
Signed ,
J E Qriut ,
James Lee ,
L Cushuian ,
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read.
The erroneous aod delinquent
( Collthiued to page 7. )
How About That
New Suit
The allurements of spring .are now at their
height , and summer is on its way.
How about a new suit something made ( o
your measure and your own choice oh' style and
Oome in now and look over the beautiful
array of pure wool samples. 'J hey're very nobby.
SencJ your Abstract Orders to
J. G. LE01AED ,
Bonded Abstracter
Office in Security State Bank B'ld'ng
A satisfied customer is the best of adver-
tisments. Read what he tells his neighbor.
You gel the best bed room furniture
You get the best dining room furniture
You get the best hall and office furniture
You get the best kitchen and miscellanous
You get the best parlor and library furniture
You g'et the besl chairs and rockers ?
You get the best rugs and carpets
You get the best prices best of all
"F YOU have a snap in a farm , or ranch for sale
list with me. If you want to buy a snap in a
farm or ranch come and see me. Phones , of
fice 42 , residence , 129.
, * * <
The Jackson Model
is the best car for the money
that is made rn the automobile world to day. This
car is famed for hill climbing , famed for taking
care of the hard propositions , it is simple in its
construction , big in its engine equipment , hand
some in outline , and big and comfortable in its
Come in ana let me prove this is true.